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Would there be fewer mtf transitions if male pattern baldness didn't exist?
Is that same person
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there'd be more imo
I'm repping because I've already lost all of my hair and even a wig can't fix it because it's literally ALL my hair
brows/lashes included
I look like an eternal cancer patient
the only thing that keeps me from kms is staying constantly distracted by entertainment
Can you maybe use a wig and just draw on eyebrows?
fewer earlier transitions maybe
that was the initial thing that got me on the track to realizing dysphoria
the fear of losing my hair led me to thinking about the fears of other masculinization effects, then to the broad understanding it was all masculine traits
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>the fear of losing my hair led me to thinking about the fears of other masculinization effects, then to the broad understanding it was all masculine traits
I've been watching someone go through this process for months but they're stuck in a coping phase larping as a cis man taking HRT for their hair. Pretty funny.
it is a little funny, especially if theyre taking full hrt
finasteride exists, you don't need to transition to a girl to not bald
microblading can help ur brows
Semirelated but I wonder if there are chasers who are attracted to their partner's pre-transition self and find the idea of regressing them to that stage arousing?
Why didn’t hrt give me my hair back
She probably wanted it more.
I think more common is guys being aroused by seeing how someone male got turned into a close approximation of a girl.
Besides the baldness, that's an attractive tranner. She should get the Musk treatment and then she'll be good, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
stop tempting me demon
They're taking fullblown HRT, like injections and shit. Their excuse is they think finasteride stopped working or something.
i see far more people saying they can't transition because of how bad their hairline is than the opposite
kinda based desu

do they express dysphoria otherwise?
>draw on eyebrows
DO NOT do this, ffs.
I think they've said they dislike their body hair kek.
o no... still a chance to not be i guess but... damn they are gettin close
Yeah, it's over for them.
Balding actually delayed my transition for another 15 years. Restoration procedures weren't nearly as accessible 20y ago and I thought I was just too bald & absolutely fucked. I'm still absolutely fucked today, obviously lol
balding is why i repress
being a weird gollum freak with gyno is worse than just manning up.
there would be more
i rep because of my lost hair
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You want to do it.
That's quite lucky. Not all receding hairlines grow back like that.
I think it mostly depends on how long it's been since the balding began. The time when the hair follicles are fully dead and can't be recovered is a good while later than the time when you stop seeing hair.
if i'm on anti androgens do i need to stay on fin as well to maximize hair regrowth?
as a dumb repper i obviously don't want to go bald but finasteride would be a gateway into estrogen since it's so much easier to take fin

i'm a weird gollum freak with a masculine face but i'm also like 125 pounds
According to this guy in the pic some anon posted from hairlosstalk forum:
Estrogen actually does the regrowth while antiandrogens on their own merely stop further balding.
i'm on e but my doctor stopped prescribing fin when she put me on bica. im just terrified of my hair getting even more fucked than it already is
ive been on hrt for a year and a half and its still falling out
Do you people here unironically find the right one more attractive? Like you have to remember that it's the same height, same size, same bones, it's like some guy in their 30s doing drag and acting like a sad loser.
same height and bones but not the same size since they seem to have lost weight
i mean i think the before is hot as fuck but i have daddy issues
For many losing hair is the last straw thet pushes them over so yeah.
>would reducing human sexual dimorphism reduce the number of humans who object strongly enough to such dimorphism that they chose to transition
Logically, yes. I don't think it would reduce it by a lot though, there's far worse things than MPB that happen earlier.
male pattern baldness is a big one though
growing more body hair makes me want to stop repping bleh
You're just gonna be met with a ribcage.
I had to read your post 3 times to understand your premise. Why would there be less trannies? They'd be more you imbecile.
Many mtfs start transition right when male pattern baldnes starts getting noticeable. Average hrt starting age is around 30. Without male pattern baldness those mtfs wouldn't have the motivation that pushed them over the edge into starting hrt.
For me it's bodyhair and beard
How old were you when you started? Guy in the op was only 19 so his hair folicules weren't dead yet
every time i see "mtf" i read it as "motherfucker"
'hrt does nothing' bros...
Are you all retarded? That's clearly a wig
Wigs don't look like this
I got similar levels of regrowth over 3-4 years on fin, minox and HRT.

Started at 29 currently 33
You think she bought 10 different wigs of increasingly long length just to create the illusion of growing her hair back across multiple reddit progress posts?
>You think she bought 10 different wigs of increasingly long length
That'd be a pretty elaborate and pointless scheme for someone without real hair regrowth to engage in.
The simpler explanation is those are multiple pics showing her gradual progress.
It's well documented some men have grown back hair, usually while on different kinds of pharmaceuticals.
you're not hispanic
>I look like an eternal cancer patient
Go full Feyd Rautha. People will like it.
I did the same hrt/minox/etc as this person for like 3 years and my recovery was nowhere near as good as theirs. I have barely enough hair to do an expensive hair transplant that might give me okish hair, but if enough hairs don't take root and just die post-op then I am mega turbo fucked. Also the side effects of 10mg/day oral minox are horrific.

All testicle havers should take fin by their teens to spare them this fucking horror.
If brows and lashes are going too then that sounds like autoimmune hairloss rather than androgenic hairloss.
I dont wanna fuck a man with long hair. I wanna fuck a girl with penor. And thanks to social media I know theres tons of them out there.
No but there'd be fewer transitions if being a woman wasn't 100 million times more fun than being a guy is.
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I could rep super hard if I had a 100% guarentee of no balding + no facial hair
I've switched to femboy coping and it's fucking EASY right now, I like how I look and people think I look better
How old was this person when they started?
they were that bald at 19? okay nevermind this is oldshit repfuel then when i thought it was the exact opposite lmao
It was only ever a slight widow's peak and a dime sized spot on one side that was easily hidden until an event of extreme stress and panic that persisted for weeks and it all just started falling out in clumps with every shower
like I said, the only thing stopping me from kms with 24/7 videogames/movies/tv
I lost internet access for a few days last month and almost did it
my hair never got as bad as these but my gains have been noticeably worse ima kms
i wasn't as far gone as some of the ones being posted here but i did have fairly bad hair loss before going on HRT, NW3 at 23 and i'm 27 now so i'd probably be pretty much bald had i not done it. kinda terrifying to think about. my hair is much better now and i didn't even take any specific hair loss meds, just estrogen. it's enough for me to pass with bangs rn but i'm getting my hairline lowered as part of my FFS.
>Would there be fewer mtf transitions if male pattern baldness didn't exist?
desu i'd have transitioned anyway even if the norwood reaper hadn't come for me. it sounds ridiculous but honestly i couldn't bring myself to even care about my appearance until i moved out of home and transitioning became a viable option for me, that's probably why i let it get as bad as it did. i wasn't someone who transitioned to "save" my hairline, i was more worried it was going to stop me from ever being able to live as a woman.
>I could rep super hard if I had a 100% guarentee of no balding + no facial hair
i barely grow facial hair and none of the men in my family bald
so i'm pretty sure i could solve both of those problems with fin and electro
but repping sucks i keep staring at my hrt wondering when i'm gonna take it
What the fuck
If this is real I'm going to order estrogen right fucking now
t. seething middle aged baldlet
that person started at 19, if you're ACTUALLY middle aged and not like 25 then you probably won't get much regrowth from hrt or fin alone. based on lurking mpb communities and not just tranny spaces it's uncommon to get regrowth without using minoxidil which is best used for mild cases.
yeah that's not androgenic alopecia, go to a dermatologist so they can check what's going on and diagnose you

and might as well get on finasteride anyways- all that hair should be growing back soon and you'll want to keep it safe when/while it does
it's been 8 months and nothing's grown back even a little not even body hair
>if you're ACTUALLY middle aged and not like 25
does 30-35 count as middle aged?
t. 29 year old repper
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Top age 30
Bottom age 33 2 years HRT, fin and minox
Yes. I started my transition because I saw I was going bald and was like "damn I should probably start taking this whole 'I wanna look like a girl' thing seriously before it's too late"
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What the fuck happened to Tim Pool???!!!!!
forced to take off the beanie and his fragile psyche didn't know how to cope

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