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Butte Edition

Previous thread

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics that are not in the lists, but don't be lazy, please include:
>Name of comic
>Link to it
>Short description
>Whether or not it's NSFW
>Days it updates

If you're not sure if a comic belongs here because maybe it's not LGBT enough, post updates anyway. We won't know about it if no one posts it!

If you see something wrong in the lists, please follow the following instructions to edit them:
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Official Recommendation Chart
All right y'all. Time for public feedback. I will let this poll run for about 2 weeks, to allow for people to answer. Feel free to give me feedback on it, I've only slept two hours so my proofreading skills are lacking.

this poll should be, to the best of my knowledge, anonymous. I'm sure google still collects and scrapes your data, but well, they already know about your kinks, so really what else is there to fear?
lunchtime sniff
help I voted and I can't get up
Sendai Sniff
Morning sniff
pretty slow morning, eh?
Someone should post nudes again to get this threat going
that or mpreg
why are there so few good mtf comics in the world ;_; i wish i was any good at storytelling, i'd make my own
Why not both in the same post?
Go to mountain cave, train in the arts for 50 years. Your webcomic dreams will come true.
needs more lesbo comics
There was this one that had beautiful art, but I forgot the title.
I think I may have added a few to the wiki, honestly can't remember.
suggest them and I'll add them
umm no, you work for *me*, remember?
axshully, I work for a massive corporation that doesn't care if I die on the floor of a patient's room. nvm, they would care, the patient would probably leave a nasty survey.
unfortunately, as much as I wish I could, I don't have the time in my life to find read a bunch of comics for the sole purpose of adding them to the rec list. if you've got suggestions I'll add them to the rec list when I get to updating it, but I do have a life to live.
That's like asking why are there so few quadriplegic athletes or so few tasty sand-based dishes. It's hard to make a good thing if your fundamental premise is awful to begin with.
Some updates from the previous thread
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Mfw wcg has to choose between dead thread and offtopic thread.
Have an Ari
Kill 6 Billion Demons is pretty great as a comic with some excellent art. I will say though that the trans character is so hamfisted that I can't not roll my eyes whenever her being trana is brought up. Also the ending gets really kinda rushed.
when does it start? so far it's all weird nonsense
Fuck off to /gaygen/ or whatever other shitty general has that bullshit in it.
it feels more intimate and special this way...
We need some cosplayers to dress up as /wcg/ characters and film themselves doing lewd things.
Isn't the creator of kaito shuno a woman? Why did she write kaitos character like this?
*sister not character my brain breaks just by looking at ks
Yeah it's not really an LGBT comic, it just has some LGBT themes. I think it takes a while for the trans character to show up.
I do still think it's worth reading. The lore is great and so is the art. Very Berserk-y.
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I stopped posting page by page updates because they just don't make sense unless you read it at least the whole chapter from the beginning.
Even fujoshis hate women.
I hate Berserk
Does it make you go berserk?
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Previously: Felix and Tobias are having butt sex. But they're too nervous, are going a bit too fast, and/or don't use enough lube. Felix is concerned that Tobias finds anal disgusting, Tobias is afraid he's hurting Felix... All in all, that is not a resounding success, and they stop :(
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(Felix is removing the condom from Tobias's dick, in case you wonder what's happening in the first panel)
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Uh oh
>ein Reinfall (m, -älle)
Colloquial term for a flop, a disappointment, a washout, a letdown, a failure, a disaster. I wonder if that is a loanword from the English "rain fall"?

The sex scene stops here in the original German version, right after anal and before Riccardo comes back. We'll continue in English only, since the English version was extended, until both versions sync again
Congratulations UwU, but, are you sure it's a good thing? Isn't work in the ER super-stressful and exhausting? Idk, it sounds like hell to me

I appreciate thiccanon's thought! I'd just suggest any future body parts to be shared externally or on another board, and hyperlinked here, like thiccdickanon did

I am traveling down south to England this weekend and won't bring my laptop with me so won't be posting more Zocker until next week, sorry (also I'll be busy anyway)
typically yes. but it's also fast and constantly changing, which my undiagnosed probably-adhd-but-i-dont-like-labels will likely enjoy. I will appreciate the challenge, at the very least. I don't see myself staying there forever, and I'm thinking I'll go back to school eventually, but if I can squeeze a couple years experience out of it and enjoy it it'll be worth the annoyance in the end
though I am kinda worried about staffing, apparently some nights they run our 30-bed ER with 2 nurses....
Matsushima sniff
Im jus jorkin my penus
Dunno how jockstraps became popular, but I am sure glad they did.
Do athletes actually ware these or is it just a porn thing
They do, but in practice you're going to see compression shorts or other kinds of underwear over them.
What’s the athletic advantage of having your boy bussy easily accessible?
it's more about better support, plus the fact that some sports use cups and those are usually for going inside jocks rather than normal undies. as guys often wear other underwear over them, the bussy is not more easily accessible.
You never know when a sport will turn into an orgy. Used to happen all the time at Rugby.
Alt Text
>I want so bad for another performer be in the next stall listening to this gay shit
>I guess we're both losers!
baby we're losers it okay to be a-
Coked up dick suckin' ho?
Baby that's fine by me.
I play a sport that requires cups (lacrosse) and sadly I can confirm that players don't wear jockstraps anymore, compression shorts for lacrosse and other full-contact team sports have a pouch in front and the cup goes in there

No jockstraps because jockstraps are gay and players can't be gay, you know how it is

Some players even refuse to wear a cup, but honestly, it's their funeral
if they're stupid enough to not wear a cup, at least they're doing us the favor of removing their idiocy from the gene pool
Jockstrap sniff
i can't imagine how gay someone would have to be to think special bitch underwear made them seem less so.
we do skin checks on admission to make sure people don't have wounds we don't know about; it's a liability thing for pressure injuries mostly. sometimes people refuse them, which is fine, but one of my coworkers had a dude refuse one because "that's gay." both of the nurses were women.
I like men :)
don't we all, anon. speaking of boys, went on a movie date today :3
Cool, how did it go?
So it was a kebab.
pretty good, I'm in his bed now
Lucky you
Bro just got nutted in and the first thing he does is post on /wcg/ that is what I call dedication to the cause
nah there was several hours in between. first thing I did afterwards was fall asleep lul
Just went to a japanese Onsen for the first time and I can tell you the stereotype is 100% true
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Everybody's favorite comic is returning on October 1
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End of chapter 32
Is it full of sweaty perverted old men taking baths?
I have re-discovered my lock picking kit.
yes and there is shit floating everywhere

doesn't matter without skill
I used to be pretty ok at it, lost some of my skill but was still able to get 3/4 locks on the doors. will keep practicing tho. front door has a pretty tight keyway
currently annoying my bf by sending him anon asks on his Tumblr account. fun times
ask him how many times he cheated on his bf
amateur hours. I asked him what size his feet are. besides I'm confident enough that my ass is supple enough to keep him anchored
And just today, as I was on officiating duty at a lacrosse tournament, I witnessed a player take a ball to the balls and obviously he wasn't wearing any cup, based on the way he was walking afterwards

The bench burst out laughing so hopefully he will have learned his lesson. Luckily for him, this was a low velocity ball, there was no long-lasting harm done

I just wish players stopped being afraid of looking gay and wore jockstraps. It's safer *and* hotter - there's litteraly no bad side!
I can't tell if you mean Japanese guys have small dicks or are hairy down there

Bear in mind that they may only look small because they're hairy
I meant small dicks
any ANY nurse about penis statistics, they all give the same answer, all asians are extremely small
first word was supposed to be ask, I dont know how i keep fucking up my typing
Nikko sniff
Whatever happened to Jamie, it hasn’t been posted in a while? Is another timeloop reset gonna happen or is it just dead?
generic busy creator hiatus, it seems
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