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i feel embarrassed to admit this but as a trans woman i feel rly intimidated around cis women. my brain just automatically focuses on things they have that i dont, and anatomy / biological experiences, etc.. and i feel sad and intimidated.

i have trouble talking to them too, feel kinda shakey and like i have to find the right words.

its gotten to the point i cant even watch videos online that are made by cis women. if i hear a female voice i just exit the video bc listening to them talk just gives me these thoughts. thats like incel level shit isnt it? god i hate being like this.

i respect cis women etc, feel terrible hearing/witnessing sexist things against cis women. and empathize with them heavily. and thru life, ive known some very good souls who were cis women. but still i feel like i cannot shake off these feelings, these mental responses.

if only i could get rid of these emotions. i would love to interact with more cis women, be friends with them. and not feel these feelings. so many of them seem like cool people.

do you know what im talking about?

have you ever felt similar? what can i do?
That's kinda pathetic desu but I sorta get like that around lesbians, it's not that I'm jealous of them but from experience they can be pretty violent which makes me nervous around them, I sorta get the feeling of being intimidated but mine is more out of fear of getting stabbed other jealously
i think lesbians can be cool people. i dont feel nervous about my safety around them, if anything i feel that way around men. but i would feel jealous still yes
Me too. I’m terrified of cis women and I never talk to them or look them in the eye. I’ve been full time for 16 years but I never stopped feeling like a fraud. A big ogre fraud. I’m also uncomfortable watching videos with them because I feel so different. I dunno how to make it stop.
>full time for 16 years but I never stopped feeling like a fraud
me someday huh
its truly over
I'm p much passing and almost 10 yrs hrt. I have like one or two female friends and the rest of my friends are men still. I'm super intimidated by cis women. :(
i kinda feel the same, though not to the same extent. I don't like the idea of immediately putting cis women on a pedestal, but its hard not to feel inferior when witnessing the differences in body type/fashion such that I feel that I could never compete.
Still, a good chunk of women you see walking around outside are average and unremarkable and probably have similar anxieties and worries about beauty standards, just to a lesser degree. If it doesn't seem like they're pitying you in a conversation and they treat you normally, then that's good enough for me.
Without a mentality shift, there's not really much else I can do about these feelings of inferiority as long as my body is strictly less feminine. Either come to terms with being "worse", lose the brainworms if you're actually feminine in your own right, or be consumed by these shitty bitter feelings for the rest of your life.
u need CBT and exposure therapy. pinch urself when you have feelings of anxiety towards a woman.
never leave your house again because your a fucking ugly hon and you ruin people's day when they see you

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