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new passgen
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it's over
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I'm so sorry
come to england
leave texas or wherever you are
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*pats head* good dog
*grabs head* who's a good tranny?
he a chunky lil guy
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passes, also, thats a really cute outfit
that puppy passes as an absolute cutie!!
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I love passgen, the less I try the meaner it is to me
Not over
Clocky but looks feminine, you’re fine
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should i lose or gain weight

t. 19 5'5 2 months on e
i should have prob included info. but is the clockiness fixable with more time on hrt & ffs (im 8m on hrt rn)
For your bussy maybe. Or your dreams of NOT being kissed all over. Holy shit what a cutie.
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been a bit. no glasses today

it's not over
not sure
you got nothing to lose lol
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I'm now a mogger
Did you get FFS? Who did you go to?
pass you have omega hippa now sophie noiceee
i havent had any ffs, though i plan to get my brow done eventually
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not over silly ur cute
Older woman
So pretty ily pass
Bangs suit u well

Kms + you all pass to normies.
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Repost time I guess
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does my body pass?
clocky face but body passes
clocky but close
no pass
clocky, fix ur hair
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Didnt get feedback
Thats a man
Gain weight

Everyone else pass
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am I ready to waspmode yet?

all of you are very pretty humans and I would say you pass very well :)
happy actual friday passgen, will rate when more ppl post
>Gain weight
i feel like my thighs and waist are already too fat as is
>tfw I see these threads and always get so tempted to post a pic just to outmog everyone

Don't worry though, I don't feel like being that much of a dick
guess whos back
back again
Kassie's back
birthday fren
guesswhosback x 8

nice to see you again your as cute as ever

i hope you are well aside from dysphoria <3

hi azelf your hair starting to get a little longer again :)
I'm proud of you, pass
cope to the highest degree
You like having twink butt instead of woman hips?
hmm actually i like that one less than i thought lol here is a better one

sunlight is so harsh but it was a nice day
Hahaha I do that
i just want to be skinny i still have belly fat

dick slamming
You skipped me? Do I not pass or?
I’m >>37180098
if you get skipped in passgen i think it should go without saying why
you know why stop making it weird and just accept mercy when it is given to you
You'd think but not so

>t. Gymbro Trans man who's been on T for 14 years
this >>37180624
sure man you'll mog all 3 trans men that frequent passgen
Pass. You’re all valid and womanly. Fuck the patriarchy.
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no pass
lose probably being skinny is cute and fat doesn't help as much as people say unless you get super fat and it's best to just be cute and dress in ways which compliment your figure to pass better instead of worrying too much about body unless you're super lucky
obv pass
see above
you're really ugly imo but pass no offence
no pass
kinda clocky but just wear a push up bra and no one will notice enough to clock you
you didn't get feedback because you look like a crossdressing guy. if you're not on hrt get on it and get ffs and style your hair differently. maybe BA and better style too
obv pass
little clocky here. you usually pass to me though so I think it's just the pics and lighting.

really impressive you usually pass so well without hair showing helping the look
btw the reason you don't pass is midface+ jaw. if you get lip lift + jaw work done it will probably make you super fishy and pass
also maybe a nose job too
I want no mercy, I want to be told to my face that I don’t pass and that I’m a mannish freak
You are a mannish freak
oh more advice I think you will probably also need hair transplants. your hairline probably isn't fixable with just hairline lowering with ffs but I can't fully see it because hairstyle

there's the feedback you craved. go get your money up then try again
Imagine going everywhere with this gf on your arm and mogging all the super straights and femoids
yea i plan to get ffs. and part of that was lip lift & jaw (other stuff too though)
hopefully that can help, esp w/ midface
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question for repliers, how is my side profile? is it too masculine?
there was a video posted for me last thread, which i encourage referencing if you havent seen it: >>37170587
i feel like smiling reveals my manface and manjaw and manchin. still waiting for weight loss to fix my chubby face and under-chin fat. and then after i lose enough im going for FFS consultations

shut it, no SEEing today, it's not over
thank you, i feel blessed by the bee eater
got you last thread
body is kinda fem by default in a "shapeless = curvy" way. face im seeing male, and hair looks kind of unkempt which kinda leans towards standard-male-hygiene
actually im just gonna skip photos ive already replied to last thread or elsewhere
im sorry, no pass, the biggest standout to me is lips. im not sure what to do to make them less thin
face structure reads masc, and i think you could potentially find a more suitable hairstyle. i like your style and presentation otherwise, i think
think i got this photo before but pass, yeah
hi kassandra! missed you, hope youve been well!!
i agree with the other anon, i think the harsh lighting in the yellow pic is detracting overall, you look different than usual there. but the second pic passes as usual
forgot to mention this last thread but your body passes with flying colors

ok thx bbye
no, but you're pretty which helps
weight's fine
nope, with make up as a mid woman maybe
you're close
you have mousey features that are helping
not even close
no, decent effort
sure, some women have fridge bodies
not at all
YWNBAW, collect pollen stupid
Skinny twink with unkempt hair
I said no
Empty gestures don't help.
no, nice shirt/hair
it's not TOO masculine but your chin/jaw would definitely make me question if you have a dick if I saw your side irl, nothing terrible just if voice didn't pass perfectly or you're over 5'9 i'd probably piece it together
The chin is pretty pronounced otherwise it's fine.
But some women have big chins too, it just isn't a particularly attractive trait.
you look like a man with long hair, dress and boobs, but your face, you are not just ugly, but disgusting.
thank you for the feedback! fingers crossed continued weight loss continues to help, and if not it'll be a focus for FFS. appreciate the input a lot.
wtf i missed berry. how. you know you're still my hero and super cute and an easy pass
i tried to not just go easy on you and i actually don't know what to even say
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got a pimple between last night and today >:( want american opinions, feels like the first passgen is always nicer. as usual, not rating old passgen photos

girl with pretty eyes
lesbian girl
whatever you did in the last thread looked more fem imo (still pass)
would gender male but id love it if you punched me in the stomach
passes at this angle to me
need ffs but id gender female
wow youre really cute, need glasses like that
goodness gracious thats a rough angle, would still gender fem i think
tall woman
im really bad with side profiles but looks good to me, the video was very pretty
ty bb ily <3

please marry me. one of you have to say yes right??
should clarify, lesbian girl (do you want to choke me out)
You’re a hon with no vpn

pass + i think ur pretty <3 + marry me (pls)


idk how to gender you (which is not a bad thing for me), but you're also really pretty <3


before you kms pls fuck me
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I’m not even doing it this time ): >>37180888 it would you me if I was ):
gosh you look adorbs thanms lol yeah i chose a stupid angle maybe ill post another from yellow day

bless you miss )*

:)) <3


thanks yeah i shoulnt have posted that yellow lol i def look nicer in other ones

im dumb sometimes with angles bc i wana show more of my outfit i dont have a good full mirror
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Fuck you pasgen. I don't care if you think I pass or not. don't have big tits. I hate tits !!!
old pic i cant be assed
side profile is fine queen
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>opens passgen to seethe at hons
>everyone mogs tf out of me
fuck all of you.
Nice twigs
thx i grew them myself

t.curveless twinkhon
trannies are better than cis women
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another day another mogging
Cute. Why you in the hospital?
You were so fine before your psychotic break baka you should get a wig
VFS (glottoplasty)
I’m mogged so hard this is gonna be my 13th reason
Why don't you wash your hair retard. Go to a beauty shop get your eyebrows done. Get some femme glasses, or contacts, you weirdo.
the most uncanny mf i have ever seen, i know this gets repeated a lot but you genuinely look like a skinwalker
im gonna choose to believe you were grippysocking it up instead
post video playing guitar pls
my hair was washed the day before this, im too scared to get my eyebrows done, and these glasses were from the womens section
they did actually give me grippy socks lol
Rainbow GHOST OVERDRIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
I can read anybody on here who hasn't had rhinoplasty. The nose is the most gender dimorphic part of the body.
Males have bigger noses to breathe through bigger lungs. If you went through male puberty, you're going to have a bigger male nose.
It's usually noticeably bigger, sits in the middle of your face and screams "I'm a male, I'm a male!!"
Cis male who likes to have sex with women that look like women reporting in.
Pass, would fuck.
Pass but looks like a dyke, no fuck.
Pass, might fuck.
Pass but this looks like a mugshot of a 47 year old mother after they drown their kids in the tub.
Pass, don't think I'd fuck though.
You look like a cis girl I fucked a few times in high school only you don't have horrendous acne like she did.
Just looks like a 14 year old boy.
Ouch. You look like someone that used to be on SNL but got kicked off after it was discovered you raped a girl. Those dead eyes are completely severed from Monad's light.
You already know you pass. Wouldn't fuck though, sorry.
Boobs are a bit small and legs are a bit thin. But there's potential.
Learn how to crop your photos. No pass because fuck you. Also what the fuck is wrong with your legs?
Pass but you look like that chick from the incredibles, would not fuck and I am praying for any man that does.
You look like that girl that shot up the youtube headquarters mixed with a young Neil Breen. Not even sure what to say about this one, if I saw you I'd cross the street.
Pass, would fuck. Nice tits bitch.
Pass but you look like an annoying Jew, so would not fuck.
Pass, would engage in sex tourism with you if you were a poor prostitute in Thailand.
Looks like a cis girl I knew in high school. Pass but no fuck.
Just looks like an annoying Jew who posts on Twitter too often. Wouldn't fuck.
Don't have anything to contribute. Hope you get better soon.
WTF do you mean you're scared to have your eyebrows done? Make an appointment and have them done you idiot!
Get your hair styled, you look like a boy with long hair
>it's over
nuh uh
>can i speak to your manager
curvy but those brows
get ripped
the brows
bit of both
you look like a 4 foot tomboy
true suffering
do not take the wasp pill please you are a thicc goddess!!!
cis ye
little off
i guess
she a model
thicc af brows
i guess
>can i speak to your manager
how can i change that look ;_;
>the brows
Is that a no pass?
top right pass, rest look tran
you look serious and/or stern with your hands on your hips. maybe unsure of yourself in that pic? i can see your body fat and it's very womanly. cute haircut as well. relax your eyes and smile with the bottom of your eyes flexing up a bit. try not putting eyeliner on the bottom as well, idk.
more like a clocky
>more like a clocky
Yeah I figured, I'm getting FFS with Mardirossian next year so maybe he'll be able to fix my man face.
its weird because looking at face and shoulders all I can see is like a nerdy incel boy, but you look really short.
incels are usually shorter, and im 163cm
>legs are a bit thin
this pic is a bit old so it's better now lol. but thanks for the feedback :)
Actually, what FFS procedures would you recommend for me?
If they're thicker then I think you've hit the jackpot, girl. I'd give your hips a squeeze.
>man face
nah let me describe your face in detail a bit:
feminine hair, bandana, eyebrows/unibrow that needs trimming, it's unkempt. eyes and lashes feminine. nose bridge, nostrils, feminine. lips cupid bow mouth corners sag down with the cheeks into the three pointed chin/jaw combo. the overall shape is egg-oval, slightly square from the jaw points on the sides.
side profile pics or a video of you turning your head and stuff would be cool to analyze.
Here's a video, please let me know what you think - https://litter.catbox.moe/xx6wqq.mp4
yeah that's a woman idk what to tell you
you've clearly had FFS already, surgery face and hairline scar
if she's not happy she has every right to get a revision. but idk what she sees that's so masculine. to me it passes.
stuck in troon purgatory
Yes, I meant a revision, I’m not happy with the results. Going to Mardirossian this time since he’s the best in the world.
>surgery face
What do you mean by that?
At least your walls are cool
what does that even mean tho

i get uncanny but im no horror villain come on

im just a crippled old lady
I don't have a strict definition of it, I have a very low tolerance before something enters uncanny valley for me and makes me uncomfortable so brain just picks up "this person doesn't look human to me" and I know it's surgery. I think it's because I'm autistic, but going to LA or dating other trannies is really hard for me because of this unironically
she didnt specify revision so I was just saying that because she said she was going to get FFS in the future
i should have counted the number of times i told you that you pass... dunno why but everyone needs a hobby

>should i lose or gain weight
its mostly that your face and your body look like two different people, as well as your completely lifeless eyes
It’s over
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Showing off the guns, classic boy mode

Lots of work, clocky but people will want to date you
Girl but looks like ffs
Goat pass
Not a fellow boy
I'm not sure what I'm looking at but yes ma'am
Yes ma'am
So cute ahh
I'm just a girl in the world
I'm dying in 7 days aren't I
Better then cis
No pass but q lady
No but like certain things scream hot to my gay brain, certain things are clocky
Vanilla girl
Angel girl
can I suck your tis hey can I suck your tits hey can i suck your tis hey can i maybe suck your tits please please please please please can i suck your tits please please please
Your rack looks huge. Can you unsee them pls pls pls pls pls
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pass as cis woman with strong features
pass kind of

about 2 years hrt, ik my face is kind of long >.<
Would boop the snoot.
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All of the times I posted here I got the same advice of letting my hair grow. Thise pics were already kinda old and I've been letting it grow

No pass
No pass
Pass why are u so far away
No, you're good. You pass! I love ur hair
No, you pass
it isn't
ok kinda big nose but pass ig
young girl pass
like those glasses
Why did you skip me? :(
probably as you're dead, sorry ;__;
no, that's rough buddy
eh not really but ur body isn't the issue at least
lose weight (also no pass)
pass i think but it's hard to tell
no you aren't no pass
you still look like an underage boy
also no
ehhh not really but body doesn't really matter for passing, face and voice is (almost) all that does
bro u gotta be kidding me u look like a pedo crossdresser, how have you not been bullied out yet
pass (also die)
you look extremely eastern european, pass
pass but u look like a bogged reporter
pass, your side profile can't be judged without showing browbone
no pass
pass but i would avoid you at a party
you do in fact look like an estrogenized boy, but are still undeniably amab
how tf am i supposed to judge this pic
post a better pic im not rating this
look like a guy with very clear skin
visibly trans
also visibly trans
look kinda like a girl i used to go to school with
forgot to take trip off this time?
What do you think about my face makes it not pass? What surgery should I get?
Wasn't on purpose, I probably just didn't see it. Sorry
oh honey... your tripcode...
holy fuck im starstruck you are so fucking beautiful can you please smother me, id become a statistic for a chance
Mommy, but unironically
gib milkies
gib cummies
stroke my pp while I suckle
Okay me and my chad bf —finger ratio confirmed before u even ask— went through every single pic here and I asked him which ones he would “would.”
These are the results. This does not mean passing Altho to my eye most of u pass

I love panchinko btw
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yay new passgen, now i can know if i wanna kill myself or not for the next week
ngl andro but really, really attractive
protip: you shouldn't want to kill you fwiw
>tfw no cute SEE mexitran gf
Fucking gorgeous oh my god, what is your discord bbg
Meant to reply to you lol
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(Face Anonymized, but you can still identify the features necessary for assessment. )
Please go easy on me.
No you can’t
deranged. no pass due to schizo behavior.
Pretty eyes and hair I think, are you mtf?
god that jaw shape and the hair? are you even trying? you need neck surgery ET
pass as unhinged bitch
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Sorry! Here's a better pic. I was informed by my friend i need to rate at least 5 others as well. first time >'p'< (new emoticon i invented)
you remind me of a girl i had a crush on in middle school and dated for a day. you pass.
the glasses r very cute i think. pass.
you are a horror game character and pass
if i saw you independent of knowledge of what a boymoder is you would pass but i know what a boymoder is so i'd know i think y'know? sorry if that's mean.
you pass and should move to Europe you remind me of a European.

here's a better pic
no pass
Pass as creepy girl
I'm enby i think but i'm not entirely sure. i was told to post here as a femboy because it'd make people mad but now i feel kinda bad for wasting ur time. i don't want to show full face but u can rate this if you want. https://litter.catbox.moe/x6dray.jpg
Can’t see with that android ass photo but your hair looks dry and fried
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impromptu bus station selfie

legit passoid
zero male/clocky features
why do your glasses always look foggy?
as always pass when your hair grows back
pass and I like your outfit
body passes
pretty pass. honestly what I wish I looked like
better than mine
do you do this makeup specifically for passgen or what? anyway pass
could pass pretty well I think
people posting cis women to bait people into saying no pass

everyone else idk whatever
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i love attention
reflections mainly
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It’s not, pass
Slightly clockable but really hot
Slightly large chin but otherwise you are otherworldly pretty, it’s actually like insane, I pray could come close to looking like you
Wtf, schizo posting
Pass but that looks like a hospital gown
clocky but really hot, the bangs draw more attention to your strong jaw and chin so actually hurt your passing, grow out your hair past your shoulders and get rid of the bangs and you'll be a really hot woman with some masc features
Thanks for the advice! I’m going to do that
Hello here is your attention, hope you can get off to it cutie
What does body look like?
I wanna smack you around and fuck you in the ass.
I want you to be the mother of my children and I want to love you forever
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I rated already
Which rates were yours?
eeeeee3 bump
Looks like beard shadow, not quite passing but beautiful still
wow, easy pass
this passgen sucks and died super early. I guess fair trade for keeping passgen alive till monday last week
what do i have to do to be your boyfriend anon
bump (keep rating me pls)
we just need to keep bumping until the Europeans appear in 3h
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been a while
I didn't have breakfast. I still want to die. Time to rate.

Your nose and lips are the main things holding you back, but cute overall. Clocky pass.
Alo a todos mis maridos, brazos de 35.
Your chin is really bad. Also, that makeup doesn't compliment you. No pass.
Take better care of your hair, and do your eyebrows differently, however your body helps. Clocky pass.
Gain it
Pass as 45yo biker woman
You are so beautiful. I hate you. Pass.
Pass as femcel highschooler
I don't like you eyebrows and your nasolabial folds look wierd. Clocky.
No. Just no.
fucking disgusting
idk, your shoulder/hip ratio is not too bad but you are really big.
Fashion sense very fembrained, but your face is not good. No pass.
Pretty smile. Pass.
I had never seen you in the sunlight. No pass.
Without sunlight you look a little better.
Pass as Eatherl Cain with huge milkers.
Very pretty. I don't think your profile is masc, but you I like better how you look with glasses.
You are also very beautiful. Looks like you have a great personality and I love your sweater. I hate you. Pass.
Fix your eyebrows. No pass.
I don't love your makeup, but pass.
Pass as ED femcel.
I feel like I remember you but I hate this look. Clocky.
You look like a boy with long hair. No pass.
Please stop.
Your jaw is rough, but your makeup and is very normiecoded.
Pass as butch lesbian. (I'm still not asian).
I wish I looked like you. Pass.
Pretty nose. pretty eyes (it looks like you haven't slept in a week though). Not so good jaw and lips. Also your shoulders are very broad. Clocky.
very very very fem eyes. Do your makeup and you'll be fine.
I fucking hate you.
Pass as theyfab
Ffs could fix you. Clocky pass.
Pass as normal, uninteresting woman.

Today while taking my dog on a walk o got bit by something in the back of the neck and I've been feeling wierd since then. My left arm feels numb. I hope whatever got me is super venomous and that I die on my sleep.
You've got the right attitude
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I'm a cis man.

your body doesn't but your face does
nope, nice make up
not a face
not even close
I have AoE DoTs, don't try it
still no but this is closer than your other pics
no, decent eye make up tho
this is nothing
oh I see, no.
at a glance, not under scrutiny
hello passgen. not posting this week because I feel bad about myself and also everyone is starting to get a little too familiar with my face so maybe this will help that. will still be rating though, I feel like I owe that to yall for my 10-week streak of faceposting.

anglefrauded but still pass, you're very cute i love your eyes
obvs pass to cis ppl, face shape kinda clocky? but imo makes you look more like a distinctive looking cis woman than anything else
slight tiny bit clocky, looking at this hurt my neck
no clue about bodies but the shirt is very cute
yea pass, good to see the swelling's going down
you pass and also look cute. you have a slight boyish look? but not in a masculine way, more in the way that you look like a girl who had a treehouse and wrestled with boys as a kid.
the hair makes so much of a difference. 100% pass to me, cute and nerdy.
yeah pass, your style is growing on me too i don't hate your clothes anymore
yeah no, the hairstyle is fucking up any chances you'd otherwise have.
very slight tiny bit clocky? but still pass to most I think
yeah, like i said i'm clueless about bodies but even then, can't find anything strange or off about yours
very high potential for passing with less shit hair (and less harsh lighting). you look cute still.
cute, pass. you pull off the oversized glasses well.
omg hi i missed your posts. yeah the lighting here is insanely harsh.
pass here
body yes, face also yes but might be clockable if someone starts to properly transvestigate you. >>37180879
hi hello uhh i don't think your side profile is any more masc than your front profile. you obvs pass to me, even more so in the video. made me jealous of how small your cranial vault seems to be too. i try to be harsh on you bc you always seem to ask for that but i'm really bad at it.
People here will almost certaintly remember you for a very very long time. It's like they don't have anything better to do
cont'd. i'm still thinking about the anon from last time who said they'd want to be my friend. I have no clue who it was but they've been on my mind a lot for the past week. I think i'm also getting a bit more confident with my rates and talking to people here in general.

yes, though I think i'm seeing some beard shadow there maybe? also wipe down that TV it's filthy
yeah I think so. i keep saying this but *please* fix the rotation. all you need to do to fix it is to draw on it a little bit in the gallery, like set the highlight tool to minimum opacity and poke it once and then save. and then it bakes the rotation in and spares me the neck pain.
you look slightly filtered here
>the unsplash watermarks
didn't even try
yeah obvs pass, also i love your style a lot
yeah pass. cute nerd woman aesthetic.
pass, you look like an afab enby teenager lol
yeah though the 2010 webcam pic aesthetic makes it hard to tell
yeah pass here too. yall are making me want to get those kindsa overalls too but i'd look fucking gross in them lol
strong features but not in an especially clocky way. pass.
woah. pass.
wtf is this angle. but still pass i think
insanely pretty, the chin stands out but not as especially clocky imo.
yeah pass. good mousey features.
yeah pass. i think everyone here likes attention desu, though I'd wanna see someone who hates it make a post and see what happens.
kinda boyish, sorry. though I don't think you necessarily don't pass, just that the whole aesthetic of this pic kinda gives a boy vibe. and the hair, the hair is femboy-esque.
yeah, except for the beard shadow. get laser. you're ethereally pretty though.
yeah you pass. you look familiar somehow.
yeaah that's true, i'm mainly hoping to blur some ppls memories on some of the finer details desu.
Browsing passgen is my favorite form of self harm
Right?? The pain is so free! This thread used to be full of hons and now I want to die instead :DDD
I dont want to sound like an asshole but this thread is hitting reddit levels of hugboxing, I would say that like only 2 or 3 of you kinda pass.
You're a stupid brainwormed nigger.
Pretty average gen lads
Do better
Who won?
This pic easily>>37183099
alt timeline ezra miller who actually trooned instead of going crazy.
like in a good way
Ezra miller is already a beautiful non binary woman wtf ur talking about??
theyre right though, for 90% of these my instant reaction was "male"
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My parents are terfs and I wanna kms I'm genuinely so cooked
Would you be willing to point out which ones pass please? I am feeling hugboxxed here honestly and a reality check would be helpful.
fuck what your parents think. get on with your own life
Trying but I'm recovering from like 4 years of psychosis. At least I'm sober with a solid degree
i think a lot of cis women wouldnt fit the passing standards applied here desu. if you go outside enough you'll notice that a lot of women actually also have clocky qualities that this board would say outs them - when you combine that with people typically only posting their best pictures here, yeah, im going to think that a lot of the angles posted here pass.
you look ready to violate female boundaries and endanger children <33 and the sports!!
touch grass
You look exhausted and unkempt. I looked the same when I was eating 500 calories and consuming tons of nicotine.
me ^

The right/wrong frame can save or destroy your appearance
It was me >:)
Thanks anon, always good to know when people wanna fuck me
You pass too
Pass also you're very cute ily
You must be very pretty anon! My looks aren't hard to achieve either
Any suggestions?
Skipped me :(
At least people can't say I'm an anglefraud now .
Are you ok? Like are you safe? Is this code?
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It's Jojo-ever..
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7months hrt just switched to injections and started laser this week :p

pass to cis people
deranged poster
theyfab pass
no pass now but i think u can 100% pass
pass just looks cis
no pass right now but i think ygmi
pass u just look like your from the uk

i’ll rate more soon i have to do some chores
>you look familiar somehow
I used to post a lot years ago, maybe that's why
Then my brainworms died lol
Reminds me of a TV actress
new hat!
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please do not mentuion my huge pimple

ethereal twinkhon
pass in a way that u dont look like u would have a gaming setup / multiple monitors
standard issue twinkhon
your eyebows loooong , nd u have interesting features
pass and as autistic woman
standard issue twinkhon
How can I mention your pimple when your chin stands out way more???
probably pass really well with hair down and you have a super pretty ace, but neck and shoulders are masc enough that read male with it up, but if your voice is good definitely pass with hair up
so true how could i gorget
hair isnt quiteeeee long enough to obscure my shoulders yet but we're getting there
What is your age?
This thread is dead
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how's my big ogre mandmoder body
your profile is a little feminine I guess but your shoulders are really male enough. Vocaroo?
this board is dead
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Male, and I can't unsee your dick from all the movies you made,


male, dads can't be TERFS

Male, reaching twink death - the tattoos don't help.

male, but sort of cute

need to seed

dude LARPing


schizo probably psycho



male nice tits by the way. Can you milk them




male, r u in a hospital

cute female I guess

creepy pass






what happened to your hair?




super male

cute. those lips for duck sucking though

annoying male
female for smashing
depressed cross dressing male.

Lmao sure pal
It's one tattoo anon... i don't think you have the eyesight to properly assess anyone :/
>It's one tattoo anon... i don't think you have the eyesight to properly assess anyone :/
Nonsense you were rapeable once, but you've reached twink death. Please accept this and move on. Don't do self harm tattoos.
it's over
Set to one view darling
it's not
Well then there's something wrong with it
cant see it
oh... i had someone else's unsee in my clipboard
https://unsee cc/album#7JvSz1ljwd3B
cute body, face looks fine too
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it isn't self harm just coz you don't like them, anon
plus look at how fucking cool it is
thank you. i can't stand to look at myself, i don't know how others ever see something different
i like it a lot
Face kinda too far to judge properly but you look fine, definitely wouldn't think you're a dude
why are you half nude and your mom is standing there?
this bitch gets naked with her in the room wtf
i meant to write mom in there somewhere but I fumbled
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I’ll just sneak in here while it’s dead lol. That way I can feel like I participated :)
you're fucking amazing
Fuck you weren’t supposed to see that I messed up the crop lmao
Aw thank you <3
see what? I meant you
I want this cutie
i don't think it's over at all, you look pretty great
thanks <3
touch grass dude, it's the tattoo studio.
idk sis it looks like you're naked with your mom
I meant the post in general nerd, I posted it from my phone and it flipped.
whyd you reply to me then? I just think you resemble him is all I meant
To banter I guess? I got your reference. It was nothing too deep lol
my body is a machine that turns dead threads into threads continuously bumped by me
yeah and she's wearing black gloves just cause right
definitely not coz she just got done stabbing ink into my skin, where a shirt would clearly be in the way
ur blind dude.
Cool tattoo also I love your pupper
she's wearing black gloves because she's an older lady and likes to wear gloves to protect her delicate hands. just stop getting naked with her
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How is my transition going? Added 7 pics unlimited views 6 hours.
2.5 years hrt, next step is prog, ozempic and maybe pio
I got told yesterday that im not a woman and that i dont even try to be a woman.
cute with some bad angles imo. ffs recommended
thanks, it was super cute but it was theirs, not mine lol
i have 4 frogs
i like ur style too, bad bitch energy
are you from Ontario? you look like someone I knew as a kid but a girl

Id say more but I don't want to give up too much info if it is you
>ffs recommended
It’s over im gonna kms
I left the bad angles in on purpose
But i get told i look like people a fucking lot
Like sometimes people are legit shocked and confused even irl because i look exactly like someone they know
But i have literally never seen anyone that looks like me so its fucking weird
damn :( I miss him. I had long hair and he had a crush on me because we were kids and the first year we hung out he thought I was a girl. would be cool if he trooned out and we reconnected as girls
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yup, i'm thinking it's over
are those passes or?
you're thinking right, hon
If you know his first and last name and some family members maybe you could find him on Facebook?
he doesn't have a facebook unfortunately. I did try but he seems to be off social media
I think you’re pretty. But I would experiment with cuter clothes and finding your style. Also maybe laser hair removal as a start, and smile queen
Also I love your hair it’s gorgeous
>as a start
genuinely thinking she is super early trans despite being post ffs and like 4 yrs hrt is the worst thing imaginable
Damn I had no idea, she’s still pretty though. I didn’t mean for it to come off negative. I genuinely didn’t think before posting, I’m sorry
Cool hobbies
i'm sorrry, im bored, will you just tell me what you think of this photo?
you would probably pass to most cis people, esp if voice is good. u def look like a woman just have some mildly clocky traits
pass but maybe a lil tiny bit clocky
again definitely read you as a woman and you probably pass to most cis people. as another trans person tho i can see you are trans
i see 12yr old boy in this picture but i wouldn't be surprised if its just the photo and you pass irl
pass if ftm
u pass so well it kinda hurts
not a fan of ur makeup but ig u pass to cis people
imo you overdo your blush? Or somehow are making your face look more angular than it is. try more of a natural look and make your eyebrows thin af
cute! Ig i can vaguely tell you are trans but lets be real if i saw you irl id just vaguely wonder if you were trans before dismissing it as me being brainwormed and assuming every cis girl with even the slightest trans characteristic is trans. oh and ur side profile passes super well
u pass too well :/
ur very much on the line, i wanna say pass but i guess there's a chance u might not. ur hair looks great btw
goth pass
again prolly pass to most cis people
chin/midface is less than idea but honestly u pass quite well despite it
pass as boy except for boobs ig
pretty androgynous
somewhere between androgynous and clocky
you know you pass
pass as boy
nopass sorry
nopass sorry. give it more time
nopass sorry
nopass but ur side profile is great btw. honestly i feel like u would pass with laser and longer hair and boobs. im assuming ur very early hrt (<1yr)
ur hips arent bad. i think u would be fine with a bit more cleavage
unhealthily skinny makes your hands look way bigger and makes you look like a tranny. gain some weight
you posted this 9 seconds after i posted myself please do me too im sorry for having comically bad timing
you posted this 29 seconds before i posted this >>37195282 i'm sorry that i can't stop making mistakes
I'm a different person than that anon you asked about you're okay, don't feel too bad it's just a 4chan thread. please take care of yourself and don't be too hard on yourself.

oh i saw that and i was actually going to rate you too lol. was just waiting a bit to see if there was anyone else
anyways ur body passes v well. face is probably more important tho tbqh
Wow your super fucking cute. t.Straight bro
you are not straight lmao
Aw i wish you could find him someway
White pages?
im giving the prettiest girl in the thread award to you but maybe you have an unfair advantage because you posted a little video and that gives you more life but idc you are so beautiful your side profile is INSANE please do not listen to the people saying that you don't pass i don't know what planet they are on they're out of their minds
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.....No u
eat a cheeseburger
it's over anon
Are you hot and have a decent personality? lol, just kidding. Unless?
What are your letters
kys wtf is this
borderline but leaning towards passoid
no pass but ur cute
semi pass, also very cute
literally cant tell
pass as theyfab
no pass but ur also hot
damn i guess all the hot people are posting in the second half of passgen huh, also can't tell

>like 50% beautiful twinkhons
you love to see it
Is that a lightning scar tattoo ?
Its so fucking over
>Lmao sure pal
welcome back hat-chan did u get a new hat?
It's an abstract flow, it's up to the beholder what they see within
Another common interpretation has been veins, and one person saw roots, there's no wrong answer
Bi mtf :3
Same, wanna discord? We could at least be moots or friends if we don’t click that much
i need u
Sure pls :3
I'd happily storm the beaches of Taiwan with any of you fine gentlemen.
Post yours and I’ll add you. I have to head to bed so I’ll refresh for a bit. I don’t want to leave mine here and pass out on accident sorry
godd you're so fucking gorgeous
Fuck it I wanna sleep so gn, my discord is _babygore if anyone wants to be friends. If you’re weird I’m going to block you. Night anons and anonettes
dude you're talking to IS weird. I was the guy who originally flirted with you. He's just stole in there, anyway, good luck with the creep. Lol. Not sure why these creeps never start their own conversations.
Yeh bis are usually creepy af
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Im a girl dumbass

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