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last >>36671506
qott have you ever enjoyed anything truly or has it all been a mirage
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Hello I am the afab intersex and nobody can prove the opposite
coitus cum pater
can i see ur pussy
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I'm outside bra
Why do people suggest doing 6-10 laser sessions before starting electrolysis? Can’t you just start straight from electrolysis?
yeah I enjoy a lot of things. I just enjoyed the latest episode of Sakuna and wish I could be a smug anime girl in a fantasy counterpart of the Yayoi (?) period.
Electrolysis is superior to begin with, but with laser the hair can still grow back.
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shoulders wider than hips im ngmi...
Electrolysis is superior but it is more expensive. So people try to nuke as much as they can with laser before using electrolysis for the stragglers.
i wish i was handsome and manly like this, you have that kinda rugged hot bad boi facial pheneotype, what a waste
would blow back out/10
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I think i wanna grow up to be a sadistic anime girl. I don't like being sadistic, but i really like that look.
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guys really know how to be validating it's kinda fucked up i don't even find men that attractive but they do have their charms.

i'm enjoying this salami pizza immensely.

electro is slow as molasses and strenuous on your skin much better to zap away the lot then clean up the stragglers.
There are lots of fucked up validating things. Like being sexually harassed is validating. You're sitting there like "YES. IM A REAL WOMAN."
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Just saw a fucking 12yo girl my same height man tf is this
Your mom was a thunder giant and your dad had brass balls.
Her* sorry, wrong pronouns.
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i suppose so. it's just so nice to feel wanted and appreciated for ur body when u spend all ur time hating ur own flesh. i don't understand why they like some stuff but who am i to judge.

young ppl are tall it's kinda nuts. most women my height look like they're 18-25. i didn't know they stacked cis this high on the regular but apparently they do.
There were multiple people there that height and age. The outliar wasn't them I believe
Hey, i have a retarded question. Do men ever stop getting regular erections? Does it last all the way to male menopause?
well yeh but ur short n i'm tall.

afaik there is no male menopause.
Why are men built to cum forever but womens eggs only last 40 years? How the fuck did any of this evolve when we are only supposed to live to 30?
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carrying to term and giving birth is a hell of a lot more involved than busting a nut. women past a certain age can still contribute to the community but making babies is just a liability when ur no longer at decent physical fitness.
>only supposed to live to 30
oh yeah this also isn't even remotely true lol.
Look at the average life expectancy historically. Average is not max.
women should just be got rid of after they can no longer have kids, that is pretty much all their purpose anyway
I got myself some oestrogel and have been using it since Tuesday. I really want to shrink my penis/give myself erectile dysfunction. How long did it take for you guys to no longer get/be able to get erections? Do you guys think I’ll be able to get these effects with mono therapy on oestrogel?
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Back to pol with you
anon pls that's not how u interpret an average stat. average includes infant and child mortality which lowers it a ton. ppl who made it past childhood could live pretty much just as long as the modern human if they didn't encounter [insert preventable illness or accident here].
>can't even fill out tranny shorts
>always angled pictures to obfuscate shape
>always wears concealing, loose clothing to hide body shape
Yada yada yada yada. I said average not max. Get your autism out of here.
>would blow back out/10
and average is low because tons of ppl died as small children. doesn't mean we were "meant" to live 30 that's just an arbitrary number conjured up by statistics. it's not how biological lifespan works.
Yes. We are definitely meant to artificially delay our reproduction beyond puberty to decrease the chances of infant mortality so that we pump up those max numbers. Meant to. God put it in there. "Don't fuck when you hit puberty, it's a trap."
Anyone ever notice that god is a pedophile? You hit puberty at 12. God wants 12 year olds to fuck. God is disgusting.
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Hey /mtfg/, I'm making a FFS mod but I don't have the brainworms required to know how to properly pull it off: How do I fix the clockiness?
(Neck seams and eyelashes to be fixed at another time)
I'm really glad we don't need to eat as often as we need to breathe. How inconvenient.
eye ridges are too strong. hold your hand over her face. when you see the man, you see the features that are man.
i hate you
I want to cuddle you like an angy kitty.
just looks like a long haired twink
this is who calls themself a lesbian lol
thanks nomi
I would fully, fully, 100% cuddle you. You are a box of cute. Imagine melting into puddy as i play with your ears.
yeah </3
frfr i should detroon and be a Chad like i was born to be
yeah it's pretty joever
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stunningly bad lineup, back to doing other stuff
I think I don't understand love at all. I don't understand what a partner is beyond just like a friend that you kiss for some reason. my understanding of love is fucked up from when was a kid and it just doesn't make sense to me. like I have a gf but I don't understand what makes that so different. it's not like I'm poly because like I wouldn't kiss my friends or anything. it doesn't make any sense to me
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I'm here too ;^)
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How's today going
Love isn't that complicated. People have wrote much about love because it's our most powerful emotion. We will kill ourselves to protect our offspring out of love, for instance. Love is just like. Like a lot. Every fine point you can think of branches love off into a billion fine points but the fundamentals is just like.
how can i motivate myself to do other stuff so i can also leave and you also have a better lineup..
Motivate yourself to do what? You seem fine.
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>tfw not included in the nightmare blunt rotation even when arguing with anon about some trivial shit while drunk
what does it take to get some recognition around here?
Actually be bad. I haven't seen you be a remarkable asshole even once.
It might be why i don't know who you are or care to find out.
but I like my friends, how is it so different? and why have I loved someone that did horrible things to me. I don't understand any of it
i have no job, no hobbies, no aspirations no nothing and no desire to change that
post hole to thread
>why i don't know who you are or care to find out.
get a shortwave radio
It's because your sense of personal feeling about them is getting mixed with your desires about them.
You like your friends. But you like your gf and you also want to lay together. You have plenty of friends you wouldn't want to lay on top of and feel your junk sitting on their knee.
am i a nice girl
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blessing in disguise

better than the past few days, injection helped but being sober allows my brain too much freedom
not good for me
watched a 2 hour signalis video and might replay it who knows
hope ur doing better
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i did take a pic of my ass today but i wouldn't post it here. it's for validation farming purposes and like anon said no one here even cares.
no hole tho why would anyone wanna see that?? weird.
it is cool that you can listen to international shit and carry it around but like you can do the exact same shit, even better, using your phone over the internet..
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Things will get better don't worry hope u have fun playing signalis if u end up doing that
Currently I'm non figuratively dying outside w like 40 degree and sunny ass weather while I'm wearing long sleeves and thick ass jeans
I literally reek of sweat feel like I'm going to pass out at any point. and theres like 5+ more hours of this left since I have to stay to celebrate my dads birthday. I wish I was sitting at home rn so bad
>i have no job, no hobbies, no aspirations no nothing and no desire to change that
You seem sad.
I don't believe anything you say about who you are. And you've lied so thoroughly that i wouldn't believe you unless i met you in real life.
I want to help you.
>loved someone that did horrible things to me
do you love yourself?
Seems so obvious how you could love someone that has done evil to you or hates you.

Completely doesn't matter.

Person can just be amazing. So amazing that their cruelty toward you cannot impoverish it.
yeah but it feels like it's only that way because I've living with her and we're just really comfortable with each other. I don't really have any sexual desires anymore so I know that's not what love is
no you can't lol.
can't listen to a lot over the internet
that's shortwave only
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Trve and real
definitely not

but they weren't amazing at all, just treated me like shit at best
>why would anyone wanna see that?? weird.
i am a butthole connouseiur, literally that part turn me on the most but if it is not a wow butthole then ya don't post it or use a nice buttplug instead, if the butthole is above average and cute then ya, it should be posted, average and below average, just use a cute butt plug for the hotter pics, it makes it like 5x better at least and soke butt plugs are very hot..
There are many shades to love but it's all fundamentally just like. Comfortable with each other is a shade. Sexual desires are so completely optional. Sex is just a spice to add to the dish that is intimacy. I believe it was pulp fiction who said that you know you've found someone special when you can just shut up together and feel comfortable.
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thinking of joining my old discord friend group if it's still around idk if i should. kinda awkward.

ur a weirdo.
Fortune favors those who don't give a fuck about cringe.
gimme a list of good games on pc
i'll dl the game i used to play with them and see if anyone is online and ask them. ty anon.
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Limbus company
you must have weak criteria of who is worthy of your love. it's not necessarily something you can't change. I assume you're not confusing sexual attraction or infatuation for love? charismatic people can draw you in and make you develop feelings regardless if they're terrible people if you haven't cultivated an understanding of virtues and have some level of self respect.
valid criticism, i will try to not seem like a sexual pest weirdo to people anymore, even though i am one, honesty is not always the best policy i guess, better to appear normal
I think you're cute.
myth the fallen lords
myth 2 soulblighter
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There's more cis people on mtfg than actual mtfs
Damn. Cis people need therapy.
who is even cis here
this is a zoo
stop encouraging me! im supposed to be an incarnation of everything wrong and creepy!
armored core 6
also here's a list of good games not on pc: bloodborne
i have an idea.
play armored core 6.
stream it.
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Larry, maiq, the "intersex" oris, nomi the agp rapehon and random anon chasers (infinite amount of those)
i want to get into ac6 pvp but itll probably be dead by the time i get a ps5 and a ps+ membership
at least the pve stuff is rly fun and gives a lot of different opportunities to try different builds
im a random cis anon chaser tbdesu
nomi is literally intersex.
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>having to go outside in this weather
genuine torture why would you be forced to stay there jeez

very very few such cases

can you please just stay in repgen your posts are just heinous
with how many mtf trips are perma'd is it any surprise?
why does he look like a dude wearing a headband then
larry and nomi are trans
the intersex one could be considered trans too bc she is pretty much that
there are very few random anon chasers like 1-3 max
so the only cis people are maiq and like 1-3 occasional chasers that don't stick for long here?
because trannies look like dudes.
stop projecting
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I'm not forced but I wanna be nice and I get to do something else than rotting inside. Though I won't deny that this is literal torture
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they are not trans

nomi is literally just a fat, ugly man.
youre the one who thinks a tranny looks like a dude in a headband.
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These shit starting anons are so low quality
>they are not trans
ok so just for the record and for it to stay in the archives, i am not actually trans, i am just a troll was a bit mean to some troons for fun bc i was bored but that is it.
do you agree?
I truly enjoy lots of things like my animals, books, bbq, cuddling, mudslides, and schizo youtube documentaries
good list desu. been years since i had a mudslide maybe shud get some stuff for one.
yap ty

tru but me personally I prefer rotting to roasting ngl
40 degrees would instakill me
youll definitely need an AA for that
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Won a magic tournament with sarah. Got our money back in prizes and 40 boosters free basically
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I can survive and I must.. Better than just crying at home anyways
I know I'm not confusing sexual attraction but maybe i have with infatuation. I don't get why I feel the same way about who I have now who truly treats me well. but maybe that's still just the part of me that wants to pretend like nothing wrong happened
god i'm so tempted to swipe for changli but the next patch upcoming characters look so bad i'm ready to uninstall. zhezhi looks like an incel > transbian.
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The new girl looks like a tranny which is awesome IMO but I only pull for mommies or meta
I got yinlin + her sig plus changli and her sig
Basically saving for 1.3 since allegeledly we might get the evil woman we see on some 1.0 cutscenes (Not the one you directly interact with but the one that summons a bunch of bitches to go for you)
U should look at the new girls gameplay leaks also she looks p sick
why are you like this?
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>boomer neighbors already blasting music and having another party night in their garden
how do they do it
she looks like she's from scar's faction which all have terrible designs.
hi all

old people get all the fun drugs ez cause nobody expects them to start selling and nobody cares if they abuse them
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Hag power
You are retarded and I pray you quit the game ASAP
boomers are fueled by obnoxiousness
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just impregnated my wife
stop smirking
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Nah I get paige nigga what kinda fucking trans lesbians are these "I just impregnated my wife vro" while posting agp anime fml
all anime is agp
hellsing stays the best one regardless
you cant call anything agp
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>Dbz is agp
Baiter anon quality going underground with how low it is
sorry i tried playing your game and it was bad.
riddled with ping issues / input lag. parry system literally doesn't work. is a mobile game, doesn't run smoothly on mobile. the polarity between good character designs like calcharo yinlin is ling yang zhezhi.
sorry, game just isn't for me. game isn't hard or the darksouls of gacha. enemies just have hp bloat and in game mechanics don't work.

i tried. i gave it a chance. you just have bad taste
pretty sure they are just drinking a ton... probably

>didn't make the cut to be a hag
close call ugh
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oh man i forgot the natural beauty and impressive game design of the demon ruins
ok so green pea
wtf is your problem with me?
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>parry system literally doesn't work
Skill issue
>game isn't hard or the darksouls of gacha. enemies just have hp bloat and in game mechanics don't work.
Double skill issue
Get good before crying
i know im being silly is all
nobody cares that you used your penis to ejaculate inside the colon of another man, and it's weird to call it impregnation of a wife since neither he nor you have a womb nor are either in any way female
and you call me the gay man with a fetish when you larp with other men as lesbians getting pregnant lmao
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You're an almost fully bloomed flower and those others are a bit on the decline
Berry different
>doesn't address any complaints about character design
skill issue
get good
learn how to critique a game objectively instead of just cooming to jiggle physics like some porn obsessed coomer like your role model ava kris tyson.
going all in on the tranny stereotypes huh
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Crownless got you seething so hard crazy how a mf can have no idea of how to play yet blame everything but themselves
is it agp if i like 2 vtubers because they're funny and 3 others because they're canadian and funny?
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oh no....
I don't really care
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you only like the game because you're a trender that got swept up in the incel to trans pipeline so dog whistles like zhezhi encourage you to play tencent owned dogshit.

the only thing wuwa did right was add a skip feature for the cutscenes.

the people defending wuwa are the same types of degenerates that herald ffxiv and complain if you didn't like the story.

they're be like bro, but the story! and the story is bad, they lack the iq to understand what good writing is. they'll be like bro the combat, and it's just bad.

let me guess: you're non-op too.
real autism hours in thread
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How about now? This shit's hard
being filled or saturated. so it's technically true if not uncouth.
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How the fuck are we this retarded today I don't even feel like arguing anymore and I'm me
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Lol i had fun all day today
i dont know why i agreed to work more hours this week
kill me please
>non-ops are just gooners, everytime
>doesn't like changli for her character or story, likes changli for jiggle physics and r34 cause they're just a coomer riding the trend
non-ops, everytime. just porn obsessed coomers.
im sorry to break it to you but coomer men and gnc afabs are literally the target of every anime game ever
Shadowbringers was good. You cant compare japanese rpgs to your faborite media you need to compare it in the genre. Ffxiv has a better story than most final fantasy games
working less is much better aside from the crushing poverty
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>Jerks the jerky once a week on a bad month
>Plays game for gameplay and likes characters for their story
>Skill issue baiter walks in yelling "The game is shit bro! HP bloat! You only play because you're a trender coomer"
I hate the internet
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hmm i wonder what they meant by this
so you're just a coomer man?

looks like the levant
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You don't like what I like so you must be.. le evil.
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thinking about her all the time
im nta im just contributing to the discussion. i dont play anime games
im bad at saying no
i want to call in but i cant today ughhhhh. have to get bitched at for the entire day again
ffix has a better story than ffxiv
ffv has a better story than ffxiv
ffiv has a better story than ffxiv
ffxi is squares only mmo ff. ffxiv isn't an mmo, it's a wow clone. you guys missed out on the era of everquest. eve isn't what it used to be either.

shadowbringers wasn't good. stormblood wasn't good. yoshi p didn't save ffxiv. he gutted it and made it a wow clone because modern players didn't have the tenacity to play an oldschool mmo with modern graphics.
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i don't think the sex negative agp coomer or whatever buzzword talk is worth acknowledging let alone engaging with. like u think anons lashing out about sexual stuff on 4chan have any idea about healthy sexuality let alone female sexuality?

sins improve vitality irl kinda like hollowing increases luck in ds3 when u wield a hollow enchanted weapon.
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I don't wanna bloom yet sobbing
wud rather give away uhhhhhhh 15 years or so

kms im old

low tier b8

how about you date one then instead of vaguely dragging your feet for years, grandpa
i loved yin lin. i loved calcharo. i love jiyan. i love jinhsi. but playing the game is just not enjoyable. i already have enough barbies to collect and play with.
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>takes the bait everytime
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There's nothing really worth engaging with online tbhon
You gotta play the cards you got handed there's many things I'd rather have different than they are now but I can't do anything about them
>i was literally doing level 50 content without my characters leveled beyond level 10 to test the foundations of the mechanics. game isn't good. fights are easy, but drawn out. level up characters. fights are still easy, but drawn out. continue leveling. collecting gear. give the game a chase to shut up the tencent shills. went in wanting to like the game. game is still just bad. they can't accept an objective based review of their game and sperg out.
she's right you know
Everquest is cool but i just play hardcore world of warcraft classic and private servers. Eq just isnt my era, but when i was a kid i played the shit out of pirate of the carribean online which is a hilariously ugly game. 10 is not better than 14 and 5 isnt either imo.
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Boo whomp
suit urself seen too many ppl fall for the memes through mere exposure.
>10 isn't better than 14!
they said 9, dumbass.

why was 5 better than 14? because you don't understand the historical impact of how it fleshed out the job class system that you now use in 14 today. why was 9 better than 14? because it was final fantasy at it roots. it tells the story of a protagonist growing as a person and coming to terms with their sense of identity. you are not alone from ff9 has more emotional impact than ffxiv's entire sound track.
nvm i can't read.
>when they're so mad that they have to reply, but they're too retarded to say anything of value to defend their shit taste.
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Boo whomp
Oh yeah 9 was better than 14 but theres a lot of final fantasies
~trender, trender~
~please return to sender~
Gosh I am so tired of getting weird looks in the men's room. I'm a BOYMODER!! get used to it!
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Boo whomp
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~trender, trender~
Calm the sperg minta
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but I don't wanna get older .__.

need to become a US politician to procure topshelf adrenochrome

they might cum forever but men lose testosterone as they age, this results in loss of fertility. they also have difficulty achieving an erection, this is due in part to hormonal changes.

>how the fuck did any of this evolve when we are only supposed to live to 30?

because puberty starts young. early humans had a shorter lifespan but it's likely they had kids at younger ages.
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~trenders on watch~
I’m going on another date this afternoon in like an hour
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I can sell you some of mine if you got the funds for it
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>keep drawing
>get worse
i think i may have just burn my brain and hands out from drawing today
it is over
visual novel is going to be so ugly
i refuse to give up the joy that is impregnating eager women in becoming trans.
you are a man
impregnating a woman is the most man thing you can do
if you can do it, you are not transgender
Ava please. It's time to stop.
maybe im just a woman with a virile cock
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I mean you're not that wrong but like says who
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a contradiction in terms

what are sex characteristics and how do they work?
no u
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i wish i could be as delusional, i might be happy that way

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