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youtube kino edition

prev >>37214257
thank you for your service
it's OVER
i edit Wikipedia
same but niche video game wikis
English wiki? Seems nice but intimidating.

I edit marxists.org
I am not a worker I'm terminally unemployed
pretty cool tho
read settlers
I'm not a commie just archiving works, once I'm done with leftist books I'll find other books to digitize.
Lol no thanks, I'm definitely not reading Maoists or Leninists
suck mao dong
I edit the game definitions and parameters to make things easier or more crazy
have you ever eaten a neighbor's pet out of desperation?
malebrained trait tbhon
yes, I know

I have an insatiable need to take everything apart or identify its components and understand or just play with it once my curiosity gets piqued, including how to alter it or simply stop it from working or optimize it for a given purpose, and once I'm on it I won't let go until I'm satisfied or bored to some arbitrary measure no matter how diminishing or nonexistent the returns I'm getting or problems it causes me in other areas of my life and that is a problem (and sometimes I worry that I treat people that way without understanding what I'm doing wrong even when I think I'm having relatively normal social interactions with relatively normal pursuits and motivations)
another day wasted doing literally nothing
rot besties <3
b̸̵̷ ̶̵̵e̴̸̴ ̷̶̷s̴̷̸ ̸̸̷t̴̴̴ ̵̸̸i̴̶̷ ̴̶̶e̶̸̸ ̶̷̵s̸̸̷
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i will never be an anime girl
3d body dysphoric disorder
i want to be a cute jpeg or perhaps a series of layered psd files so bad sisters..........
maybe i'll be reborn into an animay in the next life...
just like my japanese ayeah-nuh-mays
I want to get isekai'd into a world where politics isn't so gay and I don't have to be an ugly abomination
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you shut the fuck up you uncultured newfaggot swine giffany is based and paul robertson is a god
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the scott pilgrim game is 15 years old. pirate baby's cabana battle street fight 2006? nearly 20.

move on, boomer
and then rejaculated cartoons too because FUCK you
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the gaiafags are here
Never forget
forehead taller than 1 WTC
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and you don't seem to understand
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a shame you seemed an honest traaan
i don't think most epic lainpilled tranners have actually watched sel
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and you know what they post might mog you
I rewatch the anime somewhat regularly and adore its music but I've never engaged with any of the other media really
watched it several times and played that one game. don't like the whole "lainpill" thing tho, it's a tiktok aesthetic for fake lainers who probably use google chrome
So. Heccin'. Kuh-way.
i am so fat i cant even fit in the house no more so i just use it as a seat
im so hairy i dont even need no blanket sleeping outside
>a woman in a sports bra top posing for a picture, trans rights, sitting at a computer, wicked grin, calvin klein, furraffinity, visible stitching, nilah, sigma female, woman very tired, very tiny, old picture, at target, armour and crown, controller, hr ginger, sports
i let my driver's license expire because i legally have a female name. i think you should transition before changing your name. not after. you should hide being trans. i regret transitioning and changing my name. it is a public humiliation ritual. we are being manipulated by unbelievably sick people
rolling around in bed giggling and making funny noises dick out on drugs girlballs in your face the Jews made me a sissyboy my parents live in the walls listening to me have straight sex with extra steps trans men stinky coochie
dog nobody forced you to do a single thing.
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the Jews
if you blame your own decisions on Jews then you're basically admitting that you have no agency or mind of your own.
the Jews forced me to get my soft dick out in public
the Jews forced me to have unprotected anal sex with a fat tranny i met online
the Jews forced me go give my social security number to a stranger who wouldn't take no for an answer
the Jews turned on the radio in the other room that keeps saying my name over and over and over and over
are you moist tonight queen
omg... this is LITERALLY me rn if you even me care
the only thing that's wet about me is my own dick from stirring this glass of water im about to drink
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i have a big nose and greasy curly hair and someone who owes me money didn't pay me back. any advice?
your honor, i would like to change my name legally to Samantha
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good bread good bread
Sex with looney tunes
im not him
im not really cut for mmg I get gendered female all the time and men hit on me constantly
but I find men repulsive and I want to keep seeing chudette post her tummy so I'm staying here :3
>woman very tired
I'm never posting again I hate you I hate everyone
How do I manmode properly?
I laugh everytime I see a detrooner who goes full anti trans terf, and blames transition on lefties, the jews or some other shit. Might be some of the most embarrassing people on the planet.
what did I do...
notice how theyre rarely if never mtfs, only ftms
why can't I stop having dreams about her
I haven't seen this one in three years but this happens then I can't get back to sleep and I spend the whole day moody and ruminating on her and the social situation I knew her in and how badly that rejection hurt at so many levels from people I thought cared and wanted me around
why do people always choose each other and themselves over me why am I different why can't I ever belong or have anyone why do I have to figure all of this out alone
why did she hate me so much that she went out of her way to hurt me so badly
why did she gravitate to me and spend so much time with me at first if she did
why was she so touchy feely and why did she say all of those things about me and make all of those plans with me
why did she lie to my fucking face and refuse to acknowledge how she she was acting with me when I tried to tell her how I felt and how crazy she was making me with the ambiguity and then completely change and start putting me down and insulting me why did they all lie why can't anyone just be fucking honest
why do people fucking suck so much I hate everyone I hate that I care I hate that I tried to make things work I hate that I ever believed or trusted anyone I hate that I felt left out I hate that I felt anything for her I just wanted to build the stupid fucking garden box together I wanted to hold her I wanted to take care of her and help her grow and succeed in whatever she wanted I wanted to be with her why can't I forget her when we were never even friends and she was just tolerating me I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her
it's not over yet, but it's gettin there
what oneitis does to a nigga
mfw not forgetting
not forgetting so hard rn
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I forgot about dre...
compulsive-liarhon insulthon bigothon stalkerhon death-threathon robberyhon extortionhon muggerhon batteryhon junkiehon
how do you end up with two cases at once
very carefully
stop being attracted to women
I am not crazy! I know she raped that cis lesbian! I knew it was rape! Cock inside a vagina.. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. She covered her tracks, she got that faggot at the tech store to lie with her. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? She’s done worse. That euphoria boner! Are you telling me that a real female gets aroused from just wearing clothing? No! She masturbated! Alice! She ejaculated in her friend's panties! And I saved her! And I shouldn’t have. I took her into my own clothing store! What was I thinking? She’ll never change. She’ll never change! Ever since she was 9, always the same! Couldn’t keep her hands out of the underwear drawer! But not our Alice! Couldn’t be precious Alice! Stealing them blind! And SHE gets to pass? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped her when I had the chance! …And you, you have to stop her! You...
>be manmoder in uni
>have 5 month summer break just because
>spent most of it inside or alone
>girlmoded any time I had the house to myself
>dysphoria improves a bit as no one is seeing me as a man as no one is seeing me at all (besides transphobic family) and I get to feel more comfortable when completely alone
>uni is starting next week
>see all my online friends going back to uni in girlmode
>most passing, some even stealth
>want to die as im returning once again this semester as a man and will be an asocial wreck to boot
>already cried enough in class last year from dysphoria that a few people filed reports about me
I really don’t know what to do fuck Im just dreading returning despite being excited to continue studying
a real man would do what is constructive in the long term, and bravely go back facing the pain straight on
t. real man

shut your cock sucking mouth!
ps want to suck a estrogenized dick?
i'm sure i'll stop drinking any day now
i'm sure i'll stop breathing any day now
im a fakemoder I can’t handle the pain im planning on wearing light makeup hoping it at least confuses people a bit T_T

i bet i got 30-40 years before i do ;_;

based! :D
makeup on qt boys is based, same on hairy beasts of men isn't for sure
saw an old couple out walking the other day... holding hands... doing small talk...
it was so nice seeing them, so obviously in love, supporting each other emotionally and physically while walking to an unknown destination

what i really want is to just once feel love and be loved, alas that will never ever be
>be trvemoder in uni
>have 0 month summer break because im a lazy fuck and didnt take enough classes the last 2 years
>spent most of it inside or alone
>manmoded any time I had the house to myself
>dysphoria worstens despite no one is seeing me as a man as no one is seeing me at all
>want to die as im continuing once again as a man and will be an asocial wreck to boot
tfw no uni "bf" on estrogen
unfortunately you are too old for me and I am too young for you
also you are swedish
yeah yeah whatever june can you actually find and dig up the real durians corpse or something? im sure its starting to smell now he was a fat fuck
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would transitioning have saved her?
true ;_;

it's not funny
I'm an estromale and suicidal
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she is literally me
i know kev pls stop with the larp
also open ur door when im in belgium next time? it’s a long train from leeuwarden…
same supermariestie64
sure thing, just post some lewds on my new discord for encouragement :3
I can't believe larry killed and ate both june and durian and has been larping as them for months
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filling bowser's bussy and sucking his bick
sucks being in uni and being unable to work, wasting time not working for ffs frfr
please give mmg discord?
discord is gay
mmg is gay
u r mr gay
who me?
ya i m r u
last time I was in mmg discord it was literally full of the biggest passoids I've ever seen
mmgm (mmg minecraft)
im not even transgener
im just ugly and gay
I'm tramsjenner but like the fake ungood kind
percocet molly percocet
that's why I left (and then came back and then left again), then I tried the next server and the same thing happened
gib trvemoder discord?
am really bored
it's in the archives
wouldn't the invite be dead by now?
yeah i lied sry .___.
""""""""""p"""""""""""oc neighbors finna hate crime my faggot manmoder ahh skull emoji sobbing emoji laugh-cry emoji
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>manmoding for years
>apply to be a glowie
>job requires a government background check and medical exam
>can't self-report being a tranny like you're supposed to because I got my hormones from sketchy sources overseas
>can't hide it because the doctor will see my boobs
wow, I've really fucked things up for myself
lol gonna be me one day, I have bought stockpiles for HRT stuff and bought vials
I don't even think I have terribly good reason for feeling this way but I'd probably rather starve than be a glowie
hello aah-non
please insult me?
i’m a honunculus fr fr, why won’t god kill me or make me cis
for the record I'm joking about the glowie thing it's actually just being an air traffic controller lol. but you do need a security clearance so the fbi will be looking into me and uncovering my secret tranny lifestyle
I mean I figured it extends to any kind of government-overseen thing including contract work
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how do I stop being afraid of everything and everyone
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I wish I knew
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Listen, uh, yeah. Listen, uh. Oh My God, Yes Oh My God Oh My God, Yes Oh My God Oh My God, Yes
how did they get the pear in the bottle
kys codertroon
I study a social sciences degree
Everyone knows I'm a tranny it sucks. I wish they just thought I was a man with soft skin
same, I get weird looks and comments
thank you :3
Big hugs anon. It's a weird thing to go through.
masc gay man on hrt
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So my prog came in today. It's all I had ordered, but by mistake or idk I also received a vial undecylate.. guess I'm switching from Valerate to this. No more 5 day shots, these last a lot longer lol. I had just hit a vein for the first time last night and was thinking I should switch because shots so often is getting old.
masc bi man on hrt
I like the convenience of a 7-day shot with EV but I'm curious to know if you notice any difference switching
fakemoder general
r jc can j get cj for j r c br cun fu d cn g c br f d fj fucn r cj; e finesse ok r the ki CF j in jf to fj ft
moist little poon nigga
the world is a manmoder
early onset dementia from blunt force trauma to the head (self-harm)
just like me fr
or maybe it was the repeated anticholinergic abuse I can't remember yet
i get gendered female in public all the time with little effort on my part, not that i really care desu, also jimmy is a monkey name sweetie :)
no girls allowed
any interpupillaryhons
what are the standards for interpupillary passing
you're too old to be fakeposting like an autistic teen
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it is over.
polesseyibfony remember gjosbibgotbhere pleseeeee i don't remembered suffentkyyvonnherebshfbnuvsorejbgovrbmenwgeebvonitbsmnkvsrnmyvbedbpelseeee HELL ME IT HJRTS SO BAS I FEEL SICK
35yo so basically grandpamoding. Have never dated anyone so I’m thinking about online dating before it’s too late and I’m old and decrepit.

Problem is since I’m not out, I can’t put women looking for man. Also, can’t risk seeing coworkers on the app. Due to hrt effects, can’t really put men for men. Did I fuck up my life?
hop on vrchat and e-date anime girls
up your tolerance little pussy bitch
post pics or gtfo
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>tfw 10rys hrt next year and still look like a dude

how can I accept the /manmode/ and move on?
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be you fakemoder or trvemoder?
what does that mean?
it hurts it hurts it hurts
learn to know me lol
i've have that thing kinda under control nowadays so at least know it's possible
very carefully
ooh hottie
did it taste good coming up?
uureete sibgad it hurts so gadvHEJO TO NFP
i would nibble the dead skin off your penis you cute little Faggot!!! I HATE YOU YOU'RE SO GAY; T ISN'T FAIR i will never ge beautiful ib am so ugly ub gatevyou IT'S AKM YOUR FAULT ME YBUTKY
O HATE TOUVY I Gge yuy ibvstevyou shy ehy shy why why are youbfay,mm <<??? igYs YOU FUCJ ALL IFHIOUBSICJ HBDVKSIDBgkut sucjbosiss ibhstes YouTube can't rakenitbsbyside
Decided to kms, not because of depression (am satisfied for the most part) but being a genuinely ugly with a disgustingly male body makes everything else moot

Just need to fix my stuff first… not in a hurry
iik love dhofs ucnext
Dhogs shota
u sm fsy homosexual sexual predator
HATE HAS GATEBDAIENSIDSBSIDebubhatebtiybiiiibhatdyiuu inhatebhatehste hate hate hate hate yy fuck all nmentsl illness
father son incest fiction
salty cum
me = rapist
i found never be yhe nornal gart j fly never he a nornal hono transgender i sm rbe Aecil evil transgender
ugly level equals infinity v... need.vti die m me is a RAKE JUST PI UHL
infinity ugly
penis = evil
penis = Satan
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go to bed you moist little freak
penis = evil
penis = Satan.u would FUCK the puppy.i am the puppy rapist eating all the cum
homosexuality = mentally illness 3, straight conversation therapy = rebuild equals Satan
why would you ever transition after like 25 ahahaha
not even trolling that sounds so pointless and depressing
I am a 35 year old autistic teenager
New infidelity research shows being cheated on is linked to lasting health problems
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how bad are my transition chances starting from now lol
Booze Thursday anyone?
are you psych ward moding
it was cheap on amazon

so i guess so
I promise to never forgive anyone for anything ever again
well it's literally shapeless, you just look like a sack or sheet ghost with amazon femboy thigh highs
ill get cuter clothes anon but is that a bad thing for my chances of developing well? i understand that being skinny can be a problem
i cannot function bc of dysphoria
what can i even do, i am desperate
go back to repgen king, here is worse
no, and this isn't the place... you should not consign yourself to manmode before you start and nobody here can tell you if you should or not by some picture of you in a burlap sack (or in anything nicer)

if you're asking these questions you should look at the possible physical effects of hrt and consider how that might affect your life, as well as any other facets of transition like clothes and social stuff, and decide if you think you can be happier with that range of possible outcomes
ignore the namefag it's a romani troll that wants to trick you into not starting or stopping your hrt
i am an expert in transitioning and hrt and ik that sadly for many rope and transitioning into the after life > hrt transition
gonna take my gock
rape a cis lesbian
how uncanny does a manmoder look like?
Are you a repper or ftm or what are you? Some here look like men with good skin, some look like literal cis woman. Most are somewhere in between.
couldn't be precious jimmy
i ust look like a twink
my name is Jimmy and i am a desperate repper
Well get on hrt then.
help me jt hurts so bad in gonna shit myself fuck all lf yoy for doing this tobme YOUVFID THIS
TEE HEE LOOK AT ME in a mentally ill sexual predator msle m and j sish i was a cartoon lesbianijebib the oorn i sTch I GATE YOU SO MUCH RH KULL YOURSELF
i can't even manage that
I'm soft and harmless and but I look intimidating and act like a creep, and I lean into that too hard sometimes because I am genuinely pervy (just not rapey or forceful so I'm the boring kind of creep) and have a bitter dark sense of humor

this and the autism make negotiating and observing or even recognizing boundaries with others very difficult, especially as most people aren't even aware of the process or those boundaries let alone when they are overstepped (whether they're the ones who did it or are upset by it without realizing why) and even more so since altering my body with sex hormones influenced my appearance to others and how I react to them made things stranger and sometimes more ambiguous, so sometimes I think I understand methschizo a little
my male colleagues like to kinda be touchy with me at uni, not sure why but I like it
just shit and vomit at the same time i can see my ribcage and my tummy sunken in
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Of course you like it you fucking slut. Get them all together outside of class for a "study session" and give them all head.
ij literally can't remember last night gonna die gonna
I look like a man
being mogged by a schizo killer. it is over.
I'm pretty sure a lot of schizo killers mog me, those slenderman chicks were total giwtwmfuel
Well good thing for you is that men fuck men everyday(>O_--)>
>berrypickermoders posting in my rockmoder general
Berrypickers lmao, I like that. I can only hope that chief rockmoder would send me to be a picker instead of come with him on hunts.
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good morning beautiful
why do you mog me
quadroonhon brownhon miscegenationhon
Real manmoders (me) don't look uncanny at all, just a regular dude
i feel like i am about to murder someone, i am not right in the head for sure
i wish june bought me a coffee...
then strangled me
I am into a lot of illegal stuff but not murder
you do not kys, you worthless sack of shit?
Gonna kms tonight I think, good luck manmoders, one day I hope you achieve nirvana unlike me
dont kys
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nooo dont do it you're so sexy aha
found out i have an identity disorder and i'm not dysphoric. quitting E and getting keyhole top surgery. see you when i get swol and come back here to hit on trannies. it was a wild ride, everyone. i need my cis privilege back.
Pills is def the way
how'd you find out?
i thought i had all sorts of disorders from schizoaffective to NPD to autism, adhd, bipolar, then i found trans communities that would show timelines of suffering into happiness. i wanted that. i've always been attracted trans women. the transbians found out about me and that was that. i became someone else for years. i just had a break down in therapy. i hate these boobs. i want pecks. i want to be ripped like a feminine anime guy. my mood disorder or w/e hasn't gotten better. i still don't know who the fuck i am or what gender even is and it's been years. i can't be a woman and i am sick of being trans.
>walking into target
>black guy walking out asks how I'm doing in a voice that sounds like he's trying to hit on me
>don't realize this in the moment and say hey in man voice
>his look changes and he turn quick to walk away
Lmao, then I got aggressively sir'd at the checkout. Is this how chudette feels everyday?
literally my experience, yes, the shift is so dramatic when they realize
so much cope
so much desperation
you are just trans, you are here forever
None of you are actually manmoders, everyone can tell. You're all lying to yourselves. Transition and be happy.
why don't you want breasts? realistically
shut up shut up shut up
they are the meme manmoder tits i hate them i need too many things to change. i talk to my therapist again tomorrow and i am dreading it i am fucking dreading it
still hard to believe that I actually trooned out and I am actually taking female hormones
It's just reality. Stop taking them if you don't like it
it's just that you sound like every other tranny and detranner-retranner going through the discomfort of not fully passing or accepting yourself for not meeting some preset standard, or very understandably wanting to get away from the extra attention to your body that changing yourself has likely drawn

try to keep an open mind and consider what motivated you to start taking hormones and what if anything has changed since then, and how that relates to your expectations for your transition
bruh this is my transition, I don't get to be happy and that's beside the point - relative to my goals and understanding of things going in this was such a huge success that I'm making a note here
don't you like the fact that you are trans and that you are doomed forever since you cannot pass?
coping with an identity disorder won't make you being trans go away, you are doomed pal
You absolutely can be, you just choose not to be. With that being said, props for moving in the right direction.
you don't know me or my circumstance, so don't choose to be a retard
you are not all of you just commiting sui
you will finally be free and escape this hell
why do you keep fighting a losing battle?
shut the fuck up, goatfucker
why are not*
No I do not, you are correct. But it's the same for as it is anyone else.
yeah that's why i am freaking out trying to prove some way or the other. trying to find some sign to push me when it's up to me. i am the one that decides. my therapist made that clear that she supports me one way or the other but she isn't an expert and to seek outside help. i don't even know if i have an identity disorder yet tho. it just feels like i do.
my mind is ignoring all the signs that i am trans. i am reading my notes, journals trying to figure this shit out again and the more i read the more i realize i am trans and this shit just sucks. i don't want to have to through more surgeries.
fuck... it's fear... i am afraid again running away. i am being avoidant. i avoided life. i am trying to avoid this??
do you like being in this hell mister?
it's a hell of a lot better than the previous hell
>i don't even know if i have an identity disorder yet tho
then stop acting like or assuming you do and try to ground yourself and your perspective, maybe try to "analysis mode" it a bit and step back to consider where these fears are coming from so you really understand what you want before taking action - imagine being like a depooner missing your tits but you're a retrans hon instead lol
you are trans, i panicked and coped the same way a few months ago, you are just extremely scared and desperate bc you know that you cannot avoid suicide, you cannot avoid death so you cope, it is extremely scary for you i would imagine, but you have to accept your death, i did and i was ready to die but i cannot die, i am not allowed to, it seems
I'm still pretty adamant about not socially transitioning beyond feeling more free to express myself still as a dude now that I'm more comfortable in my own body and actually liking it, but I would high key pop myself in the head before I stopped taking HRT and I would do a lot to prevent anyone trying to stop me from being able to have access to it
? my grammar is shit but not that shit

nta but i need company? pretty please?
don't you want to be truly free?
suicide can provide that for you, as for me, i am too crazy to be able to commit suicide anymore, i will just descend into this madness and let it consume me, haha, you have it easy friend, i don't..
sorry durian, i am too mentally unstable to type right sometimes
reminder that nevada tan is 31 :3
god i wish she'd cut my neck lol
imagine the blood spurting out painting the walls a sickly red lmao! :D
>imagine this hell for a second
god damn that's scary. i am doing the anxiety calming breathing technique thing and it's helping. i don't have my balls anymore so i would have to start T if i detrans. i would have to convince my doctors and then convince my insurance or w/e and that's scary. i don't even miss my balls. i don't want them back. i want first class FFS not my shitty insurance kind. well idk if it's even shitty i'm just presuming it is. damn this is a lot to think about.
i want cis privilege back. i got a binder recently to keep manmoding and i'm scared it will hurt boob growth. but i also want the safety of being big and muscley so nobody can fuck with me. ugh.
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>the schizo romanian goatfucker urges you to cease your actions
it's fine...
are you gay?
starting to remember old porn i saw in my early teens... sweet shaved boy butt penetrated by other sweet hot hard dick
sorry am drunk not hitting on you or anyhting
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i am not schizo, even though i feel very weird and my brain feels very weird and off and wrong, i am still very very lucid and objective and logical, i just want the best for you friend
how are you still alive? that is a mystery to me, i guess that you are too much of a puss puss to end it all old dirtbag
embrace suicide, embrace death, come on, do it now
fuck you all
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
fuck you god, you asshole pos sadistic monster
fuck you for torturing me so fucking much
do you enjoy doing this? do you enjoy my suffering? is this entertainment for you?
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do you have a goatwife?
you guys are such pussies, just transition. it's not hard. girlmoding is easy
why are you projecting your fetish on me?
go fuck a goat idgaf but stop putting that shit on me
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bruh i am too manly even without balls. there is no hope for me. i would get attacked in the streets. surgeries to come: at least a handful. fuck me pain pills here i come. here i come new face new chest new genitals here i come God i am coming for you
you pass just fine, stop whining
what do you hope posting this will accomplish exactly??
this is what happens when you "just transition": >>37251185
tried a lot
hanging and was sedated like a month then spent months in psyucgh ward
then something else i don't remember
then sn and as i can't lie and some new psych asked me outright i couldn't lie...
spent a month + in ward
then went for a stroll to jump from bridge, but had sent msg on discord to the only person i cared about, saying goodbye
was climbing the rails(?)
then that fucker responded tho they shgouldn't be awake
went down and responded, took like seconds, final goodbye...
then cops showed up... and there are no cops here usualkly, and nobody to see i wanted to dive
6 cops is more than even my gross body can fight

but now i'm sane and healed and still want to die lol
it would he painful for my family or friends
buying a gun is too much effort
fentanyl makes me feel really nauseous and dizzy and i hate throwing up
you simply do not possess the willpower to actually be trans. plain and simple
Yeah no I've had it happen before a few times now. I never realize in the moment and I wish I did cause I would attempt my voice and try and flirt back. Maybe it's not that I'm trans that scares them, maybe it's cause I respond in my man voice. Idk, I'm very good at responding to female flirtation in public, but never from guys.>>37250706
I just do my best to sandbag it, like full deadpan no ambiguity in my demeanor and voice - it happened a lot more when I was earlier HRT but I had longer hair and I think also just went out more...
kek, yes, i am great repfuel, pinkillers are retarded
'just transition' lmao, i cannot pass nigga, are you retarded or what?
annoy the retard telling me to stop hrt and kill myself
that sounds like a fun and enjoyable life that you had
i am that retard and no, you do not annoy me at all with that if anything you give me the opportunity to whine and play the victim even more
also stop hrt and kys btw
yes, that's why we're here
do any of you actually look hypermasculine on HRT?
no only like an ugly beta
just being honest?
girl, i never claimed my life were fun...
i do. no larp. no exaggeration. no bdd. no attention whoring.
but i know i don't count. as i'm genuinely old, genuinely masculine, genuinely ugly.
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I think I just look even more strange and kind of sickly or uncanny than I already did
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>genuinely old, genuinely masculine, genuinely ugly
waow that's so cool daddy can i see?
see what?
You haven't posted a pic in years. Give us an unsee. You see us all the time, even naked sometimes :P
post a pic june come on dude the larp is over
i'm uglier but a little thinner
still fat
nobody posts lewds to me as you hate me as i should be
so funny
but post your quivering butthole so i can imagine eating it out
i don't want to touch your "penis" though as that'd be gay :|
kill the namefag with fervour
suffer not the trip or the namefag
your manly face
I've seen honmoders here in eastern Europe but desu I would never have the bravery to do honmode here
remember i post with name so you can block me
yes, i hate myself so much
and yes i'm srs, tho that wasn't the reason istarted namefagging
not on the chans... maybe on disc
gross dude when are u gonna accept friend request
also add on runescape

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