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Why there are relatively few ftm chasers?
What do you mean? I would love to fuck an ftm in the vagina and get him pregnant repeatedly.
>ftm chaser
you have either guys with a detrans kink and want to fuck the tboy into submission or guys that wanted a tomboy gf who would peg them that also want the ftm to detransition
>t. the latter
2 types:

>Straight men with low standards
>Bisexual men who prefer men but also prefer vaginal over anal sex.
i'm guessing it's because ftm are just seen as men with less possibilities
nobody sees pooners as men
theres a few types
>desperate straight men
>Bi men who like vagina + masculine body
>lesbian who likes nonpassing ftms (will dump when he looks masculine like the straight man)
>cis straight woman who's into "cuntboys" (rare)
>straight woman with sexual trauma from cis men
>bi woman (like the bi man and straight woman)
Vast majority of straight men are "ftm chasers". They simply view them as spicy tomboys
I mean, you might not but that doesn't mean that others feel the same way.
The majority of chasers are pseudo chaser straight men but i've encountered all of the below at some point
penis=cool n epic
enlarged clits=gross and vomit inducing
They call themselves straight men
Because both regular females and real men are both better options
MtFs at least offer hope as incel practice gfs, but FtMs offer literally nothing
>MtFs at least offer hope as incel practice gfs
same goes for early-t ftms
I dated a pooner for a few years but only cuz he was pre-surgery. As soon as he got his tits removed I would have dumped him immediately. Not just because I like huge tits but I find the scars horrifically ugly and the very concept of the surgery in general to be abhorrent. If it helps, I feel the same way about breast implants, SRS, etc.
Femininity is higher value sexually
Society is phallus-obsessed
Huh? many men would bang pre t poons and ftfemboys
Even ftm twinks
>cis woman who's into "cuntboys" (rare)
But very much real owo
Female bodies are hot. Vaginas are gross.
A pooner is a vagina without a female body.
Because a FtM is just a gross, hairy woman with no tits. Why would anyone be into that?
>Bisexual men who prefer men but also prefer vaginal over anal sex.
oh hey that's me
something about a hole that doesn't have shit pass through it is appealing
GOD BLESS CUNTBOYS. TBOIS DESERVE CONSTANT WORSHIP. TOTAL BLIT SUCKTION. TOTAL TBOI ASSHOLE ABLITERATION. TOTAL TBOI TRANSITION. the cuntboy is objectively the best and purest lifeform. bless tbois and tboys and tmen and cuntboys and cuntmen. ban detransition.
>vaginas are gross

I love vaginas more than anything. They're beautiful and delicious.
Ya me too sorta but i do enjoy anal still. Theres something very faggotry about fucking an ftm up the ass.
I like to tell them "ur a proper fag now" once im all up in their ass. That usually makes them moan a lot.
I would chase them, if we play tag or something.
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I'll point out a reason I don't think I see posted much or at all:
Testosterone actually works.
An ftm on a decent dose of testosterone just turns into a man.
Chasers generally fetishize some level of androgyny, which mtfs have a lot of since testosterone is kind of a one-way street and estrogen isn't going to shrink your bones or make you sound high pitched or do too much to change you on its own beyond breast growth. So mtfs are more often than not going to look like a mix of male and female rather than just looking female.
For ftms they more often either just transition and look completely male or they hold off on actually taking a serious long term testosterone dose and stay femlae looking. So the people dating ftms are more often regular men and women who are either basically into dating a man or into dating a woman, not fetishists into a hybrid of male and female traits.
sure i guess, doesn't really matter for the argument, mtf aren't seen as woman by a ton of people and they still get a ton more chaser
this obliterates the brain of your average mtf tranny
>Bisexual men who prefer men but also prefer vaginal over anal sex.
I need him
>hybrid of male and female traits
Unless you've been on testosterone 5+ years, lift, and/or are a youngshit/luckshit, ftms are this
t. 2 years t cishon ftm

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