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Slutty underthings edition

Question of the day: Do you wear skirts or dresses?

>What is a femboy?
A femboy is a male that pursues a feminine appearance for himself whilst still identifying as male

>Are femboys trans?
The majority of femboys are cisgendered. Femboy is not a 'stepping stone' to trans, it is a stand alone identity.

>Can trans post here?
Trans people are welcome to post in /fbg/ and identify as femboy if they want, but this is not a trans thread.

>Why dont I ever see femboys irl?
Femboys are often lumped in with trans people and are also subject to transphobia. For this reason, many do not present feminine in public, even if they would prefer to.

>Im in my 30s, is it too late for me to be a femboy?
No, recent advances in the sciences of lifestyle and self care have made it possible to maintain a youthful appearance much longer than was possible in previous generations

>Do femboys have to be thin?
Thin is the most popular body type, but there is a very dedicated fanbase for chubby femboys as well.

>Do you 'age out' of being a femboy?
No, older femboys simply become femguys. You can continue the lifestyle as long as you wish.

>But I heard that 'femininity doesnt last'?
Masculinity doesnt last either. Old people dont look masculine, they look like bulldogs. The simple fact is that beauty itself doesnt last, and this applies to both men and women equally. It is on all of us to maintain our appearances as long as we can.

>Any tips on how to look better?
Genetics play a role in both facial aging and preventing hairloss, but you can help maintain your appearances through lifestyle and self care techniques. Most people grossly underestimate how long they can keep a youthful appearance, if theyre willing to put the effort in. Wear moisturizer and sunscreen. Avoid alcohol, smoking, and drugs. Wear a hat when you go outside. Post ITT for more
spongeboy me bob
femboys should have their balls slapped if they misbehave
I’ve overdosed on ketamine and me fucking kidneys are blown
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i want to be 9s and also fuck 9s
I'm kinda with the other anon on this why are femboys so sexualized like I just wanna go on dates and dress cute librarian core
i don't even mind them being sexualized. but these threads seem to reduce them entirely into a fetish which is NOT the point.
Post librarian core photos
Fem+fem couples are valid too.

I want the dates, romance, living together daily and real life stuff more than just horny stuff too. I think it's down to some people are horny online, some are romantic with these things. I mean the lesbian/tranny porn explosions over the years doesn't mean that there's people who aren't romantic and happy there too but the sexual interest exists along side it just like with the default male+female. It's kind of natural in a way, I think especially when it's a new discovery within someone that they are attracted or thinking a certain way.

A lot of the threads on here in general for everyone is about judging people's looks and aesthetics, whatever form or niche they are aiming for and people lamenting or happy they can get picked up or pick someone up for happy bedroom times.
I want to be 2B and fuck 9S
Where are the cute femboys at that would let me buy feet pics from them and flirt with them over discord?
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*Forgot my attached picture :(
femboys don't look like this
>draw a girl
>birthing hips, breasts and all
>add a bulge and call it a boy
What would be your first date choice?
SOLD. Hit up my discord and let's talk. ;)
Added o7
I’d drop my discord but I’m too scared people will bully me on there too ;(
I’ll bully you >:P
Don’t hit me, I’m a sensitive boy.
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Yall got any recommendations for abdominal exercises?
>What would be your first date choice?
I suppose the boring non-meme answer is I tend to wing it depending on interests and local events, time of year, mood and what I think the other person is interested in. I try to learn something about them. Default safe choice for part of the day is a nice eatery that does everything from scratch, all traditional hand made stuff. Cute pastries and things, very cozy and charming. Even if there's a movie I know we both want to go to I don't pick that as the first thing for the day as you can end up sitting in the theater in silence for 2 hours or so and you learn nothing about each other as the other person or people around will get big mad about noise or talking during it. Fool me once...
Got me thinking lol

I always try and meet up and get to know someone in a setting I can talk and bounce thoughts off and listen to. I really, really, like people I can listen to. I'm pretty good at talking and keeping a conversation going with a wide range of people but I really adore people who can talk a lot about their interests at length and they have lots of things to say or they do. It's not a bad thing if the thing that really gets them excited is something I don't do (like randomly say they like doing jewellery or painting), the main thing that makes it fun and interesting is when they are enthusiastic about it, I really enjoy hearing that and seeing it through their eyes too. Makes me less concious when I can talk about mine.

The main mistake I try to avoid is anything that gets in the way of initially learning about each other, like a super loud bar with music pumping so at best I can shout loudly to ask what someone wants to drink and then sit silent. That works when I know someone and we're both comfortable with each other...not so good when you don't yet and want to know each other.

I tend to not pick anything that's just making it sound like I'm doing a pump and dump if I'm trying to be serious.
Nice tummy and piece. Hope it gets plenty range time.

If you want you can do crunches (not sit ups as crunches hit it better without the potential injuries of situps). If you find they are getting too easy you can hold a small weight plate behind your head and do the crunch that way and you can progress by increasing the weight behind your head. You can also slow the tempo slightly too to make each rep harder. Ab rollers are way underrated too. Very cheap to buy. Just get one with a metal spindle shaft, one that won't break, and you can get some other brutal ab workouts. Push them hard until failure and do a few sets. Let them rest for at least a day to recover. Maybe do them two or three times a week, depending on how you recover.
dresses! really enjoy wearing sun dresses
hanging leg raises and windshield wipers, they make your obliques sex/10
Underrated choice.
If he's doing windshield wipers regularly with good form and range I want to see it as I'd be impressed fr. That's a stage of ability that starts looking like really cool gymnast tier to normies. We're making FB supersoldiers!
Thanks, ill get one of those ab roller things next paycheck
Already spent my last paycheck on ammo feeding my glock
I feel like it's a basic choice but it's my favorite way to dress unless I feel like wearing my twink suit

desu if you're light enough and do it regularly it just takes a couple weeks to get full ROM with good form. I'd post a video but it's 10pm
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Gun is my glock 19, it’s gone through a few iterations since I started manufacturing handguns 2 years ago
Ill look up what those other words mean
I’m not well versed in working out
Looks like a fucking gun out of Cyberpunk
hmm i really wanna wear a sundress but im afraid of it looking weird on my frame
the closest i get is wearing oversized tshirts
i need a 6'2 bf to steal shirts and hoodies from
This is what all my guns in Tarkov end up looking like. Custom as fuck, I love it. Very cool thing to be into like that.

You won't know what it looks like until you try. You might be surprised how good it looks if you pick the right one.

Nothing to be ashamed about just buying some oversized stuff for the look either. There's been some women's fashion items that imitated that look deliberately so no reason to hold back.
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Shoots pretty well though
I think I’ve settled on a final iteration at this point
It’s not too big to make it hard to carry but the compensator does touch my chastity cage when I carry appendix
Touch’s your what?
New lore drop/
second one isn't exactly what I'm talking about but close enough. exrx is a good source

you'll be self conscious about it until you bite the bullet and do it a few times. it doesn't really matter how it looks if you're doing it at home

honestly just find a dumbbell or calisthenics routine you like and use it to fill out your frame, it looks much better. so long as you aren't eating over your daily needs, you won't gain much muscle mass
ya im just traumatized bc i got a bodysuit and it looked really bad on me
Yeah, the mirror is someone's guide with these things. Gaining is really hard and slow so it's not like you touch a dumbbell and wake up just absolutely huge and ripped. So just being careful like you suggest would work fine and can be slowed or stopped any time.
>ya im just traumatized bc i got a bodysuit and it looked really bad on me
What was wrong with it? Thing about bodysuits is they do need to be the right fit. I've seen some go wrong with even models just because the design and fit was wrong. It's sometimes kind of like a traditional suit needs the right cut for a frame too.
>Glock perfection™
>spends like $1200 on aftermarket parts
yeah it just made me look way more rectangle than i already am :<
You've gotta do it at least with one piece as it's glorious to customize the fuck out of something.
I’ll generally end up buying optic/light/Wilson combat grip then just tuning the trigger. Beyond that I don’t really see a point unless you wanna be an anodizing andy
We've already seen one example of a dress looking good on a male frame. Maybe down to picking the right one, cut/style? Obviously we're here appreciating the male frame and look too.
How many of grew up playing with bakugans, beyblades, or legos as a kid? Or alternatively how many of you grew up playing Monster High Girls, littlest pet shops, or bratz dolls?
$100 compensator (performance enhancer)
$800 trijicon sro (performance enhancer)
$15 extended slide release (controls)
$25 extended mag release (controls)
$30 trigger connector (trigger pull enhancer)
$100 trigger shoe (just like the look of a flat face trigger

Only $1060 in parts on it
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>Wilson combat
Nice. I'm imaging you wearing that famous vest with the backup sandwich in it.
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Used to run a $450 zevtech slide and $260 killer innovations barrel before I was able to get my hands on an oem g19 and get the slide rmr cut
Wilson combat are fudds
If you really need grips just get some hogue hardwood grip panels
None of my guns have grip panels but my bf loves them on his sig 226 elite
yeah there's only so much progressive overload you can do with dumbbells so you're basically just recomping and stay the same weight. there's really no reason not to do it unless you just happen to prefer the untrained look

was more of a reader than anything growing up. I kept stuffed animals until I was 14 or so but they were fairly tame for a guy, my parents just thought it was a bit weird
I just want a 1911 with a silencer :3
I used to have the best Beyblade collection as a kid
Still got it somewhere in my parents’ basement
>$500 just to apply for the silencer
I had all of the original metal fury beys, used to make bitches in my neighborhood jealous.
>there's really no reason not to do it unless you just happen to prefer the untrained look
It's good if you just want the training for health reasons though even if you're not getting size. You'll keep your tendons healthy and you'll have some wiry fitness and strength compared to untrained.

You can get pretty big with big dumbbells though if you go into it a lot. Seen a few examples. Just look at /fit/'s old icon Scooby. He's old now but he got huge on dumbbells because he was doing dumbbell flys with like 110+lb ones regularly.
What's retarded is you can get a silencer easy peasy in countries where firearms are super restricted because there they want people to use quiet guns so as not to disturb people around you. I don't know why people assume that the instant people have access to them they become Agent 47. It's not shown elsewhere, plus the underground can just make them anyway as if they are pro killers on the job they won't give a shit about being caught with one.
The fun part about suppressors is you can make a usable one with a $5 oil filter or you can make one that will still let a pistol cycle and last thousands of rounds for about $100 with a 3d printer
It really is time the ATF just came back to Earth and got in touch with reality. That or just get disbanded as a waste of time.
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I just want to look like Aiden Pearce with a silenced 1911 :p
yeah, well at least I'm cute AND smart

gooby was also (more or less) openly pinning TRT so he's not the best example. 110lbs is pretty big tho, doubt anyone here would want to go that big with a dumbbell routine. at that point you may as well just do SS or stronglifts

or they just buy them on the grey market from the guys who work for the manufacturers. the ATF's not known for watching them effectively
Prove it, post a picture of yourself in your bifocal spectacles
>gooby was also (more or less) openly pinning TRT so he's not the best example
Aaaaaa that's not true! I wish people would stop lying about him. It's very spitful and unfair on a guy who was really decent to others. He built his body natty. He only went on medical TRT when he was about 60 (and at that stage in life I think most people would agree it's very believably justified compared to all the influencers going on in their 20s) and still lost size and muscle afterwards as it was genuine TRT and not "TRT+" as he put longevity first. After he explained his health and what he was doing people all got mad about him and started making up stuff with zero sources or evidence, it was really mean spirited and unfair. The rumors here keep popping up despite the total lack of evidence beyond he himself saying when he was getting medical TRT at that point in life. He always was pretty open with health issues and life stuff, surgeries and so on.

What's the point in Starting Strength if you're swinging around 110+lb dumbbells regularly though? That's huge size. I've seen IFBB pros use less or showing real strain moving those, you've already made it when you're using those for flys. You're certainly already beyond SS and if you're a body builder looking to aesthetics you don't want to get the spider body that SS and its limited focus gives. Fit has a list of "SS bodies" photo memes because of it. Scooby had his routine figured out and it worked for him and could do iron man runs in his 50s and very high endurance biking for hours a day even now. It's like the machine vs free weights arguments. Your body doesn't know what it's moving, only the forces involved. If you do it with a barbell, a machine, kettlebells or dumbbells it's all the same to your body.

I really admire the guy and he was one of the big early fitness and gay icons to be open and befriended here and I appreciate how he spent the time to care about a bunch of internet autists. That's a kind heart.
I really want to have a loyal femboy boyfriend that I can be loyal to as well. Can such a thing exist? Are there any femboys out there who could commit to a long-term monogamous relationship? That's all I want in life - someone to share my love with always and to be my one and only.
I have big hands and run a 365xl what do you want from me
kys larpers
>I have big hands and run a 365xl what do you want from me
A date.
It's tough in general for everyone wanting a working LTR, so don't worry about that. Just try your honest best. Don't lie to yourself either with trying for hookups and pretend you're doing real attempts at LTRs.
It’s always the most conservative, right wing southerners that end up being the most gay. U prolly say the n word during sex
Body weight exercises shouldn’t be done excessively either. I’d say I’m in great shape and I only do pushups, leg raises, pistol squats and chin ups. Only recently started hitting weights since I’ve reached a plateau with calisthenics.
who would say the nigger word during sex?
i mean it would kinda be hot but i dont think black people would really appreciate that
lol. You def would lmaoo

It’s the taboo. U bottoms can’t get enough of it
Bitch I’m from Ohio and the furthest damn thing from a conservative
There's some impressive calisthenics guys too. You can end up pretty big and bulky if you make it a lifestyle.
Communists and people from north, south, east and west have guns too. You never really know.
like getting pounded and just yelling that at a black top kinda gets me hot
why do i have a race play fetish? ive never been a racist
i always thought of ohio as the place youre racist grandpa is from and fondly remembers and the place where they filmed win-win though ive never been and dont plan on visiting
Straightest Ohio resident. I’ve been with plenty of fem boys and trans, the taboo turns all of em on like nothing else.

All fags. Not enough proper tops out here, they all think you just need to have a dick to top. Better for me though, less competition
I told u, u gay bottoms love being racist. Had that happen with a few femboys I fucked. They said it feels cathartic to be picked up and fucked like that. Makes em feel weak and horny.
the amount of "who else likes being called a faggot during sex" posts on this board is wild
its like all cute boy general posts about
Told u dawg. I’m never wrong. Fags looove the taboo. Kinda the reason I workout. When they see that you can pick em up easily and overpower em easily, they get a special kind of horny. I call it prey horny.
Definitely not wrong about turning on twinks by being able to overpower them
I know I’m not wrong, I’ve been doing it for years lmaoo

All these bottoms talking bout “I like this or I like that”

Ur all just horny fags who want a strong guy with a good cock to dick you down.
Why is there so many fucking people from Ohio in /lgbt/
There's something in the water.
Def got some chemicals in the water makin em gay. I’ve fucked two trannies from there. Even weirder whenu look at how small their population is compared to other states
Might be something in the lake
All of my friends here in the 216 are into men in one way or another
Cincinnati is where it’s at.
Loool. Bunch of fags and no one to fuck em. Sad.

The more conservative the state, the hornier the femboy. Taboo is king.
I’m the only one in my friend group who doesn’t top twinks
Looks like ur the dedicated group bottom then lmfaoo
How do you know?
This is the guy who is getting all the messages on a friday night from the rest asking if he's busy then.
Travel often enough and fuck enough femboys and trannies. You’ll find out with experience. Lotta closeted dudes too. One guy I met was just bicurious in the beginning. Was only around for a few months before I moved, but I had him wearing skirts and chastity cages while I fucked him before I left
Needs more wholesome lifestyle/slice of life femboy info. What do femboys do in their time off? Where do they hang out? I'm totally not taking notes for future use.
Also hobbies, interests?
There’s practically zero femboys that are openly feminine. Most femboys weak point is the face, they can have a nice ass and a nice waist but genetics just ain’t gonna bless em. The femboys that are openly fem and gay are usually really slutty and got a decent body count. usually 5-8+. Sometimes more.

Ur best bet is to just meet one where horny guys go, dating apps, subreddits, boards. Amongst the horny there will be at least a few who are horny AND want a relationship
Interesting info, thanks. Didn't realise so few were open about it. I don't mind the male faces or faces that are a blend. My fav facial features are eyes anyway and those can last and sparkle a lifetime. :3 I'm not a superstraight (or whatever they're called now) scared to hold hands with them or look at them from the front. I guess it's just a matter of sifting through like panning for gold for someone who looks like they want that fabled LTR rather than hoping for that one weird old tip to find a femboy bf....
Femboys have higher standards than trannies. Dunno if it’s the hormones or the lack of social acceptance, but trannies will date a rock if it’s nice to em. If ur not in good shape, ur personality is gonna have to carry the convos.
Femboys are just like guys. Whats the best way to bond with a guy? It ain’t cutesy dates or shit like that. Do what they like doinv with em. That’s how you win em over
>burn 800 cals in the gym
>Just ate three egg sandwiches

It's beyond fucking over, I will never be thin
kill yourself fagget
true femboys are very open about it and live the fem life style 100% (why pretend?)
anyone caught lacking is a poser and should be called out as fake fem
they get fucked long dick style by older club daddies
You're doing the right thing to build your strength and muscle up if that was the goal instead. Working out and then protein and carbs right after. If you're wanting to stay thin you can aim for things that sort of fill you up and give your stomach things to work on but not a ton of calories. Choose things that satisfy your hunger for the longest.
Now you three fight and we'll see who is right.
I have an unusual idea.
Would a femboy ever join forces with a straight cis man and start a business? I’ll just leave it at that for starters. I have a creative idea that I feel like a femboy/cis straight dude might be able to pull off.
I spend my spare time at the range or with my bf
>All applicants must leave behind phone and not tell relatives or friend where they are going on the day. I will pick them up from a nearby woodland road and drive them to the interview location.

See now that is cool and wholesome.
depends on if they're into raceplay, I'm Jewish and a bit into Nazi roleplay (paying the soldier in sex to let the attic Jew go free sort of thing). it's more about the taboo and trusting the other person to keep it as non-hurtful RP than anything actually racist

>where do they hang out
at home lifting and gardening generally
I hike and trail run but all the groups near me are dead so I do it solo or with my bf
I'm imagining an elite cadre of Spartan femboy warriors now. As it should be.
I am quite strong for my size. only so much you can do at 5'5 though
Just wear a corset girl.
Why would I wear a corset when I can tone and show off my tummy
You can take it off to show of your tummy silly girl.
Whats the point of a corset over just toning my abdominals a bit more?
And please stop calling me girl I am very much cis
Femboy tummy is a prize and should be treasured and after working on it extra hard it should be showed off even more proudly. :)
>please stop calling me a girl
femboy chasers are catastrophically mentally ill anon
I take it you mean chaser like people talk about chasers for trans? It's a different sort of thing from just bfs.
>I take it you mean chaser like people talk about chasers for trans?
the people who fetishize femmy guys as girls with dicks minus the HRT, yes. I dress femmy because it makes me look hot as fugg, not because I'm a girl
big dick femboy are cool
Well the same thing happens with everything people want to fuck. Men and women and whatever in between can end up imagining some ideal porno partner. It's not that difficult to tell. It can happen with guys being hit on by women if you're attracting them too and they want you for your looks or superficial reasons and not anything more.
yeah I'm just a bit tired of being fetishized as a girl
You are a girl.
(You) need to kill yourself
One upside is it's a good retard and waste of time filter. Wouldn't it be awesome if every person who was going to turn out to be a waste of time or unpleasant just straight up front told you this immediately instead of drawing it out for hours or days or months?
that's a really good way of looking at it lol
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Bumping with an important survey, surely some of you top
Good ending
So far we're waiting for the bottoms.
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who gamerboi/ metalhead itt?
what if I'm all three
i'm just a twink who think femboy can be cool
The legendary three way switch.
I mean I've never actually topped because my bf's not into bottoming but I'd be lying if I said other fem guys don't do funny things to my pp
wold he want to top a total bottom femboy with you?
Becoming obsessed with closetcore (kind of andro /masc and then you start peeling things off and find breedable slutty femboy underthings)

like mtftm
I'm sure he wouldn't object if forced but bringing a third person into a relationship tends to get messy
Most impressive … for a bottom
What happened to /fbg/ discord?
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my wife is the highest value there is THANK YOU
there never was one

thats boiwife to you
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I’ll evolve into full value Griffith when my hair is thirty inches long and bleached (and I am prime minister of the UK)
so long as he gets to be mine I'll call him whatever he likes

you just have to sacrifice /fbg/ to do it
are you willing to pay that price?
Only a matter of time on all fronts, no doubt. Godspeed!
Yes, but this griffith isn't cursed because he doesn't have to worry about having a magic egg to crack. 0:)
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I guess everything will work out then
why is berzerk fighting mars attacks
crossover episode
If only Guts had a Slim Whitman record then Kentaro Miura could have had it wrapped up in his lifetime.
I try and sacrifice it whenever I make androgen but no luck so far
Oh you ~~~
that's true. very wise anon

i'm just horntposting at you because im smooth and i'm lsoing my mind and i'd love to be used as a bonding toy by a couple in love, with them totally focused on each other's fun, and there's no chance of any jealousy because i'm like a very expensive fancy fleshlight to them both, and i can hear them grunting and moaning into each other's mouths while they plow me, whispering and biting softly and gripping and groping and i can feel both their bodies react in tandem writhing over me when i clamp down and whine past their intertwined fingers in my mouth

i'ma. romantic
I think you're horny and pent up more than romantic today, anon. Better have a break and let some steam off. lol

You can get your romantic and sexual needs from a bf of your own.
based but also this >>37145815, I'm sure it's not great for your mental health to be treated like a sex aid

hot and would but still
>I try and sacrifice it whenever I make androgen but no luck so far
why you gotta do us like that ;_;
Well with luck you'll get to be Casca while the rest of us end up between some demon teeth. Just remember to tell everyone you actually enjoyed it afterwards to make everyone mad.
I've been banned from a discord server for saying big G did nothing wrong before
Incredibly based.
would a woman date a cute femboy
I don't see why not if she's into it
No :y

ty for thinking about my wellbeing you're really right obviously

>You can get your romantic and sexual needs from a bf of your own.
been in a bad place buuut i can move now, just have to figure out where!
So is the best strat to find fits to post my body and measurements here and get recommendations? Or is there a less slutty way?
I dunno
I'm from Ohio
Would you reroll if you couldn't be a femboy? Yes or no?
>wait an hour
>it's back
kmsing myself
what the fuck are you talking about?
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for that you will have to defeat boris johnson in ritual combat
does alcohol cause aging? is there any way to avoid it if it does?
laser. a good local place that uses nd yag + alexandrite will do it for $150-200 a session
I believe in you! You shall have your prince charming! :')

Up to you, people can give advice based on the info you give be it picture or stats. A picture can tell a thousand words...
Just keep it to a minimum, not a habit. Try to make sure you stay hydrated. Drinking water after drinking makes hangovers less likely too.
For the price of 2 sessions you can get a home unit and pocket the cost of the other 10 sessions it usually takes
I have seen more than a couple that do
so i just have to rely on sh for my main maladaptive coping activities then?
sh? With drinking it's really down to how much and how often as far as the problems it causes. Dose dependant I suppose you could say? I mean you can try to do stuff to counter it as much as possible like various liver supporting and boosting things (NAC, milk thistle, etc.) and antioxidants, etc. Obviously if you can keep alcohol to the occasional treat and it's not a habit you'll be in a better position.

You don't need to go ultra pure with it if you don't want/have to, once in a blue moon isn't really signifcant issue if you can control it to that.
acronym for self harm
Yes, but youth and genetics repels it. I've seen feminine twinks living hardcore lives in their early 20s and still end up looking perfect until 25. By 25 you need to develop self-control.
>By 25 you need to develop self-control.
you mean switch to different drugs or
Ah don't go that route, friend. You deserve good life, love and self appreciation. Look after yourself.
It's true you can bounce back from stuff way easier when you're younger but obviously you want to keep as few miles on the wear and tear clock as you can in general. It's certainly not too late to change at any point though as the best time to do something good is yesterday and the next best time is today. :)
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i wan a bf i would be the best boywife ever i would pack u a lunch with a little note everyday
Sounds cute. Can you cook? Are you a good home maker?
yea i can cook anything with a recipe and i always keep my room clean
You are adorable, don't you ever forget this.
can i feed you estrogen pls ;-;
tysm ily
ermm okay if that will get me a bf
where are you from?
east coast usa
i'm from europe :c
ok gimme one second ill swim over
>yea i can cook anything with a recipe and i always keep my room clean
D'awwww. Can you bake? You should show off some of your proud recipie results. Some say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. ;)
Needs cute apron for the aesthetic.
Waiter! Waiter! More twinks please
what state
Boykisser industrial scale production soon.
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chocolate cake that i made for my frens birthday >:3
ew the quality is bad sorry
I recommend waxed parchment paper over foil when baking, it's much easier and less messy to separate
i didn’t have any at the time but ty for the tip
>on sniffies
>twink top hits me up
>one of his pics is that zoomer youtube show about being a fucking annoying demonic slut
i'm gonna do the voices and he's gonna shoot ropes
what kind of home unit is this? it's really just as effective?
>A picture can tell a thousand words...
And you were just chastising the other anon for being a needy mess.
there's a difference between wanting to be used and dehumanized as a sex aid vs posting thotpics to be thirsted over
IPL units
They are not as powerful, so you have to use them more, but they’re not as powerful so you can use them every other day instead of once a month
They’re alot cheaper but get the job done it just takes a while
they're trash i got the tria which is an actual laser and even hitting a hair like ten times does nothing
Nice! Would eat happily. He does bake after all. Is that a chocolate brownie type? God I've not had good brownies in ages. It's a great choice too as brownies go well solo or with ice cream. Hot out oven or microwave it and ice cream works too.

If you're doing baking like that another tip is to always grease the pan before adding in the mix. Lard or beef fat/tallow work really well (better than butter or other yellow spreads/fats which tends to burn), but whatever higher temperature fat you can get. A little goes a long way. I've always found those give a great release for cakes. Just needs to be smeared with a very think coating all round the bottom and the sides. I find with that it's often enough to get the cake to release easier and to be sure what I do is I add a square or round (depending on cake tin shape) of paper on the base of the tin, no need for it up the sides. That can help avoid any sticky/crumpled paper or foil on the sides pulling the cake apart when it comes to serving. When you lift it out all you need after that is a plastic/silicon thin stiff spreader or butter knife handy to just touch down the sides if it does have just a little sticktion, but the paper on the bottom and the grease has always been reliable for me.
To add to the paper suggestion for the bottom, when doing fudge and cakes I've cheated just using brown paper reused from a bakery take out bag (I think it had bread or pastries in it) I cut up before when I had no special waxed or silicon paper. Because I grease the tin and most cake recipies will involve some fats/oils and the cake will be moist then the brown paper just peels right off. So you can in a pinch use all sorts! It just needs to be something that does the job without melting or tainting the food (like a plastic bag lmao).
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>not spraying your baking pan with mold release
LMAO! My eyes are opened now. It's either that or good old WD40.
alcohol and drugs are the biggest drivers of twinkdeath, so many formerly cute guys become bloated and pink. skinny alcoholics aren't any better either

you guys are finding twinks on sniffies?
what is/are sniffies?
imagine grindr but with even less class
That's an achievement.
I love BBC <3
no pretenses to anything other than being for gay cruising
I would really prefer not to

Do people not go to gay bars any more? I've never heard of anyone leaving a gay bar without getting some if they wanted it.
It takes a while to work
You gotta shave first too
It takes a while
the one near me looks like it's used exclusively for shooting meth in the bathroom
>skinny alcoholics aren't any better either
is there actually any evidence this is true in non-comical abuse degrees? like if you get decent quality sleep and enough of it most of the time, exercise decently enough, and keep a bipedo friendly BMI i literally don't see any actual evidence it'll have a meaningful impact on aging. i mean even meth is known to mainly cause 'aging' effects (not denying it doesnt have insane effects when abused regularly at full recreational doses long term, but also mainly talking abt those 'look at this dumb bitch after 3 months of methers lmfao ugly' pics' effects stuff) because it deprives you of sleep, nutrients, etc etc and the people do *not* groom themselves anyways. and meth is literally the impossible to dethrone king of 'why do you loathe your endocrine system so much?' drugs when abused for hedonism.

like i'm willing to keep an open mind and i'm not some addict huffing copium but i just feel like the effects are lowkey overstated. especially with stuff like alcohol. which all in all seems more keen on giving you organ damage and memory issues by itself.
I usually drink wine at home, and have a glass of water for every glass of wine. the research in general is really poor so everyone has a different opinion, but a lot of alcohol's ill effects are from dehydration
manchester has a huge gay area, but it's cool, so it's either quiet or flooded with normies, must be kinda annoying for the homos tryna cruise
there are so many cute twitter twinks from Manchester
That's a shame. I used to work in a really nice one. Beautiful interiors. Nice sound system. Like something you'd see on a TV show. Good mix of people too with different styles.

The one I worked at spent a lot of time to keep the normies, fag hags and straights out or to a minimum. Bouncer at the door did a good job. One or two "curious" male friends in a group were okay. Sometimes they were testing the waters and could end up finding a new side of their themselves and be a regular, sometimes they were just awkward and had a beer and wanted to go ASAP. It was a good place for socialising too, not just for hooking up, but the idea was it was for gay guys to have their space to do all of that and if it became a "faggot disneyland theme park" it'd spoil that.

That's a good tip with the drinking too. I do similar and I've never had a hangover. Always make sure to have big glass of water before I fall asleep even if I feel totally beat. It probably helps offset all kinds of problems if you give your body enough water to process the alcohol with how the liver and kidneys and stuff work and helps dilute and filter it.
I have seen some skinny alcoholics that had horrendous aging and health issues. Of course they were actual alcoholics and utterly dependant upon it. If you took away all their alcohol at that point cold turkey you'd probably kill them or cause them serious harm. Sometimes when you get bad with the addiction you just stop eating properly at all and end up looking like you are half dead already. Often jaundiced or sagging.

We could assume in life all stressors could potentially age you.To counter that though the body also NEEDS some stressors ironically or you can end up suffering worse. Think of muscles needing stressors to avoid wasting or your immune system needs tested some to avoid you being ultra fragile bubble boy, same with your cardio becomes shit without stress and pushing it. So if I lay in bed hiding from everything I'd end up with the health and mobility of a 90 year old eventually and that probably wouldn't be good in any way.

Obviously having a drink on your birthday or some event now and then and otherwise living clean isn't the same as a meth habit. I think most of it is common sense that if you do eat sensibly, stay well hydrated, avoid disease and health issues, get plenty sleep, some exercise, don't have a life of heavy stress and worry all the time and don't have a meth habit or something you'll probably live longer and look healthier for that time.

As XVG said though, it's poorly researched with poorer numbers and proof. No one can point to an exact number of days or years I'd gain or lose doiing something in particular or % of aging on organs, skin or whatever. It's all just big old guessing game of correlations with stats and there really isn't great stats to start with. Even stuff that's easier to compare and study like hair (as you can literally count and measure it to quantify) needs digging to find good data as it's not exactly overflowing.
>does alcohol cause aging?

>is there any way to avoid it if it does?
nope, you have to just not drink it

>It's true you can bounce back from stuff way easier when you're younger but obviously you want to keep as few miles on the wear and tear clock as you can in general
this, if you dont take care of yourself, it will catch up with you eventually. You can still pull off twink/ femboy i your 30s or beyond, but only if you took care of yourself in your 20s

god i wish i had a bf like that

thats city life for you
>faggot disneyland theme park
there are few things I dislike more than being commodified in spaces meant to welcome me
>youth and genetics repels it

aint this the truth, ive seen people who are hardcore drug addicts still looking 18 and cute in their mid 20s, its all just genes
>Open sniffies
>zoom in on home town
>no one there
Thank god
I'm surprised that almost everyone on there is white (or uploaded a pic of a white guy). Even London was mayo central - not that i'm complaining.
>aint this the truth, ive seen people who are hardcore drug addicts still looking 18 and cute in their mid 20s, its all just genes
Mid 20s is nothing. You can't assume all genes at that point as you've had hardly any time for lifestyle choices to pile up and do the wear and tear or benefits paying off. You can still look young your 30s if you look after yourself. That's when you see the real miles appear, when you get to mid 30s or 40. If someone looks old at 24 they've dun goofed. You certainly can't assume that because someone who is barely out of their teens doesn't look haggard yet from drug abuse that it won't catch up with them after.
>everyone on there is white
I fucking wish. It's all fat ugly dirty mexicans near me, and they all immediately send walls of their zoomer gibberbabble that presumably(?) works on acculturated women.

Where do I move to bathe in white twinks?
>tfw used to date a castizo twink who was just ethnic enough to be interesting
miss him sometimes but he had to move
I need my twink bf to have pink nipples. I adore them and want to kiss them forever. I should make my superficial mental wishlist for Santa.
This I would be delighted with. Love my twinks. Just not the hordes of doughbody inca identifying as such.
i-i have pink nipples..
All talk and no proof.
is it really okay to post that kind of thing here?
Oooooooooof course. It's just us guys here and guys aren't naked when they're topless remember.
hoo boy its all hornyposting again. IJBOL..
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It's what the internet is best of all for. Especially when there's a fine buffet laid out for us to nibble on.
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What kinda music do yall listen to?
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Speaking of nibbling on...no nips. We scared him off. Boo.
I am cheap and easy for music so most things that are uplifting amd improve my mood. Wide range of genres. I do like the tragically nerdy video game music remixes though.
Try symphony of a dying star
Surprisingly upbeat
you cant rely on genes. very few people have the genes of eternal youth that can repel alcohol and tobacco usage, and if you dont have them, you wont find out until its too late, and that damage cannot be undone. take care of yourself now, or pay the price later
You're fucking hot holy shit.
lofi, metal (remixes of weeb shit usually), weeb shit, white girl edm music, punk, pop
I know I’m capable of better if I put in the effort to shape my body
I think you have a narrow waist and a decent shape to your hips, even if they're male.

I think you have a better waist than me, but what did help my waist drop from 30 to 27 was stomach vacuums. It could've just been weight loss too but I should keep up with doing them again. They're kinda weird to perform, but you'll know when you're in the right ball park because it'll be intense to hold for 30 seconds. The most important thing you can do is exhale entirely so you're not using your diaphragm to assist and instead putting all the strain on your corset muscles. You're basically trying to touch the inside of your navel to your spine while depleted of air. Keep your back straight.

Stomach vaccuums are legit.
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Definitely got a decent hip to waist ratio
i don't have any good pics right now and i'm trying to work and your attempts to groom me are extremely distracting and i'll probably post later because you got into my head

nta but this feels insanely good thank you
Make me proud.

I'm glad you found it helpful! I finally reached my goal weight, but now I need to start building up my legs and glutes so I've been thinking about exercise a lot lately.
Imagine kissing a BOY! YUK! How gross. I mean that's just weird, I bet it's terrible. I hope no one ever tries to prove otherwise to me, that would be awful.
Any of you guys own handguns? You should pose with them haha
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thats a lucky man who gets to put his arms around you
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I’ve got a couple
Damn, even fags lack taste these days
you are all going to be victims of twinkdeath if you are not coping trannies
Well aware I’ll eventually age out
I’m enjoying being this hot while I can
Do you savor being able to walk and run or constantly worry about when your flawed knees will eventually give out?
Based 3D printing armorer. That's quite the customization on the teal piece.
>you are all going to be victims of twinkdeath if you are not coping trannies
You will be a victim of old age and death too. There is no immortality no matter your hormones or if you were born a woman. Hate to be the one to break this to you if you didn't know.
The pistol brace I got off thegatalog
The mag holder is a sub2000 mag holder off thingiverse
The muzzle device is a friend’s design I’m helping beta test
It’s a fun contraption more people should do this
at least i won't be an old crossdressing man
...you'll be an old cross dressing man holding a needle, if you want to play that game. You do you, live and let live, eh? We are all on Earth for a pretty short time, let everyone enjoy it how they want to and remember the world isn't one size fits all for preferences.
That's pretty cool and sounds fun to experiment like that. Bound to learn a ton about it all that way.
boytit bump
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Hellooooo femboys what’s up? (I’m a 5’8 malebrained ftm repper/stealther and dominant goth lady with a big ass and G cups btw)

Post punk, deathrock, darkwave, EBM, industrial, old skool tekkno, aggrotech, new wave, black metal, and a terrible cringey but niche genre that I try hard to gatekeep (iykyk)
Peg a twink
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Rape a twink and get him pregnant
Preggo Boifu housewife when? In his apron with flour on his cheek as he is busy baking something wonderful.
im going to be honest, you dont come off as malebrained. just an edgy girl that went onto /r9k/ once and now thinks making rape threats makes her “one of the guys”
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Hell yea. Give him big milky tits too.

I have fantasized about raping boys I like since I was young. I don’t feel the put on a performance to impress anyone. Also I’ve been told that before but I’m just severely autistic so the way I talk probably seems weird and robotic idk.
thats more so concerning than anything. have you spoken to a professional about this?
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Oh shush, as if you don’t have weird or questionable fetishes yourself lmfao
Why do you fuck black men?
youre flexing the fact youve fantasized of raping others since you were a child. thats not normal as much as this board will have you believe. it doesnt make you super manly dood, it means youre a potential danger and probably a victim of some serious trauma you should resolve.
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Yeah the latter lmfao. And I don’t care about being ‘manly’ I’m literally agp and present as a woman. I doubt you’re that mentally well adjusted yourself, posting on 4chan and all… the tranny board nonetheless …
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>In his apron with flour on his cheek
also its important to specify; wearing ONLY an apron

fuck off, even in fbg we cant get away from you people
BUT the apron has to be the right length and sort of wrap and cover. I like the idea of it being obvious nudity under it, but it's actually completely tastefully covered. 100% tease and imagination but still having that innocent air by having that cover.

>What's got you all wide eyed and exicted looking, anon? I'm just baking, hehe
boytits filled with bilk
Fleetwood Mac and Tears for Fears
also listen to electronic stuff and le vidya gaem music when I just need noise because i'm terminally autistic
What workout do I need to escape skinny fat hell?
>even in fbg we can't get away from you people
because FTMs aren't boys and never will be. if you don't want to be called a woman, fine, idgaf, but you're not a man. you aren't anything like me, you are an autistic loser who gets off to rape and has atrocious taste in Link porn

fork putdowns until failure
abs are built in the kicthen, track your food intake. go look at the /fat/ OP on /fit/
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>fork putdowns until failure
I'm doing that, my TDEE is 1700, and I'm eating around 1200.
And I've checked with /fit/ as well.
I seem to lose muscle more than fat.
And I think I should look for other solutions.
What workouts that won't make me a macho?
calisthenics and/or a dumbbell routine, the specific routine doesn't really matter. don't worry about building too much muscle, it won't happen unless you're intentionally eating a shitload of protein and eating at a surplus
>dumbbell routine
Not barbell?
Any weights and reps?
I don’t?
I was assuming you didn't want to get big. I do barbell for deadlifts and squats, DB for upper body
Just random anon saying that's some good advice for the weightloss and maintaining muscle mass to get out the skinnyfat trap. Sometimes when dieting people diet too hard and fast and too low a protein on top of that and the body just eats all the fat and muscle at the same time as you're not working those muscles to keep them and the body isn't being fed even some regular protein to keep it satisfied for regular needs.
Your bf looks black
Working in the sun all day makes you slightly tan
You should try stepping outside some time
he clearly doesn't
raceblindness is a symptom of autism
>asking femboys to get out into the sun
No one in this general is doing this unless they cake on inches of sunscreen first.
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They will never know the simplistic joy of chilling in a friend’s backyard on a summer day
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>I was assuming you didn't want to get big
I do.
Honestly I want to go for femboy/androgynous look without taking any HRT.
>try stepping outside
"No", I live on top of a goddamn swamp and it's constantly 80% humidity
Metal, mostly death metal, hardcore and grindcore. Downside's that I just get shoved around in the pit
Also tranny adjacent stuff like the pseudo-breakcore stuff that's been popping up, but I haven't been to any shows

>a terrible cringey but niche genre that I try hard to gatekeep (iykyk)
is it keller synth?
The guy has pale straight blonde hairs on his tanned skin.
If you just want to get bigger you can do it with calisthenics to start with, buy a pull up bar, then invest in spinlock dumbbells. Unless you're getting into powerlifting they will give you plenty growth for a few years and do all your upperbody or single leg at a time needs. If you keep going into body builder sizes in years to come you can always add machines and barbells.
Are you perhaps a certain floridanon who used to frequent twinkgen?
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How to keep erections in control or keep it semi hard?
I don't want to take E, and just doing Fina+spiro, it worked for a while but now my boners are stronger than before.
I'm not sure what you're asking. You want to stop your dick working?
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Sorry, I meant I don't want to get big.
I want to get toned and lower over all body fat.
But not be a floppy mess, better definitions.
I've got 10 lbs dumbell that I use for shoulders and triceps, but I don't feel it in my muscles unless I do like ~30 reps.
Should I invest in dumbell set? the 60 lbs is 70$.
Or just go to gym?
Yes, and no.
I want to get soft erection.
Appendix carry a sig 320 for a while and you wont be able to pop a boner at all anymore
desu it's usually either one or the other. you can either put on upper body mass or you can look androgynous. you could be a muscle twink but it's not the same as being androgynous

if you don't mind looking big, do Stronglifts 5x5 with core accessories (hanging leg raises, hanging leg twists, and planks), I much prefer it over Sharting Strength
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Any other tips?
I want to get the adonis belt look.
Wear a chastity cage for about 6 months
One of the little nub ones
no but I do live in the South

depends on what exactly you want
>if you don't mind looking big, do Stronglifts 5x5 with core accessories (hanging leg raises, hanging leg twists, and planks), I much prefer it over Sharting Strength
what difference does it make?
Or would calisthenics offer better body shape?
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>depends on what exactly you want
Like pic related.
I'd like 3 days /week workout.
But not sure what to do.
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What's everyone hairstyle?
>what difference does it make?
SS does cleans, SL does bent-over rows, I just happen to hate cleans. basically no difference in terms of body shape or conposition

>would calisthenics offer better body shape
lifting gives you a "fuller" lower body than calisthenics that imo looks better, but there's not a huge difference if you're not lifting big. with calisthenics you're in no danger of getting too big tho

Stronglifts 5x5, replace the upper body work with dumbbells, do the core exercises i described here >>37163095

Just long
Do lots of core work. Crunches, hanging leg raises, etc. if your tummy/abs are your main goal. You can achieve everything you want thankfully from calisthenics and dumbbells so cheap simple and minimum of equipment ever needed. You can look up exercises for certain muscle groups. "Isolation exercises" is a label you'll see for that. An isolation would be something like a bicep curl, while a chin up would also work the bicep but as it works the back and so on too, it's a compound exercise. So consider that when you're choosing what exercises to do. Do you want all the effects or the main effect of that exercise?

As you're going just be aware of what any particular exercise does - what muscles it works. If you want size in those areas then work them. If you don't want size there, then don't work it. For men traps, forearms and necks tend to blow up fastest and for women those are very difficult bodyparts by comparison and those differences tend to cause the different body shapes even with muscular fit men and women. Obviously I am not including the giga-roiders on roids, HGH, insulin injections, peptides and god only knows what else....

Use the mirror as your guide to eyeball what does or doesn't need work as aesthetics are your goal. Do a few sets of an exercise to failure. When you work a bodypart give it time to recover after. You'll probably be able to tell when it is feeling normal and back to full strength again. It varies from person to person but about 2-3 times a week for a body part tends to be best so space it out to give max recovery (you grow in recovery, not during the exercise, that's the stimulus).
You won't get big unless you try to. A heavier dumbell set will help if your gains with the 10lbs have plateaued. Gym is good too.

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