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>tfw tranny
>tfw love living very rural
Where in the fuck am i supposed to live?
i'm in alaska
maybe vermont, or upstate new york or something. I like upstate a lot
canada probably
Also i would really like to be within a hour to a decent city
New york is cucked you can barely carry a gun
Washington obviously
california, specifically the central valley or near mt shasta. mt shasta if you like hunting, central valley if you want to live on a farm
Bleak and awful place, of course you would like it
i grew up in anaheim and hate living in rural or semi rural places like mohave county, az
i'm just listing the only place i have significant experience in. you might like the mountains of eugene, or. my nana used to live there and feed the woodland creatures
Aren’t there tons of restrictions there? You can’t even drive a car without a catalytic converter there
Any of the Canadian provinces in the east, try New Brunswick.
don't know, i don't have a license. what i do know is that others must pump your gas because many years ago a politician had his son die by doing it wrong iirc
Nowhere with large amounts of niggers
How hard is it for a American to move there? I heard canada is expensive as fuck. The snow is really appealing but can i still carry my .357?
>oi where is your gas pumpin loicense??!!
Lmao you need to be dead if you’re so stupid you can’t even pump gas without dying
I want to find a place with a bunch of fags and alternative stuff but no niggers
>The snow is really appealing but can i still carry my .357?
no, just move to one of the three northern New England states. If you wanted to take a Canadian vacation then New Brunswick is only a couple hours drive anyway.
>I want to find a place with a bunch of fags and alternative stuff but no niggers
Vermont mentioned
I thought Vermont was completely empty and nobody lives there? I have never met anyone from Vermont
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You need to move to beautiful historic Rockwood, Tennessee.
That looks awful and they hate trannies there
Fucking hate Tennessee
For southeast im looking at ashville
>t. flatlander
New England. You can live in the middle of nowhere in Maine or Vermont for pretty reasonable prices
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If you think Asheville is any better than Knoxville/Johnson Shitty, you're out of your mind. Living anywhere south of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River will have you wishing you were never born.
I live in the mountains
How far would i be from a cool city though? And aren’t mosquitoes awful there?
Aren’t there supposed to be a ton of fags in ashville ?
>fags in asheville
if fags = tranny prostitutes and depressed NEETs that want to kill themselves.
I guess there's the occasional workfromhomefag that made it big out west and migrated to Asheville for "Le nature"
if you have a problem with mosquitos, prepare to be raped by them in Asheville.
In Maine there are a handful of cool cities that you can locate near while still being in a very rural area.
Never noticed this when I visited Portland but if you're in the middle of nowhere there's going to be bugs anonette. Are you sure you actually love the rural life and not just an idealistic notion of being off the grid and self sufficient? If you can't handle bugs it might not be for you
>New york is cucked you can barely carry a gun
i think it's better upstate for gun laws but then you'd have to live upstate
living in or near the city it's kinda impossible. i would need to leave the state entirely if i want to own a gun

>I want to find a place with a bunch of fags and alternative stuff but no niggers
pacific northwest unironically. i miss washington, high key regret moving to new york from there
how do you die pumping gas
>Lmao you need to be dead if you’re so stupid you can’t even pump gas without dying
i mean if people "need to be dead" trannies are pretty high up on that list
Nah im super rural i was just told mosquitoes are way worse in new england than the south somehow
I hate diaper trannies
What about Vermont? Can you be close to cool cities but still rural?
Die chuddy
you're missing out on low income taxes, pretty nature, favorable tranny laws, looser gun laws, and a decently strong economy
i fucking miss washington. i really wanna get out of new york lol

idk if you can get rural and full of fags, the best you can do might be rural and local government and neighbors don't hate me
>others need to be dead for natural selection reasons
>b-but not me
fuck off
Vermont is beautiful. A lot of the time the cities nearby are going to be in NH/NY/MA though, I think Burlington is the only big one. Though there are some cute small towns
Why do you want to be rural but also close to a city?
Wouldn't it make more sense as a gay person to live in a city with access to parks and hiking trails and stuff?
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You stupid soi cuck faggot fuck you.
You are retarded.
No i don’t want faggot city “hiking” trails if im going to go hiking i go in the middle of nowhere in the mountains
I want to live within 45 minutes of a city so i can actually have a job and go to faggot bars and music shows
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Vermont has 2 much light pollution i need to see the solar system
Yeah well im also missing out on aids so that’s good.
I wanted rural but within 30-40 miles of a city that is full of fags
No natural selection. Trannies are the peak
nevada is awesome for me
you want to live in Frederick MD and commute 1hrish to DC or maybe less if you work in VA/MD and then drive up 1hr the other direction to my county and hike the appalachian trail. Amtrak and MARC take 2-3hrs but will cover you for your weekend appalachian needs.
>drives 45 minutes to a bar
>has to illegally drive home drunk or pay out the ass to have an Uber drive 45 minutes
Suburban living sucks for fags and trannies. You don't have a family, stop larping as le red pilled city escaper and live in the pod where you belong faggot
Good thing mine would be rural not suburban you tard
Cities give you zero freedom you disgusting parasite
Might look into that thanks
Doesn’t Alaska hate trannies? Also there is literally nothing to do there
Any good place you would recommend in Vermont? Im heavily considering moving there from the south because i love snow ;-;
Its hard leaving everything behind though ;-;
>Yeah well im also missing out on aids so that’s good.
you're gonna get that in literally every city that's full of fags
everything you think is wrong with seattle you're gonna find in every city
especially the east coast. cities there are full of blacks and they aren't safe at night either

>I wanted rural but within 30-40 miles of a city that is full of fags
i don't know if that's possible
like the other anons are saying you're probably gonna be stuck with an hour or so commute to work

>calls others parasites
>wants to live near a city for economic value because you can't get a job elsewhere
30-40 miles equals a hour
And no i want to live near a city to have things to do lmao
upstate michigan? it's cold and rural and there are still like four university towns so not too much risk of getting hatecrimed. try houghton or marquette or sault ste. marie or somewhere like that
To many shieeeeets
>30-40 miles equals a hour
in a dense area with a lot of traffic yeah, but wouldn't 30-40 miles would go by faster in a rural area since there's much less traffic

idk my perception is probably skewed since i spend a lot of time in big cities due to my job
in my head 30 miles away from a city is still the suburbs and rural doesn't start until you're like 100 miles away at least since that was the case for me
but i'm talking about really big cities like nyc or seattle

>And no i want to live near a city to have things to do lmao
i just want to live in a suburb that's safe for a tranny
idk abt ur experience but i lived in the central UP for fifteen years and only ever met one black person who actually lived there
new hampshire
Is NH better than VT?
The only people I personally know who went to NH were dartmouthfags or ultra rich conservatives
You need a skill to immigrate. It's very expensive to live in Ontario, which is why I say look more East. If you speak French then move to Quebec. If not move to NB or NL. Biggest thing about choosing a province to move to is what jobs are available. Canada is going through a really really rough time right now and jobs are very hard to get. Don't move till you actually secure a job.
that's not CA, Oregon and New Jersey are like this that I know of. It's nice because touching the gas pump is gross
The queer community is being priced out of Asheville as boomers are moving in, gentrifying it, and generally shitting the place up (their homeowners insurance is getting too expensive so they're leaving Florida)
So much of what was nice in downtown is also being priced out as commercial landlords are jacking up rents when leases are up
It used to be a lot more accepting :(
God fucking damn it i hate boomers
Where am i supposed to go? Going to like canton or outside of hendersonville sounded pretty good if there where a lot of fags
Suburbs are awful
And im 30 minutes from them and 45 from the city
so happy for you ;_;
I have a cabin in rural Northern Michigan that I like to escape to sometimes. it's in Trump country but is remote enough that nobody would bother even a clocky tranny
>(their homeowners insurance is getting too expensive so they're leaving Florida)
you can't even get flood insurance in a bunch of areas on the east coast
it's another reason i'm considering leaving nyc. even if i manage to afford a house how long do i have until my property goes underwater

>So much of what was nice in downtown is also being priced out as commercial landlords are jacking up rents when leases are up
everyone in every city or populated area i know is saying the same thing
a lot of them actually move to more remote or rural areas for affordability but actually hate it there and move back

>Suburbs are awful
it's not for everyone but what's wrong with them?

>And im 30 minutes from them and 45 from the city
i just live somewhere that those times don't make sense to me.
suburbs are sprawling and huge where i'm at. you could drive for an hour straight on a highway and still not be out of the suburbs here
both of those pics look cool and atmospheric tho, bad example of a city if youre trying to shit on it. of course it looks bleak but in a kind of interesting way
Central Valley sucks. I grew up there. It's a Bible Belt and the people that aren't watching televangelists are Punjabi immigrants and lapsed-Catholic Mexican families getting swallowed up by Spanish-speaking Pentecostal megachurches. It's not a good place to be trans. You could maybe get by in a place like Bakersfield or Fresno, but those are really industrial and Fresno has a bad gang problem. The wages are shit too, and the cost of living keeps going up as big city people from LA and East Bay get gentrified out. The Sierras are worse, except for the pockets nobody here could realistically afford to live in. You need to be making San Francisco money to live there, not Valley or Sierra money.
Maine OP
I never had a problem in Fresno/Bako(I live in Clovis). Only in LA but I pass so it’s different for everybody.
massachusetts. i have lived here my whole life and its really nice. it gets very pretty around fall. there are lots of small towns if you wanna go for the rural feel. if you don’t like beaches then maybe rethink it though

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