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I love cis straight men
this thread again
Yeah, join the club buddy.
How am I supposed to think you didn't troon because of internalized homophobia when you're constantly making these threads
Straight men want boobs&pussy.
Straight men want ROCK HARD COCKS
Yes, their own.
it’s not my fault you can’t conceptualize the difference between man on man love vs man on tranny love
It's totally different
and we love you. keep the bussy coming girls
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They don't love you back lmfao.
(Unless you're biofem)
Is it wrong to troon out due to internalized homophobia? I got bullied DAILY for being a huge faggot, and now that I dress cute and take estrogen and act submissively, the bullying has STOPPED. I think that's a win!
no, that's why all do it and we are much happier being straight
>now that I'm no longer a victim of homophobia, I can be the homophobe and no one can stop me because I can hide behind my trans card!
I bet you are jealous they can date straight guys.
I love cis staight men, I love cis bi men, i love cis gay men, I love trans straight men, I love trans bi men, I hate faggots.
And now you get bullied for bey a tranny
some people are ok with you being trans
some people are not, yes, but some are, and that's better than having EVERYONE be against what you are
I love my straight boyfriend!
is this where you try to probe until you figure out what letter I am so you can come up with a suitable attack
>They don't love you back
Fact check: false
What letter are you?
who doesn't?
i WILL marry a cis straight man and adopt kids with him and we will be a cute cis straight couple <3
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that insecurity is insane
I won't make it easy for you
I love tranners back
t. cis straight man

(no I don't want you to penetrate me, I'll be doing all the penetration in the relationship)
>posts characters from THE anime lesbian series of the 2010's
straight girls have so many options why did you pick love live?
I love straight tranners
t. cis straight man
why is it insecure to not want to be with somebody that sees you as a man

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