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It is 00:00 in the UK, which means that it's Friday, which means that it's time for another passgen.
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Missed the last few passgens but I'm back now I guess
get a hairline procedure
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Mardirossian FFS can't come soon enough.
You pass, but why are your pupils so big though?
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you both obv pass

The 27th /passgen/ thread today...

I wished /wouldgen/ didn't have a lifespan of 15 minutes </3
The janny deleted the previous passgen because it was posted on Thursday but now it's Friday.
How tf are they not deleting the disgusting diapertroon horny posts but nuking every wouldgen >:c
I always thought that the diapertroongen was just shitposting.
Anyone can tell your guy because of the expression on your face or uncontrolled
Same with you! Girls do not make a face like that. Girls instinctively smile when they have their pictures taken. Girls show teeth
Anti-psychotics probably
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I will not post today but when more people post their pics i will give my rates
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hi passgen. this is pichu. i am not available to post right now. sarah is helping me and posting on my behalf. thank you and please understand that all these replies are mine, and not from sarah.
updates for this week: i redyed my hair, straight red again. and ive been dieting, 16 pounds lost so far. i hoped this would reduce my face pudginess and under-chin fat more than it did. maybe in the future.

replies (from pichu):
goodness gracious your swelling has healed great!! your FFS was a complete success. and there is still more healing and more success to be had. please reconsider getting more FFS.
i don't know if its the lower cheeks/jaw area or what but you seem to pass somewhat less well now or in these photos than you usually do. face looks somewhat rounder than before. im not sure.
very very nearly. id go lighter on the eyeliner around the bottom, and im not sure whats going on around your cupid bow. longer hair will also help. a choppy cut with lots of layers can frame the face nicely in a way that downplays a broader jaw.
i know you didnt post your pics here rn but i saw you in wouldgen and chasergen and youre a passoid, hands down, nothing else to say

i wrote this post when only the three had posted, but if more people show up by the time this gets posted ill do my best to catch up and get to the others.
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Didn't get many replies last passgen, so I'm reusing the pictures.

I know I pass, I just want pretty girls to call me cute and reciprocating that...


You're so pretty agshakdgwtagsyqhsgehq
Sup lad
pluck and shape your eyebrows
Next time you lean over to the camera, I'm gonna need you to smooch it please and thank you <3
You give off Joan of Arc vibes. When are you buying a 15th century French armor harness anon?
>pluck and shape your eyebrows
Is that a no pass though?
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said i wouldn't do this again and here we are. whoops.
took this last night, one guy said it looks okay. Tear me apart, boys

no but you're close, same as i said in the deleted thread
obviously I think pass
You're crying for extra woman points admit it
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Pass af
Pass, but smile more
I love the hair!

This is the first time I’m posting here, 1 year in HRT and I hope I’m not that bad
>>37170295 pass
>>37170321 I think you pass , but look kinda old
>>37170347 no pass
>>37170587 you pass , but personally mouth piercings look bad
>>37170643 pass

How am I doing
>Is that a no pass though?
I'm kind of on the fence. You have feminine eyes, nose, and lips but I guess I'd need to reconsider down the line as I saw Pichu mentioned you just having FFS and swelling from it.
pass. You have beautiful hair and a nice septum piercing
>I'm kind of on the fence
Which parts of my face look male to you? I have a consult with Mardirossian soon and then I'm 100% getting more surgery next year so I'm wondering which parts of my face make me not pass.
r i was gonna comment on the last wouldgen but it got nuked before i could but you're really fucking pretty
>I know I pass, I just want pretty girls to call me cute and reciprocating that...
Your personality is really awful. Work on that.
oh honey.............
im not currently crying. Picture is from last night when i was upset
No pass, I think it's mostly the brow ridge.
Not sure from this angle, could be a cis woman with a strong looking face.
Pass for Pichu.
No pass.
you look like my sister but kinda tired. pass.
pass as a butch dyke
pass. i need you bad
cis woman
pass but clocky
pass but i shouldn't need to rotate my laptop to see that
clocky pass

where the fuck are all the hons?
How your jaw leads into your cheekbones, your brows, and maybe forehead. Not sure about the last one because of the bandana potentially leaving me to imagine something not there. I notice the dark circles and slightly sagging cheeks but I assume that's the puffiness Pichu is talking about as I don't know what you looked like before.

Ty <3


Why, for admitting my transition is going well and most people perceive me as a woman now?
Or for liking when other pretty women call me cute and calling them cute when they do?
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Worn out
I don’t think so
Pass ofc
Looks good
U have a nice face , please don’t cry :(
Doing good

I’ve been sad these past days
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Pass as cigarette mom that owns a Harley
Clocky, but would call she/her off the bat
Pichu <3
Pass, and you’re hot
No pass, sorry
Pass, you’re very pretty wow
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been trying to trigger AI to gender me male for like three days and I can't, even with intentionally bad angles. therapist says I have dysmorphia but she also says I don't look cis. losing my mind so here's me without makeup
Here's a picture without it, what do you think? https://unsee cc/album#Y7sYCIuUOOGp
I absolutely hate it though and I'm 100% getting it redone and possibly getting the rest of my face redone in one go as well.
You look androgynous leaning fem, but definitely good looking which is probably why your therapist thinks that. I think your jaw, chin, and just maybe your hairline is what makes you clocky.
Yeah so your forehead is nowhere near as big as I imagined it. What were you thinking of doing to your face?
nice hair and eyes, clocky jaw.
Deep plane facelift to fix my jaw looking kind of square from the loose skin, full forehead reconstruction, maybe lefort 2 to try to fix midface. Basically I'll just ask Mardirossian to do everything he can, since I have no issue being able to afford it since I feel like look like a man and don't pass.
Ah okay. Godspeed soldier, I hope you success and a speedy recovery o7
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(i’ll do rates anon later)
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stupid fucking website won’t even le
you kinda look like maya?
i mean you have a jaw? you pass generally tho.
cute haruhi ouran host club pass
brows r a little weird but i think pass
the jaw is rough yeah
you have nice skin tho i gotta say

ok so first attempt in passgen. is the friend who told me to come here instead of cipgen hugboxing?
looking for style/hair/what am i doing wrong advice svp. 10 months hrt, 22 yo
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i'm a chaser and want to buy nudes from some of the people that posted on this thread. if you want to sell nudes respond to this post please.
pass. are your tits actually that big or are you stuffing?
that shirts thin so it was lightly lined
but yeah im somewhere between a 34b and c
no pass
its over
Good starting point
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Do you sell nudes anon?
no pass
andro in the photo, but could easily pass with some effort
also androgynous, but leaning towards female, you're really pretty
besides the brow ridge I'd say you pass pretty well
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New hair did not make me prettier it's over
>the jaw is rough yeah
>you have nice skin tho i gotta say
this isn't an answer i can put in my spreadsheet
i have columns for "pass," "no pass," and "clocky pass"
clocky pass then
how are you getting worse? Seriously? It has to be self inflicted, I don't get it
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clothes are on for this weeks passgen

pass, i should learn makeup
yeah you look like someone's mom
would gender female and think "that girl has a clocky jaw"
r i would be staring at you in public and blushing, >>37170843 is me
pichu i always think you're really pretty and pass
really like this outfit, the crop really shows off your whr, very pretty pass
the headphones dont really help in this photo, kind of accentuates your jaw? this photo is pretty clocky but the rest of your body would tell if i thought trans or big jaw cis woman
this is one year??? thats really good, pass and im jealous of your jaw
clocky pass? idk what it is, sorry
the hair part is really cute and you dont look like a prepubescent child anymore!!! pass
with that hair and fit id probably think you're a really fem guy/theyfab
you do look really fem and i would gender fem, but i think the forehead+jaw combo is clocky? bangs could hide forehead and then i wouldnt think twice looking at you
no pass, fem guy at this angle. this angle makes your shoulders look really wide
clocky pass? idk why, sorry
clocky? the baggy shirt totally makes your upper body look like a rectangle
opps missed the unsee but also its on single view so i cant see it anyways
thank you
>the rest of your body would tell if i thought trans or big jaw cis woman
then it's trans. I'm fucking huge
>would gender female and think "that girl has a clocky jaw"
im glad im getting ffs in the future then, lol
but, i consider that a win for being 8m in (didnt expect results this early, thought id be girlmoding like 2yrs in)
hey anon WHY THE LONG FACE yuckyuckyuck (me laughing like an old man cartoon) anyway face no pass but body looks good from little there
obv pass
pass as 30 year old chubby woman
no idea desu
pass and super cute

don't show this to that one black boymoder she might kill herself
pass and cute
pass usually you don't pass to me but do here
pass as girl
pre trans marie, pass as boy
no pass
something with face and shoulders
marry me
no pass
let me suck on them
>no idea desu
what does that meannnn
i only have three columns!!
this is a really unflattering photo, you look really wide and you're making a strange face to the camera. no pass, sorry! hairline isnt great (and thats visible here)
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Your sweater makes you look like a brick

This is clocky to you too right?
ur literally so fucking pretty oh my god
does it really? :( ik oversized sweaters hide curves but i feel like in this photo you can kind of see them at least
>Gets called clocky
>Goes on a petty rampage
It's looking like another Jade episode
huge hands are a problem
What curves?
oh and you totally pass here
no, jade is just being petty, and even if it did it’s a sweater girls would wear anyway. it’s a cute outfit for a cute girl
You don't pass
Any guesses why?

Awwwww, you're really fucking pretty too >_<
I mogged little too hard last passgen I posted in so I'll refrain from posting myself. Here's some ratings tho

Pass like wine aunt.

Pass relatively well u kinda look like keffals though so that's unfortunate.

Ur face is very hard for me to read personally desu.

I would definitely say Pass. Ur face is very unique in a good way.

Upper face is fine but your jaw and chin are really strong so idk.

Yeah and no comments very pretty

Also quite pretty

U look like if this one guy I knew in middle school was afab and had a wolfcut.

U look like the type of woman that will punch me in the face and smoke a cigarette outside of a gas station at midnight. 10/10 pass

My brain cannot comprehend ur face desu.

Stfu brainworm having ass

Idk I will say I personally don't really like that shade of lipstick.(especially with that outfit it's too dark for the outfit and clashing in a bad way) and also ur defo giving a deer in headlights look yk.


Pass as frumpy Midwestern mother

The shade of lipstick looks way better here I'm allways right and very smart
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pooner here, please start doing eyeliner only on the outer corners (do not connect it to the tip of your eye, make it blend in to half the lid), unless you want more of an outdated 2000's look. Practice doing eyeliner with your eyes staying open instead of closed.
>this is clocky to you right
not as much, you're hiding your shoulders with the layers more. face looks better here I think the hat helps. I guess depends on height and voice
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my biggest fear is having someone from passgen recognize me irl. anyway do these glasses look as bad as I think they do?

not there yet
unironically gigapass
maybe clockable but pass
hard to judge with a bad picture but kind of clocky
I see the vision
yeah pass overall just strong facial structure
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Hello it's been awhile
I think the glasses help a lot
jade moment (pass)
you would look great after ffs!! sorry but yeah you are still clocky
PICHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you're doing good :] pass
you're really hot
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Will rate in next post!
well i look like an actual fucking mess right now and im working on fixing that, so i wont show myself rn.

but what i do wanna highlight is that i used to look actually fucking DISGUSTING about 4 years ago. i looked like a basement dweller incel. but i got on my femboy era and worked on myself for 3 years, and there were results. i just want to tell others that you can always fix posture, weight, etc. if i can do it, anybody can.

not to be a downer but some of these things people have a LOT worse than you did so way harder to fix and bone structure is unchangeable
I had a brighter shade of red earlier and one of my friends said it was too bright so I changed it
I will try to remember that I just have shakey hands so eyeliner is hard for me to apply and get right so I stick to really basic stuff
No the jade moment is me getting mad when I get called clocky it's the classique
Burn the flannel and you're gucci.
Sick timeline, congrats!
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The voices were too loud.... anyways

Pass and u look like interesting? Idk how else to put it.

Pass but u kinda simultaneously look 10 and 50

I really don't know desu

I might actually be retarded cause aside from the painted nails the discord mod is kinda.... yk.
haiiii <33 do i pass??
your reddit posts kept appearing on my feed and they sent me straight into a hysteria and i haven’t been the same since i want to murder you and stab you several times i hate you so much
Cute hair, cheeks and eyes, easy pass!
I can't see your hairline but you could really benefit from going to a stylist I think and discussing hair care routine with them. Looks pass to me, but idk about your daily life.
I think you pass, especially to normies. Jaw is a little square but nothing outside of cis womens ranges.
Easy pass! Cute hair!
I LOVE YOUR HAIR easy pass.
I think you could benefit from getting your bros done, pretty eyes.
Flawless pass. Stunning. Might be an angled photo though.
Looks smol and cute.
love the lipstick
its gonna be hard sis lmao
easy pass
not my style but pass
it me!~
thank you sir and or mam I appreciate it
Also love you all
so I assume no pass for me?
i think the glasses help a lot! still think you shouldn't tie all of your hair back
very pretty, very pass
clocky? should pluck your brows a lil more but your jaw isn't great
don't know how to comment on this
i just think that the baggy top deemphasizes your curves and makes your upper body look bigger! i think if you want to wear baggy tops, crops would be better since they actually show off your hips!
wow you're really fucking pretty, when did you start?
i swear you look better than this, your jaw/forehead are so prominent in this photo
Hot. Hope I find your reddit.
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Pass better in video somehow
Something is odd about the hair but I can't place it
Shape brows
Clocky pass, depend on voice
Every week you look more and more like my younger sister
John Lennon came back and is nonbinary. This is the future liberals want.
You definitely look unique but I don't think I'd question it? Tentatively clocky pass
Lady who comes in and orders an iced red eye with a stevia
Actually I disagree with everyone this pushes retro more than outdated to me. Would be trendy in my area.
Girl who went to calarts and makes six figures
Dead ringer for bipolar british girl I met one time
No but good ffs potential
I don't have anything respectful to say
Woman who does crossfit and lives in Dallas or Denver
what’s your diet/routine?
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>Something is odd about the hair but I can't place it

I've only had one haircut since the last time I cut it short, that's why it looks a little funky.
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Pass, but you look like you could use some ultharapy
No pass,
No pass
No pass
Hard to say from angle.
Pass as ftm?
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Clocky, male jaw
Pass looks aged
Pass I guess
Clocky pass
Idk you look like a teen age girl
No pass
Not really from jaw and mustache
Pass xcept hairline
Pass I think
No pass
Idk twinkhon ig
Pass body not face
Idk looks male
Pass I think
Yeah a guy
Wow face looks so different here
No pass
OMFG I need this wife
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pass even with jaw
clocky outfit desu
pass + ur gorgeous
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Hi, this are my rates
>>37170295 Pass
>>37170347 in my personal opinion pass
>>37170587 pass
>>37170643 pass
>>37170770 better pic plis im not sure >>37170789 mexican pass
>>37170794 pass
>>37170922 pass
>>37170942 Andro
>>37170968 adam apple
>>37170969 lm not going to open links
>>37171116 you look like a 14 year old boy and if you are pooner yes >>37171148 i sell funny rats sir
>>37171193 consider spend more money in your mental health insteaf of surgeries >>37171388 pass
>>37171570 pass
>>37171987 theres more possibilities you get murdered by your own relatives that someone from 4chan recognizes you irl, andro
>>37172081 pass
>>37172215 i guess you pass
>>37172228 if you are a ponner you pass
>>37172459 pass
>>37172633 pass
>>37173348 if you are a pooner pass
>>37173455 pass

Good weekend for everyone
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>>37173533 pass
>>37173602 pass
Built for BWC

Fuckable mouth

Complete and utter cumdump

Built for boyremoval rape

I guess I’d let you suck the sweat off my balls after I get back from gym
Lmao it's hilarious I passed flawlessly at my music festival and had a great time sorry you can't pull the look off maybe another couple years on hrt and you will be able to wear stuff like that too
I really like your makeup, nice style
You look like a fat cow clown
why r u like this
What a literal bitterhon
Grow the fuck up sperg
Hi, long time no see
Pass, New milfmoder Gen when?
Because I know I passed which is why I think it's funny people say I don't because they don't like how I dress. I had fun, some cis girl accidently hit me with a balloon and I told her it was fine but she kissed me on the cheek, some random guy tried to grab my side and like ask my name but I told him to fuck off, one of the security guards tried to take my dab pen batteries but I just played dumb and was like "haha what do you mean they are just batteries??" And he let me through. Idk I just know I passed and looked good so it's funny when people try to tell me I didnt
You are so delusional
I think you're just upset I can pull that look off and you can't
Please explain how I'm delusional when my lived experience is that I passed like how are you telling me I didn't pass when I did like????
why do you come to passgen if you're gonna act like this?
just because some retards are always gonna be wrong doesnt mean i should stop correcting them.
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depressed pass
Clocky, might pass to cis people
pass, cute
>You're so pretty agshakdgwtagsyqhsgehq
ajjaskd thanks uwu
Can't really judge from this picture, shape your brows.
pass, I like your hair.
how old are you?
Face passes, but I would assume fem guy because of the hair
no pass
Almost there
clocky face, rest of the body passes
cute pass
god, I hate how pretty you are. Fuck you, pass.
kinda pass
pass if ftm
hard to tell from picture
meh, idk. pic 1,2,4 pass, pic 3 clocky
skip why
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high, whats your number?
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like half of my responses say it's a bad angle, so here's another, ig
bad makeup is for cosplay reasons
but i won't be showing the cosplay because it was bad

clocky pass
pass as ftm
Its funny how G posted in passgen only for people to assume they were a passoid trans woman or a theyfab
pass and no, the glasses look fine on you
pass, you're hot but also very insane
I need you
what? sorry cat slammed my keyboard, meant to say you pass
Not a day you don't pass, Mina
I think your chin is what mainly makes you clocky. If I zoom in and just focus above your chin, even with your jaw you're passing imo. Focusing a bit higher up where I start from the bottom of your nose upwards, and I'd say you look fairly good looking.
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will my body ever pass and should i gain or lose weight

t. 19, 5'5, 2 months on e
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19 7mo hrt
>I did all the things the anons said bar ffs
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23yr 9 months on e
oi mate
is that an english oi mate or an australian one? this is very important
I wanna fuck you so hard it'll cause permanent bruises
wishing u all a very blurry friday, will rate either later tonight or tomorrow
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43, HRT 5 years. Mild FFS.
Marry me?
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Marry me??
u look like a fortnite character that costs like 1,200 vbucks
Uhhhhh thankk youu??? Lol <3
pass, looks like my brothers ex
overworked single mother
no pass, choob at home
chunky brows, no pass
gorgeous, would probably rehearse approaching u then get too nervous and go home lol
andro, could go either way
oughhh oughhhhu girll ur eyeliner causes me psychic pain
pass, cute
stop with the knocked knees shit jade it looks BADD
pass i guess
hunter schafer with crazy eyes
pass, qt
youtube video essayist
so gorgeous! pass as always

Pass, of course <3


Pass <3


Pass, absolutely gorgeous <3

Pass. Extremely cute <3

Pass <3


Pass. I'm in love. Especially love your piercings <3
dead, soulless repper eyes. foundation caking to your uncanny scarred skin. overlined red lipstick showing your infatuation with red feminine allure, contrasting your unkempt brows showing your true nature among the oafs. truly a work of art.
My red hair fades to pink in less than a month, I look like a massive tranny stereotype I think.
Need your advice, was the lip tattooing bad for boy mode or can I pass it off at class tomorrow? I'm so tired zzz

Pls don't do this
Work done cis
Not yet
Sideways maybe
Fatmaxx cute
Clock cute
Gay woman?
Twink ftm
Stab you and then pass
Drugs pass
Chose your own adventure\femboy
Latina pass
Perfect pass
Clock pass
Pass but pls no dick face
Pass in video
Clocky pass
time for the r8ings m8
>>37170295 flawless pass
>>37170321pass as no makeup woman
>>37170347no pass, its the jaw and neck
>>37170587 ez pass, cis woman with high cheekbones
>>37170643 clockiest thing is hair style, otherwise pass. Your style looks about 20 yrs older than your face
>>37170770 no pass - trim your brows and u have a fighting chance girl
>>37170789 flawless pass
>>37170794 nearly, its the jaw i think
>>37170922 would pass with less boyish hair
>>37170942 would pass without roderick hair and the man glasses
>>37170968 your jaw and cheekbones combine to give a bit of a masculine shape, i think thats what you're seeing
>>37171116 you look like a femboy
>>37171193 flawless pass faye
>>37171388 im sorry but the expression and makeup is so tranny coded i cant see you as anything else
>>37171570 pass if u trimmed your brows and wore your hair different
>>37171987 the glasses don't suit you im sorry anonette
>>37172081 skinwalker stare
>>37172215 no pass, could pass with trimmed brows and light makeup
>>37172228 rlly inspiring weight loss i needed to see this
>>37172459 total all around passoid, be honest you just posted to show off
>>37172633 i think you would have to work really hard to not look like a woman
>>37173348 im not sure what you're going for
>>37173455 flawless pass
>>37173533 your makeup is amazing but the eye look doesnt suit your face shape, i think the inner wings bring your eyes too close together, stick to outer eye heavy look
>>37173602 clocky a bit sry
>>37173991 pass in some of these, a little clocky in bottom row
>>37174160 its the chin im sorry
>>37174251 5'5 its over for you
>>37174281 autistic cis woman
>>37174545 boy hair
>>37174955 too hard to see
>>37174962 5 years hrt and ffs but no laser? girl...
>>37174967 pass ez
>>37175043 yeah you look a bit clocky im sorry, i dont think that hair fits you
>>37175162 u definitely look feasibly male
How bad is a vertical labret?

I'm probably going to get the other side of my lip done to make it shark bites but I've always considered a VL or cyber bites too

Thanks <3 <3
aren't you already married?
No, not married lol
Who are you tho?
please don't get FFS you'll just get bogged
if you don't pass it's not because of your face
>5'5 its over for you
damn exactly as i suspected
why are you posting in passgen lol
>Need your advice, was the lip tattooing bad for boy mode or can I pass it off at class tomorrow? I'm so tired zzz
The lip tattooing was a bad idea in general. Jesus. I know permanent makeup fades eventually, I don't know how long but fingers crossed it's not too long, for your sake.
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no pass
no pass
no pass
no pass
ftm? if so, pass
no pass
no pass
okay pass here
no pass
no pass
clocky here but you pass in every other pic I’ve seen of you, I think you’re beautiful
already looks fine, but obviously it’s hard to tell with that outfit. 2 months e is very little time, I would just focus on eating healthily and letting your body adjust to the new hormones before you start messing with it weight-wise
no pass
no pass
no pass
no pass
>Who are you tho?
Why do you keep asking me this? I'm an anon who's seen like a dozen of your posts in random threads, we've never talked
Actual gigapassoid.
>lip tattooing
Why would you bog yourself like that? It looks bad, yeah.
I ask anytime it seems like someone's taken interest enough to remember details about me. Just overly curious lol
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hi im really really sorry but I feel like im going to throw up does this look look ok????? like this isn’t going to offend anyone or get me attacked on the street??? im planning on maybe girlmoding around cis friends for the first time in a few days looking like this but they’ve been very vocally against me girlmoding because they think I’ll never pass etc and im really scared they’re just gonna be super uncomfortable and im going to ruin the day if I girlmode but at the same time im so fed up with manmoding I don’t know what to do please what do you’s think??
You look fine. Get new friends. Hide your shoulders a little better and you'll be fine.
You look wonderful, truly. I question your friend’s morals if they are saying things like that to you. You’re really very beautiful.
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https://unsee cc/album#ssp9CicVDFsF

looks fine yah
also sorry some replies to make it fair thank you whoever replies to me
gigapass you’re goals like omg no criticism lol
you pass but I think look a little older than you actually are
I think clocky to other trannies (based off the hair sorry :c) but fine to cis folk so like pass basically
idkkkk somewhere between gigapass and super lucky cis femboy it’s kinda confusing to my wormy brain lol
not really a pass to me but only because of uncomplimentary makeup and eyebrows, if your voice is ok you likely get by though
pixelly pass
also goals I don’t know how long you’ve had the hair as I haven’t been here for a bit but it suits!!!
looks more like keffals
Gonna Kms I'll never look this good
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me when i look 20 and 50 at the same time
dun dudun dun du dun du dun _ dun du dun du dun
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee woooooooo-ooooo
css css css css css css css css
I aint clicking that shit nigga
its unsee retard
i hope everyone in this thread kills themselfs
You need to work on your hair, get the volume up, do all the fancy shit women do to it and get it looking thicker and healthier and you'll look way better. Your skin is fine, so not sure where the 50 is coming from other than the neglected hair.
I'm shrimply not interested in looking at spicebag's underage nudes because I'm not a criminal
>>37176501 kill yourself bnwo degen
hello what does
> dun dudun dun du dun du dun _ dun du dun du dun
>weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee woooooooo-ooooo
>css css css css css css css css
thank you i don’t think my friends are malicious, just don’t understand manmoding and because of it still think of me as my pretrans self. still shitting myself but im gonna try best thank you again <3
(also spice you pass stop posting)
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Yeah, I kinda expected other trannies or adjacent groups to insta clock me the moment I get red hair or any alt color but Ive had better luck with cis people in the UK, even the muslim ones.

ill swap back to a more natural dark brown or copper hair after my attention whore phase ends and see how easier I blend ig
I'm sorry, I fucked up the last line bc I'm on my phone :(
Everything will be ok
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Ordinary cis guy here.
Would I have any chance if I were to try?
Yeah I'm offended now
No sorry, too ordinary
Best we can do is 41%
There’s hot chicks in here I like to look at
Plus it’s nice to get some input besides the endless seething in ftmg.

>idkkkk somewhere between gigapass and super lucky cis femboy it’s kinda confusing to my wormy brain lol

This is one of my favorite replies I've ever gotten lol. Thanks! <3
you cant say this and not atleast tag the girls u find hot baka
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what sort of makeup should I wear?
Who's that?
kikes crave attention
"generate a stock photo of cisf, standing in a neighborhood, dandelions in foreground, dandelions out of focus"
does autisticsissy ring any bells?
True, lemme do that rq
These are all the girls I’d jork my it to
Where is sage, she’s my fav
Who's that?
you already look like a short haired girl lol. like pass better than azelf with similar hair if not on hrt that's crazy
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can I ask what it is and if I can change it or is it just me in general attempting to girlmode??
Who's that?
I'm joking you're alright, I mean no you can't ask
well looking at the poster in the background it seems to be the same person
phew made the list lmao
meant for
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fuck ya mudda that's me and I'm asking about makeup
That's day 1, I've done the color before it's a light natural pink in a month.
I'm way older then you think.
I don't like doing makeup. It's day 1 so it's like you got a massive sunburn, it ends up like 25% and it'll peel so the lines go away and the swelling goes down.
>I'm way older then you think.
You're older than 35?
Bich' Show that tits now! I am needing to see this!
You look great, id want to kiss you if I were attractive, and if you're worried about your skin just use tretinoin, if your a guy it makes you look gay as fuck but you're not one so it should work
I like your piercings. Does the septum hurt much more than nostrils?
Im about to sink my cock into your ass >;)
But I'm not on the list :(
can enbies post in this thread to see what they're clocked as?
how tf only 2 replies
This is a reply
Everyone just assumes I’m mtf
As if this is a shock lol
You’re so pretty, keep doing what you’re doing <3
I’m sorry anon
I love your hair + pass
Something to brighten your eyes - maybe curl eyelashes? Also nice smile + pass
Mask, can't tell
Sick hair
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ok ok... nb, 30. what would you clock me as?
Youre on my list now, pull those panties down and pull those kneesocks up, I'm going to call you mean names will I do stuff to your butt!
You’re very androgynous, so you don’t owe me anything, for one thing. I’d probably think you were a slightly masculine looking chick.
Id think your a cute girl
Oh and in this pic you look like your around 24 - 26
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does full body help look less gendered?
>Everyone just assumes I’m mtf
people probably just say that to be nice, you just look like a girl desu
Nope, you look even more like a cute girl, especially with that cat on your shirt
Prove it
disgusting, vapid, slam pig
all natural hag
it's ma'am
cringe fucker
solid woman very sturdy could take a punch with that bone structure. cute butch lesbian vibes. colorful woman.
would any day of the week m'lady
FUCK i am horny for some trans bussy
bitch you pretty as hell
dayumn lemme hit it
damn nice
how the fuck you look so young bitch?!
dorky af bruh
she that rottmaxxer that queen of trash that grunge nigga that depressed ass mo fucka
a bit too homo for me but maybe if drunk
lemme hit it before you end it
ight this thread is too hot
yes yes yes punch me in the fuckin mouth mommy
shiiiiiiit ima bust
dorky mo fuckin biiiiiiitch
no ty playa
bitch knows she fine as hell
hunter! when did you start T??
bruh get back to class
lesbian, butch variety
sup bitch how it do?
nice makeup bitch
he got that beautiful face making me feel gay af am i gay? fuck you nigga stop making me think about yo ass i aint gay
would tho
bitter lmao
now this the kind of slam pig you bring home to the parents
T hit that lower half lmao refine that top half to death my nigga you pretty but my god that lower half dude ah dude it aint over but you aint there yet playa damn sorry
would tho
dorky bitch
frumpy bitch
oi guvna ew 'avin a gab??
wife material
nerdy bitch
it's fucking ma'am why the fuck do people keep sirring me
filters and bad makeup?
hahahaha that hair
fuck this thread is long im bored already
maybe if drunk
Only a B&W one on the newer photo. The older photo is filterless <3

Whats wrong with my makeup :(
Okay faggot, get on your knees and spread your ass, you're going to moan for me like the girl you wish you were even when it hurts

>inb4 eyebrows

That doesn't count, and they're much better now. It's a complicated story lol
I liked it
bitch you sexy
idk experiment idiot
nice smile bitch
i aint gay i aint gay i aint gay
grow some tits
killin it bitch damn DAYUMN
them toes lol jk that tummy and those tits and those lips and those cheekbones and that hair biiiiiiitch you fine
boney faced would
hunter's mom or sister idk
pic on the right has that line of yellow or w/e blush or color correction idk maybe i am colorblind or fucked up on hallucinogens you don't know me bitch
come back to the trap thread
Omegajover ;-;
why do you look worse here?
Very very pretty. Mogs me
What’s your height, chest size etc?
do you autists not realize i posted an old pic of someone else?
my judgement stands firm no matter what you say lil bitch
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I got some more replies from Pichu. 1 of 3:

>so im going to try and reply to people as close to a cis perspective as i can manage. this means no "pass to cis, clocky to trans" im just going to imagine im cis and reply as such
pass and super pretty. its hard to pull off a cut like that and still look good when youre trans, so thats a testament to passing. and that top is so cute on you too
i maintain this is a good photo. this is not a loggable answer sorry :ȷ
torso looks narrow, face looks good, hair is very well-kept. i say pass, def
might rely on voice. i think everything else is like 90-95% there. your hair is gorg
this is one of my favest pics of you ever
still think youre adorable, im a big fan. not sure id say pass as a dude with that haircut but i love your look anyway. i will always miss the split hair and ill probably stop saying this within a month or so
androgynous from general face silhouette such as cheekbones and jaw. long hair and makeup means id assume youre a woman in public
the new hair is a big improvement. still want to see it not side-parted
please try not to argue with people :(
pass, youre pulling off the deep side part in a way trans women typically cannot do, so thats impressive
your brows could be cleaned up a little but its not crucial. im trying to find anything else to suggest and im failing
p much the same photos as before so ill just say i like the big glasses a bunch, and still envious of your hairline
patricia <333 you pull off that top so well
think ive said this before but top half of face gives "plain girl." chin is the biggest issue, idk if thats a dealbreaker. when you pluck your brows do you only pluck from the bottom? theyre a little low
there is no way you need help from this thread
another banger murderglare from my favorite mefmoder
you already know you pass
More from Pichu. 2 of 3:

you look better and better every post purple ngl. not seeing the Gerard Way looks in you anymore but thats fine, youre excelling. idr if i replied to you last week but you dont need a brow augmentation imo
holy shmo your face looks SO different with the super short hair. you look like a cis lesbian here lmao. are you actually just a cis woman??
mostly pass, something about face looks a little uncanny? i cant place it. is there a filter on this photo?
goals omg. easiest pass in the world
zoomed in photos are never good for accurately depicting face structure but ive seen your face enough elsewhere to say pass from general experience
i think you might be clockable by someone who tries hard to clock you but odds are nobody would have any reason to do so with your curves. so functional pass
i will be unfiltered and unbiased and note the chin as a standout feature. i guess that can be categorized as clocky to some degree if you want to log it. but everything else seems fine so idk how you want to write that down
girl. body changes are not to be expected at 2 months on E. be patient
bangs are a tremendous improvement. you look older, but in the sense that looking 24 is a really good thing.
i think you pass as a woman with a larger jaw. you could seek FFS for your jaw, but i do not necessarily think its worth it if you're ok with it
no pass here. your hair needs more structure and to grow out more. and give your body more time on E to develop. perhaps lose a little weight first and then start weight cycling from there
yep, pass, no notes. super pretty
not a useful pic except WAY too thick lipstick
im sorry, no pass. you should try to use less foundation, minimize your whole routine really. i also recommend a lash comb
i loved the crimson hair, dont love the fade
face passes though!
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Even more from Pichu. 3 of 3.

i dont think you have a boymode. i was gonna comment on the lips but i saw your posts later on that said itll peel and face to less intense so ok no worries there
individual parts are a little masc in strange places - chin, shoulders, brow, forehead, waist? - but as a whole i really think you just pass. its sorta weird. guess thats a good sign for all of us
maybe like 90% of the way there but your girlmode is honestly fine here. your friends sound like dicks. live your life, screw em
lis the cis woman with the "yes i work at Target yes i opened today no i do not have any energy between my shifts" hair. like the other anon said i think its the only thing you could possible improve
pre-hrt pass? you would be a cis lesbian in some woke visual novel game
oh something is afoot here
you pass better in pics taken by other people than you do in your own pics. thats peculiar but good. i would honestly go minimal with makeup. makeup inspo i want to recommend for you is early 2000s Jewel Staite, probably press shots for Firefly
id assume younger than 30, and id assume woman
still would assume woman
whats your agab, if you dont mind me asking?
i assume this was spicebag
my response: spicebag

busy thread today. good times. ill be back this weekend, miss you all
Thanks! <3

Maybe the lighting? Or light bouncing off the wood walls? Idk, I don't see what you're seeing but I am colorblind (in one eye) lol
Um 5'9 d cups 148lbs idk
I forgor to rate everyone so I do that now
I think you pass rn but ffs will b gud
Mostly Pass I think the only thing slightly clocky is jaw but I think if I didn't know you were trans I wouldn't be able to tell
Classique Pass
Pass but if you ever get ffs do jaw + chin
Pass breh
No Pass but if u wore anything feminine I think u would
Classique passoid
Classique passoid
Pass now but I'm sure u would look rly pretty with make up!
Classique passoid
Least unhinged MEF moder post (just wear make up retard)
Pass breh
Killing myself
No Pass
Better pictor but pass
No Pass
Um kinda Pass
Classique Pass
Yea u probably can Pass ez
Ye kinda Pass

I forgor I also had another picture I could use but will just skip
>holy shmo your face looks SO different with the super short hair. you look like a cis lesbian here lmao. are you actually just a cis woman??

Nope, 100% born male
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Twink death imminent. Prepare to use booty to full effect before touchdown.

Would spend a night with
Would spend a night with to ge a chance to grab those boobs

destroyed a perfect gay boy.

honestly cute sept the fake freckles

more pictures please

cute but I bet you have a MASSIVE head when you're not angle frauding

this is angle for thirsttrapping trap lovers

>Will rate in next post!
>never post again
morphine pupils, what you smoking dear girl

this is AGP. this is what AGP look like.

destroyed a cute boy to create a meh women

depressed dude



wow nearly passes in video. wow!


mardi who??? I thought you HAD ffs?????
Heroin eyes, totally bugged out. What you on sister?

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I guess /passgen/ is the new /chasergen/ because it's full of beautiful angels I need to be balls deep in right now. Pic not me of course, just another hottie I saved.
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holy shit youve been here for years. I stopped using this board for so long and remember you used to post in your work clothes a bunch a couple years go. anyway like I've always said pass but not conventionally attractive
I need to leave this board but I can’t.
i would say it's borderline but you pass. Solid twinkhon territory at least.
You have really pretty hair though.
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Bitter of what ?
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Late to another passgen and I don't have any new photos. Even closer to killing my self than last week. Should I post in cipgen instead since I'm still a few days away from hitting 1 year on HRT? I'll rate after breakfast.
Pass.ss angry and Native American Brave
Your face is completely dominated by your big nose
Surf's up dude!
This is.very close to passing You don't have the big typical male nose ..feminine lips... expression is very male
You look like a cross dresser who's not presently cross-dressed
why do you want to kill yourself? you pass extremely well, and it's not pity. you passed well even when you were acting positive and not suicidal. i thought you were like 3+ years on hrt.
can you post that photo of you sitting at a table again? from a few months ago. i want to compare then and now if you're willing.
God please stop
Congratulations you look like a real girl
In this picture you do look cross-dressed. You're pretty in the face but you have a typical male body
Shut the fuck up rapehon just stop talking go back to the other rapehons on twitter or whatever you stupid cringe fuck
The glasses accentuate your huge nose
Effort you might be able to pass in the face if you had rhinoplasty
You look like a very pretty boy. It's your expression which lets me know your male women just don't look like you do
You're cute. I've seen you post progress pics before and your cutening has been rapid. If you don't mind my saying so, I'd like to fill your bussy with my baby batter.
You're looking like a cute young guy now
You have a female looking expression.. you look like a butterface. You don't look like a man you just look like a homely looking woman
Very interesting look. You look like a woman, either a dyke or ftm, not yet on testosterone. I'm saying you pass as a woman but you look like you want to be a man
Pic looks phony
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Shut the fuck up rapehon just stop talking go back to the other rapehons on twitter or whatever you stupid cringe fuck
>>37176748 yes you could pass if you had ffs. You need rhinoplasty and some maxillofacial surgery
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If it's not this photo, I think you are mistaking me for someone else. This photo has from ~2 months ago and here I'm boymoding
You pass better than most of them because your expression is more like a female and you have a good looking female body. You have a butterface
You should buy basedgod double western bacon from the carls jr
I usually do
Yeppp that's the one, more recent than I thought though
Your boymode isn't a boymode, you just look like a lesbian
you pass pretty well .. most people don't know about transgender.. they wouldn't be able to tell...you are a butterface and it's mostly because you got a male nose
stfu pedo!!! you are a pest
oh do you live in puebla?
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Yes bro, and my dad is Hitler and my mom Margaret Tratcher
Wey hahahaha, yo tambien me di cuenta que es en México pero podria ser mas fácilmente cualquier estado del norte, Carls Jr aun no tiene mucha presencia en el centro y sur del pais
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bruh you don't look like that
Jaja. Que graciosos son los norteños
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Que se siente ser gobernada por el nene consentido ?
I look like that.
i look like him but i don't have sex because it is icky sorry but my large penis and ripped body isn't up for grabs i am sorry
JAJAJA. Gracias annonette, no me siento bien y esto me hizo reír. Necesitaba reírme:)
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Naci y creci en Chiapas, solo me vine a Mty para estudiar y pronto me ire al otro lado, solo que mi novio se ira primero por su jale
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I actually look like this
Espero que las cosas mejoren
What's a butterface?
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kys pedo
Living in Mexico is a valid reason to kys
kys nigger
I hate bdd passoids who keep whining about not passing while literally being unable to boymode due to passing so well. Just stop whining and start enjoying your life, you made it. Get out of 4chan, get in a therapist's office.
I like that pic of me, i didnt knew people save my photos
you look like a young guy
ive seen a lot of asian girls that look like you, pass but the photo is def a little uncanny
woman, idk what else to say
kinda leaning androgynous fem? maybe its the brows but you are really pretty
top right pic is a bit clocky but i would gender fem and not think twice about it
yeah its the chin :( your face would look amazing after ffs thou
do you just have a whr like that while on t or are those pants doing some heavy lifting in this photo? if 1, your body will pass easily
jaw is a little clocky but everything else is fine! would gender female
this is a really unflattering photo, makes it look like your torso is actually a rectangle. very clocky with the fem top, and id probably think you're a fem guy if you wore baggier clothing, sorry! weight cycling would probably help a lot with waist definition assuming your ribcage doesnt just do that
very pretty woman
world's worst photo
how is there shadow visible under all that makeup? also please dont do your hair like that. at least you're trying? could maybe pass depending on body shape
i always think that pic on the right makes you look like billie eilish, but yea, pass
your hair looks really unhealthy :( you do look like a woman but the fading red is so not it
sorry im really confused here, are you mtf boymoding with boobs like that??
your friends sound mean, you look like a woman in this photo
woman with really bad hair care
damn you look really good for 30. i would gender fem and think "oh shes trans"
cute, would gender fem. love your eyes
I will
You look like a pretty boy. Women never express themselves like you're doing strictly a male presence
You look like a butterface
You shouldn't post here if you don't even know how 4chan works, kys nigger
>do you just have a whr like that while on t or are those pants doing some heavy lifting in this photo? if 1, your body will pass easily
its the former, the sweatpants pretty much hug my hips, thanks btw
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Mmm thanks ?
i'll fight toji right here and now
devour his heart and gain his strength
are you using medroxyprogesterone? if yes, change your regimen, and avoid taking progestins, that shit makes you feel like that.
looks like you want to murder someone
I take pure estradiol valerate and cypro. I'm just misserable by default
You look despondent and angry
Schizo-styled is a hallmark of transfem fashion. Learn to dress like a regular hot girl instead of like an autistic teenager
Wow that jaw, sorry hon
Autistic style clothing and bad skincare but hormones are going great
Nails look amateur hour
Should’ve gone aggressive
Plus beard shadow and amateur makeup
Pass but go to tanning salon
You look demure but trans
You already pass
Literally anything but especially contour and bright eyeshadow
There’s no such thing as looking genderless, get help for your autism
Thick eyebrows, beard shadow and 0 jewelry

>>everyone else
Pass, pass, pass. Go touch grass and get laid.
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And here is me in all my honfidence
>just wear makeup
i am
>i swear you look better than this, your jaw/forehead are so prominent in this photo
this is the least anglefrauded picture i have posted
>i think you would have to work really hard to not look like a woman
but everyone says am clocky
NEW >>37179975
NEW >>37179975
NEW >>37179975
You are the prettiest hon
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this is my normal face
my body is shit bro I barely have any muscles and I work out all the time
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jvne respectfully asking, are you perchance autistic
>jvne respectfully asking, are you perchance autistic
I think retarded and stupid and self centered is probably the way.
Thanks <3 <3
>bitch you pretty as hell
>it aint over but you aint there yet
what do i take away from this
yeah i started doing skincare religiously when i was like 15 thank god
septum > labret > lobes > nostrils (painless to painful)
its my 6th day of work without washing ;_;
Remember: You're here forever.

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