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Pooning should be against the law
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I don’t have a problem with trooning out. But pooners need to be stopped
just a mental illness for real pooning there is no benefit
why would anybody fuk this person
What am I looking at
Wtf is going on here did they take subcutaneous fat only
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We need to take everything bad we are accused of and put the blame entirely on pooners and then some. Pooners need to be genocide in order to safe tranners.
this reminds me of a horror story i read where they would put their hands inside other peoples hands until they had really big hands
detrans grifter in 3…2
I'm sorry but wtf am I looking at?
Pooners can be cute when they keep their cunts.
Vaginoplasties are equally disgusting.
Pooning out should not be against the law; getting bottom surgery (as any type of trans) should be against the law.
Losers on this board when people get surgery on their own bodies
If you don't think this is repulsive you are mentally ill.
Do you think the cis men getting phalloplasty because they got their cocks blown off are repulsive too?
isn't this just how it looks immediately after surgery? pretty sure they get a graft or something to make it look normal after
I think it's hot they go to such extents to get a cock of their own. Not everyone would have the courage and it's really cool that medicine allows this to happen
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Least transphobic MtT
Can someone explain what we are looking at please?
NGL this is pretty based. Like a mage tapping into his own life force to make his desire reality. And I'm assuming the fleshy bits grow back.
Skin graft from phalloplasty before recovery
Phalloplasty arm scars. Surgeons sometimes take skin from your arm to make into a penis and afaik arm skin is the most sensitive.
I shouldn't have googled that word
Nah that only happens to mtfs who get bottom surgery.
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Pay for my penile transplant then faggot
>And I'm assuming the fleshy bits grow back.
about that..
so like it grows back fine?
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It heals but the graft leaves a scar
The fat redistributes after a year ish yeah.
I'm more concerned with the fact that he's going to have a penis and painted nails
From what I've seen it grows back decently well but leaves a noticeable scar
they never entirely grow back. it always looks weird
Only if he drinks water
At this point I don't care. At least these people are allowed to do want they want with their bodies.

It's nowhere near as evil as circumcision, done WITHOUT consent.
new circ thread in 3...2...
Skin graft for phalloplasty
This is still way better than getting your dick cut off lol. Ftm can never be as bad as mtf because of that!
>took the entire fat layer
Goddamn, Oliver must have a whole mortadella in his pants after that
can she get a refund
Um actually sis my poo smelling wound is a pussy!
This makes my whole body wriggle
boys will be boys
it really is a shame that people try to normalize this stuff and act like anyone who would do this isn't mentally unwell.
eww whats that yellow shit on their thumb?

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