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Previous thread hit limit.

Post yourself for feedback and criticism on how well you pass, and respond to others with the same. When responding to others, try and give constructive feedback with how to improve.

QOTT: Do you pick photos that reflect your ideal self or do you pick photos that reflect what you actually see in the mirror? Have you ever let someone else select a photo of you for IRL accuracy?
>QOTT: Do you pick photos that reflect your ideal self or do you pick photos that reflect what you actually see in the mirror?
i just take a mirror selfie from straight ahead at eye level, idk how you can get less anglefraudy than that
>Have you ever let someone else select a photo of you for IRL accuracy?
i have no irl friends uwu
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eye of horus (ignore messy hair)

>QOTT: Do you pick photos that reflect your ideal self or do you pick photos that reflect what you actually see in the mirror?
i just pick the one that doesnt make me want to claw my face off when i look at it

t. 19, 5'5, 3 months hrt
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yea I try not to anglefraud
>would u let someone else pick a photo
I think I'd die if someone I knew irl knew I used this board
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>qott 1
i try to pick the photos that look like me. usually that means a mirror or normal selfie, sometimes maybe also from a distance. sometimes webcam. picrel is one i try to avoid doing, just death stare into camera, it feels unnatural.
>qott 2
oh my god no. i've considered it but always come to the conclusion that it's not worth bothering someone else over

beard shadow clocks you easily but otherwise not far i think
yea pass I think, masculine features but in the way that a woman looks masculine
ill be good and not post myself this passgen. will rate with more posters

i upload photos that i think i look cute in. these arent always anglefrauded, but they can be! i mostly post for attention because i am a whore
Need more time on hrt, beard shadow and weird makeup not doing you any favors
Pass, you look like one of my old coaches
No pass, I think it's the hair that clocks you the most IMO
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wish he hitted me more often
>QOTT: Do you pick photos that reflect your ideal self or do you pick photos that reflect what you actually see in the mirror?
i usually take a lot of pics and pick the best out of those - still rarely take one which makes me want to kms
mogs 3 month hrt me hard
not sure, pass i think?
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does she pass?
Hey girlies =w= rating this time <3 ~


Not yet good potential

Yea but stop lifting

I dont think so ffs plus weight loss would help tho

Pass as a battered woman

long midface ngmi
no I don't wanna
Fixed.. i always mess this up
she's adorable and stealth passes
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3 years hrt
will losing weight help my face pass better?
and what part of my face needs the most work done?

q1. yes i use the myspace angle constantly bc im a 29 bmi pig lol
q2. no, what if my friend picks a shitty one?
No pass
Clocky but reads feminine
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8m hrt. will eventually get ffs. currently working on losing weight
plan to get eyebrows done, & prob hair styled in a month ( a little longer )
what should i focus working on?

shadow clocks & makeup isnt quite there yet
need ffs
happy saturday pass2gen, will rate now and check again later
no pass, facial hair :(
no pass
clocky, style ur hair better and maybe full pass
gorgeous, stunning pass
agp transbian asbestoshon gribidigoomoder
no pass
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I just hit take photo and send the same image until I take another photo
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sam hyde?
jesus I can smell this image
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man face

man face and man body

man face

you pass as female

>>37271806 >>37271825
you pass as female

man face

man face

this photo looks edited

>>37272492 >>37272508
man face
> no pic
opinion invalid
biggest AGP i have seen on this board and the
really adds to that
>this pic looks edited
it's not, i think my phone has weird settings for "portrait mode" i need to disable or something. it tends to not happen at angles other than head on
>no pic
death to non raters
blainchard is scientifically defunct
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you're a cute normie pass , for me there's an inkling of something but idk what
normie pass tranny pass
no pass
if voice passes ugly pass , reduce forehead size get bangs or texture literally anyth
>>37271825 >>37271806
pass , no questions asked no improvements needed

normie pass
no pass
andro , there's just something about the jawline
fuck off kys no pass
ur pretty
topology checks out in some extreme cases like (YOU), literally agp caricature if i've ever seen one
it's not cope , I'm asexual and even the idea of sex repulses me
I literally don't 'get off' to anything let alone curing my dysphoria
you are really really ugly.
do I pass tho?
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went outside today, whys it 85 degrees in mid september
incurable hon
pass in 10 years
finn pass
just wondering, what do you mean by pass in 10 years? like, is it just a joke that ill never pass?
it's unlikely you will pass by then
you will probably 41% before then
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QOTT: Ha. No. lol. And idk I don't send actively unflattering pictures? but I'm not very meticulous either.
oh ok, thanks
yea, i kinda expected that going into this desu
face of a 13 year old boy
boyface with bad hairline
anglefrauding, likely jawhon
anglefrauding, likely passes
ffs needed badly
thumb head, you look like a cartoon character brought to life
teenage girl
ffs needed badly
ffs needed badly
beard shadow but mainly genderless
jaw and chin is a bit clocky, but I see plenty of fit women with your body type when I go for my morning runs so I don't think I'd double take if I saw you randomly.
you look like a woman with a square face shape
you pass but you look ill with yellow complexion around your eyes
clocky beard shadow and brow ridge, but mostly pass
Don't pass
clocky jaw but nice facial features besides that, most wouldn't clock you especially since you dress pretty well
Who’s that dude in the left
her bf probably ,
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>ffs needed badly
Sorry that was me, I sniff professionally.
>fuck off kys no pass
ok bitterhon
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the bug!
anon, if you are being abused, please try to get out of that situation
at least I know how to fucking shave
it's not abuse, he's just rough. more chances any lasting damage is emotional rather than physical.
ok damn sorry ):
fat dyke pooner theydab bitch
while ur here do you think i should get electrolysis or laser with the money im saving up
Sure is a shame you can't shave all that acne off your face
it's at its best its ever been so stfu
God damn tough break.
yay you're already creating stories about it
wait until he don't need to hold back anymore, and you'll be all "it was all my fault i didn't read his mind"
if you want to be hurt in a relationship go for s&m with someone responsible, abusers don't care about safewords
eh always do laser first unless it's not good for your skin/facial hair type
i cant help it :|
Heres a more candid photo
Looks edited
Close ffs will help a lot
Not atm but your plan sounds solid bf says you look like a librarian
Need ffs weightloss and be nicer to ppl
Anime girl irl so pretty
Pass as cis femcel
My bf lol
Idk ur situation but my bf hits me and is rough but i like it.. we have a safeword too its prolly not emotionally healthy either but umm your actually looking like a abuse victim rn
post more pics pls
do you enjoy your soul rotting inside you? do you enjoy having your only coping mechanism be oozing the very same hatred that is destroying you? do you feel it burning?
thank u
as in get electrolysis , works on all hair types , laser cab cause more hair or grow
> wl
> ffs
wl will fix hopefully won't need
> be nicer to people
fuck no
When are you starting HRT? You have decent potential.
not my fault he hits me and it feels like a kiss :/
I am in the process of obtaining some , will need a job first
pass v pretty

pass v pretty


try getting bange :)

80s vibe

sleepy and sad cant do more

Q1um, i try not 2 angle fraud, but its kinda hard 2 take photos showing off when i look like mr.moon man

Q2 considering it...
https://unsee cc/album#8LgAzsuNyy6Q
post ass
https://unsee cc/album#42LcKvoRGr8c sure
Don’t work
you set it to one view
https://unsee cc/album#t7kkpDCkbOkK
sorry im retarded, does it work now? its an ugly ass anyways
Good cast
nice ass
drop your discord
post a pic standing up
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Weird man thing ):
aka boymodder

twink hon etc
yes would unless pak

no wouldn't
if lagu yes and wouldn't
if not yes and would

yes would

no wouldn't unless ftm

no wouldn't

no wouldn't unless back on HRT

NO would fmf
(,,◕ ⋏ ◕,,)
hard to tell if you pass then
i like your hair a lot, i have mine dyed with the same exact section but in red
your face passes in both pics imo
what does lagu mean
She’s literally insane DO NOT ASSOCIATE WITH HER AT ALL
probably referring to laguna
Ok drop discord if this is 3 months you’ll probably cross the fuckable threshold by 8 or 9 months
Sam’s awesome what’s your problem lol
dont talk to the bpdemon babe
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pass, unfathomably pretty
pass, blessed with tiny baby hands
50/50, andy milonakis phenotype
pass, friendly kindergarten teacher type beat
turbomegahyperultragigapassoid, don't post ever again
50/50, ffs and turbopass
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dry run ig
I just had my ffs consult yesterday lol
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I got a haircut…
congrats and godspeed. you'll do great pookie.
is it like a fetish thing for you?
"yo barber, hook me up with that awkward 10yo hair"
Cutting my hair?
LMFAOOOOOOOO just wait till I girlmode it’ll go hard trust
posting in every passgen knowing you'll get a hundred 'you look like an underaged boy' (you)s because you have no jaw and a little boys haircut
means you look like you'll grow into your looks
>pass, unfathomably pretty
thank u anon
>Ok drop discord if this is 3 months you’ll probably cross the fuckable threshold by 8 or 9 months
no sorry i dont like mixing tttt with anything in my life, appreciate the compliment tho
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man face


you pass as female

>>37275288 >>37275735
you pass as female

man face

man face

you pass as female
Still looking good. You pass even better in these pics than in the last passgen.
Both pics pass. Smile works better, it feels less likely that you're the HR lady going to fire me.
Pass and very pretty.
Pass as an autistic nerdy girl. Some find that look very attractive.
Pass almost too well. You're not a foid trolling are you?
I’m hot and white and have abs drop discy
haven't posted to this board in over a year or two lol
anyway here's a pic i just took . i know my hair looks like shit and i want to cut it so it looks decent , but at the same time i've been growing it out for months
>make negative comment about self
>entire thread tells me i look great hon
>make neutral-to-positive comment
>90% no pass rate
This happened to me as well lmao. I was hopefully and said I was getting ffs soon and got 100% no passed compared to like 50% no pass.
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fuck my shit up passgen hurt me good i need it i need it bad

ffs needed badly
dont need ffs but you sure need regular plastic surgery
ffs needed badly
guy in a beanie
>pic i just took
>chrome-capture-2024-8-14 (6)
kys, dont post other people
guy in high school
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how over is it
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I didn't expect another passgen, but cool I guess.
Since last passgen was too Nice/hugboxxy with me, this time I come with one of the reasons for those wondering why I want to kms.
Usually I cherry pick the nice photos, but there are times when I feel like posting my regular, demacrated, fridgelike self. I never thought about letting someone else choose. I might do that next week.
in my eyes you're a gorgeus woman, really. Your hair is so feminine and beautiful, but i get that you need some actual criticism. I think you pass well enough, buf if you want to look even more feminine i'd suggest you wear some make up, eyeliner would suit you so nicely imo <3. If you have the possibility to do it, a face feminization surgery could help too, but it's not necessary. I hope you feel comfortable being yourself, honey :)
i already had ffs
normie pass ,but there's something there
teenage boy
there's no hope for you
man face
>this time I come with one of the reasons for those wondering why I want to kms.
which is...?
i can't tell what the reason is here without being told. you honestly look fine, you look good even
you look beautiful, like school shoter vibe ig. and i lke it
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no makeup yolo
shit skin big nose small face nice lips fem
odd looking dark souls character fem
will sasso
punching bag lol jk fem
i sense the blood of ishua. the star of david. she
damn you are thicc boned like damn angle frauding and still wide damn
ffs might not save this
lol omg those tits on that chest bruh but you got a karen vibe to you ngl
white plap meat dayumn lil shawty got that gyatt
lol those glasses on your big nose with that bowl cat ass hair my dude what you doin?
going to resist the urge to ask for your discord
this is somebody's wife get this hag out of here
baby need bottle
mole rat lookin bitch
face is strong like handsome squidward
a god or demi god not sure
pretty boy
haha dude how you get even younger? odd mofo
nerdy dude
lil girl
mixed shit skin
You look exactly like a (I’m pretty sure) cis Asian American girl from my work, it’s actually a little freaky
Everybody in this thread passes. Even if you don't photo pass, it means nothing.
I've seen a perfect photo passoid that had such a male voice I accidentally misgendered her a few times. I still feel bad about it.
I've also seen the exact opposite too. A trans girl who wouldn't pass from photos but she had such a nice voice and mannerism I thought maybe she was ftm or something.

...so voice is prolly the biggest factor. just saying
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i look like a man in drag
it's over
Yeah true
Just wanted to pop in to say you're all beautiful. Even if you don't pass today, you'll surely pass someday! But it doesn't change the fact that you're all cutie-patooties. :)
Just wanted to pop in to say you're all repulsive. Even if you pass today, you'll surely hit the wall of masculine aging someday! Nothing can change the fact that you're all born with male DNA. :)
i will bash your head with a rock kate
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do I pass?
i know.
Say the line.
cursed mid section like me. ur gonna need surgery. your skin needs tlc too for some reason. face passes
How do anons deal with their body hair? Wanting to go femboy and maybe even pass. I've heard of a few options, like shaving and using Veet, epilating, waxing, ect.
Are you retarded? Shave wax or laser. If you couldn’t figure this out you’re not gonna make it.
Of course it's simple, retard. I was asking for any experiences for any nuances or any issues that others might have run into.
Your twin mogs you
do you really think the king von shirt makes you look less like a 10 year old
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running errands and it feels like everyone can tell today. do I need ffs that bad? is it my hairline?
Make a new thread for that this is passgen it’s not a thread for wannabe cross dressers to ask for advice
I'd love to stroke your hair while you do a poo on the toilet.
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I feel like garbage and I want to feel more like garbage
okay but post boobs
I don't have any
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zero effort tired webcam pic
weird angle but pass
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this is what i looked like before i got my bangs, how was i doing back then ?

i’d say you pass, also you’re really hot

>> 37271527
pass very well, your face and hair are cute


your hairline is probably fine, the rest of your face is within normal female range, are you getting clocked ? or just paranoid about it ?
much better without bangs ngl. still no pass
I know this isn’t apart of the discussion but are u by chance single?
i am why
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Hi everyone.. I kind of am new here and posted in the wrong area so you might have seen me already but I’m here to get true advice on how I look. I promise I’m not faking or anything like that either
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I also have this for a body pic but I’d be happy to show any other angle or things like that so you can be sure about what you feel I need to hear
Brown Azelf
Completely ignored by the thread
pls gib attention
post booba
i get banned every time i do
do it as an unsee
>requires an account
hiya so I saw your og post and you seem nice and im sorry you had some mean people over in that. imo your face passes with makeup and mostly without makeup, maybe a little clocky at some angles but nothing a cis person would pick up on. your hairs nice but that fringe is iffy are you hiding a bad hairline or?? the bangs don’t suit sorry and I think something more like curtain bangs would suit you far better and be very pretty. as for body it’s pretty clocky how long on hrt are you???? shoulders + your hips is an unlucky combo but im hoping it might improve more if you’re early hrt, gets the men’s t shirts thrown out and find some style guides for your body shape immediately. you’re pretty but your main set back is your body and clothes rn so please focus on that I think you’ll get there sooner than you think though especially with your face so good luck <3
you set it to one view
Get dresses and skirts and stuff. You are looking tom boyish and that seems counterproductive
my bad
Yea she just needs to embrace the quark of an elongated body and find clothes that fit it like you said
seriously what does lagu mean am i retarded
See this is a little scary to hear because I’m 3 years in but my labs have always been 27 for T levels and 278-300 for my E so I’ve always been super supressed but I do have a very fast metabolism :/
Yeah I’ve been looking into getting something that compliments my body type
drop your discord
Stop cutting. You're damaging a mans property
im on antipsyches now
Good girl. Youre toobprecious and valuable
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Maybe this picture can help but I should also mention that my shoulders are 38 cm or 15” and i believe I read somewhere where that’s an average shoulder length?

But to answer your question, this is my hairline
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Didn't even get hateboxed, sad, thread is boring

Weather outside is nice, though.
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I like taking fotos randomly when i feel like it just so i can see how im doing face wise every now and again and just choose whatevers most recent
>last looked at a passgen like 4 years ago
if you're the type to post your pic here you really shouldn't. i don't know what the fuck happened over the years (passgen has always been a cesspit tbf of deliberate negging) but at least 75% of these replies shitting on anyone and everyone are transparently motivated by spite rather than actual passing or not. i wouldn't be a surprised if a significant number of the people rating others are offboard trolls actually
pass just need fat redistribution
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No pass (yet) but you'll clearly get there
Pass, just don't bulk up
More androgynous I'd say
Pass your way into a women's shelter, please
Pass easily
ffs will save you
You're super pretty, too much to be posting here
Your hair up helps way more than it does down, the first one leans toward passing.
Clocky as a victim of early 2000s fashion
Can I call it passing when you aren't taking care of yourself?
Downs syndrome twitch streamer pass, did you wish on a monkey's paw
From a distance you look fine but up close you need ffs
Just some dude
Just some kids
Potentially pretty but this pic feels uncanny, like the top and bottom halves of your face belong to different people.
It would be nice to have seen without the camera covering your face but you pass
Honestly could go either way, that's far from over.
A shame about the adam's apple. Your brows need work but you could pass
Your resting bitch face might get you there but the brightness drowns out most of the detail.
You would look gorgeous with ffs as long as you aren't 6'2 with broad shoulders
>are you getting clocked ?
Gotten some weird looks today that feel like I'm getting clocked nonstop.
What you said about looking within normal makes me happy but I just don't see it. Another face example that's a bit older.
You need to match your skin tone better if you don't want to go for a drag queen look.
Blurred to hell but you should probably start T before taking more pics.
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passgen still up this late?
I try not to anglefraud but I cherrypick in that I don't include pics that make me want to kill myself. so here's I think a realistic sample of my favorite and least favorite pics of myself, including my horrendous side profile. idk if I'll keep posting here after this week. hopefully not

pass probably
extremely pass
the eyeliner looks pretty bad but who am I to judge
you again, I would kill to look like you

if I didn't rate you it means I didn't rate you
My best friend back in college, a cis woman, had almost exactly your side profile. It's not bad.
what is your ethnicity
irish and jewish
Disc? I need ass pics
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Do I still look uncanny in this older one
will more surgery fix me or should i kill myself
Cute twinkhon princess. You look sexy with your hair down
It looks less uncanny but you also look too young to be posting here.
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Kill me
Please i fucking hate it
I'm 28 years old i've been posting on this board for like a decade now
Please wear high waisted cloths and waist train
Don't doubt you your face just looks young. Any skincare routine you're doing?
>Clocky as a victim of early 2000s fashion
its jeans a tshirt and a cardigan
ripped knees are at least one thing
Long hair and skinny jeans were something a lot of guys picked up around then, before that I can't imagine anyone would clock you. Not trying to be a bitch just a dumb thought.
Your so beautiful az.. im glad your winning.. you dont know me but your kind words in a cipg from a year ago kept me from roping.. ill always be cheering for you
I don't do skincare
You've got great genes then, I'm jealous.
i have shit hon genes that make me unable to pass even post-ffs
Wtf whose dick is that? I didn’t know she a transbian I thought she was straight
That makes 2 of us then
Wrens is much bigger than that
I guess she’s a shower not a grower
god damn I need someone to do that to me. it would make me feel like I have a purpose
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>It would be nice to have seen without the camera covering your face
Here some photos without my face covered ft. my huge and horrible nose.
God you're pretty.
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I got contacts today. FtM
>QOTT: Do you pick photos that reflect your ideal self or do you pick photos that reflect what you actually see in the mirror? Have you ever let someone else select a photo of you for IRL accuracy?
I take one photo and pray.
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A seething teenager who goes by laguna. She was Kats plaything for a while and is now seething because she aint getting the Kat dick any more
Im in love
bwwwaaaah u look so cuddly!
I hate giving pass gen posters attention and typically just lurk on these but you stand out to me. You’re very beautiful, you have gorgeous eyes and ur smile is delightful. I know it’s an annoying thing to hear but you should smile more, I think it really helps you pass. Please stop posting here, it’s a cesspool. Also you’re side profile isn’t bad.
bitch you horny stop playin'
i'm not horny
you'll never attract a chaser bf if you haven't gotten 5 replies by now
need me a lesbian
somehow every single girl ive been down atrocious for save for one has had BPD and I have a feeling you probably do too
This thread is grim.
that is the most obviously bpd girl i've ever seen lmao
standards are even higher for women. if no one finds you cute/hot enough to reply then just give up
yeah passgen used to be all hotties
we're scraping the bottom of the barrel now
holy cute
Everyone hot has better places to be than begging for compliments here.
too late to post myself i think. i'll wait for the next one. but i will rate some underappreciated bitches
i don't think the hat is working for you and you need better fitted jeans, but if your voice is good you would pass to me.
pass but it's a bad quality pic which is warped (check glasses), so going off of that you probably don't pass.
blurry. i can't tell if you're mtf or ftm. you pass an mtf.
pass and also marry me?
you look good. i don't think your nose stops you from passing or is particularly ugly, but it did stand out to me. would kiss 10/10
long midface but pretty lips. you have potential.
you still have a little babyface, but t should solve that. i like your piercings but don't think they're helping at all.
yeah, this. also shit thread. we need to stay on topic more
when wouldgen was made a few days ago all the hotties came out of the woodwork to post in it
tbhon i post myself here more to get honest opinions than to receive praise. my logic is that people here probably have a lot less reasons to hugbox than people who know me irl/on discord/whatever
this. these threads are for the opposite of filling your ego
not bad
now post a pic with your bangs pulled back and a side profile
you look miserable and don't pass in the least jesus christ get your hairline fixed
why does your hair look like a hat lmfao
i get gendered correctly with no makeup and dressing like a twink so do i get to post here now
yeah go for it
these two cuties are why I come to this thread
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This is an ex impersonating me. If there are any pictures, anywhere, posted of me past this point, it is NOT ME.
How am i doing anons? Top right pic is after a recent haircut
close, chin is the only thing off
pass, and a fuckin cutie at that
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forgot pic because i am a silly silly creature
your teeth scare me
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probably because I bite, hard and often. my gf is goddamn fed up with it. I do let her bite me as well, pic is recent bites from her.
inb4 colossal adam’s apple comment, i fucking know im saving for a tracheal shave
you look like a fun and neat person imo you’re close actually your body isn’t bad at all literally just laser, work on your makeup a bit more maybe and try grow your hair longer though it looks well cared for you’re doing good hope you know that
Thank you for the reply! When you say laser, is this because I have visible facial hair shadow? I have done 6 seasions of laser so far but still worry a lot about it being visible, even with shaving and makeup. My next laser session is soon, hopefully it keeps reducing it.
I will definitely continue to work on makeup, i find it a lot of fun in addition to being important for eventually passing. Hair I am in the process of growing out, the problem is that it grows so slowly because of the tight curls, one inch becomes 1/4 inch. Oh well, nothing to do except be patient.
Thank you very much for the kind words, I will keep at it and hopefully get there someday.
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Greetings from /fit/. My home general says that I do not pass at all, whereas my coworkers (women) never notice anything. I have also never had any issues entering the female locker room. I basically never get clocked in real life. I pass just fine, right? I know there's some small stuff that hormones should quickly fix. Any other improvements?
tbf with the laser comment it’s only really visible in the bottom right photo imo and if you’re wearing foundation there it could be bringing it out more. laser should be helping and if not try maybe get on electrolysis but you should be ok!! for now maybe try some colour correction if you’re wearing foundation or what I do (as I can’t wear foundation) just apply a light concealer around my chin and upper lip and that usually doesn’t bring it out too much. you have a good attitude though and whatever you’re doing with you hair currently keep doing it as it looks great honestly I don’t think it needs to be that much longer to push you out of that awkward andro territory lol. also your adams apple is fine T_T
you pass due to context clues
https://unsee cc/album#BykkRdUBybGC

I'm approaching 30 years old and been on the juice for 7 months. I pass around half the time, I sometimes get told I'm a "strangely pretty boy" and people assume I'm a teeanger. I hope another year on the estrogen brings me over the line consistently
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pre/post ffs. do i pass and do i look uncanny?

you're stunning
i wish i could squat like that im so jealous
/plg/ is all chasers in denial
Voice is going to make or break it. You're right on the dividing line between clocky and passing. If your voice is passing you're fine.
u pass dummy..
As someone whos had ffs I'd ask for a revision or look for another doc. They didnt give you a v-line... looks like they couldve shaved a lot more off and given you the v, although it depends on your anatomy might not be possible but you pass as you are
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MtF 18 years.


I do it, I do it, but it keeps coming back stronger n stronger and every time I shave I cut myself, aggghg im going insane
Yeah post your ass pls
I've lifted for years you are goals
y u posting other ppls faces?

also u have good potential if that is u

get on hrt



and grow ur hair out...
How is this thread still alive?
With that face stay as man
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Delicious grapefruit juice! an excellent way to hydrate right after ur IM injection!
also potentiates cypro
You know those are basically sugar water?
close enough welcome back freddie mercury
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>people don't call me out on my bullshit because it's socially unacceptable to do so
>this means I pass as a woman
Better fat distribution and you'll look more like women powerlifters. Not attractive, but you won't get clocked.
How much does your ass clock you anyway? Serious question.
This thread isn’t for you to jack off either tell people if they’re hons or not or leave
>This thread isn’t for you to jack off either
we'll see about that
Was my ffs bad? I’m >>37289141
Yikes. This fad can't pass soon enough
I want you to wear a dainty dress then put me in a chokehold
Please remove your hand from your dick
you can pull my hand off of it yourself
what if I armbarred you instead and blew out your elbow :)
I would scream like tom and jerry
no revisions sadly, it was done by one of the top US surgeons and he was as aggressive as he could on my jaw. also i'm an europoor, can't afford another round :(

you're so right it hurts

your ffs came out really well, better than mine anyways
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this u?
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u look like kara
CMILF (Cro-Magnon I'd like to fuck)
do i pass? when i'm going out most people use she/her to refer to me but i want to hear more opinions!
In this pic yeah but you should post one without anglefrauding
I'm transbian can I choke u
yeah i thought it was anglefrauding but i'm too lazy to go take one rn lol, maybe i'll post another one later
Ur adams apples not bad dummy ive seen latina stacies with much worse
Pass as jewish girl
Could go either way imo
no ive always thought you were beuatiful you posted your selfie in one of my depressionblog threads a long ass time ago and i toldu that
Your ffs looks really good and you look good
> done by one of the top US surgeons
Thats where u messed up
us surgeons suck
i got my ffs done in colombia for 18k by someone trained by mandirosian and get free revisions for life if i wanted it... us surgeons are so scared of lawsuits they wont make u pretty or go agressive
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bad hairstyle i know. could i still boymode with longer hair and bangs?
I'm not concerned about your hair, why are you looking at me like that goddamn
soul status: eaten
I don't believe in you... I don't believe in you... I don't believe in you
you're mother sucks cocks in hell!!!
it's wednesday how is this thread still alive lmao
succulence level 0%
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Alright ngl first time figuring out how the board actually works cause it’s complicated and scary.

Need cold hard truth on the passing question. This photo has lots of makeup and anglefrauding but I will puke if I post a head on photo

So, any hope or am I doomed to be a forever twink modder?

Also been lurking for like 2 years but still feel like a new fag so sorry but my ineptitude wins out again.
Your face is undeniably male, I guess it's twinkhood for ya
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I hope I’m doing this right but here are a few other angles cause every photo I take is fraudulent anyway (QOTW)


Thanks for being honest I guess. I knew the angles were too harsh to pass. Litterly everyone around me tells me it’s no bigge but it’s been my biggest fucking clock so either I’m femboy repping forever or praying that FFS does literally anything
You are attractive, if FFS works you'll slay
jannies will kill fun thread like wouldgen or bodygen and let this old, geriatric passgen live
Upper right is the only standout imo, I've seen women on tiktok like you dozens of times.
wouldgen is passgen but horny
i don't see an issue with that
I'm too shy to post myself in those threads. If people came asking for that here it'd give an ego boost but don't think I could follow through
Is that a good thing?? I’d settle for looking like a random tik tok woman desu. better than ugly ass man

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