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this person isn't a child but they sound like a spineless idiot though
contrapoints should have done like that instead of caring about how exposing chewb would "hurt" the community
now that ava is exposed i hope natalie can expose tube for real this time
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Okay I believe all the Kris allegations now. Kris is apparently some plural who uses "being plural" as an excuse to act really bad.
I've seen it among other trannies. It's actually extremely common in the community.

We need to crack down on it. Plurals should be banned from all trans spaces. Trannies aren't dangerous but plurals sure as fuck are
"Use my body" means another personality? I thought she got raped or something.
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Hmm maybe I'm misreading it. With the prior tweets it seems like Ava was saying her body was being used by someone else during the rape.
However, it could be she's dodging by saying she was also raped, but that involves denying "the other day"
>Lets gossip about this guys!
Fucking shit.
Doesn’t this person have a child? Nice job fucking up yours and your families life. I’m a gay femboi who cd’s and I’m a 10/10 to this HON.
plurals and DID "multiple personality" havers are ALWAYS bpd larpers who use their larp to manipulate others and scapegoat their own bad behavior. it's not physically or biologically possible to have multiple personalities, the brain does not work that way and unfortunately popular culture has convinced people that it's real and therapists make too much money off of "treating" it to dismiss it as the nonsense it is. if you ever meet someone who has DID or identifies as plural you should run away because they are nothing but trouble.
it just keeps getting worse
why can't popular trannies just stop fucking things up for the rest of us
no to victim blame but where exactly was the SA?
they agreed to have sexual contact, not once did they say no?
they essentially breakup and then say they got SA.
idk poly relationship bs is just cringe both these individuals are sex pests
>no to victim blame but where exactly was the SA?
It's a power dynamics thing. Sort of psychological manipulation. Imo it's even scummier than regular SA because it involves mentally breaking the other person
Why wasn’t natalie mars canceled? The freak gave sue lightning aids
gotcha, yeah hiring someone you're fucking is retarded. ava seemed very sloppy with their disgusting behavior
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>I Offered A Transbian 10000$ For Every Day She Goes Without Raping (CHALLENGE FAIL!!!)
Honestly typical transbian behavior. Tell me you haven't seen 10 overly online psychos just like ava in this community
Yeah, Ava is clearly a predator. Btw, F1nn5ter, who’s indirectly mentioned in the thread, is following this person. It’s definitely a pattern.
Tbqh the real trutransbian experience includes getting raped by other transbians.
For me it was drugs and alcohol, somehow was the only one to blackout and puke the day after lel. And if it was those persons' place, not mine.

someone used a plural thing on me as an excuse

>you did all of this shit to me and i was barely even able to act back. like. you didnt even ask for consent
>"oh? i dont remember any of that, it was another me, i have DID"

motherfucker i fell for it, i felt ok for them. hung out with them more and they fuckin DID IT AGAIN
so yeah i really am worried about people like that.
Is that when you realised you were kinda dumb
No offence lol but falling for the DID defence isn't very smart. And even if it's true how would that not happen again lmao

yeah well the thing is i have been in for like 3 years a lot of online spaces (not reddit or twitter) with tons of plural transbians and i guess maybe i sorta fell for the propaganda? i believed them because they genuinely exhibited some of the stuff of clinical DSM5 DID. i tried to forgive and forget, so it wasnt entirely falling for the DID , i like second chances, maybe im too nice, fuck knows.

happened again cause, like an idiot, went back to her place while tired (that's how it happened the first time, went back to her place after a thing, sat down to watch tv and it went from there with the pinning and not letting me move and stuff + never asking for consent for anything)

(btw she did all of this stuff while clearly knowing that im engaged because "you're poly so its fine" YES i am poly NO that doesnt mean you can just fuck me whenever without express consent from me and my partner)

idk there's lots of memory gaps it was kind of recent and im still processing it. after that second time tho i basically was like "the fuck am i still doing being around this person" and removed them from my life. had to throw away a friend group too but idc.

and now, recently, like past few days, ive been physically missing them for some fuckin reason who knows what probably weird traumabrain or something retarded like that. and i fuckin hate it cause i *know* that i could just unblock them, text her and be like "hi i feel kinda bad about how i cut u off and sort of miss you" and i'd be fuckin SA'd again i can guarantee it so who knows man

it's probably touch starvation from having an LDR and not really having friends that i can hug or anything (i have friends but they're cis guys and not really down for hugs and snuggles) plus ldr partner wouldn't really want me to do stuff like that anyway with my friends.

its very fucked i dont know how to feel im sad and disappointed in myself and in her and just wish i could somehow make it all work out.
DID doesn’t exist, for future reference. It has absolutely never been proven to actually exist.
Dw I'm
So I know that feel. Sometimes I miss my "friends", despite this. And ofc they have excuses too, I "consented" while super drunk and high with people I've never discussed having sex with beforehand. So that way I can feel like I'm guilty too.
Life sucks
for the optimal online transbian experience, kris needs to have giga fucked an ftm in every hole while the ftm is blacked out

huh.. i thought it was like a novel field so they don't technically know if it doesn't exist or not

she sure seemed to have it just saying
You seem like a good person. The type of person that should exist in a healthy world but in our world unfortunately fall prey to these types.

I read some crackpot theory one time that cluster Bs can only exist if they’re below a certain threshold of the population. Once they exceed it everyone is onto their bullshit and it no longer works as well. Likewise it seems like plural stuff wouldn’t work well in a community that’s mostly other plurals like they’d all be conning eachother
I read the thread and none of it seems like rape. Is an inability to speak up about an invisible, vague "power gap" the same thing as being dragged into an alley and penetrated these days?
>Okay I believe all the Kris allegations now. Kris is apparently some plural who uses "being plural" as an excuse to act really bad.
>I've seen it among other trannies. It's actually extremely common in the community.
>We need to crack down on it. Plurals should be banned from all trans spaces. Trannies aren't dangerous but plurals sure as fuck are
Yes but even worse is deliberately getting a cissie pregnant knowing you're going to troon out as soon as you've procreated. Tyson may have raped this troon once but his wife never consented to his whole AGP charade, and that means he raped her hundreds of times. Life I prison would be fair.
Hell if anything that makes me feel better about myself because those people were sober and I was drugged and so drunk I don't remember anything yay

>You seem like a good person.
thank you, i try.

>...but in our world unfortunately fall prey to these types.
yeahh i.. i really don't know how to feel about it because i still can't fully convince myself that she's truly a bad person. i believe that everyone has potential, and those who are "bad" are just uneducated, and it's possible to save anyone. but im realizing that's not really my job.

>...it seems like plural stuff wouldn’t work well in a community that’s mostly other plurals like they’d all be conning eachother

based on the crackpot theory, that would be the case. however. these people are thriving in their echo chamber. ive seen different members of different systems dating each other and all sorts of stuff like that happening. they are extremely genuine about it and do genuinely believe this stuff is going on in their head. it's really interesting seeing it happen in person. unless they have some sort of crazy agency over which personality is "fronting" and are constantly using that as some sort of plot to manipulate whoever they're talking to, it really seems legitimate. like. you can tell when you're not talking to the same person but are talking to the same body.

personally, i think there's some merit to it. i think there's something going on there, definitely born from trauma and cptsd, that causes these memory gaps and personality changes. its like bipolar, but with an extra dimension, combined with amnesia and its fascinating to witness.

i've felt like that myself sometimes and do recognize that its different types of personalities depending on things going on and triggers and sometimes it's completely random, but i wouldn't call it "being plural" because it's still part of the same brain after all. just different vibes i guess. maybe mood related?

i would love to be a psychologist but traditional psychology is trash. maybe like philosophy with a focus on epistemology could be something to pursue. anyway, hit the length limit
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link for anybody curious. she.... kind of comes across as someone who really wanted to get a job and was willing to get sexual with ava only to regret it. pic related is like literal hours after ava came out to her and is like the 4th post in the thread.
ava's a piece of shit but it's kind of sketchy regardless. if ava's blaming "multiple personalities" or whatever then that's bullshit and she just doesn't wanna take responsibility.
mind you i FULLY believe ava is creepy and pushy.
man what a shit show.
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>gets propositioned by someone who wasn't even your employer at the time
>go along with it and have sex in order to get a job from them
>claim to get raped when you later regret it
am i reading this right? like are we genuinely take this seriously right now?
If this is "sexual assault" we're getting to the point where we're going to require you to have a license and a written contract to have sex.
The accuser was being pushy like mad, that puts Ava in an uncomfortable position as is
She was too scared to say no :)
that's what I'm saying!!!!
like ava is a pos and gross for liking loli and paying for it but this isn't SA imo, it's two adults who were fuck buddies and it didn't workout, goddamn.
if anything ava helped her financially after already having a relationship
>sacred to say no
>flirts immediately
>asks to be flown out
>sucks their dick
imo the accuser seems like the fucking bad person here
>sucks dick
>sucks dick
>complains about reciprocation
>sucks dick
>sucks dick again
That's her problem, not Ava's, you can't read someone's mind and in sex especially it's important to communicate. I s2g this is what happens in 99% of "rape" allegations over the past ten years. They feel fine in the moment, then society tells them they should feel angry about what happened, then they reinternalize it as a horrible rape trauma when in reality the often meek by all accounts "rapist" was probably just as anxious because that's just how sex is
>all the replies now are just "wow i'm so sorry that happened"
i guess it's too late to call her out on it?
Good luck getting dogpiled, socially shamed, having all your history dug through. "Why are you defending a rapist? Sounds like you've raped some women yourself." There's no fighting this stuff when it happens to you, especially as a trans woman
the twitter dog pile is wild lmao, glad I'm not an attention starved perma online faggot with a problematic past
You know what happened when I was raped? All my *friends* stopped talking to me because I was no fun, and they renewed contact with the rapist.
Should've had a Twitter, you would've had an easy way to ruin someone's whole being
I'm too mentally ill which means people have always abused me with impunity all my life and people never believe me because I of course am not well due to all this shit (being beaten up all my life, threatened with a knife to my throat by family, spat on, raped, etc...)
And if I say everything people think "Oh no way that ever happens to one person all this she must make it up" anyway so I'm just fucked ahahahahah
real rapists enjoy protection, false rapists don't, always been that way
Yeah they need ritual victims to sacrifice so that the masses are appeased and the popular assholes keep getting away with it it's fiiiiine
I study and work in psychology and DID/OSDD is so different than what it is portrayed online/in media. It allows these people to self-diagnose as DID/OSDD and get away with being a complete and total asshole manipulator with 0 consequences,
Cluster B's aren't the issue, self diagnosers are. I've known a-lot of clinically diagnosed cluster B people and they're genuinely fine, just really emotional and hard to get to sometimes. People who SD and then use that as an excuse to be a prick are a totally different story.
What a fucking psycho.
>you're my friend I'll try my best to get you in a video
what's wrong with this
I don't believe this because obviously
first message implies they hooked up multiple times before so I don't think ava just started jorking her peanits at her randomly and the message from ava makes it seem like she initiated oral sex and ava felt bad for not saying no?

where is the sexual assault here
she also claims ava used that to trick her to go to her house then have sex with her but like? she clearly has all the logs so where is the evidence of this? she's just lying about another trans woman she had bad sex with and trying to garner attention from it while the other allegations are still red hot
Out of curiousity, what are the differences? Can you give some examples of misconceptions?
this is exactly what it is LMAO
Wow your rapist must be really hot
I'm hotter very honestly lol
It’s crazy how 20 years ago mentally ill transvestites flinging shit at each other would’ve been something for us to laugh about on Maury Povich and not take seriously to the extent that it turns into a competitive game of pearl clutching.
Checked and pretty much. Typical incel to transbian pipeline behavior. Troon was literally begging Chris to be able to do anything for him and to be in his circle of childrens' YouTubers. Uhauled it and was saying "I love you" to some goon she only ever sucked off. Troon was probably a neglected virgin before trooning, and Chris just being a scummy rich gooner thoughtlessly accepted head from the troon who was begging to be of service/have sex.

Both are idiot cumbrained gooners, just one has money/power and the other doesn't.
In media DID/OSDD is usually described as having "multiple personalities" and you see people in these medias flawlessly swap between two "people" with zero downtime in between.

The reality of DID is that it incorporates strong mood swings with memory loss, usually someone with DID will think one way and then (usually weeks even months later) will think another way (kind of like bipolar disorder) but the main difference being that they have no recollection of thinking the original way. This gives off the look of having "multiple people inside you" but in reality its way less drastic and more normal.
>contrapoints should have done like that instead of caring about how exposing chewb would "hurt" the community
>now that ava is exposed i hope natalie can expose tube for real this time
contra explicitly told everyone PT never assaulted her
lol can't wait for "Regret Isn't Rape" commentary slop channels to concern-troll about problematic power dynamics and enthusiastic consent to own the troon

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