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I feel like I'm the only tranny who does not wan to be like an abused housewife, i just want a bf that I can butt heads with and act aggressive towards but in a playful way but he'd still be stronger than me and stuff..
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Yeah I think you are the only one
but why am i the only one..
>I'm the only tranny who does not wan to be like an abused housewife
cuz ur a man
me too, but being housewife also cool
yah it is i just want a different dynamic than my bf telling me to go make a sandwich or somethin
Not wanting beaten tradwife tg is fairly common when you stop being chronically on 4chan
Issou captcha is GAYG
yah but i dont really wanna be a boomerhon or catty weirdo or agp transbian either
that doesnt make any sense
This board is full of mentally ill fetishists, simple as.
i dunno it took me a while to feel like this and watchin stuff like kill la kill to even really consider it a real thing, you just mostly see stuff that encourages like independence and gettin a job or the whole submissive tradwife thing
Based mtf tomboy
kind of but i sorta hesitate to call myself that because idk tomboys nowadays just remind me of like repping pooners or somethin and i just wanna be a tomboy in a solidly girl way
i have a career i love & would never give up. i also want a husband & kids & also i don't want to be beaten because i'm sexually normal
39% man 56% woman and 5% microplastics trannysexual trannsexual
honestly i assume microplastics will just cause brain deterioration over time and eventually itll just cause dementia and then me and my husband will end our lives together so that we can be together in death
i want to be tomboy wife
im agp for ryuko
That dynamic you're describing is really fun. Especially putting her in her place while she still tries to act tough, but knowing shes so delicate that you have to do it in a playful way or else you'd probably hurt her lol.
i hope ill be able to experience it one day, but since im a tranny i kind of doubt it..

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