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>Be me
>Christian upbringing
>Mom heavily involved with church
>Choir boy
>Dad was in the army and deployed to war a lot
>Have tranny thoughts because gender bending characters
>Not important enough to tell parents
>We move to Europe
> I'm now 13
>Puberty gives me even more tranny thoughts
>Used to wish I'd get into a freak accident where I'd lose my dick
>Saw intersex and wished I were that
> I pray every night is become a girl now
> Still super active in church
>Everyone knows and respects my parents
> I decided it's probably a phase and it'll go away
>Graduated highschool and move back to the US
>Tranny thoughts have no increased to the point of actively hating my body and myself
> I'm now in my 20s
>I feel so much pain now

You know how pastors say God can change you if you accept him into your heart? I'm begging him to please let me stop having tranny thoughts

I feel so much self hatred over myself and my body now, and I know I'll never be accepted or could become pretty if I were a woman

I need to be free from this pain 15 years of my brain dealing with the thoughts of wishing I was a woman instead of a man and it feels like it'll never end
Just take your pills, Alice
You are already a woman you just gave a condition which requires treatment
Hope that helps
I can't do that anon... I can't be a woman nothing will be okay and I'll just lose everything. I also don't want to go to hell for this
>You know how pastors say God can change you if you accept him into your heart?
no, not really. I grew up in a religious family but wasn't religious myself, stopped wearing my cross at about 11-12 (when tranny thoughts started to become impossible to ignore and I started daydreamed constantly about being turned into a girl)
>I'm begging him to please let me stop having tranny thoughts
well that's pretty delulu honey.
surely by this point you've realized god isn't "truly" real? That christianity is just a nice cope with rich history and cool aesthetics?
what is real though is the trannybrain curse. What's real is that there's no cure, only treatments, and the treatment isn't suitable for everyone.
>it feels like it'll never end
it won't.
if you don't want to be a mid-30s trooner, you should find backup copes besides religion (this will give you 10-15 more years and you'll be a late-40s trooner)
>t. someone who repped into early 20s because of 3rdworldism (nasty, terrible ailment I'll tell you) and then realized there was no point and bit the bullet on trooning
I lived my whole life growing up in different churches I can't just throw that all away because my tranny thoughts are becoming increasingly worse....

I just need to take this trial and work harder to ignore it like when I was younger
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talking to god is fembrained
But I'm not a woman... I was born a man I just have a messed up brain
and then what?
are you going to turn into a normal man and have a wife and kids and a family? Do you really think i you just pray hard enough god will come down from heaven and fix your brain and you'll be normal?
it doesn't work like that.
everything about your story convinces me that you are a woman
I prayed for years for God to lift my dysphoria and nothing helped. I started HRT and God finally answered my prayers. If you take Deut 22:5 to forbid social transition, then don't socially transition, but there is no biblical reason not to use estrogen to alleviate testosterone poisoning and biochemical dysphoria. If DIY HRT is what it takes for you to avoid 41%ing or John 50ing, then do it. Matthew 5:29-30 Matthew 19:12
I don't know....I just don't want to deal with this. I don't want these thoughts of me wishing I was a girl every single day

I want to be fixed and be normal

But I can't be nothing about me is feminine enough Im just sick
>I don't know....I just don't want to deal with this. I don't want these thoughts of me wishing I was a girl every single day
so what, if you pray hard enough it'll go away?
I prayed to so many different gods for years and years, and nothing ever got better.
So I'm just stuck then... No way for it to go away... I'm either forced to become something no one will ever accept or live my life miserable with these thoughts in my head?
yeah pretty much
It's just such bullshit I have to suffer for the rest of my life because my brains fucked up....
it really is
but lots of people suffer for a lot of different ways. You have options to make the suffering less bad
>I lived my whole life growing up in different churches I can't just throw that all away
sure you can. You're just choosing not to because you're afraid of judgment and you're still clinging onto hope that you can cure yourself (you can't)
>tranny thoughts are becoming increasingly worse....
Yeah it happens in waves, but it never really decreases
>work harder to ignore it like when I was younger
it was easier when you were younger because your body was less man-like. It's gets harder to dissociate from your body with time.
>I don't know....I just don't want to deal with this.
Oh, okay, so you're still basically in denial about the whole thing, you're not even thinking clearly about your condition, you try to avoid thinking about it. that's pretty pathetic, I thought religion gave people resilience and stuff?
>I have to suffer for the rest of my life because my brains fucked up
no shit Sherlock, all trannies are like this. Most lose family and friends when transitioning.
but you're extra retarded because you're choosing to follow a belief system that says you deserve hell for being born with these thoughts
at least stop following what the church and christcucks say and do your own thing, like, can't you see they're lying to you? did they ever tell you that some people don't have a choice and are born fags and trannies? you're okay with being told you are filth for something you can't fix?
But you are literally already a woman??

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