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How do I fix estrogen induced homosexuality I don't want to like other guys, I want to be like the AGPs
umm stop taking estrogen idk
>other guys
you're not a guy anymore
Not an option.
Yes I am
you're a boy taking estrogen and mad that it is making you horny for other boys?
>Yes I am
you're on estrogen
you're just straight. Your sexuality is normal
I am not fembrained enough to be a real tranny so its not straight
>I am not fembrained enough to be a real tranny
sounds like the estrogen is fixing that
okay I'm sorry that's not how this works the other poster is right you are a straight girl. but if you get too horny you can just have sex with one of the boys
An estrogenized male woman-in-the-making is not permitted to seek after any woman, but is designed to be a helper to her husband
Homosexuality isn't fembrained, it's actually masculine in an ancient greece kind of way
>Homosexuality isn't fembrained, it's actually masculine in an ancient greece kind of way
it's not homosexuality anymore
your brain is running on girl juice
I saw someone say once that I could breathe aerosolized testosterone and it'd go to my brain, would that work
no, it would go into your bloodstream the same way injecting testosterone would
I'm doomed then. I want to die
just get a bf?
sex is a common thing for girls to have with boys and you've already admitted you find them cute so it makes sense to take the next step
No matter how you feel about it, you are into guys now, you're going to have to come to terms with it or be miserable. By come to terms with it, I mean suck dick.
I'm not a girl
I don't want that I would rather cope a buy a stuffy or something to cuddle when the loneliness gets bad
well then suffer I guess
enjoy never falling asleep in your bf's arms
have sex (with men)
you are literally on female hormones
Jokes aside, stuffed animals are nice! I'm actually going to buy another one because they help me deal with loneliness. If you actually struggle sleeping by yourself I recommend getting one.
>enjoy never falling asleep in your bf's arms
Made me cry thanks
Estrogen is a male hormone too
I think I'm going to get a big frog or something
>estrogen is a male hormone
People seem to like the Jellycat brand, and they do have a frog plush.
>Made me cry thanks
aww I'm sorry
I'm sure you'll have a bf someday
Men naturally have some estrogen, so yes it is>>36674162
I'll look at that brand thanks
Did you like girls before taking estrogen?
you have at least 10 times as much estrogen as any man
>I am not fembrained enough to be a real tranny
>I want to be like the AGPs
I've been jerking off to tg erotica since I was a teenager (AGP)
actually had a GF when in highschool and never been with guys before starting HRT in early 20s (AGP)
and I get turned on when kissing guys, I love it when they princess carry me, I REALLY like it when they kiss my neck. I've sucked dick and swallowed cum also, it's pretty cool
>aww I'm sorry
I forgive you
Yes but I don't like them anymore, its weird and scary.
I don't see how that is relevant
>Yes but I don't like them anymore, its weird and scary.
What's weird and scary?
That's cool I guess
Having crushes on other guys
Yeah I definitely feel that. You have the natural butterflies feels in your gut from liking someone, but also a fear of rejection that probably isn't as deep for hetties
There's really nothing to be scared of OP. I bet the negative feelings you have about this are due to cultural shaming and it just being a new idea for you.

I think the only thing to worry about is men themselves, some guys can be really scary!

Just try and take some deep breaths and identify where these feelings of anxiety are coming from. The right guy could make you very happy some day, but you'll never know if you don't allow yourself to be open to it.
WTF why? Gynophilia is a fate worse than death.
>but also a fear of rejection that probably isn't as deep for hetties
I am very afraid of being beaten
>I think the only thing to worry about is men themselves, some guys can be really scary!
I am traumatized from highschool, I don't think I'll ever get over it
I'm sorry to hear that :(

I was bullied by guys growing up for being feminine, and also just struggled socially around them. To this day I struggle to get along with men due to that.
That seems pretty miserable. At one point, you have the freedom to be attracted to girls.

The next, you end up a completely submissive rapetoy and have to fuck any hairy old fatass who forces himself on you?
I'm sorry you were bullied for that stuff. I was just small and not very assertive so I was a good target for bored kids
Don't misunderstand me, I wasn't acting particularly femme, I just couldn't perform masculinity at all. Also PE was a nightmare and everyone hated me because I was terrible at sports and brought whatever team I was on day. I got called gay quite a bit, which I guess I was, just not how they thought lol.

Actually, I was so bad at catching and got hit trying to catch so often that I to this day, at 27 years old, still flinch if someone throws something at me. So that's fun.
I am not a submissive r*petoy.
PE was terrible for me too. I have that same flinching problem from it.
I'm going to bed, but there are good men out there anon! There's also nothing wrong with being attracted to men! Try not to freak yourself out too much, this is all new for you right now so it's going to feel raw, it gets easied.
>I was bullied by guys growing up for being feminine

Well gay guys and chasers don't exactly behave any differently
holy rapehon. needs to kill himself award
>I saw someone say once that I could breathe aerosolized testosterone and it'd go to my brain, would that work
I'm the one who wrote that

you don't breathe it, you basically snort it. minimal anounts will end up in the bloodstream

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