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Previous Thread: >>37072055

• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/
▶ Basic HRT: https://apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf
▶ HRT ranges: https://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
▶ Powers Method: https://powersfamilymedicine.com/s/Healthcare-of-the-Transgender-Patient-V60.pptx
▶ Endocrine Society Guidelines: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/102/11/3869/4157558
▶ Transline Guidelines (with bicalutamide): https://transline.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/360047702053/TransLine_HRT_Guidelines_FINAL.pdf
▶ WPATH SOC: https://www.wpath.org/publications/soc
▶ TransDIY: https://www.reddit.com/r/transDIY
▶ Blood tests (US): https://www.privatemdlabs.com/, https://www.labsmd.com/
▶ Blood tests (UK, Ireland): https://www.medichecks.com/
▶ Blood tests (Canada Only): https://bloodtestscanada.com/
▶ Blood tests (Sweden): https://werlabs.se/
▶ Blood tests by mail: https://www.letsgetchecked.com/ DIY capillary blood samples. Expensive.
▶ Lab test guide: https://www.healthcare.uiowa.edu
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▶ https://www.inhousepharmacy.vu/t-shipping.aspx - Has been popular in the US. Ships from Vanuatu to some countries.
▶ euaibolitatgmaildotcom - Ships from EU to Worldwide.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies.md (US only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://alldaychemist.com - Ships from India to some countries.
▶ https://shape-shifter.webnode.page/ - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide.
▶ https://stayhealthynow.co - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide
▶ https://amazing4health.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://favskinhouse.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://goodstuffstore.net - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://otc-online-store.com - Ships from Russia to Worldwide.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy.md (US only) - Ships from India.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from India.
Just saw a pic on reddit (yeah yeah ik) that you should inject in the front of your thigh? I always thought you inject on the upper back part of your thigh? Isn't that where the fat is?
Anyone know if Lilian/Otk Een will be back in stock anytime soon?
If not, can anyone personally vouch for silvermaple/Tea/vanna? I have no reason not to trust, I’ve just never had to switch suppliers before and don’t want dumb issues cuz I’m poor (US).
Ventrogluteal site is least problematic as far as nerves and blood vessels.
I'm just sitting on HRT afraid of injecting it, lmao.
damn that other anon wasnt lying this shit is dead as hell
anyway does anyone have any knowledge on if pio ACTUALLY inhibits breast growth
Yeah idk why. I guess everyone just asks the same questions again (like me)
4mg/week gave me about 350 e
i don't take biotin or anything what might've caused that?
if im on mono will a lower quantity of injections affect my testosterone suppression even with higher levels of estrogen? im highly sensitive to my 4mg dosage so im cutting it half to 2mg every 4 days but its a 20ml bottle so the liquid will be 0.1ml
Imo it’s mostly fearmongering. I don’t think there are significant negative effects from taking pio or prog “early”, but I would still recommend at least a year E before either were added just for the sake of seeing what they do to you when added as opposed to taking a cocktail day 1

>been on/off prog since like 10 months hrt, pio since ~2.5 years
where do you all inject your EEn?
top of my thigh subq
there's no proof
the biggest breasts belong to women with metabolic syndrome (correlated positively with visceral but not subcutaneous fat after controlling) and diet inducing insulin resistance causes estrogen independent breast growth reversed by rosiglitazone, but it doesn't mean that an absence of insulin resistance and inflammatory proteins is bad for breast development, just that those women get extra size
Also wondering what happened Lilian is usually in stock, I tried contacting her on the otkph website but wasn't working. I also broke lol (UK). Somebody plz help!!
can you take advil while on bica?
Still trying to convince myself I'm not gonna die from taking HRT

Is top of thigh better than abdominal fat for subq?
no, but the difference is pretty much negligible so just do whichever you prefer
>Still trying to convince myself I'm not gonna die from taking HRT
you will not. stop being retarded
>no, but the difference is pretty much negligible so just do whichever you prefer
What's the difference? I thought it would be easier to cycle and not hit a vein if I do it on my stomach area.

>you will not. stop being retarded
Are you sure?
what should i get tested?

ideally from this list


i know its in german but thats the best/closest 4 me

i take 5mg of een per week IM
>What's the difference?
You're less likely to hit a vein, and all hitting a vein does is hurt a bit and require you to inject again (I think) since the juice goes into the vein. I may be completely wrong
>I thought it would be easier to cycle
I suppose it would because there's more area, but again, it's negligible. Personally I get extremely nauseous by doing it abdomen so I stick to thigh
>Are you sure?
is there a real difference between Rosiglitazone or Pioglitazone, and what should you go on?

what are the exact effects and what regimen should you go on.

should you cycle it? and whats the ideal dosis
>I may be completely wrong
I still want to avoid hitting blood vessels lol.

>Personally I get extremely nauseous by doing it abdomen so I stick to thigh
Like after you inject it feels worse, or you just don't like doing it that way?

>>Are you sure?
How are you so sure?
felicitas is trusted?
>How are you so sure?
stop being retarded
only you can save yourself
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u should try to avoid injecting always in the same place (giving that place like a month to fully heal) and thats kinda harsh to do with abdominal fat cuz the place u should aim to inject aint that big (where the love handles are preferably and away from the belly button) so thighs give u way more room to choose...but..as that other anon said...u should be a lil careful bout hiting a vein when u do thigh injection even tho the chances are low cuz then ull waste ur shot and ur feel kinda awful for the day (but as i said the chances of hiting a vein are super low)....so...its up to u to choose c:
oh and remember to always try to inject at least like 1 or 2 inches away from the last place u did c:
oh and to be sure bout not hitting a vessel u could aspirate before injecting but the WHO says its no longer standard to do cuz the chances are so low c:
Injecting hormones is scary lol.

>u should try to avoid injecting always in the same place (giving that place like a month to fully heal)
If you do weekly injections, that would mean picking 4 injection spots and rotating through them right?

>then ull waste ur shot and ur feel kinda awful for the day
What do you mean by this? If you "waste your shot" do you have to reinject

>oh and to be sure bout not hitting a vessel u could aspirate before injecting but the WHO says its no longer standard to do cuz the chances are so low c:
I mean there's no downside besides forgetting to do it?
can you start prog and pio at the same time? is that a good idea?
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>If you do weekly injections, that would mean picking 4 injection spots and rotating through them right?
thats what i do c:
>then ull waste ur shot and ur feel kinda awful for the day
yeh thats what i mean...with subq and im ur trying to "store" the e in ur body for "slow absorption" but if u do straight to the vessel ur just overdosing on e for a day and thats it...so u would have to reinject...but then again...its only a thing that could happen once in a blue moon and overdosing on e aint as awful as overdosing on t e.e
>I mean there's no downside besides forgetting to do it?
yeh at least from what i found the only reason why they wont do it standard is cuz it makes nurses job more tedious i guess (and the chances to hit a vessel are so low) so yeh i still aspire just to be sure c:
>but if u do straight to the vessel ur just overdosing on e for a day and thats it...
Isn't that bad for you? Do you have to reinject the next day?

>yeh at least from what i found the only reason why they wont do it standard is cuz it makes nurses job more tedious i guess
Maybe a lot of nurses aren't doing it anyways so they just dropped it.
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yeh its bad for u but u wont most likely die from it and yep u would have to inject the next day/or in two days but u probly wouldnt realize u effed up your injection anyways (unless u inject every 2 weeks)
but "hey it wont happen to u maybe except once in an eternity so why care"
>Maybe a lot of nurses aren't doing it anyways so they just dropped it.
yeh id say the same c:
>yeh its bad for u but u wont most likely die from it
Still have a million other things to worry about.

>yep u would have to inject the next day/or in two days but u probly wouldnt realize u effed up your injection anyways
You're just gonna feel like shit for an entire week? Have you ever done it?
butt fixed all my problems
what problems did you have?
is it normal that my nipples and areolas sometimes protrude or do I have tube boobs?
I've been on hrt for 7 months, have A-B cups and haven't started prog yet, also should I take it already or should I wait with it a bit
pls help I'm paranoid about getting strange boobs
I was off hrt for about 3 months and my breasts got significantly smaller. I've been back on hrt for about 2 weeks now but I'm worried they'll stay small. Does anyone have similar experience?
anyone here have any experience with raloxifine? is it safe? is it effective? would it get rid of existing breast tissue? how does it work? how effective is it at feminization in comparison to regular estrogen? ty <3
it CAN make you piss blood so..
no fat to inject
and itching
i was on it for a few months, no side effects but it did shrink my breasts to almost nothing. it worked very quickly and very effectively. the feminization compared to estradiol is about an estradiol level of 36 pg/ml IIRC
Think bica on its own would halt twink death?
you need estrogen
Hi, I'm a stupid tranny that can't read big words and gets overwhelmed easily. Can someone point out which blood tests I should get on this site if I plan to do monotherapy with estradiol enanthate?


Thank you in advance <3
IM into quads bc I have some kind of allergy and subq was giving me big itchy red lumps
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1. testosterone and estradiol if iirc
2. go to >>>/lgbt/hrtgen and ask them
is Otokonoko pharmacy dead, EV seems to always be out of stock
What about FSH/LH? They're pretty expensive, are they necessary? Also cute pic :3
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please forgive me I actually had the wrong board open and thought i was directing someone to hrtgen not realizing I was already on hrtgen
my endo makes me take testosterone and estradiol tests once per 3 months and adjusts doses based on those results
injections make it impossible to workout because the muscle just hurts and is bruised for days...
this picture makes me cry
It's ok lol it happens, thanks for the advice, guess I don't really need the extra stuff :)
I need this too, I haven't had any money for a while and I'm running pretty low now, I'm scared of I'm going to run out. I don't mind ordering from somewhere else but idk what is good for shipping to Australia
any good online pharmacies that ship to the netherlands? united are not responding to my emails for months now
Been on 12.5mg per day cypro for 3 months and now my prolactin is 1156 mIU/L do i have brain cancer?
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Why are these subhuman organisms known as "doctors" using some bullshit called "reference interval" to describe the amount of testosterone in blood, instead of something easier, like, I dunno, ng/dL?????? Genuine fucking mongrels.
isn't the tanner scale for breast or testicle size not blood testosterone?
It's a scale showing the amount of testosterone during the 5 stages of the tanner scale, except they, in their infinite wisdom, neglected to provide a *reference* for the *reference interval*, thus making it useless.
the latvian medical system truly is unique (the units are ng/ml btw)
i guess it's ng/mL?
1.88 ng/mL = 188 ng/dL
8.82 ng/mL = 882 ng/dL

nmol/L and ng/dL wouldn't make sense
but then how can female range start at only 4 ng/dL?
anybody have a tested regiment for pio?
i want to take advantage of every substance i can but pio doesnt really seem too popular outisde of the 4chan tranny circles does anybody have experience with it/ could share their dosages and regiment

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