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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Nobody made another one in 10 hours edition

QOTT: Ever been in a threesome? Do you want to be in a threesome? Do you have opportunities to be in a threesome?
QOTT2: Threesome?

Previous Thread: >>37192019


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?
I love candy, licorice and taffy
>What's the difference between bisexual and pansexual?
Only difference is that our flag is prettier.
>Am I bi if i have periods where I feel only attracted to women and others where I feel only attracted to men?
This is known as the bi-cycle and many bisexuals experience it.
>Am I bi or am I 'prison gay' or porn addicted?
'Prison gay' is not a real thing and porn addiction does not alter your sexual orientation. You are bi.
>Am I bi or pan if I like trans people?
Both are able to be attracted to trans people.
>I think I might be bi but I can't tell. How can I be certain?
Just make a point to check out members of the sex you think you might be attracted to and see if anyone grabs your attention.

Resource for Bisexuals:
>middle girl
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>QOTT: Ever been in a threesome? Do you want to be in a threesome? Do you have opportunities to be in a threesome?
maybe, I'm insecure so I'd have to be the third wheel to a couple though
>QOTT2: Threesome?
sure bby
>I'm insecure so I'd have to be the third wheel to a couple though
most tops wont mind having another hole to choose from
Bottomsbianing with a girl in front of him to get him horny
If I'm not in any relationships then a threesome is fine.
I can't focus at work and I was too chicken shit to ride my motorcycle into work this morning. Today sucks.
I feel 3somes are interesting when you're young and not really too invested in romance, but the second you find someone you really like they just become shitty and weird.
>QOTT: Ever been in a threesome?
Several. Had an ex gf that was Bi, we had tons of fun.
>Do you want to be in a threesome?
Yes, but me and two tops. I so rarely get to bottom these days.
>Do you have opportunities to be in a threesome?
Not so much now that I'm in a committed relationship and he's a bit of a prude.
>most tops wont mind having another hole to choose from
Can confirm.
>I feel 3somes are interesting when you're young and not really too invested in romance
that's how the bf feels, exactly.
No, i haven't had sex in a fair bit, and I am slow with intimacy, so I have little to no chances at having one
Fucking PLEASE

Fuck that's a way to put it. Imagine a girl and a guy just making out for your top gaze. Lord just the thought is making me pop a boner.
My fav sexual encounter was a threesome. Met two dudes who I thought were a couple at first. Top and vers, but the vers decided not to bottom that night so they took turns on me. So we spent what felt like a whole warm summer night, getting a little high and everywhere you turn someone's ready for another round

agree, couldn't imagine that working out either
why isn't this gen called coalburning edition?
In your experience is this true?
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If B is the biggest queer demographic then why is this gen the most slow and boring?
I don't think it is, despite lots of surveys and what not about people claiming to be bi. It's just a lot easier to identify as bi since you can stick with the opposite sex but claim that you totally, definitely, realistically, could be with someone of the same sex (trust!). It's just an easy way of gaining clout.
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QOTT: Ever been in a threesome?
Nope, virgin (at 23, no less).
>Do you want to be in a threesome?
Not that much, I prefer the idea of regular ol' monogamous sex.
>Do you have opportunities to be in a threesome?
Nope, I'm a homebody and, like I said, am not that interested in it.
>QOTT2: Threesome?
Fuck it, I'm in.
Don't worry about it, Lay. Just get on that sweet hog tomorrow and cruise into work like the stunning piece of ass you are.
No clue. This place is way slower and I can't even say that we have a higher amount of "quality" posts when 1/3 of each thread is that one asian cuckold.
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everyone is too busy out there: fuggin and suggin, verification not required
Because most of the bis hang out in other threads that are more relevant to them. Pretty sure a significant amount of the posters in the various tranner and gay threads also happen to be bi, it's just not that big of a deal
Also, being bi is just not that big of a deal in general
>girl comes up to me in a store and makes conversation
>two piece black yoga clothes, fishnets, tons of jewelry, goth vibe, SH scars on forearms
>is talking way more than what is actually required of a store associate

Was she hitting on me? I suppose I do look 'vaguely alt' what with the multiple piercings. should i go back and ask her out

>Had an ex gf that was Bi
can confirm that bi4bi is the best relationship

>Imagine a girl and a guy just making out for your top gaze
zelda and link.png

because 4chan is a chud website. imagine how schizo youd have to be to be both chud and lgbt. they are biphobic. which is totally fine, i dont want any of that in this thread

hello femgenner
I think I give off fun and lighthearted to a lot of people, but I also moan a lot about how unjust the world is. I try to keep it in check but I wonder how annoying it is for me to express some pessimistic viewpoint of mine in a brief and oversimplified way (as it relates to the conversation at hand) but then immediately follow it with a "but I don't really want to lead the conversation down an overly negative path."
I don't actually even truly hate Big Bang Theory, I watched the first few seasons and predictably the tension between Penny and what's-his-face were a major part of what propeled the show and then when they hooked up not only was it less interesting but then all these other characters started pairing up and they had the most insufferable asinine disputes EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE. I actually found Sheldon's pedantry and "autistic" fixations less annoying than most of those cringe little juvenile fights that would also somehow be the pivotal conflict for the episode. Also Howard and Raj's crypto-homo relationship (while insisting it's "TOTALLY NOT GAY GUYS. No really, we're not going to take that risk with America, but also we want to bait y'all still. The fanfic ladies have what you want, don't worry.") that was held in check by their homophobic and sexist man-child garbage was positively infuriating. But I've ended up watching an episode here and there with friends or family and it's really not that bad, there's usually a decent joke here and there. In contrast, I never thought 2.5 Men was funny. What really irks me however, is when you say you don't really like TBBT and you've never seen Parks and Rec and you say that HIMYM is kind of cringe to watch now people dismiss you as some kind of woke snob. Actually it pisses me off that woke has come to mean pretentious liberal snob instead of what it should mean, but you know, fuck me right?
Yes, please. But also God no, if I wanted to disappoint two people at once I'd come out to my parents.
But seriously, even if I had the opportunity and was on valium or something and could let go of all my fears, I'd probably die of cringe and anxiety the next day or whenever I see them next because there's no way I did anything but disappoint them and embarrass myself. I look back on some of my better sex experiences and still cringe. It's probably mostly the Catholic background to blame for that one, but also I am probably quite mediocre in bed.
>people become less attractive as they age
Anyone here disagree? I personally acknowledge it as usually being true but I would say it's by no means a reliable rule and have my upper age limit on dating/hookup apps to like 10/11 years my senior. I will admit past 50 any guy worth taking is probably taken. I see MILFs on the regular though. Woman are just taught to be more conscious of their appearance and to take care of themselves in general, with men it's not as widespread, or at least not among Gen Xers or boomers. Remember the term "metrosexual"? I first heard it in the movie Hitch. Dont remember what I thought then, I quickly forgot about it since my date was letting me go to town on her fat coochie.
>The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
that's the one, yeah. okay, thanks for the info
>analysis paralysis
my problem is, when I'm having fun or getting really animated in a conversation, I have the opposite of that and sometimes certain thoughts or jokes don't get run through a filter and then I'm haunted by it for the rest of the day or maybe even longer. It's when I'm by myself I cringe at all the past stupid things and ofc get the paralysis in decision making. I used to just drink about it, now it's hard to know what to do. Today I just went to bed after work, slept for 6 hours to intentionally miss my book club (my ADHD ass didn't finish even half the book) and the shops.
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yes, that rings true for me.
#1 this board is now /tttt/
#2 it may technically be the biggest demographic but most bis are either unaware, in denial, simply prefer monosexual privilege, are already in a relationship so only come here to make one post and then fuck off once their bicycle has moved past whatever the moment of doubt or insecurity was, or are otherwise an overconfident tumblrina who wouldn't be caught dead using this board and/or assumes all channers are nazis.
also this. it's painful how many hours I've suffered over this bullshit and almost every single time I've come out to someone it's not a big deal at all, not even a "thank you for telling me, I know this means you trust me etc." it's just literally like "oh, okay." I know I make mountains out of molehills in my head and I've done and said some pretty unempathic things in my life so I suppose I deserve it but it would be nice to be seen and acknowledged.
giwtwm. I wish I hadn't been closeted to myself as a teen.
>"goth" clerk
I can't honestly say I can give good advice here but where here in 'Schland if a store clerk is chatting and laughing with you for more than 5 or 10 seconds, they are definitely flirting with you. Especially in a hetero dynamic. I suppose some bros enjoy a bit of friendly banter. I make people uncomfortable with my North American friendliness and willingness to talk to strangers. Their obvious discomfort kills me inside, so I do it a lot less now.
two blondes? how boring.
>imagine how schizo youd have to be to be both chud and lgbt. they are biphobic. which is totally fine, i dont want any of that in this thread
b-but kooka... we're posting on 4chan.org/lgbt/... does this mean...
are you allowed to use your phone in there? totally fuckin epic photo though, big brass balls on that fellow
verification not required.
>>people become less attractive as they age
>Anyone here disagree?
i think thats a pretty common outlook but how fast this happens will vary based on genetics and skincare

i too wish i had come to terms with what i really want much earlier
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A reminder that tomorrow at 21 GMT we will vote for the next two movies for Movie Night! If you want you can also give your recommendation by replying to this post

>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>when will movie night take place?
its FRIDAY at 22 gmt

>where do we watch the movies?
on the Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
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this one. it's got tomboys and vampires, everything a bisexual could want.
is seeing the sentance "anything you'd like to know about me?" somehow a huge turnoff in online dating? i've used it twice and been ghosted both times.
Yeah, I just wouldn't know what to say, and if on a dating app, I probably wouldn't care enough to think of something to say.
postin on my computer instead of ma phone this time omfggg i feel primitive asffff
bc majority of bisexuals dont rly involve themselves with lgbt culture that much if at all due to said majority being mostly straight (no shade to bisexuals but thats just my theory)
>QOTT: Ever been in a threesome?
had an opportunity to but i wasnt into girls so i turned it down
>Do you want to be in a threesome?
id be lying if i said it wasnt appealing to me at one point but unfortunately i am a jealous type regardless of my relationship w the other person so i doubt itd end well for all 3 of us
>Do you have opportunities to be in a threesome?
hell no lol
a bit yea a conversation on a dating app is supposed to flow naturally its not supposed to sound like a job interview
Really often. My next threesome is probably gonna be the weekend. I need to be fucked by 2 people again. It's not even funny.
wishing all the haters and losers a happy 9/11
who tf phoneposts at home

its time to stop
QOTT: Nope, the idea is hot but I would hate it irl so no, no I don't.
QOTT2: No.
>zelda and link.png
Oh yea fugtrup did a number on me with their femboy link series. I wish they had the balls to make link less feminine to contrast Zelda a bit but whatever, still great material.

I feel like "bottomsbianing", as the anon put it, is especially hot because you know as the "top" in that situation, that the other two are putting up a show for you. All their kissing and attentions on each other are just calculated to entice you: they're doing things to each other, but they're focus is on you.
So hot. Even better if they're on their knees while they do it and then you just slide your hard cock between their lips as they kiss.

I need to stop, I derailed myself.
Yes, it makes you seem lazy. Like you can't be bothered to to reply unless someone dances for you like a monkey.
>QOTT: Ever been in a threesome? Do you want to be in a threesome? Do you have opportunities to be in a threesome?
yes ive been in a mff and mmm threesome, but now im f and dont want to be in another threesome
The belly of an architect !
another Greenaway movie, like The cook, the thief, his wife and her lover; very pretty looking, clever dialogues
>"anything you'd like to know about me?"
"I have nothing interesting about me that I can speak intelligently. Please prompt me like I'm some sexbot AI so I can be whatever you want."
>The white worm
If you are going to call a penis that you should save it for the bedroom.
The final fantasy the spirits within, tales from earthsea, or the vision if escaflowne.
Pick one for me.
but i'm in my bedroom
Wish it could’ve been me
>who tf phoneposts at home
meeee :3
>Was she hitting on me?
Perhaps, or she could just be very friendly and bubbly. You see her often? If so then I'd say you should shoot your shot. She sounds like a dream.
James and the Giant Peach (1996)
disclaimer: if this gets in nobody (myself included) will shut up about wanting to fuck the bugs (mostly the spider)
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>who tf phoneposts at home
I only phonepost.
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Wish I had more reasons to leave the home than groceries. Meeting up and banging out I really miss.
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>Nobody made another one in 10 hours edition
I'll try to make one next time I notice it's been bumped out

>QOTT: Ever been in a threesome? Do you want to be in a threesome? Do you have opportunities to be in a threesome?
Never been, midly interested, but not so much I'd go out of my way to seek it. Close, loving exclusive relationships is where I find my stuff at
Got asked some times before when I was younger, not sure it'd happen now

>QOTT2: Threesome?
I don't know you so no

You could go to the hospital or the psych ! pretty exciting sutff if you ask me
Or livestream a walk or a hike for an excuse to go out but I guess that goes into self-doxx
you draw right, why not do some nature drawings to get better. I used to do that and it can take some gearing out from weather, but it's quite nice to wander around just looking for pretty or noticeable things to draw. Sometimes you get to chat with random people or get nice remarks. It's pretty low intensity
Hoky shit its general grievous with a big bipod. Damn, how did he do that.
Come now...
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A reminder that at 21 GMT we will choose the next 2 movies for movie night!
You can give your recommendation now by replying to this post

>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>when will movie night take place?
its FRIDAY at 22 gmt

>where do we watch the movies?
on the Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
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Why are bi women almost always total girlfailures?
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I want to be poly because sometimes I need a chubby nerd girl and sometimes I need Twink skater boy ass but I don't want to have that conversation and I'd probably go insane having two SOs
Wtf does this mean?
Oh. Then yeah, lots of women who are girlfailures will claim to be I think, rather than the other way around.
im going with Dark City for the neo noir vibes
Your diagnosis: Bi-Pole-Er.
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The poll is now open, no further recommendations will be accepted.
The voting will stop tomorrow at around 4 PM GMT, so be sure to vote before then!

Here is the link to the server:
You say that like it's a bad thing.
based choice. An individual of fine tastes.
If that means they don't wear alot (any) makeup and are total tomboys, I'm in.
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>make link less feminine
This one right here officer
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VOTE for "The Layer of the White Worm" (sic)!
>Ever been in a threesome?
I've had a few MFFs.
>Do you want to be in a threesome?
Yes, I really wanna try MMF/MFM, but I'm open to another MFF. I'd try MMM but I'm not single, I guess if my gf just wanted to watch and not participate?
>Do you have opportunities to be in a threesome?
Yes I think so. My gf is down for group activities, we both want to see each other with other men/women. She knows a bi guy she thinks would be interested. I knew one as well but he tried to get me to cheat on her instead of just chilling out so I blocked him lol.
>be me
>start new semester of college
>go to a class that im looking forward to
>one of my classmates is visibly autistic and being distracting, constantly mumbling to himself loudly and blurting out and interrupting the teacher
>can't say anything about it without being labeled as ableist despite being autistic myself
When I was in college I actually switched out of two classes because of annoying people. Do it ASAP
>If that means they don't wear alot (any) makeup and are total tomboys, I'm in.
Secondary good thing, main thing is to have a complete loser like me.
i'm thinking some of you just want boyfriends to be totally honest
Honestly, I'm just tired of the woman mentality. I want someone who's straightforward. I'm tired of mind games, I'm tired of beating around the bush, I'm tired of people putting on a mask. I want a woman who walks around in sweatpants and a baggy tee-shirt, never wears makeup or otherwise tries to hide her true self, is unashamed of her sexuality, is open about how she feels. I WANT A MAN IN A WOMAN'S BODY.
I'm a man trapped in a woman trapped in a woman's body trapped in a man's body, does that count?
case in point
I don't understand how people always act like there is a direct connection between
>someone who's straightforward. I'm tired of mind games, I'm tired of beating around the bush, I'm tired of people putting on a mask. is open about how she feels.
>a woman who walks around in sweatpants and a baggy tee-shirt, never wears makeup

You're somehow being even more superficial than those wahmen you just described
Nah I just want a fellow loser.
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you do realise that people who don't wear makeup can be inauthentic bitches and people who wear lots and go all in on fashion can use it as a form of open and honest self-expression, right?
... Right?
how do you get into a polycule and not get murdered and/or cannibalized
Polycules are for the ugliest people alive (physically and personality wise); I'm sure you are better than that anon.
Depends. Some of us have nothing.
K. Seems kinda findable desu.
So are the men...
can confirm. my brother just joined one.
Okay ? But they got more action then me so I would still be jealous
i don't think polycules are for the jealous types
or anybody
my first threesome was with 2 drag queens when i was "18". i'm 31, and my latest threesome was with those same drag queens.
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>QOTT: Ever been in a threesome?
Ive been in a foursome, my bf and two of his friends
it was fun, and when we woke up i fucked his friend again
>Do you want to be in a threesome?
Yeah it was pretty fun to be so open, kissing my parnter, then kissing a stranger
>Do you have opportunities to be in a threesome?
Not currently, the last time i did anything was with some guy at a club, his gf encouraging him to fuck me, it was probably just part of the fetish but that was the most flattering
>QOTT2: Threesome?
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page 10 emergency bump
I've seen plenty of hotties (cis and trans) who are into poly relationships with equally cute, hotter or less attractive people than them. Who cares as long as they do their thing and it works out for everyone involved.
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>QOTT: Ever been in a threesome?
Quite a few, and with a lot of different configurations. They were all pretty good.
>Do you want to be in a threesome?
>Do you have opportunities to be in a threesome?
Yep, i'm poly with my bf and i have a... "FWB" i guess would be the correct word, and i wish they would run a fucking train on me. Maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't but i hope it does.
>QOTT2: Threesome?
>Yep, i'm poly with my bf and i have a... "FWB" i guess would be the correct word, and i wish they would run a fucking train on me. Maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't but i hope it does.
im not poly but sometimes i do wish for something like this
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I wasn't poly either a few years ago and i would've never thought of doing these kinds of things back then. It's up to you to change your life, and i'm sure you can do it, i believe in you anon <3
Fwb seems like the perfect thing for me to be for people. No takers though.
Reminds me, once I read a thread about how anons determined themselves to be ugly on adv. Got me thinking about how many back handed complements, false promises that anyone would reach out to me, and fake display of interest I have gotten.
>Fwb seems like the perfect thing for me to be for people. No takers though.
Same. I have an fwb but it's not what I really want. Probably never get what I want.
Yeah. Shit sucks. I want to sleep with some of my friends but I know im not relationship material but I also want to still work like regular friends.
Andyways posts from atoga, puc rel I read today lmao.
Someone either never eats anything at all or has some magical digestive system different from the rest of us. Gotta clean out, man.
My bi girlfriend is the opposite, long fake nails, makeup, tattoos. Narrow waist, wide hips. Basically hyperstylized very feminine.
Both replies told them that. I think they are just raw dogging their partners ass and thinking they are ok with it. Or they are a retard.
They are retarded.
>Natural lubrication
It's most likely someone who has never experienced it, therefor doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.
Did everyone else have a bad experience young that still scars them to this day and have to learn this lesson the hard way? (P.S. - I'm so sorry, Tommy.)
Does this really refer to lube as preperation? I think he just meant he doesn't need to douche(sp?) his butt before anal, and I believe him.
I douche pretty much every time just to be safe, but it comes out 100% clear about 1 out of 3 times.
imho unusual but not unbelievable

One of my tops tends to use spit instead lube most of the time and has an above average sized dick. Never had any issues, you just need to do the usual foreplay.
Very hard to believe for me. Does no one else have a pre-game enema routine?
>you just need to do the usual foreplay
Sure, if my man's gonna use me as a chew toy for a bit like a good boy I'll be sloppy *enough* but lube is life. Just makes things easier and certainly more enjoyable, imo.
>Does no one else have a pre-game enema routine?
I basically take a shower and blast a little with my detachable shower head but nothing enema-level.
However I have a good sense of whether I'm ready to bottom and I have a very good diet (high protein, high veggies, reasonable carbs/grains). If I'm not ready, I won't do it.
>However I have a good sense of whether I'm ready to bottom and I have a very good diet
Same, but there's still the "Not tonight, honey" occasions, for sure.
I should add that the enemas are not EVERY time, but certainly before I know I'll have especially...strenuous activity that night.
What are your favorite ice cream flavors bigen?
Holy shit that looks a lot like my old college dorm room used to when I was depressed
>favorite ice cream flavors
Mackinac Island Fudge iykyk
Do we even have “bi culture” ? I know what are stereotypes for gay men and lesbian, not sure for bi
>Do we even have “bi culture” ?
>asking the real questions
>18 in quotation marks
ur a victim
These are like the ftm repoer threads without the ftm repression being as present.
Honestly my friends (a surprising number of bi people who met accidentally) all meet the "spicy straight" stereotype. All mostly dating opposite sex people but down to mix it up with other sex/ gender presentations and some light nonmonogamy.
I'm old af and if age has shown me anything, this is just about everyone. Everyone is some shade of Bi.
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James and the Giant Peach wins the first round, vote now in the 30 minutes FLASH ROUND to decide the second movie of the night!

vote for vamp kino (quickly)
Yeah, I'm in my 30s I think our group has just become more open about it. Funny enough the one guy who goes to a bunch of queer events and wears crazy fishnet outfits is the one totally straight guy in our group.
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And we have the two winners!:

>James and the Giant Peach

So see ya later at 22 GMT!
Wait until you're 40. It's amazing how many buddies caught the Bi bug after 40. It's contagious, I tell ya.
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Why is it that a dress that suddenly makes a man attractive to me? I'd really not even count myself as bi normally on account of the fact I only like feminine twinks. Definitely not gay enough for the people here, but the moment pretty much any decent looking guy is in a dress or skirt it's like a switch flicks in my brain and they're hot as fuck. This somehow feels more gay than if I just liked men.
Everyone has flavors, kinks, preferences - call them what you will. If it works for you, it works for you. Who cares what "feels" straight or gay, these are all hang ups. rid yourself and bathe in the fire of your love of fem twinks in dresses. You do you.
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>I only like feminine twinks.
>Definitely not gay enough for the people here
But it's not just fem twinks, once a guys in a dress he immediately becomes more attractive to me, even guys who I'd consider too masculine for my taste put him in a skirt or dress and suddenly I'm on board. It's a lesson I learned the hard way back on my final day of highschool where most of the guys wore girls uniforms for a joke. Is that common?
What are those two white males doing colonizing that woman of color? Is that a Laineyball illustration?
>once a guys in a dress he immediately becomes more attractive to me
glorified trips of pure bussy love cope, perhaps?
I know it certainly works for me, you're not alone.
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you are all going to regret this

because youre bi

mint chocolate chip forever
Banger image
Mint oreo or blueberry cheese cake.
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Ube Ice Cream has been my favorite since I mistakenly thought I was buying a berry soft serve cone in Japan. It's quite a shock when you expect blackberry but taste potato.
I also love Double Dunker by Turkey Hill and The Tonight Dough by Ben & Jerry's... but I haven't met many ice cream flavors I didn't like.
HNNNNNNNG! Where do I find this?????
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A reminder that in 2 hours Movie Night is gonna start! Here is tonight selection:

>James and the Giant Peach

>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>where do we watch the movies?
On the official Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
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Sounds like you're into femininity in general, which is very queer. Also I get it men that is confident enough to play with gender norms is attractive. Corny but for me maid outfits on men are cuter

Good evening !
Its finally time to start another Movie Night! Tonight selection is:

>James and the Giant Peach

Here is the link of the stream, don't be shy and come join us! the film will start at 22:10 GMT


>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
Of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to mute yourself during the movies, be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
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been feeling like her as of late
Anyone else getting real tired of lesbians? Like a small minority are hateful, namely to bi women and for years we've been bending over backwards to criticize that but make clear we're not saying all of em are biphobic assholes. Yet they seem to all go around screaming lesbophobia when we call them out for tolerating and condoning biphobia. Plus so many act in the exact same way as the douchey guys they claim to hate. I'm frankly so tired of their shit.
mby u should try logging off lol
God I fucking wish it were just online, that would make it easy to ignore.

Every gay org, business, or group I join up with eventually has this pop up. The only way I've found to get around it is to find individual lesbians, make sure they're not insane, and have them as one more part of a diverse friend group.
2 days 6 hours ago lmao
Kickassia starts now.
iconic but just stay away from horses, okay?
a lot of the time I find the angry vocal activist lesbians hard to get along with because they make such a point out of hating men and seem to consider me a lesser being for being bi.
I dont want to take that out on the rest of them tho. all groups have idiots.
My default state is pretty much heterosexual. But I frequently engage in hypersexual behaviour as a trauma/stress response. I’d fuck almost anyone right now.
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>Sounds like you're into femininity
>very queer
straights do not find members of their own sex attractive. strange, but true.
i mean i have a friend that uses the gay label but find attractiveness in masculinity, stone butch women are attractive to him but he would prefer it on a man idk gender and sexual preference is weird, its really up to you in the end of the day.
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I've been in an FFM threesome (me, my wife, close friend) and an FFFM foursome (me, my wife, different close friend, 48 year old daddy she met on tinder) and an FFF.

All were great except the female friend from the last two ended up getting crazy over unrelated things.
Also we saw Challengers with the male friend lmao
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Absolutely dead tired, just helped my sis move out

on another note, been reading titus groan from mervyn peake and it's quite fun, would rec to anyone into fantasy

mint chocolate chips, stracciatella and caramel.

everything is bi. we own the world
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closest i've heard is bisexual lighting and also weird sitting
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you people only voted for james and the giant peach cause you wanted to fuck the spider didnt you

do not fuck xenomorphs

>Where do I find this?????
I wish i knew
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>woman i hate got fat
Are bi couples chill or are they usually freaks? Sometimes I fantasize about being a couple's third but I tend to be leery of people looking for that stuff and I'm afraid of getting judged for liking gay shit better than fucking some dude's wife or girlfriend.
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>my honest reaction
>Ever been in a threesome? Do you want to be in a threesome? Do you have opportunities to be in a threesome?

Yes, it was with a couple I met online. I loved the experience although I wish I done more, had better sex, had taken the chance into making it a proper (bisexual) three-way. I doubt I'll hear from them again.

I recently tried to message another bisexual couple from Reddit and the fucking app doesn't even work, the messages just seem to get sent to myself? It's bullshit, it really is enraging. I just want a fun mmf fwb situation. Should I just bite the bullet and try fet life? I'll never use grindr
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I consider myself a chill freak
i need a fujo gf whos into mmf so bad
My gf says I'm too clingy
I feel like trash I don't wanna do this anymore I can't trust anyone I can't make friends I can't even get my own gf to give a little more of her time I fucking hate being like this
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>Are bi couples chill or are they usually freaks?
That's an affirmative, Ghost Rider. At least from what we've seen.
I'd like to think the wife and I are pretty "normal" for a bi couple but the few we've met and played with are weird af. Still kids, really. We're probably weird, too, and we're not against liking anime and whatnot, but we're in our 30s, guys. Does Pikachu need to be in your living room? And Kitchen? And bathroom? And covering the entirety of your bedroom? Again, not dogging anyone...but we're having trouble finding a couple with our same interests outside the bedroom, I guess that's the crux of it.
This thread doesn't have the drama needed to be fast. Personally I will spend more time lurking in other gens than here because this is just not interesting enough. I also think that there are plenty of threads on other boards that are likely to attract bisexuals,
I (bi m) am part of a bi couple with my bi gf, and we are chill in general but obviously freaky enough to be down for threesomes and such, which I think you'll find if you wanna be a third?

>I'm afraid of getting judged for liking gay shit better than fucking some dude's wife or girlfriend
This wouldn't be a problem for us. Gf is fujo and it's easy enough to find guys who wanna fuck her cuz most guys are straight or straight leaning.
this thread is naturally too straight pilled to have drama
Yeah I just have this tab open and check it every so often. There are some weird bi vs gay antagonistic threads on this board as well if you want something faster but they're kinda dumb and don't reflect reality, just people getting angry about nonexistent shit.
>>I'm afraid of getting judged for liking gay shit better than fucking some dude's wife or girlfriend
>This wouldn't be a problem for us
Dub check em
Also, to back up anon here, the wife and I prefer guys like you over aggro tops that are just there to fuck my wife and have me blow them. Our favorite buddy is a total sub, does anything we want as long as he can swallow me and I fuck him. Gay-leaning Bi dudes make the world go round, man.
Sounds like she's right honestly. You need to find other friends/hobbies/things to put your time and effort into rather than putting all of your eggs in one basket.
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>You need to find other friends/hobbies/things to put your time and effort into
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i cant help feel but cynical when faced with that
ofc, that is healthy and I have so many aspirations
I just got out of a horrible year and am so happy to have found love
but when i think of love yknow i'd do just about anything for someone and id like that in return
i hate feeling like someones boy toy for a weekend
>but when i think of love yknow i'd do just about anything for someone and id like that in return
I hope you find it, anon.
yeah, i guess giving my gf more distance is just apart of that and i have to accept it
if heartbreak comes i wanna know i did my best, thats all
>if heartbreak comes i wanna know i did my best, thats all
Quite noble of you.
I understand your point.
But consider the following... People like me, for example, are in this thread because last week we were so happy with our lives that we decided to treat ourself to some dick. I have personally gotten relentlessly sodomized the other week by an MtF I paid for. I needed to bottom and asked her not to make me cum but just use me as a fuckhole.
You might say it was just another Cis male fooling around with his own privilege... And my fondness for organic pussy is infinite. However, I occasionally want to take the big D.
So, it feels natural to me to ask myself who I am... And I do not want to use the label BI to gather other people's attention and play the cool dude. I just want to understand where I stand and be at peace with that.
nta, but I felt this way for a long time until embracing it in my 30s. Way too late to matter, but I needed to come to peace with it. And, yeah, I still have a desire for both sides of the aisle, however, I can't deny that I'm not "that" - that I'm not "Bi." It's intellectual and emotional (spiritual?) dishonesty otherwise.
Foreigner here (the one you are responding to):
>however, I can't deny that I'm not "that" - that I'm not "Bi." It's intellectual and emotional (spiritual?) dishonesty otherwise.
Does the triple negative means "you must admit you are not bi"? Is that what the message means.
In that case, I would be okay to say I am not bi and still reflect a perfectly masculine cis construct of a personality... Even with the occasional outlier. Problem is, queer people usually tell me things like "you wouldn't understand," and if I disclose my preferences to make a point they just go "OMG you are bi!". And saying I am not "bi", at that stage, would be extremely problematic (in discursive terms) and I will be called dishonest no matter if I admit being bi or if I protest not being bi after taking the dick.

What do? I feel I am standing between hammer and anvil.
Most of the threads on /lgbt/ are complaining about things or asking for advice, but we don't need a ton of advice. And honestly I think it's because being bi is pretty easy.
Trannies have to transition and do all that shit, but as a bi guy I basically just appear as a straight guy socially but get to have fun with women and men.

I mostly post mild-mannered stuff here and occasionally horny stuff in horny threads or here.
"I can't deny that I am Bi" essentially. Sorry to speak Appalachian on ya.
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>being bi is pretty easy.
compared to other letters, yeah.
>porn addiction does not alter your sexual orientation
That's hilarious
Maybe it's slightly trickier than being straight but it's so much fun that I'm not too miffed about it. And it does make some stuff easier I think.
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good night bump

>tfw cis bi gf is also a chaser and wants a three-way with a trans girl
can someone explain why i wish to be a lesbian instead of being bi? i know in theory I will still be the same person but I wish I could just be one thing instead of being an enigmatic spectrum of attraction.
sounds stupid
>can someone explain why i wish to be a lesbian instead of being bi?
>I wish I could just be one thing instead of being an enigmatic spectrum of attraction.
You answered your own question.
It's understandable you feel that way but at the same time relying on someone else to be happy with your life is a recipe for disaster and can easily lead to you (inadverdently) sabotaging your relationship.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Yes, please.
You're Michael Fassbender on that movie he fucked a guy at the end out of desperation for release.
Is this the definition of male bisexuality?
>>being bi is pretty easy.
Yeah my biggest issues being bi are trying not to SEEM gay and wondering whether my gayer or straighter fantasies are hotter

Ohhh the horror
Second highest statically to commit suicide and attempt suicide.
Highest in substance abuse.
Why do you think that is?
Honestly wouldn't change your dating chances. Only change would be """community""".
Not for me. I just like to hook up with hot people, male or female.
No, it's literaly what anon was answered to. A hypersexual hetero man who fucks anyone as trauma/stress response.
The name of the movie is "Shame".
>QOTT: Ever been in a threesome? Do you want to be in a threesome? Do you have opportunities to be in a threesome?
I did but then the throuple fell apart cause me and the girl were toxic to eachother and the guy couldn't handle it and then we all broke up. :(
QOTT2: Threesome?
Maybe one day I'll have one again. Polyamoury is a cope really. It's a nice cope but it's a cope.
Tell us more about your disaster polycule.
>bc majority of bisexuals dont rly involve themselves with lgbt culture that much if at all due to said majority being mostly straight (no shade to bisexuals but thats just my theory)
>all due to said majority being mostly straight
Nah, it has to do with biphobia from G and L since ever. Even during 70s and 80s when queer movements and theories were flourishing, Bisexuals were still discriminate by them and ostracized from queer spaces because to them we were a threat to those "safe spaces" and could "never understand their world view" and those bullshits.
But in my specific case it's because I went into nerd lgbt groups and those queens are insufferable and toxic as hell. Only now after a decade I'm considering to go into lgbt spaces again because I'm friends with local Art&Culture councilour in my city. He's a real nice guy and is slowly trying to make me feel comfortable again with this thought. Not that he's actively trying to do this, but our conversations and his way of acting gently are good factors for my change of habit.
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>tfw I've gotten stuck into my addiction again, old school runescape
It's not that bad, I'll play that shit for a week or two and then get bored with it for a couple of months but holy hell am I absorbed in it atm
>Second highest statically to commit suicide and attempt suicide.
>Highest in substance abuse.
>Why do you think that is?
Because we're the coolest of course
>Because we're the coolest of course
Exactly. For example: Your additction to runescape and gym is killing you right now. You are looking nerdy and hot, which is sure gonna make you look great at your funeral.
>disaster polycule
nta but how about this one
>with gf, also bi, wants a gf and/or a bf for us
>I'm game, we start "dating"
>first date, instantly hit it off with "Kevin"
>smart, clean cut, says "I'm bi and vers." (read: total sub bottom)
>third date, we really like him, very flirty and fun with the wife, very hands and touchy with me so we're in
>get back and fit him in like a puzzle piece
>stays all weekend, wife is crazy about him
>wife fucking uhauls him a month later because she wants him sleeping in our bed
>ngl, everything was fucking GREAT for a while, about 6 months
>wife and I both work, pandemic hits and he loses his job, eventually I get made wfh full time
>over time, Kevin becomes more distant with my wife and his relationship with me evolves
>less interest in being hands on with her, she begins to notice, they talk
>Boom, she wants to add a gf
>Kevin and the wife bicker all the time
>wife knows we fuck all day, she doesn't care about that
>but the wife had hard feels for him
>wife finds a gf but she never really joins the circle
>they'll fuck, I'd fuck Kevin and shit was weird.
>eventually she filed papers, moved in with Terri Tuna
>broke things off with Kevin, he moved in with some friends
>soon-to-be-ex-wife calls, she's pregnant
>pretty sure it's neither of ours, it's her and Terri Tuna's new bf's (math checks out)
>wife has the kid we wanted one day with another couple
>Kevin is one, thought I was never really attached
>thank god I found someone else
>fuck all y'all, never trying that shit again.
>I'll play that shit for a week or two and then get bored with it for a couple of months
This is Skyrim for me. Why? I've done EVERYTHING!!!
Your mistake was not ending the relationship with Kevin the moment him and his wife were bickering each other. When she started to thinking about getting a girlfriend, it was noticeable she wanted someone to fill the void Kevin left. I would say you should ended up the relationship when Kevin was starting losing great interesting on your wife and going more towards you, but things could still be healthy with you three if Kevin and wife's relationship evolved into a friendship.
Just like any other relationship, lack of communication kills it. Nothing new under the sun. That isn't a fault on polyamory.
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>Because we're the coolest of course
H-haha, yea ...
>t. rying hard not to contribute to that statistic
I hope this made up, cuz if not, you just confirmed all my prejudices against polyamorous relationships lmao
hee hee the kitty

how have things been, what happened while I was away?
I didn't and I do not recommend them. Our dumbest move was getting married, THEN adding someone. But "we can do it". Yeah, sure.
do you wanna talk about it? I got pretty depressed this weekend myself. Didn't really want to talk to anyone, spent pretty much all my time in bed when I wasn't making food (not really cooking, it's all joghurt, bread, nuts, fruit and stuff I can just heat up in the oven, but it's really not that unhealthy, I swear. also I caved and bought 1 smallish bag of doritos)
I spent most of the time watching tiktok compilations because I found a channel that is good and at this point it's all that keeps me distracted and makes me laugh. The rest of the time was watching/reading shit from the election nightmare, updates from my true crime subscriptions (which I had mostly quit because it's doomfuel but I felt like shit anyway) and taking care of the cat and the plants. The plants aren't doing too hot but it's not a lost cause yet, I will try mixing in some fertilizer today. The kitchen is a total mess but I keep loading and unloading the dishwasher regularly and it turned cold here so I don't have to worry so much about maggots/flies as much. The cat is a real nuisance because she is demanding wet food every 6 hours or so now and I have to put drops in her eyes and when I donthat she demands to be brushed because I trained her that way so she doesn't simply run away when it's time for the drops. I love her but she used to be an extremely low-maintenance cat and I'm not usually on my own with her.
But I felt like such shit this weekend I didn't even diddle myself. I did today though, making progress!
ty. ill try to be careful and control myself more
>our dumbest move was getting married
there ftfy
personally I find the institution of marriage to be superflous and retarded anywhere that isn't mega-conservative and will shut you out of hospital rooms if you're not married. Or I guess if you want to apply for joint loans/mortgages.
That goes double retarded for het couples, triple for het couples that make about the same money and have a joint account for all money earned after you've decided to shack up for good.
But yeah, trying to experiment with a poly household building off of your marriage? Quadruple retarded. The other people you bring in will always have that nagging insecurity in the back of their head that you are going to eject them, so as soon as the magic wears off they are either going to bolt themselves or try to take whatever they want for themselves. And afaik there is no legal framework for adding another partner to a marriage, or setting up a legitimate mistress thing...
Wait what do Mormons do? And what did Tiger King do? I mean before everything went to shit (more proof that this is always a Cast Away raft)
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>Second highest statically to commit suicide and attempt suicide
>Because we're the coolest
Read >>37294302
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Cope. Polyamory is, and forever will be, a meme.
my femboy bf has a legitimate 9 inch cock. people joke about how big their dicks are all the time, but his is legitimately the biggest cock i've ever seen in my life, and it being attached to a pretty little femboy makes it look completely monstrous. i'm the most average 6 inch on earth, for comparison. i've never been a size person at all, but holy fuck does his cock hit in places i didn't even know i had.
>there ftfy
Hindsight, of course, I do no disagree.
>Your mistake was not ending the relationship with Kevin the moment him and his wife were bickering each other.
We discussed it even earlier than that, and she carried some guilt for being the one to push for him to move in, like she created it, and we tried to fix it. Just couldn't be fixed. Our plan was always for us "to have our cake and eat it too" and it just doesn't work. It was never going to work. I get that now. our split was amicable, btw. No kids makes for easier divorces.
>i've never been a size person at all
None of us are until we are, honey.
can't imagine what it will be like when he learns to fuck better. i'm 33, he's 24, and my ass is the first hole he's ever fucked and came inside of. witch a cock like his, that's just a crime.
>Ever been in a threesome?
yes. multiple ones. 3 MMFs and 4 MMMs

Sex is fun.
im a chadlet with a nice 7" cock...but my small frame makes it look Yuuuge!
>i'm 33, he's 24
Same can be said about monogamous relationships.
You can say it but it would be wrong
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Weirdly relatable reply desu. Except no cat on my end, and I'm the type who cleans when I spiral (aka: too terrified of ending up like my dad not to). Feel like it's getting darker and darker the older I get.
Do you know what brought it on for you or did it happen at random? gl with the plant btw, I rescued one I thought was dead too, recently
No it can't lmao
i'm bi and i find threesomes cringe and would never want to be in one. it's funny because otherwise i'm porn addicted and have extremely weird fetishes, but the threesome fantasy has never appealed to me. part of it is that i'm afab and straight men i've dated kept trying to coerce me into them.
off topic but i hate lesbian/bi fetishising straight men with every fiber of my being. if i ever were in a relationship with a bi guy, i wouldn't be constantly on his ass asking for a M/M/F, not only because i'm not interested myself, but because it's disgusting behaviour to demand from someone to perform their sexuality for your gratification (when they don't want to). i wish every person that does this dies a violent death.
i'm big and muscular, he's a tiny girly femboy. no one would ever know i'm the bottom.
Ur living my dream
all very good, HOWEVER, I see that no one picked rum raisin, I'm a tad disappointed :(
>This is Skyrim for me. Why? I've done EVERYTHING!!!
I haven't even done close to everything in runescape so as long as there's a will etc....
plus they just added new quests and a new boss
Can't complain though, it's been a while since I had this much fun in a video game
none of those anons but how about rum without raisin?
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How do I talk to someone on discord? What do you talk about? I found them on tagmap. I have never done that before...
Start with talking and poking into what their hobies are and short term interests/goals they have had recently
You don't. I talked to someone on discord for a while and they just ghosted me one day. It's not worth it
You have to make these things a habbit also living near them or being in the same servers helps. It is like how you actually get people to want to play with you in mmos that you meet in the game.
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There's absolutely nothing wrong with playing the same game for 20 or more years.
>lots and lots of monogamous relationships go wrong due to lack of communication
>eh happens with everyone
>a couple of poly relationship go wrong for same reason
>poly relationships are always fated to go wrong!
On the other side, my gf and I are both bi and fetishize seeing the other with same sex or in threesomes and it's fun.
Every time I get close to setting up a threesome, my wife gets cold feet. My sex skills are being wasted.
The difference is that while many monogamous relationships happily last a lifetime, poly relationships are always a trainwreck.
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pre-bedtime/post-fap bump
Poly relationships literally never last
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the nice thing about wishing for death is that i am probably going to die.
many such cases
Am I bi if I only want to suck straight BWC that's been inside asian women before but not gay BWC?
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going on a flight, give me albums to listen to while im on tha plane
Sure, you're still bi, you still wanna suck dick.
This is my go to for a long flight.
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git gud dumbass
bruh so close yet no cigar
based and fantasypilled. my envy cannot be adequately expressed, please make him feel special so you can hold onto him as long as you can, you've basically found a unicorn
is this a blessing or a curse?
yes except the more people in the relationship the more things that can go wrong, thus decreasing the odds of long-term success. obviously success is possible and the polycules that succeed are probably super subtle about things so you don't really hear about it, but still, the more people in the relationship the higher the difficulty.
same. and I'm pretty sure they did it as a form of defense because they had been talking about how ghosting in discord/reddit/etc. relationships is inevitable. I guess it's a feedback loop/self-fulfilling prophecy at this point.
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is it really that weird? I thought this sort of depression hermitism was super common since the pandemic, it's just no one wants to admit it to people they know AFK.
>what brought it on
deteriorating social contacts, regrets, self-loathing, shame, shitty weather, shitty job, shitty world, etc. standard shit. Not totally random though, the weather went from hot and exhausting to cold and depressing overnight. Thankfully the weather turned nice today and should stay that way for 8 or 9 days. Also my roommate/ex is out of the country on vacation for a month starting the weekend before last, so my motivation to tidy and clean is near zero because I am afraid to ask people if they want to come over because of all the usual fears and doubts but also because I had to move back in with my ex and also because while I am not a hoarder I'm one of those ADHD+depression losers who will literally live out of the moving boxes forever under certain circumstances. And no, my shit is mostly unpacked but my room is a fucking mess. I'm also one of those people that will use half the bed for sleeping and the rest of the bed will have things on it. I really honestly feel like no one will ever love me again unless they are as dysfunctional and fucked up as me, and I wonder if that means I will end up dragging someone into a Sid & Nancy death spiral.
I really wish Youtube would delete these fucking 10 hour videos, they just waste server space and use up tons of energy, and for what? A short-lived gag? Streaming in general kind of a huge waste of energy, at least with music there are better solutions. YT should really honestly cap the video length at 4 hours anyway, it would fit their ad scheme better I think. But these "10 hour version of the final segment of Windowlicker" videos, while kinda cool, can never possibly get listened to past 40 minutes except by GTMO inmates and other prisoners being subjected to insane torture.
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Anyone else into certain kinds of music, but their favorite song is like the polar opposite of what you normally listen to me? I love death metal, but my all time favorite is still Obedear by Purity Ring.
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Nice pic, good taste kek.
And: Point. Though I feel like there are also people who have bounced back from it x10 and turned out way happier than they were before. Looking around at my friends it's one extreme or the other. Like some of them are marrying and travelling and whatever, living the life they've always talked about wanting, and then there's the opposite, like me, where I'm feeling more and more like there's no way out.
>I had to move back in with my ex
Shit. That sounds uphill. Avoiding that is one good thing about dumbfuck personal complexes leading to self-imposed celibacy for me, I guess. Are you going to stay there long term, or are you already planning the next move?
>ADHD+depression losers who will literally live out of the moving boxes forever
You just described my apartment for the past several months. Deadass slept on the floor on a mattress for months in the previous one too, living off scrambled eggs and vodka. If it's any help I feel like putting up one big piece of furniture you really like is a good method of getting started.
going by your previous music posts in here I feel like saying Starfucker by Slayyyter and Syro by Aphex Twin because I'm still in my Syro phase. Another that's been on my mind lately is Lustful Sacraments by Pertubator but thats a waaay different vibe.
zzzz A
zz zzzzzz
>QOTT: Ever been in a threesome?
No way
>Do you want to be in a threesome?
Not sure, I recently found out I'm bi
>Do you have opportunities to be in a threesome?
Lol no, always a loner with some close friends.
Both are true for me
Was not really true for me. At some point in my early teens I realized I was attracted to men too and that I must be bi. That was about it lol

Started having some fantasies about some guys I knew but still remained mostly girl-crazy.
Is the dirtyr4r subreddit even any good? Every time I get horny and check it it comes across as a bunch of coomer shit and I feel like it really only works if I want to fuck dudes.
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Enjoy your trip.
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guys look.
Answering too late but I've been stuck on Electra Heart for a while now
Neuron status: activated
gm bigen !


how are you all going (and why are you going to vote for the movie I'm going to reccomend tonight) ?
>the thread is dying?
>bump eet
>Ever been in a threesome?
back when i was a guy i was in an mff threesome, it was alright
>Do you want to be in a threesome?
im a girl now so i really want to try a mfm
>Do you have opportunities to be in a threesome?
no :(
>I've been stuck on Electra Heart for a while now
god electra heart was my fucking JAM in high school lmfao. one of the few albums i listened to a lot from back then that aged pretty well
anyone else here like women
Yes. Cannot relate when people talk about how it's nice being bi because they don't have to "deal with women" or whatever. I legitimately just like women and men.
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I’m bored as fuck, anybody want to watch cartoons? Or maybe watch me play vidya?

If cartoons, I will choose four.

Here is a list of vidya I’d be in the mood to play:
- Ristar (Genesis)
- The Flintstones (Genesis)
- ZOOL (Genesis)
- Strider (Genesis)
- Super Punch-Out!!
- Contra (NES)
- Crash Bandicoot (PS1)
Do you have a preference for a cartoon or vidya? Anything in particular? I’m super indecisive.
Dominant bi men make the best tops for trannies. You're not like the chasers who just wanna hyper fixate on the cock and you don't get your sense of identity and masculinity completely fucked with by sleeping with us like straight guys do. Bless you dominant bi tops. Your service is appreciated. My ass is forever yours.
Also thankyou bi BBW goth girls for letting me fuck you but still treating me like a girl. And thank you dominant bi tops for letting me fuck your BBW goth GFs and pounding me into her and letting me just be a little stupid tranny sandwich. Shout-out to bisexuals basically
Will do, I’m gonna fuck up this guacamole I made and then I’ll set up.
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A reminder that tomorrow at 21 GMT we will vote for the next two movies for Movie Night! If you want you can also give your recommendation by replying to this post

>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>when will movie night take place?
its FRIDAY at 22 gmt

>where do we watch the movies?
on the Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
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Based Far Side poster

Also Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Tryna watch u play ristar. How can I watch
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Very based. I am biased since you are basically describing me, but you speak the truth
Astolfo should have heaving boy breasts
Cartoon :3
I love my mtf nb partner so much
>Dominant bi men make the best tops for trannies.
(smiles, pats self on back)
> Bless you dominant bi tops.
Our pleasure. And yours.
>Shout-out to bisexuals basically
This post perked me up. You're adorable and hope you have a great night!
>just like in my sissy caps
Oh the bigen funhouse server, I just finished the meal and I’m kinda fiending for weed, let’s say we start in half an hour?
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Ebic B)
>Dom Bi tops tend to be more unselfish, and incredibly turned on by pleasing their partner as much as being pleased.
It's a feature, not a bug.
>Dom Bi tops tend to be more unselfish, and incredibly turned on by pleasing their partner as much as being pleased
B) yeaaaaaaaahh
thread is nice. love u other bisexuals c:
Anybody here relate to this?
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>had to pretend I was straight again
I mean it's not that hard but I hate lying
I have to lie every day. It is the only way to get anywhere in life. Lie to people about your accomplishments to get your foot in the door, lie to get dates, lie to keep people around because your life is really boring in your own eyes...
Anyways, dbt
>Ever been in a threesome?
I was hooking up with a guy on a weekly basis. He'd suck my cock and I'd fuck him. One night while he was blowing me I wrapped my belt around his neck and used it to fuck his mouth. All good, we had a good night.

Next day he goes to work and a woman (40-ish, mom, mom-bod) he works with sees marks on his neck and asks if he's OK. He explains what happened and says it's all good. She tells him that she likes watching gay porn to masturbate.

My FB tells me this and I tell him to ask if she wants to watch us. He does, she says no. Nuit a week later she asks if the invite still stands and I tell him yes, so we arrange to meet at a local bar to talk.

We meet, she's comfortable with me so we go to his place. FB and I get going and she sits in the corner watching. After he sucks my cock, I put him on the bed, legs up on my shoulders and start fucking him. Look over at his friend and she has her hand under her skirt playing with herself.

I motion for her to come over but she shakes her head. Few minutes later I do it again and I'm pleasantly surprised that she does. She got on the bed, her pussy over my FB's face and starts grinding on him. I keep fucking him and play with her nipples (not an easy task since they were under a sweater and bra.) She cums, I cum, FB masturbates while she keeps sitting on his face.

It was a fun time but she was married, felt guilty (plus she worked with my FB) so we never did it again.
It just kills me inside man, but I get it
Cereal Mom
always B ur authentic self no matter what! cognitive dissonance is a mf
I just like girls and guys.
I fap to petite girls tummies and asses and was a closeted homo for a long time, now i got tired of denying it so it just came naturally.
I saw my straight best friend's dick, both soft and hard, it was too cute, I wanted to take a shower with him but he declined saying it was 'too gay'... guess he wasn't wrong lmao.
Oh well apparently saying you have a small dick piques the curiosity of guys eager to compare so i get easy pics
i have mixed feelings about women
>almost msg fb with emotional bs
>dont want sympathy
>lock in, grind it out feel better
>fb msgs me the same night asking to watch a movie this weekend
Ugh I dont hate him but the sex is just hard I really gotta work myself up to get through it but while we spoon Im hard the whole time. He constantly wants to fuck with the lights on but I prefer lights off, he wants me to look him in the eyes when we kiss and I want to close my eyes in the dark. Idk the whole situation is fucked up I got rejected by my best friend and the guy I matched on tinder had the same ethic background, we get along nice enough but he has no ass literally none and idky but I always try to avoid looking at it. I dont know what to do lol but Im tired of driving 45 min for bad head and okay sex. But hes so nice but its so hard, just vent/dumping Ill figure it, I always do
another day, another 6 hours spent gooning to bbc porn with my femboy bf.
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Rango (2011)
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no but a friend of mine wants me to join him and his wife for one. issue is i'd have to travel over the atlantic to partake in that but it might happen at some point when i got more money.
i'd be their toy for a week or two so it sounds fun tho i am quite insecure about my ability to perform.
Friends and sitcom stella/stans made everything this way. If your life isn't a sitcom you don't exist.
Rode my motorcycle to work today. Hate 5am joggers though.
>If your life isn't a sitcom you don't exist.
Now it's "If your life isn't a sitcom that's simulcast on IG and TikTok, you don't exist. Social Media is killing us.
That's hot. Super jealous of for FB especially.

my one post disappeared somewhere

if someone has jerked off to cute men sometimes but only been with women and liked it and dies like that in old age, does still that makes them bi????
Yeah you can still be bi. Just like a virgin could be straight or gay.
trips checked but i'm even more confused since i am a virgin

do i just call myself bi-curious until i makeout with a dude and also enjoy it?
like is there a threshold to calling yourself bi, like what qualifies

because i rarely find dudes attractive enough to sexual fantasize about too
I called myself bicurious for a bit, but I pretty much knew I was bi. Call yourself whatever you like.
I'm also pickier with men than I am with women.
well thanks

i also used to basically just say i might be bi or not, because i can tell when a dude is hot, but don't want to have sex with him

now i know the truth, i'm soft bi
humans make love and sex so complicated sometimes
i find that with guys it's almost entirely about their personality and how they treat me as i don't find men that physically attractive. with
with women personality matters too but i find most women physically attractive so it's a very different dynamic.
Maybe say you're heteroflexible? I sometimes say that cuz I still am much more into women than men, and romantically only into women.
this again
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>be me, attractive enough 6.5 on a bad day 7.5/10 cleaned up
>get plenty of attention on apps but 97% of people are ghosty/whorey, OR gross and want to meet IMMEDIATELY (greatly increased STD likelihood) also don’t want a relationship and am not manipulative so nobody wants to meet or fuck unless they’re said grossies even though most people who “want a relationship” just fuck on there anyway which makes me think everyone is retarded, but I digress
>6.5 in girthy peepee which I’ve been told is literal best of both worlds by everyone I’ve banged
>work out regularly and have muscle definition
>6’2” 230lbs muscle chunk
>ability to talk to any random person in public with any energy bc I’m not a schizophrenic nervous wreck who “hates people”
>all of this ^ goes out the window when facing hawt qt girl or qt femboy in public, opt out for awkward smile or wave, caucazoid “how ya doing” and move on imagining a life together if I had just said the right thing and not been a pussy

I don’t understand myself. I am a social butterfly in every regard until I meet someone I’m attracted to, I’ve only gotten someone’s number just by asking them in public one time, and a very beautiful 26 y/o Puerto Rican chick approached me at a concert when I was 19 and was like “awww no sorry sweetie you’re a baby XD.” Am I doomed to be involuntarily celibate unless I meet shallow people on apps to fuck? I know it’s not rocket science, but why do I feel like I am being a bad person and/or that I’m bothering girls or fem guys in public by trying to ask them out? Am I just an incrl retard? Im not a “BUT IMA NICEGUY” faggot but i AM literally the most honest and cordial person who doesn’t feel like anyone owes me anything but I feel so undesired by the masses and I’m just sexually frustrated atp. I have not fucked or jerked in over a month bc I feel like a nonmating mammal and worthless
you're supposed to treat ppl you're attracted to like everyone else. what ur struggling with is perfectly normal as frustrating as it is yeh.
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I can completely understand that, but how do you treat someone you want to inseminate and kiss all over like you do everyone else in a way that makes it obvious you’re interested without seeming like a foaming at the mouth retard with rabies?
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I often suck my wife's bvlls' BBCs to prep them before they breed the ol' ball n' chain!
you learn to control ur thoughts turn that part of your brain off. like controlling impulsive thougts, anxiety or addiction or whatever you have to manually override the lizard brain. pretend they're related to you, underage, ur best friends gf/bf or something until you've calmed down if that helps.
The skin I live in !!
that was such a tight, funny and tense movie
Again I understand that completely (and I also believe im capable if I’m able to withstand touching myself for as long as I have) but I still feel like talking to random girls/guys in public (mostly girls in this scenario) they immediately get what’s going on whether you’re being a chudbrain or a based quipmaster or not and feel threatened/uncomfortable unless you’re hyper conventionally attractive Chris hemsworth bod and face with a perfect white smile
idk how the super hotties react but imo looks aren't that important. maybe i'm coping but still. biggest turnoff for me is immediately wanting sex that's the uncomfortable/threat trigger and it's usually pretty obvious if that's what he's after and that's how the ghosting kicks in. if we can have a good time getting to know each other without the wanting to get in my pants subtext dominating the interaction you're good.

you said you don't want a relationship anyways so making friends/fwb without the hookup angle should be your goal yeh?
Yes, and I don’t ever approach w/hyper sexual attitude or subtext even tho I want fwb. I do sometimes say “are you trying to get kissed” after being complimented, etc. but that’s the most sexual I ever am up front and that’s usually in response to compliments on my physical appearance as I said. I absolutely love conversation and even small talk to some degree if it isn’t fucking soulless and dumb lol. At least as far as apps go, I almost always go the get to know you route and I just stop hearing from people 99% of the time. I completely understand that basically any remotely hot woman has me and 70 other dudes in her inbox minimum and I might just not be as “interesting” or quite as handsome, and I’m fine with that, what bothers me is women who aren’t actually serious with the front of wanting to be taken seriously and then it’s a lose/lose for both of us bc manipulative ”ChAds” get their guard down by any means and seize the prize while I get noseggs and woman gets cumdumped&blocked

It’s almost like life is just better for you if you’re a dumb piece of shit unga bunga
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>It’s almost like life is just better for you if you’re a dumb piece of shit unga bunga
from my very limited experience with the apps that seems to be what the apps catet for. you get flooded with attention and ppl propositioning sex to the point where anyone not looking for that is probably weeded out. it sucks.
i'd love to make friends and fwb but every single person no matter how casual and friendly they start out as, talking about hobbies, pets, food, travel or whatever wants sex within 24 hours without fail.
holy shit I forgot about that album
man I feel old

>caters to it
I agree it does cater to hookup culture, but I’ve only had a small amount of success going at it from that angle and it once ended in a chlamydia ridden blowjob. I did have pretty hot sex in a hotel with some bottomless pit of money 18 y/o trans woman, wasn’t any magical or romantic thing but it was a lot of fun. Again, can barely count the good times on one hand that didn’t involve a bunch of “wHaT aRe yOu LoOkiNg FoR” normie dating bs prior to the plapping

Most women I’ve approached with a very nonchalant don’t care that much “cool wanna hang out” attitude do not bite, the opposite of that doesn’t work well either, I think it’s mostly based on looks. Women get a plethora of men like I said before so why WOULDNT they choose the prettiest/boybandiest/princecharmingest/athletebro’iest guy that approaches them? Wouldn’t you? I think I’d do the same thing with a plethora of women so I don’t blame them, but it’s very rarely the case with guys. Like I always get literal dozens-hundreds of matches within a month on any of those apps and you know very well they aren’t the ones trying to climb my tree, I’m the one who has to put in the initial and whatever other effort on all of them. Most of the time I get messages first it’s a very bland “hey” or some over obsessed twink with AIDs who would be the easiest thing to dick in the world (for me and literally anyone) lol

TLDR, apps are a crapshoot unless you wanna condom through everything or don’t care about genital burns, rarely will anyone besides manipulators and/or 9&10/10s find a consistent and favorable arrangement
hey look

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