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anon, you DO realize FFS is a meme and can’t make you pass if you didn’t already malefail, right? If the middle of your face is male, nothing can change that. FFS is for luckshits who have incredibly basic problems that can be routinely fixed by established procedures (eg. Type III forehead feminization) which surgeons charge exorbitant sums to do. Of course, Boomerhons with the money will spend their life savings on it anyway.
Here’s a little exercise for you, take a picture of your face from the eye to the lower lip, if it looks unmistakably male it’s over for you. No surgeon is going to attempt to change that, and why would they when they can get $40,000 for shaving 3mm off your chin and brow?
DB's own book advertising FFS says that it's common for family members not to even notice when someone gets FFS. Do you know why this is the case? It's because the features we recognize most in a person are their eyes, their mouth, and the middle of their face in general. FFS does nothing to change the features we recognize in people. If you look male, you are unfortunately doomed to look male until we finally develop procedures that actually fix a male face and not just some of its protrusions.
Picrel is a clear example. We need to increase awareness of primordial maleness so people don’t spend tens of thousands of dollars only to be left frustrated because they thought this primitive surgery could make them pass.
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>If the middle of your face is male, nothing can change that
shit dude I know
fuick luckshits
t. repper
FFS is a cosmetic procedure to look hotter, if you need it to pass it’s over
based, i had ffs just to be more cute
Fuck off OP, I have at five head, not at middle five head.
op seething that she had ffs and doesn’t look like a model now

anon, it’s ok to just be an average looking woman
FFS can absolutely make you pass.
If you have a bad midface it’s over, but if you have a good midface but a bad brow, chin or jaw that prevents you from passing, FFS will help
Visual weight of the facial structure compared to the skull size will be distrusted, hence looking super uncanny
Soph what did you get done
Fuck off OP.
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not op and It’s true as soon as i realized this i decided to manmode
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FFS can save me or its over? (1 year and 5 months on HRT)
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>take a picture of your face from the eye to the lower lip, if it looks unmistakably male it’s over for you.

Is it over?
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Yes, the visual weight is way off and she looks so uncanny.
You don’t know what you’re talking about
We have no clue what this person looks like IRL
>>OP is a 7 feet hon.
Didn’t have ffs and picrel isn’t me. retards like you who pretend ffs makes people pass and negates their uncanniness are a dime a dozen, see: every ffs post ever.
Big soph just blogposts about his life that no one cares about you don’t seem very attentive or sharp
That wasn’t me lol
i do malefail
KYS heighthon
Posts like these convince me that the only true path to enlightenment is confidence desu. Like is the person in picrel attractive? Not really, imo, but I've seen relatively pretty trannies with the same sentiment. Honestly I think bdd plagues most of us and it'd probably be better to like accept the way we look and be realistic or sumn. Cause it doesn't really matter how pretty or passing you become if you can't get over the mental hurdle of self hatred yk.
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Could I pass? Ignore my clocky unplucked eyebrows please.

I am scheduled to get some more work done in the fall.
I’m shorter than you and shorter than most women, big guy. doesn’t matter though because my face is unfixably male.
again you’re not very bright. your brain somehow thought this was a soph post in spite of having 0 similarity in terms of substance because it happens to be about FFS. You’re a moron.
you’re just projecting your own retarded brainworms
no anon, the middle of your face is not unmistakably male and ffs can have surprising effects

stop catastrophizing to make yourself feel more assured in your self hatred and grow a spine you idiot
You have no clue what you’re talking about, so why are you speaking about this topic confidently?
I'm 167 cm living in scandinavia. my cis girlfriend is fucking taller than me. Fuck off hon.
I’ve had ffs and have probably been on hrt longer than you, so yes I know what I’m talking about

like I said, please grow a spine and stop spreading your radioactive brainworms to others tranners who don’t deserve it
few kinds of eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, lip lift and fillers
plenty of things to change in your eyes and mouth or nose directly at center
what u on about?
you’re significantly taller than the average woman in the vast majority of countries, with the exception of ones that have the tallest women in the world, good for you, I’m shorter than you by more than 10cm. Don’t get why you decided to make a fool out of yourself by flexing that in a thread where it isn’t relevant.
ffs can save u
no not over
u already kinda pass but i haven't seen ur chin so idk

The instructions said to post photo of eyes to lips

I already had a genioplasty and a type 3 but going to get some soft tissue work done next
yeh but that part of ur face passes
>I’ve had FFS and been on HRT longer than you
And every oblivious boomerhon has been on HRT longer than you and has also had FFS. Has no bearing on your nonexistent knowledge of the topic at hand beyond your brief personal experience of consultation and postoperative procedures.
>rhinoplasty, lip lift, fillers
Couple things. Picrel had rhino and a lip lift and as you can see, looks very uncanny. Second, Lip lift candidacy is not universal. Third, fillers have a nasty habit of making people look more uncanny than they did before, and they aren’t even a surgical procedure, the face is fundamentally what it is and will revert eventually. Lastly, if you need to constantly renew fillers to pass you don’t actually pass. I’m curious what eyelid procedures you’re referring to though.
>Has no bearing on your nonexistent knowledge of the topic at hand
girl like every tranny on this board eventually becomes a tranny phrenology expert at some point in their transition, you’re not special because you know what a midface is. Grow up.

you’re saying nothing other than “uncanny” as if that means anything. Stop analyzing a strangers facial structure like a 19th century hack and, like I said, grow a spine, maybe have some principles. You’re acting retarded
The average height for a woman where I'm from is 167. So you are calling every cis woman taller than 167 a hon? Are you from loser Asia?
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Adorable cope. Not going to bother writing a new response to you.
> you’re significantly taller than the average woman in the vast majority of countries, with the exception of ones that have the tallest women in the world, good for you, I’m shorter than you by more than 10cm.
holy shit that is the WORST hair transplant i have ever seen wtf
Most people think that I'm FTM because of my height.... WHERE ARE BORN FROM HON?
You realize 5’10 trannies could move to the Netherlands and say the same thing right? It’s a pathetic cope. Go anywhere other than the countries with the tallest women in the world and see how ’short’ you feel.
And? I'm 5’6 and white.....
brutal projection and subsequent MOGGING
You are retarded and incapable of following a basic point and I’m 12 cm shorter than you. Have a nice day.
What race are you, and where do you live????
Stop copping and say where you are from.
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>rolfes btw
there's like a dozen surgeries they didn't get but needed
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there is a picture of her and dr m who did her ffs he is doing my ffs next year but he said my cheeks and lips are good they dont need any ffs and i like my round face but i have the worst brow bone ever it is so big and my jaw is also big and my nose so i hope he can help me with that next year he is the best at ffs so he can make me pretty
Ye unless you overdraw your lipstick
Man that’s such a nice agp dress
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>Here’s a little exercise for you, take a picture of your face from the eye to the lower lip, if it looks unmistakably male it’s over for you.
I don't have a single clue if it does or not
You've made it worse OP
seems like a hsts even with the smile idk https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/1692z2o/never_dating_men_anymore_only_alpha_males_from/
take better care of your skin ur pores are big enoguh to fit cock in them
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I take care, but those things cant be fixed only with skincare, im planning in getting dermatology treatment after finishing facial hair laser removal treatment
FFS isn't to make you look female it's to make you look feminine, silly, it's facial FEMINISation surgery, not FEMALISation
Height outs trannies because short trannies are bascially a mind-trick. Your brain registers a 5'5" woman without applying scrutiny. When a 6'0" woman walks in a room everyone looks. Short-hons don't pass any better long term around people who get to know them.
You can play whatever semantic games you want but most trannies think FFS is much more significant than it is, and makes most people pass if they didn’t already. both are false.
Oh good, it'll work for me, then

Also, WTF? They could just get a nose job.
She already did.
>Here’s a little exercise for you, take a picture of your face from the eye to the lower lip, if it looks unmistakably male it’s over for you
what's the scale of overness here, how big is the range? are we talking like 1-2mm in the wrong direction tips you over from gmi territory into irredeemably over? or is it a big 1cm+ difference?
i have the photo you describe but i cant tell how bad my midface is from it... im just so afraid that ffs will be a waste of time and money with pointless risk and this thread kinda escalated that
Oh yeah I don’t doubt she’s hsts, I’m just saying the dress (on the right)
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Cant tell in the slightest, what do you think? aside from looking like a character head texture file
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wait is that not the same dress? but yea and she used to dress like this omg
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What in the fuck are you talking about, stop trying to scientifically rationalize your insecurities. Spreading them like this only causes other who are looking on to start feeling just as bad as you. But, that's what you want isnt it?

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>If the middle of your face is male
or if the edges are really bad
wait whh are in this thread, you're cis-passing
That's a case of bad nosejob then, not failing at malefailing
Is that mariemoder?
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Am I cooked
yep, might as well ropemax now
>Here’s a little exercise for you, take a picture of your face from the eye to the lower lip, if it looks unmistakably male it’s over for you.
I wish I had known about this 15 years ago. Im a luckshit that waited until I was 35 because I thought my bone structure was too masculine to ever look feminine. Yah, sooo I was completely wrong and I feel beyond retarded.

Its clear as day I would pass if you crop a photo down like you suggested.
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Will I pass with FFS? I have heard people call me a woman in passing but my profile is kind of fucked up and I think people realise when they see it. I'm 2+yrs hormones nearly 25 y.o's and just got a referral to a surgeon. Also do I need jaw work? What would you guys recommend? I think I'll probably skip a tracheal shave.
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ok how cooked am I?
>implying passing is an inherent natural property of a person and not something deeply dependent on the situation they're in
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Here's my fucked up profile in question.

I'm thinking Rhinoplasty, Brow reduction, chin reduction/work. Hairline advancement. Like I said before, any advice would help.
if you cant tell it probably passes and youre just brainwormed
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nta but i hate this thread for making me worry about this because i cant tell either. am i fucked?
short nose. good tip angle. good eyes.
lip lift to fix philtrum = ygmi
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Is it over?
Dude, she’d be an adorable twinkhon if she just got rid of that awful haircut

longer bangs + indigo natural hair dye + kevin murphy full again hair cream + longer hair on the side of her head will make her look amazing. She wont pass but she’ll fully accomplish the next best thing: being cute

Seriously, the problem in this image is obviously the hair
I am a passoid who has an FFS consultation tomorrow and hope to become a gigapassoid. My eyes, mouth, and midface already look female, I'm just looking to feminize every part of my face that this new insurance covers even if I don't need it to pass. There's no way I could get FFS and not pass because I already pass now. I'm reasonably pretty already, but I want to do this to become unreasonably pretty and indulge my AGP even further with dollmaxxing.
you look like a cis woman that's just kinda ugly
hilariously over. you look like a literal neanderthal. definition of ogrehon. why would you troon out with bone structure like that? your brow ridge, nose, cheekbones, jaw, cranium, chin, midface, and forehead ratio are all so ridiculously bad, i'm having a hard time believing this isn't photoshopped. stop doing your eyebrows. it looks uncanny and gay on your male face.
hey solanine, can i ask for your take on my post here please? i know youd give it to me straight >>36714934
cheekbones are too masculine, eyes are small and sunken, jaw size isn't horrible but it has a very male shape, midface and philtrum are long, and chin is masculine. i know it's you, pichu, so i looked up some other images of you to give you the full picture. your hairline is receded and masculine, and your forehead is just as bad. your neck is thick, your cranium is enlarged, and your shoulders are wide. your adam's apple is prominent. all things considered, it could be worse, at least compared to some other hons. you have good fashion sense and makeup skills. you could stand to lose a bit of weight and take better care of your skin. you should make it a habit to use uppercase letters as typing like you do is extremely tranny-coded, and once you see it, you can't un-see it.
You’re a retard that has no idea what he’s talking about and missed the point of the thread entirely
you're right, i forgot to mention that no kind of surgery can fix that. i kind of assumed it was obvious, but i forgot that mentally disabled people can't understand context or extrapolate, and are very faceblind.
>no kind of surgery can fix that
Good job proving how retarded you are. More than half of what you mentioned is things FFS does fix and is routinely covered. FFS is a shit surgery but retards like you don’t know what they’re talking about. You are a pseud.
you both are ableist trash who wont pass
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might be over for me
Some lip fillers would do you some good nothing crazy just 1 or 2 ml
U cute tho.
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haven’t been misgendered in years but i feel it’s more people realizing i’m a tgirl and being nice than actual passing. my side profile is clocky and my posture is male but i’m not sure how to fix it.

FFS consult is scheduled for a few months away and i’m hoping it saves me. will probably also do BA but it might just make my hunched shoulders worse lol
thanks but my jaw and chin are pretty bad . so I guess maybe there is hope for me with ffs ? I'm like horrendously ugly without a super cropped picture of my face
only thing ill question here is the adams apple remark. my adams apple is practically nonexistent, like i can neither see it nor feel it when looking for it. so im just wondering where that part comes from
but otherwise thanks
it may be hard to for you to find, but it's certainly there. it's much more pronounced than a woman's, obviously. also, my compliments were inaccurate, and i advise you to ignore them. you're terrible looking, even when compared to other gigahons, your makeup skills are mediocre and very limited, and your fashion sense is malebrained and bad.
define "ableism," and explain how i'm apparently "ableist." you can't, because nothing i said was "ableist," woke chink trash. i'm not a tranny, by the way.
clearly you're the person who doesn't know what he's talking about and doesn't understand the point of the thread, kek.
>i advise you to ignore them
ok, noted, thank you. ive been under the impression ive been passing irl decently well for months now. is it safe to assume it's all just been people playing along and appeasing me with pitypasses then? been considering detransition or death today, your input may help me decide
I've been considering this, but should I do just the top lip? I think the issue is how disproportionate they are, bottom being fat and top being non-existent
>Here’s a little exercise for you, take a picture of your face from the eye to the lower lip, if it looks unmistakably male it’s over for you.
wow cool
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Don't tell me it's over, I already know!
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Is it over?
thanks, ill start researching methods.
no you won't pichu
i'm glad you trip so that i can instantly opt to not read and hide your posts whenever i see them
permamanmoding gigagorillademons check innn
I appreciate your work
you can see the big jew nose
you can see open pores
greasy and wide like open sores
purple wrinkly eye bags
plus the red bumps on my nose
and the brown spots on my skin
everybody knows
i can't hide
from their judgement and their gaze
ugly man
ugly woman
ugly jew that surgery can't fix
the options have always been pass, detransition, or death. one is impossible, one will kill me slowly, and one will end it quickly and easily. why wouldnt i do it
ive been deliberating for so long, i should be thanking solanine for helping make the only valid choice clear to me
lmao you deliberately sought out some fag to hateboxx you , don't pretend you're so fragile that it would make you kys. it wasn't even particularly good hateboxxing either, you can just open any chud thread and see that
are they wrong though? yeah i know they hate trans people and whoever they are theyre here just to hurt us, and i did seek this out, but nothing seemed particularly wrong besides that one thing
a hateboxx isnt inherently incorrect, this is the reality check ive been looking for
idk do you live in a woke environment? if so then take a trip to a conservative environment and see if you still pass, simple as. the other stuff was kinda generic bone stuff you've prob heard a hundred times already
you're a bitter retard she looks fine
you look fine, do not take this terminally online retards opinion seriously
have you checked out sanctioned-suicide.net? it's very helpful and informative. one lesser-known but popular method is taking an incapacitating agent while in water, enabling a completely painless and very effective death.
how does it feel being a spineless woke coward who can't handle other people disagreeing with him? it must be tough being such a snowflake.
not to mention the beard shadow. kek.
is this what you call "being honest?"
bitter of what? i'm not a tranny.
>he looks fine
either you're retarded and genuinely don't see how he doesn't pass, or you're trying to get him not to kill himself so you can jack off to your own ego later, because you're just such a good person.
>terminally online
is that your go-to insult for anyone who knows what they're talking about when it comes to trannies?
> clearly you're the person who doesn't know what he's talking about and doesn't understand the point of the thread, kek.
1. I made it retard.
2. If you had any reading comprehension capability you would’ve noticed forehead is specifically mentioned in my original post as one of the things that ffs does fix because it’s a basic procedure. You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about and are just here to shit up the thread with level 1 /pol/ lines you mindlessly regurgitate. Here’s your (You), imbecile.
it really says something about your retarded worldview and thought process that one thing being incorrect completely invalidates the entire argument. i'm willing to bet you have extreme honfidence and are horrible at rating tranny passability. also, as i said, i'm not sure if surgery can fix bone structure THAT BAD. if you had any reading comprehension capability, you would've noticed that, ignoramus.
she just looks like she needs brows, to stop playing with scissors, and is from pennsylvania.

she could make it
surgery bamp
you make fun of mentally disabled people and say other slurs if you arent trans why are you in a trans post like who even are you go back to pol

sup bro? u stop sperging out yet?
You’re ngmi sorry
Did you get ffs, if yes then fuck, you should just detransition there is no hope for you. If you didn't then get ffs.

Also, don't say you can't. My parents paid for my first and second ffs, my vfs, and my Adam's apple removal. I am scheduling for a breast enhancement soon.

So if I can do it so can you!

P.s. I am assuming you live in America if you don't then lol.
>> i'm not a tranny.

I can’t believe you when you say this:

>> you have good fashion sense

What man says this to a woman unless he is gay, are you gay? Don't tell me you are a straight guy when you are on the lgbt side of 4chan.

But that's not all you say this:

>> your makeup skills are mediocre and very limited, and your fashion sense is malebrained and bad.

This is a very gay or tranny post, hell hons make post like this all the time. How are you not a tranny? Hell you even say this:

>> use uppercase letters as typing like you do is extremely tranny-coded

Which only a tranny would say. So you must be one. Hell, only trannies use trips.

Now on to my post, you are just raging at people and do you really know how ugly some women are? Like very ugly if I walk around downtown Dallas or even Austin most if not every person I see would look like an hon.

You are face blind to think normal people even look good. Hell, incels on 4chan lift people up and when I see them I am looking at some ugly person.

This is because you don't have friends or go outside. I can tell because I know people just like you.

You talk about looks but if you showed your picture you would be put on the ugly list instantly. Not in a second but instantly.

So you get mad at people who look kind of like you but better. This is where all anger and hate posting comes from. People who are too ugly and lost to have anyone care about them. That is you!
no FFS yet. ive been procrastinating on setting up my appointments. trying to figure out everything i need first.
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how about if I take a photo from selfie range like everyone else instead of from two meters away zoomed in
ygmi (as an ugly cis woman but still you could pass as cis, maybe even kinda cute)
Then stop worrying, before I got ffs I was so down on myself. Since this is before ffs you will make it stop being down on yourself.
Selfie range distorts facial features heavily but it does make you look better I guess
i mean yeah, that's what I was kinda going for here. This test is kinda bad since especially with a crop that tight, lens optics will make a bigger difference than your actual face shape.
i swear to god, i'm not a tranny. i'm also not a fag, thankfully. you can cope and seethe as much as you want, in a desperate attempt to play off my criticisms as a tranny projecting his self-hate onto others, but that simply isn't the case.
>What man says this to a woman unless he is gay
first of all, i didn't even mean it. second, he's not a woman.
>This is a very gay or tranny post, hell hons make post like this all the time.
just because some troon insulted another troon's makeup once, that means i have to be a tranny too? that's a logical fallacy if i've ever seen one.
>>use uppercase letters as typing like you do is extremely tranny-coded
>Which only a tranny would say. So you must be one. Hell, only trannies use trips.
where did you get that idea? i've only ever seen non-troons say that, probably because trannies are too autistic and not self-aware enough to realize that kind of thing.
>do you really know how ugly some women are?
>most if not every person I see would look like an hon.
i go outside every day, because some people have this thing called a "life" and aren't completely terminally online. truth be told, most women i see are pretty attractive, and the ones that aren't STILL LOOK LIKE WOMEN. women don't look like men except in extremely rare, very fucked up cases. how hard is that to understand? even the ugliest women you'll see in whatever jewish shithole you live in still look like women, moron.
>This is because you don't have friends or go outside. I can tell because I know people just like you.
turning around the traits you hate about yourself and projecting them on to me. well played. i have many friends, and as i said earlier, i go outside frequently. your entire argument against me is "ugly incel who doesn't go outside and has no friends."
girl give it a rest
>You talk about looks but if you showed your picture you would be put on the ugly list instantly.
i talk more about passability than looks, because as a general rule, all trannies are ugly as fuck, so there's no need to mention it unless he's just really, really ugly. as for your pitiful and uninspired attempt at insulting me, i'm quite attractive and sexually desirable. what even is the "ugly list" anyway? is that your esl nigger way of describing the act of considering a person ugly? go back to your mudhole, negroid.
>So you get mad at people who look kind of like you but better. This is where all anger and hate posting comes from. People who are too ugly and lost to have anyone care about them. That is you!
i look like them in the sense that we're both men and look accordingly, but beyond that, my resemblance to them has no effect on the rating i give. you're welcome to think of me as some self-hating ugly sperg, but that doesn't change the fact that i'm right. cope, seethe, and dilate, hon. reddithon spacing, by the way. i can't believe you probably thought this was some kind of epic rebuttal, absolutely demolishing the meanie tripnigger who hurt your feelings. i am not a transvestite. how hard is it for you chinks to accept that?

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