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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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How many beers does it take for /lgbt/ to get drunk ?
i don't like beer
What do you like ?
Pints? Maybe like six, if drunk means starting to get worse at pool and not better
What the fuck, you're insane. I don't think I've even had that much beer before. Like one 330ml beer is enough for me
Half a seagrams.
What's a SEAGRAM
I just drink a lot, bong culture innit. It’s better your way, cheaper to get drunk, and people actually aren’t really impressed

before transitioning i'd be tipsy after one pint of lager, fairly buzzed after two, properly drunk after three. nowadays it only really takes one to get me as drunk as i'm comfortable being in public as a woman, after two i'd be falling over. i prefer wine though, dry white wine is my drink of choice. that being said i'm trying to stop drinking rn, it's been like a month and a half since my last drink.
if it has to be alcohol, wine. if it doesn't have to be, ice tea or sparkling water with a fruit flavor
Don't drink casually

Last time I drank was for my 21st birthday in which I downed 720 ML of Rum, 360 ML ish of whiskey and then whatever frenet/vodka/beer I could find because I was trying to off myself.

I woke up the next day with vomit everywhere, legitimately the only time I've blacked out like that. I was still throwing up a full 24 hours afterwards. Didn't really stop feeling drunk for three days after that.
idk i dont feel super drunk i just feel a little weird and start putting things in my mouth after like 2 pitchers or some shots maybe
i will drink lots today hopefully with my frens
only like 2 beers but i can handle my liquor a lot better for some reason, i could be six shots deep and present before the un security counsel
I get a buzz from two 3,3 dl beers. Sometimes one. 4 is drunk. I think hrt has made me get drunk slightly easier but I was already a lightweight before.
don't drink very often
usually get a buzz off 1 beer and drunk off two
but i hate the taste of beer so much it'd never be my first choice
I hate wine, the tannins make me feel sick but I guess white wine is fine. Do you make ice tea with black tea ?
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About 8 pints and 8 shots of Jameson over the course of a night and I'm comfortably drunk, if i push it to 12 - 12 i will be regretting it but can still make it home alone a few more and i won't be making it home. I'm 6'4, 100kg though.
You probably damaged something in you, but anyways hope you are alright now atleast.
Are you a bear or a really big girl ?
>Do you make ice tea with black tea ?
i don't make it i just buy it
are you an anorexic midget, or how do you get drunk from that.
im a dude i don't really fit into bear territory i'm decently fit
I wish you could cuddle me when you are all drunk.
I'm NOT ANOREXIC OR A MIDGET I'm 185cm and 65kg, I'm asian though so I guess that's why ? Maybe idk
You're like a head taller than me, and it takes at least 2-3 0,5l beers for me to get somewhat buzzed.
Do you get this asian-flush thing? I had a korean friend who couldn't even casually drink cause he'd just turn red and feel uncomfortably warm.
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4-5 12oz beers at 5'3, these one shot thots on the thread are too economical baka
I will feel sick with that much beer, 1 liter is my absolute limit.
>asian-flush thing?
I don't think so, no one has commented me on it. My skin isn't that pale so maybe it's not that noticable.
I don't know, I usually just get 4 six packs and keep going until I fall asleep or drink it all up.

t. repper
Northern European women very often drink beer and can usually hold down a lot of it.
Dont they have a some genetic thing where they can't get drunk easily ?
Like, 1 beer. An actual pint gets me fucked up. Last time I went to a bar with my boyfriend and our friends I got kicked out because I drank like 2 pints, got shitfaced, got cut off, started drinking my boyfriend's beer, then started sipping on any beer left unattended, and at a certain point I just sat at a table and started puking all over my feet. I had to be basically carried out.
So yeah like 1 drink is good for me, I'm a lightweight with alcohol, to an extreme level.
blue-eyed people are more likely to carry a certain mutation that increases alcohol tolerance.
Just drink a shandy instead of beer, i get all my asian friends on them because they are lightweights
Did not know what the fuck a shandy is, googled it. Seems like a good idea, not sure a German bar is ganna serve it, but I'll keep that in mind for next time I'm at a normal bar. That said, while I get super fucked up I tend to somewhat keep up with the people around me. Especially with shots, fucking love shots. It's the carbonation in beer that tends to fuck me up and make me puke.
Omg twins!
I puked one time but that was because I had cigarettes I think but anyways after that I didn't drink too much ever again. I get pretty drunk off of like one pint so I don't go over that.
Yeahhh something like that, my boyfriend needs to drink like 2 40% 750ml bottles to get drunk it's insane.
i cant stand beer, but to get drunk i need like a 700ml wine bottle or 5 shots of whiskey
>not sure a German bar is ganna serve it,
Radler is the German version of it.

If its 3 and I am gone.
4 then someone prbly has to take care of me.
The Germans have another word for it but im not sure what it is. They mix wheat beer with lemonade instead of bitters or larger or whatever
>I puked one time
Yeah no I get absolutely trashed to the point of puking on my shoes or somebody else's shoes basically every time we all drink. I think my friend group has seen me puke and pass out drunk like 2 or 3 times now. And since I usually need help getting myself cleaned/changed due to being so drunk I'm not even sure who all of them have seen me basically naked. Though, in fairness, if they've been on here before they probably saw me naked back when I used to post nudes. And I dress fairly slutty in the first place, so I don't really give a fuck.
a lot of people are genuinely gonna judge you for drinking Radler, lol.
Men will judge other men for that
Oh, nice, so I CAN likely order this if I go back there. I'll have to remember that, thanks!
It is a weird choice for getting druk, at least for a man. But they are quite enjoyable in the summers to be honest.
Im an anxious person and always afraid of what other people will think of me so even that one time I puked in my own room I felt super embarrassed because my friends saw it, I tried cleaning everything drunk but I passed out ;-;
been drinking since 13/14 ish
i can usually feel it around 1 or 2 beer, but its usual for me to go into lectures and do homework like that
1-2 wine spread out over a day is usual, if i go too fast i do get honest to god drunk
I will say, at the very least, that I don't drink nearly as often as I used to. I used to have such an alcohol tolerance that I used to drink a bottle of vodka to myself in one sitting and still not get blackout drunk. Now getting drunk is actually slightly scary, since a shot or two too much takes it from drunk to blackout drunk. It's way too easy to pass that threshold now, so I'm a bit uneasy about drinking if my boyfriend isn't nearby.
what should i binge drink on, espresso martinis, mojitos, pancake shots, hjälp me
>actually preparing drinks for binge drinking
fembrained as fuck
50 xanax
one 500ml 4% beer is fine for me these days, i get slight buzz, from two id probably get noticeably drunk, but i dont drink alcohol because its a known potent carcinogenic
go smoke some dope instead, less unhealthy and more fun anyway, alc is for idiots and normies
the last time i had more than 2 pints of 7% cider i threw up and passed out on my bedroom floor
i'm not a small person either
idk how people survive massive binge drinking
I've never been drunk before but once I had ~300mL and I felt dizzy. But I don't drink now because I don't want to look older than I am or hurt my transition.
never drank before
like 4. i throw up and have trouble breathing after 6 drinks.
One beer on tap or 2 if it’s canned light beer
2 is probably more than I'm comfortable drinking in public especially if I haven't eat anything, which isn't unusual. I don't really like beer but I will drink it if everyone else is and to help my social anxiety
less than 2
instagram or telegram
but SEA
beer is nasty so i usually drink sweeter stuff like cider or some mixed drink. I'm quite lightweight so I usually get a little tipsy already after 1 or 2 drinks.

Altough one time me and my bestie drank an entire 700 ml bottle of jaeger together in one evening. The hangover was so bad.
2 cans and I'm drunk, 4 and I might not remember the night, 6 I'm obliterated
Beer is absolutely disgusting
Vodka is where it's at tho, last time I was drinking it took me 8 shots(50ml glasses) to get so drunk that standing was difficult
I like beer, its to hard for me to get drunk on beer, it would take like six, but i can only ever drink like two before im full. Its kinda why i stick to beer. Harder liquors much less, but its hard to find someone who knows how to make a good fruity hard drink. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>downed 1 litre + of spirits in a night
yeah no shit you blacked out
hopefully you dont have some latent organ failure
i used to be able to drink like 500ml of vodka without passing out at 180lbs, but after starting e i get tipsy after like 1 shot and i'd probably black out after 5
4 glasses of wine and i'm fucked.
Somedays half a beer,
Somedays half a bottle of Vodka.

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