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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Steel Reserve, 211, 40 oz edition
QOTT: whatchu know about that?
prev: >>37199610
stop posting frogs and anime girls
stop posting
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nigga, this is four troonz. we post frogs and jap 'toons
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make me
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What I wished I looked like delivering pizzas.
>nooo pepeposters aren't all /pol/scum
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im not a racist. im a race realist
>BBC won
>twp lost
erm, aryansisters...?
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prolly tons
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this is what it loks like iside the mind of an itnernet brainrot
prolly nothing
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how old is too old to jerk off to hentai manga online free in your childhood bedroom?
hiii~i methschizo =^.^=
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crystal meth castles is my favorite
wendys frosty save me from this stupid tranny chungus life and thread
I’m finally out of Repgen
Am I going to make it? Probably not?
But I’m marrying my pooner bf and I’ll be fucked if I’m not gonna wear a dress when marrying him
this is what me and my ex where drinking the night we fucked and I lost my virginity so it has a special place in my heart
reminds me of her :(
Not Trans but seeing the 40oz steel instantly made me think of the worst morning breath I’ve ever had and the worst my own sweat has ever smelled
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im the creepy rapehon that pauses on videos of women dancing to look at their underwear
i had unprotected sex with a tranny i met on discord
based steeler
based but that means you're not a real manmoder
I can’t imagine a more rancid smell than steel and sex
oh god you have no idea, it gets so nasty once its warm... her fucking little quivering pink asshole balances out every nasty smell in the universe thought
>want to change gender on birth certificate
>born in Florida
It’s never been more joever
It’s not even in the bottle when it’s the worst, it’s when it gives you the sweats and the liquor shits. God damn I do not miss college.
>change birth certificate
also literally me in the picture
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im a legally nonbinary manmoder and i regret it
or i guess enbycopers are different than manmoders?
I think about legally changing gender and name all the time. But it would just cause too much confusion probably.
i'm almost there gonna get my shit legalized soon
I want cis lesbians to comment on my euphoria boners, I'm sure they appreciate trans women wagging their tail at being feminine
another great thread. thanks fellas.
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I am LITERALLY a tranime lesbian!!!!! trans btw
this sucks bro
i hate being ugly and i cannot have sex with my body. too male. eh. eh.
Suddenly I feel like the universe is in perfect harmony when I think of teenage pooners wanting to put gay dick in their boypussy.
why does not my dysphoria go away?
i thought if you repp hard enough it will just go away
am i supposed to be mad abt my body forever?
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i want to be an anime lesbian so bad bros
worried i have mental illness
Seems like I can’t leave manmoding yet
No balls etc
But I will be leaving it eventually
Maybe I won’t girlmode or something but I won’t be a manmoder either
I figured out my identity crisis shit. My jealousy of youngshits and midshits continues but not without understanding that their trauma and mine are different. I couldn’t have known I was trans when they learned. That’s fine. I was different and nobody could say why. But I guess now I don’t even care about it. I don’t wanna remember a life that wasn’t mine.
Manmoding today as well. Went to the store without tying up my hair. It didn’t go well, since they got in the way more than once. I looked like shit and I need a proper haircut so they don’t fucking get in my face all the time. Yet an other social obstacle, get a good cut without feeling shame.
It is so insane how some people just girlmode the minute they feel like they can, even pre-hrt and I struggle to get laser and shit.
im really fucking malebrained and no it's not a joke
tbf i am not waiting to die, at least not fully
i am waiting to die inside more so i feel less dysphoria
the world is stranger and more incomprehensible to me with each passing second
Same ;__;
And even if i could learn to accept it (or magically got a good body) i’m practically a virgin at my advanced age… nobody would want an ugly old shit with an shit boring personality being inexperienced and avoidant
i'm nothing my nigga, i was never here, i'm on my non-existential shit
i want to become homosexual for hot sexy penises but most men aren't cute like women except pyrocynical and f1nn and leafyishere
what can i do? i hate women, love penises, and think men look ugly. most trannies are unpassing and ugly, too. and the cute ones don't want me
>what can i do?
you should rope, that is what you should do cowboy
can i cuddle with you in bed but upside down with my face in your balls? i NEED this PLEASE
why my balls
im masc4masc
On 4 January 2024, B-1B (85-0085) assigned to Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota crashed while attempting to land at the installation while on a training mission. At the time of the crash, visibility was poor and temperatures freezing. The four aircrew on board ejected safely.
i hate therians i hate systems i hate estrogenised manchildren
im an unemployed estromale
im an estroployed unmale
i don't care that you broke your elbow
Unironically if I were a rapehon that liked to choke people I’d have some interested in me…
I don’t understand people
can i move to sweden? i don't like my mom's new boyfriend
how do you feel about autistic drug abusers?
what kinda drugs? where are you from? sounds comfy and I need chems
My stupid estrogen pellet implant is running low dropped from like 230pg/ml to 120 pg/ml in a month and will probs drop to mega hondose levels soon.

I can't get it replaced for like 3-4 months at least untill my next round of blood tests

Fuck I need more estrogen aaaaaaah fucking doctors
I'm gonna stick my gock inside a lesbian's vagina
i want to cut off my galls
i really need to pay my gills
should i just forget about trying to get with straight men and just date gay men if hrt did nothing to me?
no i don't want further competition
Sweden is a shithole
ive never seen this many niggers in one area
Culturally diverse areas are the best. And it's not even close. You're a loser lol.
lol real went there in 2019 and it was full of niggers, muslims and indians
drinkin a tallboy. not really into it.
I'm the only white person here, stockholm has been overrun by NIGGERS and PAKIS
i liked sweden when i visited. same with denmark. i bet j*** did not even speak the language lol
Get injections babe tf is a pellet
You are probably mixed with something desu you dont look aryan at all
how to avoid suicide?
i feel like shit and i cannot function
dysphoria is really stubborn
yeah lemme learn this shitty language for the 3 weeks i'll be here
100% white(based)
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Perhaps a little bit of mongol contaminated your gene pool, your eyes are too chinky
Fucking gross. Steel reserve is garbage. The aftertaste is ass, i can not stomach that trash.
'ate june
luv durian
simple as
im eating so much i soon will be too fat to kms
hope that helps
ugly people tend to stick together
i wish.. always had an asian fetish
Lol ive never been attracted to asians. They remind of the pixar movie Bugs Life
no agents
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Bugs life released when I was 16 and already deep into the asian fetish.. Maybe that's why it never occured to me
The nigga can’t orgasm if he successfully blocked his puberty
Thank god thats not me!
i would rather not be able to orgasm but not hate my body as much
i like durian
i hate durian
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waiting for my emotions to get reduced again and for the head pain to stop and feel good again for like 1-3 days and then start hurting again and repeat
You say that but we all know its not true
Cumming is a basic adult human function like breathing and eating
Also starting this young ensures you will never have enough *tissue* down there to reconstruct into a neovag.
Its all fucked up
Truhuss develop anorexia at a young age when we notice our bones growing so puberty isnt too bad
i do not want to smoke cigs but my head hurts
waiting for the shawarma store to open to stuff my fat face for the week
i've gone years at a time without cumming and i could do it again. i'd take the trade in a heartbeat
i hope i will feel good when i wake up tomorrow
i hate everyone, i wish i could murder people
I am quite fond of durian.
i hate you

https://unsee cc/album#0MWZ8qTu0FLA
who's dat?
have you tried snus or nasal snuff?
does anyone know which city durian is from btw?
no one important
looking cute tho and mogs me
that's a relief
as you can see, unsee is extremely reliable
still would if i were into women
fuck you larry. you win. i'm not posting here again if you just want to make me miserable.

if you just search for "rkun" on archived moe you can see that i'm just a terminally online manmoder with severe brainrot. i don't do anything mean to anyone.
i'm saving this tripcode even though i never plan to post on here again now- anyone with a different trip or without a tripcode is just rkun trying to make me seem like a horrible person. i don't claim to be an angel but i'm just annoying and unlikeable, i'm not like larry.
mogs me
*is just larry trying to make me seem like a horrible person
it is fine fella, everyone makes mistakes,stop using a name, use a secure trip, also unsee is trash, is took me less than 3 minutes to screenshot it and remove the watermarks.. like wtf is even the point? annoy mobile users lol
june and larry are annoying
durian is alright
i can't tell if i'm horribly ugly and i'll never make it or if i have a weird mix or dysmorphia and dysphoria making it hard to see things clearly.

i think it's best if i do the ocd treatment thing of living with the uncertainty. i wont be honfident since i wont arrogantly believe i have potential, i'll just choose not to think about it until i've actually had ffs.

this board doesn't help me get any certainty on the questions plaguing my mind, and reddit wouldn't either. i really just need to see a therapist and stay offline for a long time.
if that's your picture you actually look quite good (just general facial features, but also in terms of feminisation)
t. gay man
why am i so annoying?
i promise i wont ever post on here again. i'll just yap to my therapist about the stuff on my mind.

you win
my therapist did not want to treat me anymore and threw me out
are you sure about that?
most likely my ocd made my psychotically obsess over my desire to know if i'll ever look decent in the future. i literally sit in front of my computer for 8 hours doing nothing but browsing this board sometimes.

i'm unwell. that's the honest truth. and i wont bother you again.
i can't ever trip or post unsees here again, that's for sure. if i have questions about my progress transpassing or the tttt subreddits will be better.
so you just made this one last thread?
also i got bored of you so you are safe to post here
My family knows I'm a tranny now, Pandora's box is open
did the thread got deleted lol
>my therapist did not want to treat me anymore and threw me out
That's crazy, how did that happen?
he does not like diy and thinks i should just try harder
Have you tried medication? I've been on Prozac for a while and it's a lot more manageable now, it's not totally gone but OCD and anxiety aren't ruining my life anymore, I'd lose hours and hours to it and avoid doing things I wanted to do
been on fluoxetine since january and it helped. i think cyproterone along with ineffective oral estradiol is what made me relapse into my ocd behaviors. my estradiol levels are only 2/3 of the minimum recommended by the diy hrt wiki.
can you see this reply?
prozac kinda worked for me also but i dropped it after like a month or two i think, i do not trust meds
Nobody answer.
did larry get banned?
it is all your fault, i hate my body, i hate my life, i hate you, i want to kms, i hate everything, all of this is so unfair, ahhhhhh
larry and rkun both need therapy

You should take your pills sublingually, you might feel better, that's what I've been doing but I'm changing to injections in like a week
Yeah I don't really totally trust it either but I got really desperate, my life was basically being ruined by untreated issues and I needed to do something. I'd just sit around obsessing and freaking out over things, avoiding doing things, and my baseline state was just tension to where if I felt a little relaxed it was out of the norm and noticeable and didn't last long
unfortunately my pills aren't hemihydrate so i can't. i swallow 4mg during the morning and 4mg before sleeping. i'm switching to injections if my astrovials order arrives. if that doesn't work i'm switching to gel through imago.
fuck off, therapy can't fix my body, that is my only main issue
i suck (swallow and more)
I drive
what can i even do to make my life bearable?
remember this tripcode. i hope i'll never use it again but i'm saving it so you'll know that any user without this exact trip claiming to be me is just larry.
stop being romanian
actually nvm. i am going to use this one because it is extra secure. remember this one. anyone with another trip is not me, that includes the trip above.
fuck off larry, you've already won
fuck off larry, you just broke my not secure trip, i am so lucky to have this secure one though
it's an insecure trip I'll have it cracked and be shitposting as you tomorrow
you need to lurk moar before you use 4chan
oh nvm I didn't scroll up to see what happened lmao
yes, i figured it out, that is why i have this secure one now, anybody with another trip is not me
the other secure one is larry faking being me
you ever just realize the date is like a full week different than what you thought?
>larry the gypsy
>acts like a gypsy
i understand europeans hate for gypsies now
i will leave this place now and stay in therapy for my ocd and go to reddit if i need help with the surgeries
bye and i hope i never come here again, also do not forget that anyone else with a different trip than this is an impersonator.
i cannot do that
wdym i am not a gypsy, can you fix my life pls? i am miserable and i cannot function..
sometimes I don't realize what month it is until I have to scramble to pay rent again
I need a job and friends or just some kind of consistent interaction with the world that isn't this shithole but it's all I can manage to wake up every day and sit around shitposting instead of killing myself or just falling into a depressive coma

every time I think I'm doing better it seems like I brush up against the real world and other people and get set back by years again, whether that's professionally or socially or whatever and it just completely kills all my momentum - I don't have enough years of life left to be able to recover from that again, it's just too much, so I'm done with people and trying and letting the world drift by and forget about me again until I can't and that alone is killing me because I know it's not what I want but I'm too afraid and hurt to pursue what I do want anymore
ok, fuck it. i wont use a trip if i post here anymore. i wont even use a name. i'll just ask simple questions about hrt and i'll only post photos on reddit because 4chan doesn't help ease any of my worries. i'll just live with the uncertainty.

i wont have a trip anymore and i wont go by "rkun". i'm not getting anything out of this anyway.
you can become anhero
leave already, you bozo
wont you get sad if i kms?
rkun, dont take anything larry says into heart, they are one of the most pathetic people alive

i will miss you man, i am crying so hard rn, gl, be sure to make a good knot before you rope, you do not want to become a vegetable
>most pathetic people alive
also i can't believe that you won't get sad for me :'(
in 3 years rkun will be a socially adjusted 5'5 wormfree twinkhon mogging all of us and you're the one responsible because you scared them away larry
With that male personality i guarantee that will never happen lol
in 3 years, they will be dead underground decaying, they are ngmi
because larry, you make up lies about those who arent that bad off to try and pull them down
so? what i am even supposed to do? die?
well if you are incapable of not being toxic
then yes
>try to click on /lgbt/
>accidentally click on /hm/
>takes me 20 minutes to notice
im german btw
i am only toxic if i am miserable, i am really nice when i feel good but i can t stop being miserable since i hate my body and i can t die either
you can die
hmm yes, I agree brain, today is a great today to wake up sobbing over girls
sadly i cannot, othwerwise i would have been gone by now
i am here to haunt you forever
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shall i move there?
you can also just stop posting
also larry, you dont haunt me
im living a better life than you ever could
damn, I pay like $100 USD more to at least have big windows and a microwave and kitchen sink and stuff...
i pay 500 euros per month to live with my mom and her monthly changing boyfriends
I just don't understand why someone would go out of their way to spend time with and make plans to or say they want to do a bunch of things with someone, and keep gushing about traits they have that they like, and outright say things like I really like you and spending time with you, if they didn't actually mean it
i pay $1200 a month to live in a tool shed in some guy's yard
>im living a better life than you ever could
that is not really an achievement and does not mean much desu
you can kill me with kindness
why did she hate me
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I be doing this shit rn, luckily I'm bottoming so it's pretty chill
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i did that to a guy once, i just rly wanted a boyfriend and something to look forward to but i wasn't into him much at all. not everyone is as desperate as i was but i think some people get caught up in the idea of a partner and gush for a bit without stopping to consider if it's a good idea or if they believe the things coming out of their mouth. idk your sitch though
you're a piece of shit and I'll be happy to see your next mental breakdown
what kind of man would be attracted to a manmoder
why wouldn't she just say she hated me from the start
>bee is actually an asshole being fake nice
wow, what a surprise
he had a small weird nasty dick so he deserved it desu
cut me some slack i was young stupid and lonely, ofc i recognize it's evil behavior. even at the time i said sorry and cried to him and he was just experimenting anyways so he got over it quickly
I don't care dawg
the chick still losing it over today had a string of broken boys behind her just like me (well hopefully not repressing or trooning out just like me) and she did not learn anything from those experiences or what she did to me
things like you don't change
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just tried to girlmode in public for the first time, went out alone to a park and walked about for 10 minutes until a junkie started screaming "tranny" and saying how he’d stab me and other nonsense so I ran back to my car and now I’m home crying. guess i’m here forever so I love you guys I just really want a hug right now though
happens to the best of us
do not be fooled by cheap imitations
i've only had three boyfriends i'm not some serial heartbreaker, i'm too ugly for that anyways. the emotions of starting college and actually being able to pursue relationships with men made me do dumb things i'm not proud of, i literally learned from it and never prematurely lovebombed again. i was distraught when it was all said and done for acting like that. making a mistake doesn't mean someone has no humility for life...
i once saw a dead dog on the side of the road. that sight filled me with passion and desire so i got a rock hard boner, my monster cock got activated.
then, i got near poor old dead Sparky and i started ravaging his asshole, man, i cummed so hard in that dead slut, i got some maggots on my dick also, dang it, to hell with that maggot infested dead bitch but it was so worth it sisters.
im 2 years hrt too and waiting so long make me feel like more of a failure. I’d try again if this literally doesn’t prove my family and friends right for me being against me girlmoding iwnbaw
I just hate everyone, why can't people be honest
did i tell you that i love poop?
call the fucking pigs next time, hopefully they'll shoot the fucker
I wish I was a normal BPD who fell in and out of love really quickly instead of falling in love as soon as I meet someone then not being able to let go of them for decades
I wish I was a BPD passoid youngshit and not a permamanmoder
I wish I was a normal tranny who just worried about things like girlmoding and passing
Police officers save poor crackhead from ugly masculine woke annoying tranny. It sadly had to be shot down, at least it no longer suffer.
>hair on my hands
>hair on my knuckles
>hair on my feet
>hair on my nose
>hair in my nose
Once a homeless man reached into my skirt as i was smoking in the junkie park and grabbed my balls.
it’s the uk they’d arrest me for not passing well enough in a public space. im trying not to take it seriously as he was yelling at everyone who walked by but I feel defeated
I get homeless people calling me tranny and shit just when I'm out in manmode
some guy at a park showed me his erect penis and told me to suck it
was pretty big
oh sorry, I didn't realize you were literally in hell, good luck escaping
Where will the mmg manmoders be in 5 years? Any predictions?
eastern europe is worse
Euphoria bomer amirite
I used to go for walks around the city during covid and the 60 year old meth dealer took me under his wing so nobody would fuck with me
Steve and i would walk around trinity park with his arm behind me as junkies came up for a fix
dead, i hope i am dead too but i doubt, i will probably still be alive suffering
it is very great here, wdym
did you fuck?
nothing ever happens
nothing will change
we'll still be alive and living the exact same lives as we do right now
Ew no lol i just liked seeing how the homeless and street people were experiencing the pandemic while the rest of the world was locked up and refusing to leave the house
On pride weekend since there was no parade they gathered in barbara park and danced
I miss that time in my life kek
thank you I hope to move to a nicer area in england maybe or get out the uk altogether eventually. i wish i could move to one of those magical places where people don’t care about trannies roaming about
getting my removed (either in surgery or with a gun)
how to not murder someone? how do i resist the temptation?
another fakemoder
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this time 5 years ago I was a repressing NEET getting blown off by "friends" going on a camping trip together they lied to me about with a girl I later fell in love with and inadvertently ended up coming close to ruining the lives of everyone involved, spending all day fapping to self-insert futa and lesbian porn and games, and lurking places like agpgen and repgen to try and decide if I should kill myself or try HRT based on what other desperate and disenfranchised people were trying
now I have tits and a body that feels like mine and don't doubt myself or what I am and I don't waste all day on porn so instead I just endlessly consoom media and doomscroll but I'm more neurotic and anxious and heartbroken than ever and only managed to hold a job for a few years and also everything is REAL now when I could just dissociate it all away before

my current prediction is that I will be sitting in this same exact busted chair in this same piece of shit jail cell of an apartment probably working another remote job that lets me barely scrape by but doesn't let me save up enough to move to a better place or do anything with my life and probably still obstinately manmoding no matter what else I do to "transition" and I'll just be fatter and more wrinkly and grayer and more isolated and insane
fuck off to mtfg, hon
I literally am having a breakdown because I messed up my one attempt at girlmoding. Im back to manmoding forever
see >>37213097
why the fuck are you in this thread loser
desu if it does not get better soon, probably in prison
Is this alcoholiday or someone else
Moved to the west coast with my boyfriend hopefully
I hate everyone so much
it is strangely validating to not have people pissed off when I post my face
that means it really is over
happiness is a lie
stop that fuck this place is just a vehicle for self-harm, the whole label is, I didn't mean for that but it should have been obvious what it would become when I started using the word just because I didn't want to call myself a "boymoder" as a balding 30 year old man
i wish i could kms so so much
yes it is im sorry im just having a bad time im sorry im being annoying i’ll be quiet now
it probably thinks it is coming across as "commiserating" with us
i assure you i will be dead long before then
Don’t be sorry pretty girl i’m sorry the loser in the park was mean <3
no one else understands what it's like, I don't want to talk to randoms who pass much better than me, who just say passing is overrated or whatever
i had no illusions before starting HRT, i knew what i was getting into, but it's still disappointing
>i had no illusions before starting HRT, i knew what i was getting into, but it's still disappointing
I wish people could just be honest with each other
not sure if you're referring to me but i posted my face plenty of times in this general and elsewhere, i'm the one with short hair
nobody is referring to you you self-absorbed retard
I wish people were more careful with each other's feelings
dog i hate being retarded. my mom asked me to go do a simple task and i immediately forgot and it took me and entire hour to remember what it was.
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this is the timeline I exist in
how could I not be insane?
troll response
I wish anyone cared
I fucking hate everyone
>hair on my shoulders
>hair on my chest
>hair on my back
c'est over
>hair on my butthole
it wasn't a response to anything. i was not reading the thread. i'm actually disabled.
But this is also sad. its not funny that society hates feminine men so much that people are pushed into repressing into old age until they snap
if i have to read
>i'm the one with short hair
one more time i stg i'm filtering it. take a name so my job is easier actually. your posts are ASININE, and that's coming from a retard
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come on it's at least a little funny, just like it's at least a little funny that the same people most committed to that hate and harassment of people who don't conform are coming together under a cult to systematically eliminate trannies or shove them back into the closet
what are you implying here? that i am unjustly calling myself a manmoder?
Woah hold your horses pal
Systematically eliminate trannies ? how would this be possible ?
>coming together under a cult to systematically eliminate trannies or shove them back into the closet
You are reffering to the people behind Project 2025 right
Yeah the plan sounds evil but how would that ever come into fruition
idc abt the manmoder-boymoder distinction i just think you're super annoying. get some new material instead of the same braindead posts
>but how would that ever come into fruition
ever wonder how people feel like you? why do you feel like you have the right to tell people they're annoying here?
I’m ignorant on the topic and i’m not speaking with any authority here
The trump administration doesn’t have any incentive to eliminate trannies, we are cash cows and great for the economy
people are free to filter me, i'm just asking for the same courtesy :)
feel about you*
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turning 40 soon
for anyone who's not OBVIOUSLY and BLATANTLY concern trolling about project 2025 and genuinely doesn't understand the problem, just fucking google it then look at the UK and the cass report (same individual who was behind florida's HRT bans using the same pseudoscientific appeal tactics) and understand the overlap between these things and the heritage foundation's influence and connections with other right-wing and anti-trans organizations throughout the west and elsewhere
Trannies are cash cows and great for the economy
You have thousands of mentally ill men willing to collectively spend millions on achieving a dream that doesnt exist
Its like the Wizard of Oz
im 27
im masc4masc
same uwu
Literally why i am not trolling
I am a 100% supporter of hrt
I literally do not believe you
Why does anonymous think anyone who doesn’t agree with him is trolling or le ‘fucking with him’ or a far-right nazi terf who hates non-conformity
Project 2025 is some nasty hateful shit. but if you are scared of trump ‘taking your rights’ you are an extremist that needs to come back to reality and realize that government is a business
heh sucks to be you. that'll never happen to me.
funny how I literally never said anything about trump and he went to the stereotypical concern troll ines
I fucking hate politics exactly because of this shit, people will argue all day over literal empty rhetoric and whoever "wins" is just whoever presents the most crowd-pleasing delivery on their statements
I dont concern troll i am genuine
I may say some hateful shit in this general but i am never nice just to be secretly mean
Most people who are nervous about P25 are due to the chance of the trump government taking power
Except with dakota. I used to pretend she was my waifu as a joke. i’m sorry dakota i was more immature then bbg
>right-wingers worldwide actively push to privatize and restrict access to healthcare
>"le heccin' business bro chill out n smoke weed brooo"
coworker take
do you just like not know the state of rights for trans people in about half of the US right now? you have to be actively ignorant or trolling to think whatever administration or effective figurehead CEO of the regime/corporation we get, if they are amenable or can be made amenable to this already-active and instituted agenda that is itself directed and created by the people responsible for the shared boilerplate legal efforts to restrict trans rights already in place, does not represent an active threat to rights to basic things like HRT and the fakemoders above talking about birth certificates and gender markers
bullied out of mmg
such is life
purple drapes
'ate fakemoders
luv truemoders
simple as
There is a thing called moving to a blue state
In cali the government will even but you plastic surgery if you are a hon and have low income insurance
I'm in a blue state, and I'm fucking lucky, what the fuck does that have to do with you pretending this isn't happening? you think everyone can just uproot their lives and families? fuck off you unsympathetic weak troll
sorry no you're right nah bro it's cool, you're just persona non grata and have no human rights in half of your own country (literally it is in the agenda and many active legal battles right now to ensure it is impossible for it to be illegal to discriminate against and harass us)

dumb sack of shit
I am not unsympathetic
I think america is fucking HUGE and each state being exactly the same would be stupid, because people vary so much depending on location
Imagine all of western europe was governed the same, it wouldn’t work
you really think it's good for it to be illegal to have access to hormones in some places, but not others? just because of the relative municipal entities' relative count and scale?
oh my god are you a lolbertarian
I think if hateful people are in power and force you out of your home in must be awful to be displaced
But hateful people exist and we can’t stop it, we have to work around it
that doesn't justify or have anything to do with your arguments thus far
are you literally chatgpt
how hard did I take the bait today
it is nothing other than what it is
>they're not going to take away your rights
>okay it's not a big deal that they're already taking away your rights
you're not even trying
How doesn’t it relate
you asked if i think its good for hrt to be illegal in some states but not all
I said no and clarified that in america you even have the option to pick and leave if you are forced to
what colloidal silver does to an mfer
hate to tell you this bro but most americans are poor as shit and can't afford to uproot their lives without becoming homeless
99% of these bills aren’t passed, republicans try to pass dumb shit all the tine
I am playing along with your hypothetical, i dont think anyones rights are at risk
Do you also thing women are losing their rights with the abortion laws? lmao
you are colossally stupid and I sincerely regret replying to you even once

look at the ones that ARE passed you FUCKING RETARD
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Fellas this is what happens when you watch too much news with your parents as a kid
>it isn't going to happen
>ok well it's not happening now
>ok well it's not that bad that it's happening right now
completely braindead
what is it like being so gaslit you try to gaslight your own kind? I cannot fathom
and I'm just so fucking jaded and cynical wary and so hypercritical of all these wannabe left alex joneses and whatnot that it makes it really hard to trust anything at face value or take any of the information presented strictly on good faith, I try to look at sources and consider everything really critically in terms of who's presenting it and why and how (and there are obvious trends in one side being more critical-thought friendly), but yeah when you see enough of evidence of this happening in realtime to people sharing the same particular condition in the same pattern we've seen throughout history against minority demographics in general it's enough to make a completely fucking checked-out cowardly fencesitter very firmly pick a "side" (not authoritarian submissive trash with no spine or willpower) and start getting real fucking uppity over it

I hate it
I fucking hate politics
it's so gay and team sports-y and cheerleadery for most people including the politicians and financial power holders/feudal lords themselves, and the more I learn about it the more it just seems like it's authoritarians fighting for their right to assert their control over your life vs people who are like no and I hate seeing anything in black and white terms and I see so much exploitation in every facet of these interactions but there's this real fucking thread down the middle of the same old conflict
So i checked
Out of the 44 transgender related bills that have been passed this year in the states, most of them are due to not including leftist politics in educational curriculums
These are your rights that are being “taken away “ across the united states
go drink some ivermectin
like it's right there, I don't know who you think you're fooling, or maybe you've just spent too much time listening to your chosen political authority figure that you've forgotten how to actually parse through and dig into more layers of information
>zero (0) leftist representation in 'murican legislature
>somehow at fault for the right wing making life worse
walk me through this one. what imaginary leftist politics are you talking about?
The worst one i see of the healthcare / civil rights laws prevent doctors from prescribing HRT to minors in South Carolina
You can order it online.
it is strictly against my better judgement that I have any sympathy or feel such empathy for my "fellow human beings" but even from a strictly self-serving standpoint, they're already going after adult healthcare at every angle they can in these same places (including the UK) and it's only a matter of time with some already in legal battles and state funding restrictions that have resulted in adults losing access to their hormones
what fucking "leftist politics" do you mean you fucking schizo? unironically go back to /pol/ you're too stupid to be trying to have this conversation

>You can order it online.
bro, you've moved the goalpost to another fucking continent
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Ive never been to pol, i wasnt a teenage boy on 4chan growing up
>leftist politics
what are you and why are you ITT? you're obviously not trans and don't have any sympathy for trans people or minorities
i'm a lyrical miracle spiritual individual
Just leave the weirdo righties till November. Then laugh at them then as they cope and seethe after getting demolished in the election.
I am one of the few trannies in this general who actually manmodes, MEDS
hey quick question what do you think postsecondary education means
College and university right?
what exactly is leftist about grown adults paying money to learn about systems of oppression within the context of academic sociology?
is recognizing that injustice has existed throughout history intrinsically leftist?
>is recognizing that injustice has existed throughout history intrinsically leftist?
he believes that yes, it unironically is, because it didn't happen or is a twisting of the truth - like all authoritarian bootlickers with no capability for critical thought
restricting tranny healthcare is based actually because jr high social studies class is cringe
I went to university for fashion design (kek) (dropped out) and woke politics were infested in the curriculum
I had a prof in first year go on a 30 minute rant about how “oppressed” he is because he is gay and jewish, lmao
Politics should be absent from courses where they don’t apply and where they do, they should present multiple theories so students have a well rounded access to information
everything is politics retard it came free with 7 thousand years of civilization
well I don't like it fuck you I hate it just like sexual dimorphism I'm returning it I want to talk to life's manager
it's all so gay and retarded
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it is ever but what it could not have ever not been
/mmg/ ended homophobia AND antisemitism?! holy shit! maybe this is a good place to end the general for good.

see you over at >>>/lgbt/mtfg everybody!
>both-sidesing basic human rights
concern troll, intentional or not
>Politics are black and white because i have a low iq and can’t see past my own radicalized opinions
I love you anonymous
you didn't my questions btw
>trans people having access to HRT is a basic human right is a radicalized opinion
damn, you just keep digging deeper, it's almost impressive
EDIT: thanks for the gold kind stranger :)
Every adult in the states has access to hrt, you are scared of a boogeyman
updogs to the left
you are being so disingenuous it hurts and being very transparent in avoiding saying that you don't think minors should have access to HRT, or why you believe that

you're a fucking pathetic dude
I hate authoritarians. Hrt should not be illegal. It also shouldn’t be illegal to refuse the medication if there isn’t a diagnosis. Authoritarianism works both ways
hrt should be available otc
full stop
you bootlickers are all the same, every single fucking one of you
this but unironically
this but with extreme sincerity and an intent to violently enforce this access
hrt stealth bomber when?
bee 17 bawmber
dropping estro nvkes
manmoding at uni fucking sucks i'm going to kill myself in front of everyone
imagine manmoding in a warehouse
i'd rather be at uni
>too retarded for amazon warehouse gig
it's over
also too regarded for mcdonal
No thanks
I like a guy i can call handsome without wanting to kill himself
Minors will get hrt if they really want it
No i dont think doctors should give little boys puberty blockers and estrogen because it sterilizes them and makes it so they cant orgasm or use their genitals as adults
And because at 12 you can’t consent to sterilization, i don’t believe 12 year olds have the capacity to consent that young.
you don't deserve the air you breathe and you have zero empathy for trans people
I am trans idiot
Arguably more than you because i was actually feminine as a kid, so much so that i couldn’t repress it
changes nothing about my statement whatsoever, you're trash and I'll happily walk over your useless corpse to get rights for trans youth after you get what you deserve for being a pickme piece of shit
Why do leftists call people pick me when they don’t parrot propaganda from cnn
>minors should have access to hormones is now propaganda from cnn
why do rightists accuse "leftists" of a shallow projection of their own world view
You can string as many words as you want together it doesn’t make sense
The fact that children even feel the NEED to transition is heartbreaking and a sad reflection of the misandry in our culture
you're really not even trying
I am being genuine
You are too unintelligent and autistic to see that this comes from a place of concern and not hatred
>kids wanting to transition is just misandry
>anything pro-trans is "propaganda"
>leftist leftist leftist
you are parroting textbook anti-trans propaganda, the shit literally handed out to people paid to spread these sentiments and use it to fuel the current power grab occurring

fuck off you're fucking disgusting whether you're doing this deliberately or not
This isn’t a game of basketball between right and left, i am not picking sides
My opinions are my own. everyone who knows me knows that i am loving and genuine
I care about trans kids thats why i don’t want them to make decisions they will regret at a young age

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