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Can “feminization” during childhood/adolescence actually turn someone gay? Or is this a myth?
I was forced to crossdress at age 8 and paraded like a fashion show with different outfits
It felt so odd
Sorry for the long greentext but I genuinely want to hear opinions on this and it’s hard to talk about with people IRL. Do you think I was “born this way?” Don’t worry about offending me.

>Raised by ultra-progressive mom and older sister (by 4 years)
>Parents divorced when I was 2, dad moves back to the UK (I’m American) and remarries, I barely even know him
>Mom is very anti-gender roles so I’m allowed and encouraged to have feminine interests and behave as girly as I want
>Go to very liberal private schools so never really bullied for it
>Feel alienated from boys but grow up with lots of female friends
>Around age 7 my sister and her friends dress me up like a girl and I absolutely love it
>Start wearing my sister’s old clothes at home on a near daily basis, mom has no problem and thinks it’s cute
>Start hating boy’s clothes and never want to wear them
>Mom starts buying me girl’s clothes because I ask but won’t let me wear them to school for obvious reasons
>Not a secret though and I even wear a dress at my sister’s 12th birthday party
>This continues all throughout middle school
>Even become semi-anorexic out of fear of “bulking up” like other boys
>Never once do I ever feel any sort of attraction to girls outside of friendship
>By 8th grade I start developing crushes on boys in my class, officially come out as gay right before high school
>Fast forward to present, currently a 23 year old femme twink with only mild gender dysphoria
>Sister may suspect I’m trans (has asked if I’d be happy living as a woman before) but rarely brings it up
How do you identify now?
i had to wear panties as a 5 year old after i wet myself and my teen family friend babysitters didnt have a change of clothes for me
they probably molested me too for all i know
Yes. Feminization can lead to girls in the peer group romantically and sexually rejecting the feminine male. At the same time it sparks derision, bullying and ostracized from other males. This leads to the male child turning to girls for companionship and adopting progressively more feminine mannerisms. At the same time, aggressive male bullies will reinforce the idea that he is feminine, and submissive. At first the boy might resist, but eventually he will bow to the pressure of the inevitable and yield, offering himself up for male penetration as a fresh conquest and accepting his place in the female social hierarchy. At that point, medical transition is simply a formality that eases "his" suffering.

I should know, this happened to me. Although i struggled and fought against it as hard as I could. No matter what I did to try to act masculine, the feminization experiences of my early childhood and adolescence were still the dominant overriding influence in forming my sexual identity.
I'm a agp
Realistically we don't know
How was the crossdressing forced on you? Did you not exhibit any feminine/GNC behavior before it happened?
So you genuinely were sexually attracted to girls at one point but then stopped after being rejected? And you actively chose to develop a more feminine persona because of it? I’m the OP and posted the long greentext above and my experience was very different, especially because I have never felt sexual attraction to women in my entire life
made me strip and made me put em on
That doesn’t sound like that big of a deal

When was a child and adolescent I would best describe myself as "bisexual," I would feel attracted towards girls, but when sexually aroused by myself I would have unbidden thoughts about bottoming for men. I tried to disregard this and focus on pursuing girls but it didn't go well. My entire friend group was girls and it definitely made me more feminine as time went on in terms of interests, speech, mannerisms. I stopped actively pursuing women thinking I would just wait to meet the right one, although I still would have sexual thoughts about both genders.

Once I hit 17-18 though It became impossible to deny that I had a physical chemistry with men that I just didn't want. Men always seemed enchanted by me, it was like I could make any man do waht I wanted. Straight or gay it hardly mattered. Meanwhile women's interest in me decreased even further. It became hard to even make other women aware i was attracted to them.

Eventually I just decided to accept the inevitable and started dating men, after that the physical attraction to women gradually faded away for the most part. That was when I started HRT. It's worked for me pretty well, I passed after about a year and am scheduled for sex reassignment. My friends accepted it pretty easily.
Do you cum handsfree when you get fucked?
I want to argue with you but I also have no penis any more and have been penetrated by men
That’s interesting, thanks for sharing.

>My entire friend group was girls and it definitely made me more feminine as time went on in terms of interests, speech, mannerisms

I was always treated as “one of the girls” with my friends too, but my femme behavior started at a very young age. I definitely picked up a lot of it from my sister though. One of my close friends confessed to having a crush on me when I was 13 but it was implicitly known that I was gay and wouldn’t reciprocate. She was an alt/emo type of girl and went on to identify as bisexual in high school. We would dress up and do makeup together so it makes sense that she would gravitate towards me, especially at that age
it wasnt
just the "first" contact i had with "girls" clothes
i do remember crying and apologizing for it to my dad though
do you wear panties every day now?
well yeah i transitioned a long time ago
me too. so I guess it worked out in the end
must be a skill issue/matter of location because i was a girly fag as a kid and teen and got picked on occasionally but had more friends than enemies. all my girl friends were really sad when i turned out "full gay for real" because they liked doing girl things with a guy they found hot but i was basically a male tomboy and also played a lot of sports and was treated like the other girls who played with the boys. definitely had guys that picked on me/were adamant about me staying away from them but also a lot of male friends who we just hung out, played video games after practice
i'm not trans but apparently everyone always thought i would be, looking back i think the talks i had with my middle school guidance counselor were her trying to sus out if i had dysphoria. who knows, maybe i would be if i was treated worse growing up
Surprised no one has answered you.

Idk it doesn't really seem like your mother or your sister really forced you into anything so I think you're probably supposed to be this way. Yes, your lack of a father figure may have influenced things, but there doesn't seem to be any harm done (at least in terms of your gender or sexuality).

In my opinion gays are on the same continuum as straight (and possibly some bi) transwomen, where the really femme gays end up transitioning. Perhaps you're somewhere in the middle.

t. bi man who's interested in gender and sexuality
Thanks for your input!

>Perhaps you're somewhere in the middle

That’s pretty much exactly how I’ve felt since I was a teenager. My desire to crossdress has never gone away but ever since coming out as gay I mostly stopped feeling like I “needed” to do it, if that makes sense. I enjoy going out in drag (last time was on Halloween) and still look quite pretty dressed as a woman but that’s not enough to make me consider transitioning.
My mom tried her hardest to feminize me
Put me in figure skating, horseback riding, harp lessons, encouraged princess dress-up with sister/cousins, gave me the sex talk more about gay sex than procreation

Jokes on her I'm masc and slightly bi at best, mostly a chaser
oh no it worked
Well I guess she taught me about fucking buttholes and now I fuck buttholes, so
no i mean the part about how youre repping
It's weird that you think someone can't love trans women without being a trans woman
no, john money tried this, it just made the guy want to kill himself
thats sexual abuse
Well that’s basically the most extreme example possible so that outcome wasn’t surprising. Also I feel like childhood feminization in these discussions of sexuality/gender can really only come from a female influence
>gave me the sex talk more about gay sex than procreation

Honestly that’s kind of fucked up. My mom knew I was gay from a young age but she never would have done that. My initial attraction towards other boys wasn’t even that sexual. I mostly just wanted to have a boyfriend to kiss and hold hands with, not much different than what a lot of girls wanted too
yeah ok there princess
why dont you do a triple axel onto your horse and pull up to my house and play me one of your harp songs milady
Fake news I dropped all the fancy-lad hobbies my mom tried to force me into and settled on hockey and guitar
Did you at least enjoy the princess dress-up with your sister and cousins though
your life sounds nice tbhon anon
personally it seems like you were gonna skew that way to begin with, doesn't seem like you were forced into anything and your mom just let you be you and grow into what you wanted to be.
you had a really supportive and unrestrained environment, if you started questioning or experimenting in a more conservative or traditional household it prolly just would've led to you repressing more of yourself and not discovering things until you were much older (how it goes a lot of the time throughout history for us legbutts)
to be honest i'm actually kinda jealous but i'm genuinely happy for you anon
>only mild gender dysphoria
i hope you can sort that out anon, maybe talk to your family about it? they seem really supportive in general and could maybe help you work through some things to see how you feel about it in the end
That sounds in line with some of the old studies I've read about childhood effeminacy in boys and later orientation. Crossdressing openly as a young child, only playing with girls, very realization of non-standard sexuality, but as an adult usually comfortable in their gender with crossdressing relegated to entertainment like drag, with a minority actually transitioning. You did 'minor' gender dysphoria, I wonder if that's something that will intensify with time, or lessen.

I was somewhat effeminate as a kid myself, but never rising to the level of crossdressing. But I also don't know if I wouldn't have because my mom was a conservative tomboy who didn't even wear very feminine clothing herself and pushed me to be very boyish with forced buzz cuts and such. I got along fine with boys after starting school but my only real friends were girls in my neighborhood and I didn't care for their brothers.
i had sort of the opposite?

>very manly family, my very stereotypically manly dad, my tomboy mom, and my older brother
>got made fun of a lot by dad/brother for acting girly, but couldn’t figure out what that meant
>dad would compare me to girls a lot
>starting from about kindergarten try to act like a boy, but overanxious and paranoid people could tell i secretly liked girl stuff
>dad kept me in sports programs year round, where i usually got bullied
>he would usually help coach and get really angry at me for sucking at sports, i felt there was barb wire on my throat every time
>made me go to sports games with him, and learn how to shoot guns and stuff
>fought with them constantly
>my dad would talk to my mom about how things would be different if i were a girl, but that i have to do boy stuff
>still trying really hard to act like a boy
>really anxious in school and i failed my classes, my teachers could tell i was having issues but didn’t know what
>bullied and rlly bad crippling social anxiety
>diagnosed with depression
>made a scene at great clips and no longer had to keep my hair short
>puberty made me grow really tall and thin
>lots of gender dysphoria and gay thoughts
>move on to high school
>still bullied
>girls started finding me cute
>would protect me from bullies and be nice to me
>very gentle with me specifically
>worried they thought i was a school shooter
>pretty much stop talking to boys
>still trying to act like a boy
>went by a girls name
>did not get treated like a boy at school
>senior year
>trans started becoming more main stream
>friend interrogates me until i admit i’m trans, told me about hrt
>tell my close friends
>”no one really thought of u as a guy anyways”
>transition a few months later
Yeah, it's really hard to read accounts like that and not get insanely jealous. I can literally see the change in photos from being a happy kid making sassy poses and carrying a purse to being more sullen already by the age of like 7-8. I managed to avoid really getting bullied but middle school was constant fear of being outed, high school wasn't quite as bad but I think by then my paranoid personality had overtaken everything else.
Yeah honestly I do feel very lucky and privileged. Overall I did have a happy childhood and adolescence. I probably would have dealt with bullying if I went to public school, for example. There are other details I left out (like my lesbian aunt lived with us for a few years) but they didn’t really seem necessary. In terms of my gender dysphoria, I think it’s something I’ll always have to an extent but it doesn’t negatively affect my life. I think it just comes with being a naturally feminine-leaning androgynous person. Like I said, my sister has brought up the trans question before. I’ve told her I probably could hypothetically be happy living as a woman but it’s not something I have a strong desire to do. I really just made this thread because I think it’s an interesting but controversial topic.
I think most likely I would have started experimenting with crossdressing on my own at some point, but it just so happened my sister introduced it to me at a relatively young age. And I vividly remember that it was my idea to continue doing it after she and her friends dressed me up that one time, and I was really excited to find that we still had tubs of her old clothes stashed away. God I remember spending an entire weekend changing in and out of dresses lmao
Woof. I can't imagine. My dad was trans and hated the fact I tried to be a girl "too" while I was mostly trying to save lunch money to afford my own girl clothes that my mom would steal from me anyway.

Maybe it's why I'm so full of hate
being gay is a myth
the word "gay" is a myth
the meanings attached to the word "gay" in both your mind and the collective intersubjective mind-as-understanding are myths

so what are you asking? what is feminization?

people do what they want, and we let them do it until it potentially hurts others.
>but middle school was constant fear of being outed

Do you mean you were crossdressing in secret and were afraid of being caught by your family? If so I’m sorry to hear that. One of my gay friends has a terrifying story about being caught in the act while trying on his sister’s homecoming dress just for fun and his very conservative parents just totally flipped out. I can’t imagine going through with that. My household was so pro-femininity that I never considered wearing skirts or dresses to be shameful. I just thought they were nice and pretty
No, just gay, I'm the same person as >>36673980 and I feel like I repressed the feminine parts of my personality pretty early on. I also had extremely little independence as a kid, if I wasn't at home or school I was at my Christian neighbors' houses.

Around like 12-13 I did get in trouble for shaving my legs, also distinctly remember intentionally trying to change my gait to lean on one leg with my hip sticking out because I thought I'd look cuter, and also poorly attempting to modifying some of my old clothes into crop-tops and stuff like that.
did you like copy the girls in class and try and sit and act and talk like them too or was that just me
the only feminisation that matters is in the womb
so unbirth me
Kek’d at “turn someone gay”.
They may be susceptible to grooming and like being female. Identity vs. orientation. Forcing a boy to wear a dress and put on makeup? Good luck.
Nah, most of the time at school I was on total emotional lockdown and afraid to do anything like that. Like imagine a 3rd grader who's a total stoic who never laughs or misbehaves in class. But I was more normal at home and with the friends I had outside of school
my mom hates girl stuff and my dad is extremely masculine, my older brother is also boyish. i still ended up pretty girly, and trans. despite my dads best efforts to get me not to be. it’s not a social thing
i did this a little bit
So self hatred for being feminine. Believing feminine to be inferior and in need of bullying and punishment As always

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