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Qott: What is a chaser?
Chasers are a very diverse group of people, not a monolith.

Some chasers are attracted to trans women because they're what's called broken bird syndrome chasers. They're men with overly strong protective instincts.

Other chasers like trannies because trans women tend to have hobbies that are more in line with what some nerdy guys have.

Chasers that are just in it for sexual reasons also exist in plenty. They may find it exciting to penetrate someone with male genitals who otherwise looks female. Or they might be what's called chaser bottoms. The latter are looked down upon by top chasers and trannies alike.

You also get the so called incel chasers. They can be men with typically unattractive physical traits (obese/fat, short, bald) who falsely believe that trans women are easier to get with than cis women.

These are just some subtypes of chasers. Many more exist.
A chaser is a male who a trans woman perceives as not fully heterosexual and thus dislikes.
Qott: Everyone has their own definition.
Where’s Mwah I need to know how’s her weekend going
Wrong. There is a universal definition
trans women don't call men chasers if they see them as straight
Okay but are we straight? Let’s say we like both cis and tranners
i like girls with hulking cocks because it's hot. simple as.
i give everything a lot of thought. its why i have weird pauses in my speech at work, for example. i dont like saying things without articulating properly.

it's not my personal hierarchy - just what i perceive to be the general public opinion.
around the world, light skin is generally considered more beautiful bc it's associated with less time spent outside. read: less of a peasant, more upper class.
obviously there is some nuance and re-graduation from those in circles where lack of physical labor actually leads to more time in the sun and not less. e.g., the "spray tan" aesthetic of uk youths and "cali girls" in the usa
you only a chaser if you take part in the hunt
oh you sittin' on the sidelines jerkin of to pictures? you ain't a chaser. you just a washed up scrub who gave up on they dreams. you ain't fucking these trans hoes you strokin' yo shit on the sidelines homie. you ain't romancing these tranny bitches you compiling they pictures in folders.

you nothing unless you shoot yo shots. we got no love for fake chasers here. only true chaser niggas need apply.

you gotta be hungry. you gotta be starving. you go up in here with a full belly or content attitude you ain't going nowhere. we some hungry wolves, we a wolfpack. we snort coke off tranny buttholes. this ain't no joke.

you wanna roll with us you fuck your first tranny. then you call us. but don't be bothering us until you done bloodied yourself and proven yo self a man. cuz when you trynna roll with us, you best gots to push weight.

you trynna ball with us you need balls or you ain't a player. oh she don't pass? you a bitch if you scared. we overcome and conquer. you go balls deep in a clocky tranny to prove yo self then you can sit yo ass down with the big boys.
Who is this?
I don't know what you are. I am.
>What is a chaser?
a guy who likes to have sex and/or relationships with trannies
>a guy? what about women you bigot?
cisf chasers do not exist, and transbians don't count
are you the same guy that posted that before? i really like this post, it's very well thought-out
That's not the point. If trans women perceive you as non-straight, then you get called/identified a a "chaser". Chaser is the trans penalty box for non-heterosexually compliant men.
I wrote both of these >>36682887

Wasup with dat?
A miserable little pile of secrets
nah, you're bi
but kinda true, unfortunately
>i dont like saying things without articulating properly.
i think that's a good trait to have. to be clear, i was just impressed by the effort you put in
this was the best OP I've seen for chasergen, probably ever
you're a really cool guy anot, i love both of those
I know I am
broken bird here bc im a mommas boy i love me mum. i just dont think the essence of manliness resides in the penis and I dont think liking penises makes me gay. not attracted to masculine guys. do i get anything for responding to the survey. i already have a chaser sticker, hat and mug ...
>What is a [trans] chaser?
on /tttt/: any cis male or female non-tranners than want to engage in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with a tranner

off of /tttt/: someone who objectifies the quality of being transgender in a romantic or sexual partner, and oft seeks them out to become the object of this objectification

really, the word chaser applies to other "chaser types" too in the same way. chubby chasers, yellow fever, etc. all objectify their partner(s) in a way that negates their personhood and reduces them to being the object of that lone desire.

>tldr: any cis man that wants to bottom for tranny dick
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>you find the tgf of your dreams
>you marry her
>years down the line, she decides she wants to get the chop
>gives you a choice to stick with her, or leave

wwyd chasoids
I've never seen a surgery that looked good.
Obviously stay
i hope stay >~< im pretty open about wanting it in the future.
also omg, hunter is so pretty!! if there's ever a zelda movie she needs to play zelda. look at the bottom right pic!! shes practically an elf already. actual goals istg
not that anyone asked, but the world as i see it:
>i like cis women (and if i can't tell even during sex then it's fine)
>i like women, i dont mind if they have a dick as long as i dont have to do anything with it
>i like femininity, i'll frot with a tranny and maybe even want to bottom, the only thing i really care about is that she's cute (even if she's clocky) and acts like a woman

i think mostly, chasers are bi. "Straggot" is really just bi with extra steps
its just... why would that make me hate them? seems mean
But the tgf of my dreams is a futamoder top
We're married til I die in a fiery helicopter accident.
non trans/nb people who date only trans ppl or focus on dating them just because they are trans instead of the cis part of population
yes if you only want to date passing and semi passing trannies if you would date a guy looking tranny than you're bi and should experiment with dating men
a guy who wants to have sex with trans women bc they scratch some sexual itch for him
i think being fetishized is uncomfortable but at the same time i don’t know if it’s a requirement for being a chaser.

anyways hey chasergen, my movie isn’t that good and im just drinking my beer, went out for a nice couple of drags of a cig and dunno what to do for the rest of the night now.
I didn't really think or know anything about transness. I guess I was casually biggoted, mostly associating trans with crossdressing and drag. Being a casual liberal who got putt off by some SJW shit. Around 2020 the conservative anti trans movement started and I went with it a bit especially with the trans in sports thing. I went to R/transpassing to laugh at hons with friends. Some time later I checked 4chan passgen and browsed the board a bit. Got more sympathy for trans people and saw some pretty girls. The initial "I 'd tap that" turned into liking androgynous features and admiring the transition progress. Reading some of the posts here made me feel bad for trans girls and I wanted to show them some support. Now I've been lurking chasergen for about a year. I guess I'm a chaser now tho I haven't made any effort to look for local trannnies.
why wouldn't I stay? it's not like I catch anal anyway
now what I wanna know is if she's gonna remarry after I eventually wrap the frame of my motorcycle around a tree and die
ps. the girl in the pic is hot, is it you?
woah, that’s cool. always interesting to learn what brought people here. probably the best thing about this place is that the raw suffering makes people sympathetic
i thought you said you were enjoying the movie? what happened? bad ending?
>i hope stay >~<
do you have any idea how muscleanon feels about it? id bet he stays but idk him like you do
>shes practically an elf already
and she even looks like zelda, specifically, kinda
>actual goals istg
very much so
>probably the best thing about this place is that the raw suffering makes people sympathetic
>the best thing
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yea weve talked about it a bit :) i think hed stay <3
Wonder if that bandage is from her injection?
Oris showed me her srs botchery abomination hole. I wouldn't allow my girl to ever become physically maimed like that in the first place, and I'd also throw her razor blades away and tell her no more self harm of any kind. Only nice things from now on.
If you love someone enough to get married you're going to stick with them through a major change that you probably honestly foresaw as a logical conclusion. You'd stay, and this is coming from someone who hates the axe wound
> I'd also throw her razor blades away and tell her no more self harm of any kind. Only nice things from now on.
for you i’d keep it since you obviously care
I just don't see the point of srs, if you got a real vagina that'd be one thing. It's kind of just a fucked up looking hole. It doesn't look right. You end up still just doing anal the whole time.

I understand the want for it but I just don't think it's there yet.
nah I'm throwing them out, you don't need it
>If you love someone enough to get married you're going to stick with them through a major change
No, married people drop their partner all the time for small and petty reasons
you dont get it bc ur not a tranner. genital dysphoria can be massive.

also: if ur gonna do anal anyway, theres not really a downside to losing ur dick?? but u get upsides of: no genital dysphoria, pants fit better, you have less chance of being clocked, etc.

i just dont get how it even matters unless ur the magical unicorn top tranner.
desu being locked out of a proper surgery in the future is a big concern of mine, but dysphoria and spontaneity have a stranglehold on me
i didn’t mean i’d keep my blade for you
Second month of only smoking on friday and saturday evenings. Bitch cassier is trying to whene me off further. Asked for Marlboro red, she gave me gold. Pointed it out, while putting the card to the machine, had to refund payment, sign some paper of refunded product, take cash back. Then buy again while there's a massive line behind me with minutes to closing time. She just gives me me Marlboro red without asking anything even though there is a A and B stacks. Turns out she gave me the milder ones... Normally they ask if I want the milder or full red cause apparently there are two tiers now.
yeah i think the girls that get it done do it more because they hate their natal genitals than out of a desire for a vagina. I wish i had been born with one, but i agrre with you and have no desire to get srs. But my penis has never been a big source of distress for me. a little shame, maybe.
i know ive said this before, but im really happy for you two. you seem really cute together <3
it's way too early for this, of course, but i hope he marries you haha
It just looks disgusting, even the "good ones"
I really couldn't stand a shit smelling one.

But I'm talking to this girl right now who I wouldn't leave over it.
Yeah. Things are going pretty good with me too.
If she can't tell the difference between red and gold you should care enough to check if you're getting mild or full.
Tobacco bad.
>a guy who wants to have sex with trans women bc they scratch some sexual itch for him
true but they can be fimels too
True. But I felt like we were in a rush. I live in a socialist nanny state where there are no labels on sig packs and they can't sell alcohol after 9 even if the store is closing and people are at the register. I could feel the anger of the people with loads of beer behind me looking at the time while I was returning the gold pack.
there are A and B marlboro reds? and one is "milder"?
so glad i dont smoke anymore although I still fiend when ive had a few drinks, a decade since i quit
>they can't sell alcohol after 9
What fucking hell state is this.
Should I do injection before or during drinking a shot?
it makes E work weaker, switch to something else than cigarettes old one or electric. When you're on patches then try to use them less and less until you will be free from nicotine and never ever try it again or you're going to be a addict once more
congrats but real trannies smoke cheapest self made ones from ukrainian or russian tabaco of unknown origins
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I need this so bad bros
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i bought a bunch of these cool metal plates i collect from the Renaissance Faire - kinda the highlight of the day tbdesu - and i want to share them with you, my friends
this one is the note you get from the Dark Brotherhood when you go to sleep after murdering someone
my smelly wife
During I think is what doctors recommend.
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umbrella corp. logo
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that's pretty cool.
I tried replaying skyrim last month and dropped it after 15 mins. I think I grew out of bethesda games, which is weird bc I put tons of hours into skyrim, oblivion, fallout 4 etc. they just seem shallow for me now
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I’m not exaggerating when I say I NEED a relationship like this
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kingdom hearts logo

that's it :D
I NEED to feet Autumn mcdonald
I smoke the mild reds, they're called Mediums. Or you can get Special Select reds which are in between a Marlboro light (gold) and a medium.
I don't think I could eat 20 nuggets and fries
it is cool!
the old ones have been objectively obliterated by the passage of time, i can only really still play fallout 4
too bad starfield sucked, but i can't wait for the next Elder Scrolls!
Yeah. I've normally smoked friends signs drunk but picked up the habit last year to cope with some stress. Now I buy my own but only smoke on the weekend evenings. I was surprised the first time they asked if I wanted the full red this summer. The stores have to hide the nicotine products in a locked metal box at the register and there is A and B stacks but the pack looks the same. But what I'm now smoking is clearly tastles and doesn't hit hard. When you've been clean for a week the first one actually hits hard like the first time ever. I'm now down three and I'm upset.
>the old ones have been objectively obliterated by the passage of time
I actually think morrowind still holds up well if you treat like a VN, or an interactive book of sorts lol. the lore is very involving. but reeaaally old ones like the classic fallouts? yeah those are absolute ass to play
have you ever played ESO?
real trannies do love weird obscure shit its true but i am a real dude and kind of a basic one at that
huh i didnt know that . i never noticed bc i smoked newports and camels
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I fucking need someone to picrel with me, no matter if they are a guy or a girl
I hate neetdom but I just can't get better :<
>skyrim in 2024
so tequila to injection to chaser it may be
do meth, coke or whatever is popular in USA right now
Try to salvage the relationship part of it but still go try to get some side
it's oblivion you philistine!
i always wanted to try that but im a graphics snob :P
yeah i have a max level character, but i haven't played in a while
thinking about getting back into it
I would love to give you your food and just occasionally look over at you and smile as you eat.
Skyrim is so good, I miss it but when I go back it's not as good as I remember it. Still my favourite game.
>spoiling your trans gf with nuggies... :)
no thank you, I don't think i will do that
Idk you seem cool, anon. I'm sure you'll figure something out.
Stay I really don’t care about it I just hope and pray it comes out good
Feels good that my drunk smoking never turned into a habit. I mean I'd enjoy it, but the price of it is a bit much around here.
i don’t know that word
i got bored. doesn’t happen often but i had never seen Days of Being Wild and it was disappointing.
i mean i objectively hate my penis. it’s very annoying. will i get SRS? idk. im scared of the knife overall. i think max will be orchi for me and ill figure it out later
agreed, but a smoke feels so nice. especially a solid 5 drags and then stop bc it’s gross lol
autumn the nugget queen
you're getting so much boitang in this thread my rizzler. why aren't you collecting hoes?
you are building up a tolerance of course, and eventually the full reds will do that to you as well
OP (and especially when she posts on /soc/) is soo perfectly bodied
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>you philistine!
is that a insult?
weak one
funny spelling of a female
the grilling was awesome i got very drunk tomorow im doing psychadelics
oh yeah. i know a cis f chaser. she sent me nudes and i kinda didn’t reply bc im not really into girls at all
or are we talking about transbians
Yes, the problem is that tons of people just marry the wrong person, or shouldn't get married at all. Someone like you or I (being very presumptive here) is going to stick with their life long partner, through sickness and health. That's your other half, not someone you can just discard because they're having problems or life events.
What'd you grill?
I talk about cis girl chasers, trannies can't really be chasers in today's world but it may change in the future
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like you, I too am afraid to leave my basement
in america, all drugs are popular, always
Yeah I am from America and am doing quaaludes right now.
Sorry, I don't want to be rude but I'm curious. Your skin around beard area looks rougher. Is it heavy makeup on bears shadow or damage from lazer to get rid of it, and if so will it heal?
not a serious one :P
well, sorry to hear that. hope your next movie night is better
yeah, it's just like almost 20 years old at this point, so... hard to play in modern day
>cis f chaser
>cis girl chasers
you guys are crazy those aren't real
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wdym ? I have a job, i get out plenty.
She's so hot it's insane
Good op
I'm a big fan of orchi girls
If she helps me recover through skin reduction I'll help her recover through srs
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literally me rn
being from a country isn't insult at all you /pol/ liking moron
>you guys are crazy those aren't real
they exist but people from /tttt/ have too many brainworms to ever find one
with or without putting there fake silicon balls? also tranny balls are so small that it shouldn't be a problem for anyone
Skyrim release is so memorable 11.11.2011, 13 years fly by fast. I bought it for PS3 and much later on PC enjoyed the mods and DLC on PC but never racked up the hours like on PS3 as a kid.
I think you've accidentally internalized the transphobic spamming of bad examples
They're usually nice
Like it's just a pussy with faint scarring on the labia
Most dudes here already have scarred up dicks from circumcision anyway
no, its def a desire for a vagina in my case. i hate my penis far less than i would love a vagina.

spontaneous sex and giving birth are two things that the lack of access to causes me emotional distress to the point of physical pain.

mark my words: these shirts are gonna be back in style in 2-4 years
I fucks y'all.
I've seen a local crackhead with that flame shirt, flame shorts, flame cap and (probably children's) flame sunglasses. Rad guy
>being from a country
i uh... i think you maybe think i was trying to say "Philippino"? "Philistine" is not a nationality lol
>/pol/ liking moron
never been there
>they exist
i don't believe you! transbians are unlovable. it is known.
lol i seriously thought it came out in '08 for no good reason
oh alright. thanks for chiming in - i was speaking completely from ignorance
My tranny friend claims estrogen made it so that she barely farts anymore. is that true?
Maybe, you don't even fuck the right spot though
She said so on discord though
She saw it soft. Its Joever.
definitely untrue, not that I would know
why would she care?
File deleted.
it’s because i had a laser session last thursday so all the little hairs are stuck. i cover it with concealer but it sticksonto the hair. plus any sweat melts the concealer. i fucking hate it and hope i’ll never have beard hair ever again. getting that shit at 15 sucks…
nah they do exist. she hit me up immediately after i said i was a tranner
i spose
ofc its true. girls dont poop or fart. it means the estrogen is working.
I'm afraid I have upset the queen...
i am an upsidedowncel
That's exactly what she said lmao. "I don't care, its still mine".
Naoto needs to get FUCKED. FUCKING Naoto doggy style shut up Naoto get plapped retard. Talking about Pokémon with Naoto and then FUCKING her. Silence Naoto.
finally a trend I can get in on ahead of time
what did you do to her highness?
yeah! isn’t that a good response
she lied to you
or, idk, maybe they do exist but just only have any interest in passoids
who's that?
prove it
I doubt she'd ever lie to me
yes keep me quiet! but first let’s talk gen 3 and the superiority of the hoenn region
getting naoto pregnant (platonically)
try making her chili
I want what you have
Okay we're good...
It was only visible in some pics. You look good and I'm sure getting better. Would try to hit on if I spotted you at a bar.
>Qott: What is a chaser?
I am a chaser.
You will choke on my Johto cock
will you help raise the baby?
am i a passoid? bc i dont feel like one. either way she’s very attractive but she lives in malaysia and i was a little shocked she just sent me nudes out of the blue. but i know she’s a cis f chaser bc she’s done it with other trannies before
Of course I'll help raise the baby.
yeah you look like it to me. But if you're gonna force me to say it: maybe they only like cute trannies, then
She doesn't really love you if she won't make out with your chasergooch mid blowjob
reminds me
She'll do anything I tell her to.
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<33 thanks anon, taking responsibility is important
best johto mon?
aww thx
idk if i see it but i do feel a ton better
>It was only visible in some pics
yeah some are older than the pst week, like picrel. itll eventually be fully gone, theres a ton that has to be done for it to be gone given full beard at 15 and im 26. id post timeline but i know chasers dont like that lol
also thanks ><
Cute show booty pls pls pls pls pls pls
who is it? i’d think estrogenised boy but with that hair more likely it’s autumn
I'll introduce you to my parents as the mother of their grandkids.
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>giving birth
I would never want to be pregnant but just having ability to get pregnant with vagina is something I miss it's so fucking strange
>spontaneous sex
and being able to wear more clothes are S tier thing for me even if I don't care about genitals much
being a tranny is so fucking strange, I just want it to end :<
I thought you meant Palestine
>transbians are unlovable
it's a lesbian problem with no one wanting to do the first move plus trans problems of passing, being sane etc also you're a fetish gooner so maybe fix that
no, she changed diet or her gut biom changed
how to pic glasses Australian girl?
so just getting her pregnant? or are you both snails and will face with your penises?
i love those glasses. my rx is really thick lenses though : /
its not autumn for sure. if you know youd know :P
have fun
it's not the cock i use to clock 99% of trans girls.
It's an anon who people sometimes mistake as pura
>gut biom
You mean the shape? Or what? I've seen her butthole and it looks completely normal
<333 pls do lovely anon
interesting pick. not what id choose, but i love bayleef
i dont need glasses, i have 20-13 vision i just think i look cute in them
i actually can't believe you didn't already think that lol
also hot
I barely spik English I just masterbate
Big glasses are wonderful on tranners, never stop wearing them
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What did Jade get b& for?
>i actually can't believe you didn't already think that lol
i mean i'm only 9 months hrt so its like the concept of passing at this point feels foreign, esp when ive been just a guy since age 14-15 and im 26. plus like the laser + facial hair stuff makes me feel bad about myself
ill make sure to get a whole collection of them :>
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mm, yep
looks small but squishy, start doing cardio queen
bacteria, fungi, protists and other thing living in your guts. If she started eating more fart inducing things (quarter of western wegan healthy food) then after some time more things liking them will reproduce and she will fart less easy as
>t. Sarah
Your the best
that's my actual problem. i should have said "transbian HONS are unlovable"
>you're a fetish gooner
i am not
im an asshole and an idiot and a hon, but im not a "gooner"
i get that. but seriously, for that little time on hrt, you look great! ygmi sis
you often talk about fetish stuff so I'm not sure about the gooner part
and I will never pass too :)
Im going to make you goon sarah
you think correctly. your a hipster qt with swag glasses and a nice butt in baggy jeans
Your timeline was a boner killer but also impressive. You got good features otherwise. I'm also 26 and can't grow a beard... life isn't fair.
Damn, looking good girl!
in this house we love to see love for naoto
you go girl
If I were shameless enough to be a janny I'd ban her for being annoying
I'm around your age too and also can't grow a beard but I don't really think it's the end of the world. But I'm also 6'4" and fit so that might just compensate for the lack of beard.
>tfw your tranny gf grows a better beard than you
she goes by lookingsick
This is why getting a cuter face and nicer ass is our duty as a transgender patriots
>start doing cardio queen
planning on getting back on the exercise bike
thxx it really only progressed at 6mos when i got on injects desu
so it feels even shorter i think
<3 the goal is to be an indie girl or a cool city girl
yeah the timeline is a little shocking, also all the tranners in other threads thirsting over younger me is funny :P
luv u pichu
no ty
>you often talk about fetish stuff
do i? i don't mean to. i mean, if a chaser says something i think is hot i say so, but other than that...
well, i guess i'll pay more attention to that from now on
>and I will never pass too :)
i alone am the truhon, everyone else passes until proven otherwise.
Well I'm 5'9 and kinda babyfaced.... Worked at a school as an assistant and boomer teachers mistook me for a middle schooler a few times. But at least I'm somewhat muscular.
bearmaxing tranny gf <3
>exercise bike
I'm guessing you're American or Australian but regular one is so much better where you can travel to the vilages near your city or forests or just to places that looks fantastic but I'm not sure if it's possible for you
>But at least I'm somewhat muscular.
Based, good for you brother
please stop using that word. please treat yourself nice.
i am american yes. i also havent ridden a bike in 13 years, and was never good at it. my apartment complex has exercise bikes so its prob easier that way
i dont care terribly much about how nice my ass is, nobody will see it
for better or for worse this anon makes a good point. jade if youre reading this you gotta not use the men's room dressed like that lmfao
I dated this transgirl for a bit, met her friends and she met mine, etc. etc. standard dating things

we broke up not too long ago, and now two of her trans friends have messaged me asking to get a drink

what does this mean?
Why would we know we’re straight
They know you dabble in bussy, nigga.

They know you fux with it.

Now they trynna get that chaser dick.
we can’t we don’t like ourselves :(
they were into you the whole time
I think I'm going to go to the bookstore and buy some horror novels and get a coffee tomorrow
Seems simple but it's something I need to work myself up a lot to do
>nobody will see it
that's the problem
kind of a shitty thing to do
Wait youre a chaser im retarded
You get to think back about if some of the problems were stemmed from them talking shit about you in her ear to steal you.
sounds fun :D
i went to the bookstore a few weeks back and picked up some criterion blurays
He used bottomcase, understandable
they have identified you as someone who is okay with dating trannies, which can be hard to come by
sorry :/
but i don't think i can
strange, i haven't noticed any difference since switching to injections. Guess that could be either because luck/genetics or just because it took me 2.5 years to switch :P
I would bike around, but as an American I would be squished by a car intentionally out of spite
Try to get the threesome
Yeah. I could be ripped, any moment I could gain the motivation... Till that day I will workout hard and indulge in my weaknesses.
Sorry, this isn't /fit/
>i haven't noticed any difference since switching to injections.
up til 6months my levels were genuinely shit. like sublingual was not working well for me, so getting pricked every 5 days has worked amazingly for me feeling less shitty
Racism is ok
>getting pricked every 5 days has worked amazingly for me feeling less shitty
that's great! im on 2x/month
maybe sublingual was getting my levels in the right place, and that's why i can't tell the difference? injections are just more convenient, so im glad i switched anyway
>yeah the timeline is a little shocking, also all the tranners in other threads thirsting over younger me is funny :P
I just read this, did you post it in the timeline threads? I have few to read for inspiration and sui fuel at the same time :>
You seen me yesterday and stop doomposting about yourself, it's a bit pathetic and annoying to hear that in every forth message
it's quicker than saying "I do not pass" or "I'm not passing trans girl"
sure but try to get regular one (that isn't a awful city one) into a car and bike outside the city, forests are nice with the shade or bike close to coast line or on the beautiful planes and it's easy if you don't try to over force yourself or bike too far at the start
also mountains are nice too if you can bike to them on not too steep road or path but it's a bit harder
they like you and want to hang out or they dislike your ex now. do they want for you to be there with your ex present? or they just want to fuck
nice goals desu remember that you can always go to bookstore and get coffee later if that is too much for you :>
DO NOT BIKE ON THE ROAD IF POSSIBLE use sidewalks or just bike on a grass next to the road, you have a fucking bike and can go anywhere off road outside of concrete hell if you want to
I see

I agree

but doesnt being their friends ex trump that?

What's the consensus on eating a tranny's ass? Is that gay?
you will buy good novels and drink good coffee tomorrow pic not related
post the blurays for people to judge
That's dumb slobbering and munching on cute butthole is straight af
It's what I live for.
Doing anything with trannies is gay
it means ur a) not disgusting, and b) down to date tranners
you have good odds with either of these women. but beware, the first girl you dated will absolutely label you a chaser.
(this >>36683036 kind, not the 4chan kind)
girllllll 2x a month means u have ~1 week gaps of basically zero E in ur system. u need to up ur dose wtf @.@
based :)) its really intimate and ur gonna do anal anyway u kno??
Ok so I have the chaser stamp of approval
Lick it and stick it.
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>did you post it in the timeline threads?
i made one recently since im at 9mos now
ill post it but i will apologize to chasers in advance
2x/mo?? that seems super low :0
Hmm, I'm just down to date anyone I find cool and interesting. I'm not going to date either of them
holy fuck you roasted them XD
its the least gay thing you can do, since cis women have assholes too and eating out your woman before fucking her is just part of the romance
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rate my picks
good looking lad and good looking lass, respect

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