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Why are you all polyamorous? I hate polyamorous trannies so fucking much.
what fuckin board have you been using? i only ever seem to see it mentioned disparagingly on here
Maybe not here on this board but trannies in general.
then go fucking complain on reddit or something
same, been with the one and only person for 10 years. sex pests should be put down
Sir, this is 4chan. We're all virgins.
I've noticed this too, and often they're not even LGBs. It's specifically trans people
>what fuckin board have you been using?
Did you forget that polyamory and trans people exist in real life
Poly is absolutely disgusting and literally never ends well
>Did you forget that polyamory and trans people exist in real life
then why come to the one place on the internet that's specifically filled with anti-polyamorous trannies
because its fun and i've always been this way. this board of queers unsurprisingly has a lot of discrimination in it. a lot of purity culture ironically. which is interesting because most purity culture would have trannies eradicated.
i was polyamorous before i transitioned, and polyamorous afterwards. kill yourself about it.
uh, i specifically told the reader to kill themselves. i think thats offensive more than defensive.
"Purity culture" gross stuff is gross stop making up words
there's nothing gross about safe sex you fucking christcuck troglodyte
please actually experience the real world before you say something. anything. before you regurgitate any of your opinions, go live a life that isn't sheltered and monocultured.
Safe sex isn’t real there is nothing safe about it
ok you gotta get better bait than that if you wanna keep me going. that was just pathetic.
exactly. there might be a gun in their ass.
>if your brain isn't completely goonfried then you're a FREAKIN christcuck!!!
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this equivalency is why you're a christfag.
I don't care about the ethicality or purty of polyamory, it doesn't matter they're all fucking annoying and ugly to me
im not?
Most individuals would not be able to meet all your needs. Maybe one partner for sex, another for company, another for exercise etc
becuz i wanna be cucked!!!

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