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I’ve determined that the massive push of puppy girl stuff into the trans community is 100% a psyop being pushed to weaken the trans community. It feels like an intentional move to rip transgirls away from being catgirls, cats being naturally independent and fierce predators, and instead force into their heads the dumb, everloving, obedience and neediness of puppies. The push of these sorta values have hit the mtf community like crack hit black communities in the 80s because it preys on transgirls need for love, affection and validation which naturally align well with the submissiveness inherent in being someone’s pet. Just how well this puppy shit was designed to prey on transgirls would be commendable if it weren’t so insidious.
Trans people, especially transwomen, need to understand that this puppy shit is not just a fun thing to larp in threads or vc but rather an existential threat to trans liberation and independence. this stuff internalises itself within trans brains and works to make submission, a lack of rights, and obedience to “”superiors”” seem natural and even rewarding. By doing this puppyshit you expose yourself to a worldview which will make you actively want to be someone else’s property, to not have a life or legacy of your own, to just be content with life as someone’s plaything.
Honestly this shit is so insidious and so hard to fight against as it really can become addicting and affect your overall mindset but it is imperative that we don’t give in and allow whatever power that’s pushing this shit to so effectively make us the tools of our own submission.
but gf petting me feel so good.......... srry im giving in...... fuck optics
arf :3
op has never scritchscratched a cute barking puppygirl while laying in bed together and it obvious shows
its not like a top down thing pushed by any individual person. It's a behavior encouraged by those predatory twitter circles eager to manipulate people so they can fuck and feed their own egos, puppygirling is just like an icon, its a signifier of social belonging and from that people are identified and picked at by these circles. Theres a difference between a fetish that remains in the bedroom and one that expands to encompass your normal everyday life, this is one that does the latter and that alone should be alarming. It's fun until it isn't, not being a moral puritan here, just saying that fetishes can be used by manipulative people to mold your behavior.
this isnt an optics issue this is a basic level of dignity issue. are you really fine just allowing yourself to be someone else's pet? does debasing yourself for their approval really feel fufilling?
wouidnt you prefer to meow? you could still do cute stuff but you'd also be independent and proud?
yeah, i havent ever expereinced this stuff irl and thats a good thing. the online puppybrainrot is already strong af irl the effect of encountering it irl scares me
happy someone else sees how crazy this all is and how its going to end up affecting people adversely
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>are you really fine just allowing yourself to be someone else's pet? does debasing yourself for their approval really feel fufilling?
it makes me feel like im high when i listen to her and she says im goodso yes sorry haters...//..
>this isnt an optics issue this is a basic level of dignity issue. are you really fine just allowing yourself to be someone else's pet? does debasing yourself for their approval really feel fufilling?
stop i can only get so horny
i guess for some its already too late, i wish you luck
this is literally how they get to you, turn back for your own sake
Being psyopped is kinda hottt >_<
its not about dignity alone, Its about the fact that the masochism you have towards this is not at all realistic, you only feel it for a short while when you're horny and then it fades away. Manipulative people are not going to stop there, they enjoy fucking your life up and seeing you miserable even when you're not feeling it, thats the general route these things tend to go. If you browse through bdsm subreddits and shit you'll see people talking about this sort of thing, theres a healthy level and then there's the level where you get used and your entire perspective on love and boundaries gets assfucked until you dont know which way is up and which is down.
dont worry anon nothing on the internet is real.
i am the master of my own destiny, faggot
>i guess for some its already too late, i wish you luck
i can stop whenever i want idiot!!!!! f u.... u just wouldnt understand dummy
Can i get a sheep moder gf? Shaving someone while they bah sounds hot and cute
call me what you want but im not wrong.
okay addict
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im not addicted u cant be addicted to being a puppygirl. BAKA.
woof woof I'm a dumb doggy ^,..,^
You type like a cutter. Now go take your meds fag.
you can and are, im sorry
mfer i dont cut myself that shit leaves scars that''d make me less pretty
ok dumb puppy
its the objectively best psyop to come from this board (granted all the others have been terrible)
but its also working
mfer im not a fucking puppy
the best bad psyop is still bad
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why does the sound of a dog clicker feel soooooo nice?
>mfer im not a fucking puppy
you really make this way too easy
that video is a hazard dont listen to it
so confident despite literally no success lmao
>so confident despite literally no success
thats YOU lol
>you can and are, im sorry
well whatever put me in rehab then FUCK U idiot....... i'd rather be in a kennel rn then posting in this stupid thread
oh jee, i sure do wonder who brought the plague of puppyposting upon us, care to give us a reminder? also it’s not like this is something that takes over the life of a healthy person. i’m entirely normal and rather successful and i just happen to enjoy my bf putting a collar on me. it isn’t a threat to my autonomy, it’s a kink
im a hon incel, i would give anything to feel genuine love and connection, including my individuality
>the best bad psyop is still bad
the best psyop is the one where everyone wins
and if im happy then : )
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I hated puppy stuff when I first came across it here.
But over time it has quickly grown on me. This shit is either a super effective psyop or basically an infohazard.
It is too late for me. Save yourselves.
same desu but my gf got me into it
literally projection on your part
you say this but you keep responding to me, are you that desperate for attention?
>wonder who
it is a true mystery.
>a threat to my autonomy
keep telling yourself that when youre being given ocommands and made to debase yourself for your partners amusement
except the only winner is the person in control, thousands of poor transwoman are losing their will to suceed and be independent cause of this shit
i wish you luck fallen sister
nope, none of that itt. this is the opposite type of thread for the mindwarping clicker bullshit
i prefer being a catgirl but only because i hate dogs, in any other way i just want to submit to my owner
yeah well sucks to be those guys, I've always been a proud kittymoder
it does suck to be me as a matter of fact
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arf arf arf!!! :3
pointing and laughing at your post as we speak, haha teehee
cats are independent, wanting to submit to an owner is cringe pupbrained bullshit
based keep it up
I will, but not because you told me to ;3
you'll never be one of us btw
thats not nice!
well have you considered being less easy to laugh at? what about that, huh?
Can't puppymoders and kittymoders be friends and play together?
oh anon, you know what they say about cats and dogs...
it really is obviously a psyop to make trans people weak
just look at the stuff they make
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Friends forever?
my kill sound in tf2 is a clicker, its kinda over

>losing their will to suceed and be independent
i never had it to begin with :/

thats what i said, but i never got a good answer for the meaningful difference
kinda fucked up, also ive nuttwd to this, ty anon exactly what i love *arf* *arf*
not really what I was getting at... but sure, fine, friends forever
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Yay! An end to all wars!
stop being mean or i might cry
>It feels like an intentional move to rip transgirls away from being catgirls, cats being naturally independent and fierce predators, and instead force into their heads the dumb, everloving, obedience and neediness of puppies
have you never owned a cat theyre fucking stupid too, wanting to be like someones pet cat stems from like the exact same thing ur onto nothing
Too long didn’t read just put the fries in the bag and that’ll be to go
does sissification and puppgirl lead to white slavery?
what, right here? right in front of all the other anons? how embarrassing... I guess I can be a little nicer, just to avoid a mess like that
sorry ma'am...
i pretended to be a dog and wanted someone to act as my owner since i was in first grade

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