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Previous Thread: >>37263740

• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/
▶ Basic HRT: https://apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf
▶ HRT ranges: https://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
▶ Powers Method: https://powersfamilymedicine.com/s/Healthcare-of-the-Transgender-Patient-V60.pptx
▶ Endocrine Society Guidelines: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/102/11/3869/4157558
▶ Transline Guidelines (with bicalutamide): https://transline.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/360047702053/TransLine_HRT_Guidelines_FINAL.pdf
▶ WPATH SOC: https://www.wpath.org/publications/soc
▶ TransDIY: https://www.reddit.com/r/transDIY
▶ Blood tests (US): https://www.privatemdlabs.com/, https://www.labsmd.com/
▶ Blood tests (UK, Ireland): https://www.medichecks.com/
▶ Blood tests (Canada Only): https://bloodtestscanada.com/
▶ Blood tests (Sweden): https://werlabs.se/
▶ Blood tests by mail: https://www.letsgetchecked.com/ DIY capillary blood samples. Expensive.
▶ Lab test guide: https://www.healthcare.uiowa.edu
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▶ https://www.inhousepharmacy.vu/t-shipping.aspx - Has been popular in the US. Ships from Vanuatu to some countries.
▶ euaibolitatgmaildotcom - Ships from EU to Worldwide.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies.md (US only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://alldaychemist.com - Ships from India to some countries.
▶ https://shape-shifter.webnode.page/ - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide.
▶ https://stayhealthynow.co - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide
▶ https://amazing4health.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://favskinhouse.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://goodstuffstore.net - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://otc-online-store.com - Ships from Russia to Worldwide.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy.md (US only) - Ships from India.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from India.
this board is dead but take my bump anyway
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I've been doing 4mg hemidrate oral and 100mg of spire for like a month and my gynecomastia is getting to the point that some male friends are mocking me for looking like a girl, are we winning?
i ordered 262ct progynova w/o a prescription, and only now realize that a) i'm only supposed to buy 90 days worth at a time, and b) 6mg oral is considered super high. i'm going to incriminate myself by admitting that i wanted a load before election day and have been 4mos on 3x1mg daily sublingual supported with 50mg bica (no blood tests because fws has a 14hr limit and i lost a textbook, i love poverty). post office workers get off my board.
i did not ask before ordering, because i am retarded. should i order one box asap for if this one gets denied?
bf%? preexisting gyno? nipple check? i mean if you're fishing for validation you could try molesting a friend or something they might finally be into that now
so, winning
t. 5'10" 130lb skellington whose ribcage is now merely invisible
25%-ish, no preexisting gyno, I just god give me the biggest ribcage possible.

I'm boymodding as I'm on a only guys music group on my uni, I'm fucking scared that they notice the honkers like
wtf is pio i haven't heard of it yet
oh it's diabetes medicine. weird
are cashier's checks inconvenient to pay with? will my bank ask me questions?
lol ur prob hondosed, get bloodwork done
nah just see how this one goes
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Hi, I just got my test results back and on one .1mg twice a week patch for 3 months (with no AA), I've reached levels of 64.2 ng/dL of testosterone and 127 pg/mL of estradiol. It seems my body is taking quite well to HRT, no? I'm about to start taking a doubled dose of two .1mg patches. Am I on the right track? On one hand, I'm worried I'll get TOO much estrogen and TOO low testosterone, but on the other I think a doubled dose may be just what I need. I dunno, what's the peanut gallery's opinions?
I suppose another question I have is if I should be worried about getting on this doubled dose? I'm kinda scared something bad may happen to me, like some kind of medical emergency. However, I'm very healthy and I had no bad reactions to the first dose of patches. My provider says I should be fine, but I'm still a little scared.
i will try many tears
Can I use HRT to have softer skin and less hair, but no feminizing effects? If yes, how? I'm a cis male and don't want to look female - just have less body hair and better skin
No, for these effects you need to suppress testosterone enough to be in female range.
you want skincare + good diet & laser
Aww, too bad. Thanks anons. Doing skincare, diet and laser already but this is taking sooo long
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where do you buy your needles for diy? i bought a bunch from amazon a while back but i'm kind of suddenly questioning if it's really safe, as they are listed as industrial lab ones, so not necessarily body safe. i might be stupid and there isn't really a difference but it is kind of bugging me and i'm curious if there's somewhere i can medical needles for domestic use
check the injection supplies section of diyhrt.wiki for your country

worst case scenario just look up insulin syringes? idk
literally the most boring case of “you’ll be fine” ever, i can’t stress how fine you’ll be enough
yeah just start taking full dose hrt as a cis man you’ll love it trust me
insulin syringes are otc in most places and a better option than detachable needles
how do i psych myself up for injections i'm trying to change from pills but am so nervous
>i can’t stress how fine you’ll be enough
To my levels or to my increased dose? Either way, I think that's a good sign that you say so. I psyche myself up a lot over this medication when in reality it's actually very harmless. It's not even really medication, just hormones. May as well be a supplement.
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Hi, I'm not sure if anyone can help my situation but I'll post just to try.
If I have a prolactinoma should I discontinue all hrt use? I don't even use cyproterone acetate (used it for about a year, 4 years ago), just normal standard EV injection monotherapy.
My doctor suggests I stop hrt use, I don't know if this is something I actually need to do or if she is just biased towards getting rid of hrt meds, I wouldn't be surprised because a lot of doctors don't know a lot about trans hrt. I'm sitting here with my next dose and I don't know what to do. I want to continue, but I also want this tumor to go away and if evidence shows that is what I should do, then I guess detransitioning is what I will do.
if i were you i'd switch to roughly physiological E levels with bicalutamide
i might be too retarded for this
Finasteride/dutasteride is the closest you'll get beyond those. Mainly good for preventing mpb but the dht suppression can theoretically reduce body hair and sebum production with very low rates of gyno compared to HRT.
>if i were you i'd switch to roughly physiological E levels with bicalutamide
I don't even get what you're saying, is it to not take E but take bica?
Is 7.5 mg of Pio enough for thiccness?
don't do monotherapy. take enough E to keep you in cis female range
How are my levels? I'm 8 months in but I don't feel like I've had many changes.
Is there anything I should discuss with my doctor when we meet?
your levels look good. the changes take time, and require more than HRT in most cases, but you could ask your doc abt it. what changes have you gotten so far? which changes were you hoping for at 8mo are you missing?
Current: 8mg (sublingual) + 50mg Bica

Switching to EV injections (4mg/5days) on 25th Sep. How should I taper off my pills?
Also, should I continue to take Bica (maybe even 25mg) for breast growth gains (LSH + LH etc)
just gotta do it. stab yourself fast, the slower you go the more it hurts
to both
what’s with the trend of asking hrtgen about case study tier situations bruh this is WAY out of my fucking pay grade

honestly, i don’t fucking know. iirc any amount of estrogen (and especially progesterone) can increase prolactin secretions but given that they don’t make cis women take GNRHAs for prolactinomas (to my knowledge) E levels on the low end of physiological will probably not make things worse. legit just take cabergoline tho ur doc is prob retarded
for hrt? literally all you have to do is inject 4mg een weekly and you will be fine
probably not
literally perfect
drop the pills as soon as you start the EV, it’s also extremely unlikely ur gonadotropins would be unsurpassed at that E dose so bica likely isn’t doing anything
Every time I take my shot, a day later I get nonstop adrenaline dumps and my heart races at like 120bpm for hours and my chest hurts and I'm terrified and paranoid and this lasts like 10 hours and usually takes 2-3 days to wear off.

I've tried lots of doses and this last time it was barely anything 100mg/5ml for 0.015ml. just 1 and a half marks in the syringe. I'm not sure what to do anymore. Patches don't work. I've gone through shots to the lowest possible dose. I guess maybe i could try pills again, but i was like 9:1 restrooms estrone:estrogen. Maybe I just have to detransition. I don't know what to do anymore. Can my body go back to normal T levels at least so my bones didn't break? I still have my testes. This really sucks. I've basically done all i can do.
dumb question but would it be okay to buy raw estradiol powder and take it orally (i would measure the dose with a milligram measuring spoon)?
Any lupron enthusiasts
i am using the brand recommended by diy.hrt, i'm using 23G not 25G though. to clarify this is for intramuscular
Getting EV compounded at a pharmacy. I accidentally ordered 2 vials (20mg/ml in 5ml vial). I was told the expiry is 45days. How long will they be good in the fridge for?
I assume you meant to reply to me: >>37290191
The main thing I want is a feminine fat distribution. I keep weight cycling but I don't look any different. Pants do fit differently but I keep taking consistent pictures and it hasn't changed. My biggest concern is that my back and shoulders is large compared to my lower body. I hope the muscles in those will atrophy some, but I think I'd look better if I had more butt to counter-balance it.
The stuff I do have is all the standard T-suppression stuff, better skin, small breasts, and the most exciting change is plumper lips. Really wasn't expecting that.
Worried my breasts are coming in tubular but it also seems like early stages of breast development can also just sorta look like that. the shape of most of the breast looks normal but the nipple is sticking out a bit further than the rest in a weird kinda way.Am I fucked? (one is also slightly bigger than the other which is what's making me think this is just an early development thing)
i do da page 10 bumperino
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is it preferable to take oestradiol orally rather than sublingually when starting out?
i've read from anecdotal evidence that the increased levels of oestrone from taking oral oestradiol may help with breast development in the beginning stages, as it better replicates the e1 levels seen in prepubescents. there seems to be little to no concrete research backing up this claim, however.
i'm going to be taking 50mg bicalutamide daily, so i'm concerned that administering my oestradiol orally may place additional pressure on my liver.
why do people say mono is a meme?
Just got a prescription for 10mg EV a week. Am I paranoid in thinking this is pretty high to start out HRT?
Is monotherapy dangerous?
mono is fine and seems like a good option for the long term or to work toward, but it's not for everyone and not at every stage of transition, like you might benefit from a good AA dose and smaller oral or sublingual E when you're first starting out to go through similar developmental stages to a cis puberty and be able to switch later (that got me decent results)
I’m just scared shitless right now of prolactinoma, after reading >>37289258. For reference, I’m the person who is afraid to start a doubled dose at 64.2 ng/dL T and 127 pg/mL E. I’ve only been on this for three months and while I love it, what about the rest of my life? It seems like after a while, something is bound to go wrong like that, right? I feel like I’m going to die.
I don't really understand... those probably aren't rational fears, you should search up the prevalence of prolactinoma with different kinds of HRT, and reading above it sounds like your dose is way too low to be doing mono so you should absolutely increase it or add an AA
Ok, I see. Yeah, I have a tendency to overreact about medical things. I just have never heard of someone getting prolactinoma without cypro, so that post really freaked me out.
And you’re saying I definitely need a higher dose? I thought my levels sounded very good for just 3 months on a single .1mg patch. Either way, I’ve contacted my doctor about my fears and we’ll see what she has to say. I’m just worried my prolactin levels are or will be high, and I have no way of knowing.
what's with you? I didn't say your levels were bad, but the 0.1mg patch is obviously not completely suppressing your T and you should titrate your dose
I know, and I suppose that’s what I’ll do. I don’t have much else of a choice. In general, I’m just terrified of something bad happening. If not a tumor, maybe a blood clot that runs to my heart or lungs.
Trying mono had me break out in acne. Even with E levels in the supposed mono range I just needed an AA.
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What is the absolute minimum thickness for a proper sharps container? Could one of those 1 gallon water bottles work or are the walls too thin?
Alternating between almost dissociating and injecting and being afraid of dying from a bad injection or being hatecrimed for being a tranny
you cant even hurt yourself by injecting
About to have a consult, I think I want to start on e shots. What should I ask for for an AA (if I need it). My regular T was 330 total, 13 free, last time I got it checked so fairly low. In US btw
isn't this a blue board?
Oh yeah I forgot, not sure if it's allowed but it's for like a real medical purpose here and not jack off material so I would think it would be fine?
>you cant even hurt yourself by injecting
If the vial is bad or contaminated I can' can't I?
Yes or if you fill syringe with air
I'm on a gigadose (11mg EEn every week) and when I ejaculate, actual semen comes out, but it's clear. It's not a lot, but there is some
does it mean I don't have testosterone suppressed? how is that possible on such a big dose?
>Yes or if you fill syringe with air
What happens then? Is filling it with air bad for both subq and im?
It is seminal fluid, it contains no sperm. As long as it is completely translucent, that usually means your T is adequately suppressed.
sure if you inject foreign objects into your body that's not good but this will not happen if you just check your supplier and don't do anything stupid with the vial
you can not hurt yourself by injecting normal medicine
Sorry I should have said if you inject air, called an air embolism and can instantly kill you or kill you slowly and painfully
nta but what if nothing comes out? even if i am pretty active with it i still just don't produce anything anymore. i assume it just can't make it
hondosed lol
Wtf is a "hondose"
below 200 pg/ml
I use old coffee containers

Been off hrt for two years due to lack of access due to running g out of money and forced back into family who denied me my hormones

Now free again, I never formally asked to stop, I was taken away to a different part of the country to avoid being homeless, what are my options, already got a diagnosis but the past two years have been hell and had no way to get to doctor
>if you just check your supplier
I don't know how to do that besides just trusting that teahrt hasn't killed anyone yet
>don't do anything stupid with the vial
It's pretty much stayed on the same table for as long as I've had it

Yeah I know about that. I'm kinda paranoid about fucking it up.
you think some weak needles will penetrate those plastic walls?
it's more than enough
besides you don't have hiv nor hepatitis, right anon?
if you do would you infect me?!? sorry bad joke sorry ;_;
oh I see. Thank you!
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Fuck it, I'll take the risk. This isn't meant to be sexual.

So you can see what I mean, I'm worried about the shape, although it's mostly the nipple sticking out rather than the whole thing (as seen from the top-down pic in the top right), plus there's barely any growth there so I am early on, but I'm concerned that this is an early sign of bad things to come.
Please, guys, I'm still worried about prolactinoma. Should I be afraid of this? I can't stop thinking about it. What if I have it? Is it possible for me to get it? My levels are 64.2 ng/dL T and 127 pg/mL E. I'm so scared. I'm supposed to be going up on my dose, from one .1mg patch twice a week to two, but what if this raises my levels too much? I'm thinking of all the things that could possibly happen to me, from osteoporosis to prolactinoma to... I don't even know. Please, is this something that can ACTUALLY happen? I thought it was just a thing that happened on cypro? I'm horrifically scared. Why isn't my doctor monitoring prolactin? Please, help me. I don't know what to think of all this and I don't have anyone to talk to about it. I've messaged my doctor, but she hasn't responded yet, and I don't have a therapy appointment until Thursday. I can't do anything, I've been panicking all day.
normal, quit worrying
anon you're being a hypochondriac. if you get a prolactinoma you'll notice bc you'll start lactating. they're very minor & extremely rare in almost everyone. besides that they're *benign* tumors, they really aren't that big a deal. that anon just got a bad draw--cis men (& women) can get them too
I suppose you're right. I dunno, I just got thinking about how my results seem to be really good for three months on a low dose. I mean, my boobs are already an A cup and seem pretty big with minimal soreness, my skin instantly got softer, erectile dysfunction too. The provider I talked to a few weeks ago at my followup with Planned Parenthood predicted I was maybe at 50 pg/mL but it seems like my levels are looking way better than expected. It just makes me worry that slamming .1mg patches into my body right off the bat must've got my prolactin skyrocketing and disoriented my endocrine system. I also worry that putting even more of it in my body will disrupt it more and cause it. What am I even going to do if I start lactating? I would absolutely lose my mind. I can't do that, I can't pay for an MRI and deal with a brain tumor. What if it never goes away? What if it causes blindness? How am I supposed to make sure that never happens to me? What if it's already happening and I just don't know it yet? I can't find much useful data on prolactinoma occurrence on monotherapy. I just don't know what to think. I wish they would've given me a prolactin test. I wanted a metabolic panel, too, but they can only order that if you're on spiro.
anon all you need is xanax. i'm serious
I have OCD very badly. My therapist has recommended that I take something for it, but I don't want to be on anymore medication. I already hate being reliant on estrogen patches, I don't want to be drugged up on psyche meds too.
i know taking psych meds is horrible & feels defeating but i think your life would be really significantly improved by them. my mom had untreated (minor!) ocd for most of my childhood & it made both of our lives hellish
Sure, but still, what am I supposed to do about this prolactinoma business? Is it really just something I should ignore? That doesn't make any sense at all. It can't be that rare if this person is showing up and talking about their prolactinoma. I tried speaking to my doctor, but she's not responded yet. How do I prevent it?
yes it is extremely rare & you should ignore it. it's not something you have literally any reason to change your life for
OCD meds are good, very tolerable.
I don't understand the reason prolactinoma would even happen. What about being on monotherapy would give me a prolactinoma? I'm reading Wikipedia, but I can't find an answer to that. However, I did see that they can cause seizures and brain hemorrhages, so they sound like way bigger of a deal than you guys are letting on.
quit spazzing out
Please, man, it feels like so many people have prolactinoma. PP only tested my hormone levels, not my prolactin. How am I supposed to know that I'm safe?
almost nobody gets prolactinomas, you will know you have a prolactinoma because you will start lactating. fucking go to a bar & get shitface or something, stop freaking out jesus christ
So, since I'm not lactating, I don't have high prolactin levels, and since I don't have high prolactin levels, I don't have prolactinoma. But I could still get one, right? In fact, by going up on my dose, my chances only increase. Right?
>I was told the expiry is 45days.
don't put it in the fridge (you can but they'll crystalize just don't) and it'll last for a year or two easily (make sure they're multi use aka have the alcohol shit to keep it free of bacteria)

We don't know, do whatever. I would lowkey start on lower oral dose (i say this as someone who did the opposite)

No, it's fine. High peaks but it's fine for 7 days. You could 5mg / 5 days instead

Just DIY, find a provider that ships to you on hrtcaffee in the OP post
>However, with the administration of physiologic doses of estrogen, there is no clear basis for an increased risk of prolactinomas in comparison to the population background rate in non-transgender women.
So this is saying that physiologic hormone levels result in no different risk than that of a female. That sounds very good, and it means that I'm likely ok since my levels are around or somewhat below physiological levels. Right? However, I'm going to be on monotherapy, probably for a while. Does that increase my risk? I'm not able to find any information on the increase in risk of prolactinoma with supraphysiologic estrogen. I can imagine it raises the risk, correct? Does that mean monotherapy is dangerous?
only time I had high prolactin was on CPA, on E mono it's always in norm and nothing scary and I took huge doses frequently and infrequently, it doesn't seem to matter too much
I see. How did you know your prolactin levels were high, did you have symptoms?
I think I'm beginning to calm down now. It seems they don't test for prolactin for a reason, and that's because it's essentially a nonissue. I think it develops with HRT the same way it develops in people not on HRT: sheer chance due to the variance of everyone's bodies. I mean, I could get one, but that doesn't mean I will. I guess I know what to do if I ever lactate. Do you think I should try and get my prolactin levels tested anyway?
Ok so... the more I look at it, the more I see that my perspective is kinda warped. Prolactinoma isn't necessarily a result of HRT, more like all these people on Reddit talking about prolactinomas are doing so because they are people with prolactinomas who just so happen to be on HRT. The two aren't necessarily related besides CPA having a particular risk of causing them. Is this a more accurate view of all this material I'm seeing? For instance, the poster in this thread with a prolactinoma did not have their prolactinoma caused by HRT, it's just that HRT is a potential complication in regards to the treatment of it, which is why they're here?
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hey guys i have a few questions ehe.

ive been injecting estrogen subcutaneiously into my belly fat. Just because its easier than my thighs or ass. Is this less effective? is there any info about levels based on delivery areas.

Also i have a question about raloxifene. (I'm on it right now because i cant grow breasts with my living situation) I know Raloxifene decreases estrogen uptake in the chest/nipples but is there a possibility that it could be limiting my estrogen progress elsewhere, like for example the face? If so i think i'll stop

also does anyone know if retinoid cream has an expiration date? I have some from like 2020 im not sure if i should use it or get more...

Thanks friends
i take zoloft for ocd and it made my life go from hellish nightmare to occasionally uncomfortable but mostly pleasant
Any truth to high initial doses messing up breast (or other) growth?
im probably gonna be starting diy hrt soon (EEn in mct oil, from felicitas) but i still dont know what needles to get, everywhere i read people are using different syringes and needle sizes and im so confused now. And should i do subq or IM ? And what needle and syringe size for each ?
What is a good place to get syringes and needles besides amazon(in US)?
Trying to help my friend find a source but theres way too many choices
is 8g a week a super high amount?
also on that note, is the thing about "frying" your estrogen receptors with unreasonably high doses actually something to be worried about, or is there no proof to it?
any drugstore, probably easier to get online
>Is this less effective?
no, it's just preference

I already have a diagnosis on NHS records, and have money for private too, I just wanna make sure I am getting correct levels after being off for two years

I actually got a bit of cope during, forced to be male by external factors I tried to start to believe it, massive breakdown when my little delusion broke. Transitioning the only option.
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science, bitch!
do you ever get nervous about having to tell a doctor you're on estrogen?
I never bring it up. They don't have to know
i still havent had my levels checked 3 years in
>I never bring it up. They don't have to know
i don't like lying to my doctors. but also like these are my family docs i knew since forever...i went to school with their kids, i've even run into them during a vacation
if i turn into a tranny freak in front of them...

it seems important
no, it's just annoying that I still have to do this because my sex marker change is taking foreverrrrrr
but once it says F on my insurance card why do I need to tell them, I'm a woman at that point and having E in your system is to be expected
I just wanted to ask again, should I trust my doctor when she puts me on a second patch of .1mg twice a week when my levels are 127 pg/mL E and 64.2 ng/dL T? I know that I need to titrate my dose, but is it possible that a whole .1mg patch is too much? What if my levels get astronomically high? What if my testosterone goes too low? Is something likely to seriously harm me doing this?
I mean, this is her job, I'm sure she knows what she's doing, but all it takes is for one dumbass doctor to do the wrong thing and your entire life and body are destroyed forever.
Depends on what kind of doctor you're dealing with. For my eye doctor, I haven't brought it up because it doesn't matter, but if you're seeing your PCP or a cardiologist or something, I'd say it's probably pretty important. I love my PCP, he's a great dude. He was the first person I brought it up to and while he was worried about me getting on it (for mental health reasons), he's very happy to know that it's ended up changing my life for the better. It's not his area of expertise, so there's not much he can do to help me with it, but he always encourages me to get my bloodwork done and advocate for myself and my care.
sis those are bad levels, you need that second patch
I see. I wasn't aware those were that bad. Like, I know the targets, but they seemed really high, going from biological male levels (I don't actually know my baseline) to that seemed a little crazy. But... I guess not?
meds immediately
I will never take an SSRI.
ok well then stop posting at least
I mean I'm a huge fan of monotherapy but that only becomes effective at around 200pg/ml, so you are way low unfortunately.
Would the second patch double your dosage? Because ~250pg/ml E sounds like a healthy trough level to have
"Astronomically high" in my book would be 800+ and you're far away from that so don't worry
It would be a doubled dose, yeah. I'm not sure about my baseline, so I've got no idea just how much it will bump me up, but maybe it'll be just enough. I hope so, these patches patches are expensive, I don't wanna have to pay for a tripled dose lol.
I think I'm making too much outta this. It's not nearly as extreme as I think it is. You guys are more experienced in this than I am, so I think I should trust you. And my doctor as well, obviously.
I take 50 mg cypro and 4 mg E twice a day for 8 total

But my face and body fat distribution hasnt changed at all in 3 years

Is my genetics fucking me?

Am 29 btw started at 26
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I usually get a bit of e spilling back out when I pull my needle out and I decided on a whim to use the syringe to draw the puddle t back up to see how much I was loosing and it was kinda a lot. Note that this was with the same syringe I used to inject with so there was probably still some in the dead space.
Ok so I did do some testing, with some water squirting it out onto the table and measuring how much actually left the needle, and I can confirm that the volume markings accurately reflect how much is being dispensed, and that what's left over was actually just what was in the dead space. Maybe an extra 0.01ml from the puddle.
I have three questions, in the order of importance:

1) does some breast tissue really disappear when hrt is stopped? Or do they merely look “lifeless”? What’s the process behind it?
2) how long after quitting estradiol facial fat distribution loses its femininity?
i wanna order 300mg total of tablets of EV and then consumer 1mg per day without any anti androgen for low dose effects will it work to hide the veins in my arms at least
i low dosed in the past too but then i also used spiro
so you don't eat or inject anything and you get estrogen from just wearing a patch? whats the catch here
Expensive and doesn't always work for everyone, ie not everyone takes to patches well, has skin reactions, or they just don't stick
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Anyone got a good source of injectable estrogen in the UK? Or at least ships to the UK

Ran out and the site I used before, Vanna Pharma, has been out of stock for ages. Found Fiolelabs but they aren't responding.
Why do you take 50mg Cypro? 6.25mg a day is enough.
i'm >>37289159, i did it fine :)
when are you actually supposed to increase your dose?
>. For my eye doctor, I haven't brought it up because it doesn't matter, but if you're seeing your PCP or a cardiologist or something
the only doctors i really see are pcp, dentist, psych, and possibly endo if i stop repping
i feel very uncomfortable with the idea of telling a doctor since i personally know a lot of them
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im 6'1 210 lbs, do i lose more weight before i start in hopes of having somewhat of a cushion when hrt inevitable makes me gain weight?
I already have a pretty feminine facial structure/body structure, i dont mind being a little chubby but i think im too fat right now.
Or alternatively do i just kill myself? would i just look like a fat fucking freak if i took hrt now?
yaay congrats. i was really scared for the first half year or so but now it's easy
no, just start asap
to drop my T level bc i was sick of looking like a man lol

but its not working lmao
Not sure if this is the thread but how can you parse gender dysphoria from normal depression and the bodily discomfort that comes from the autism spectrum?
do you want tits
I kinda wanna wear panties, maybe a skirt, I already kinda have tits from gyno and bad diet
do you want people to see you in the street and say "that's a girl"
or do you want to be seen as just a sexual object while you're wearing womens clothing and you dgaf about any of the other stuff
>Gender Incongruence of Adolescence and Adulthood is characterised by a marked and persistent incongruence between an individual’s experienced gender and the assigned sex, which often leads to a desire to ‘transition’, in order to live and be accepted as a person of the experienced gender, through hormonal treatment, surgery or other health care services to make the individual’s body align, as much as desired and to the extent possible, with the experienced gender. The diagnosis cannot be assigned prior the onset of puberty. Gender variant behaviour and preferences alone are not a basis for assigning the diagnosis.
I just want this lead blanket feeling in the back of my eyes that I’ve had since puberty started gone, weed and shrooms are great but they won’t help remove said feeling while sober. Other people’s opinion isn’t super relevant and I don’t care for pronouns.
what do you feel when you look at your body? at your face? do you dislike it for any specific reason?
I used to hate being chubby but I eventually grew numb to it as I never had the discipline for dieting and an exercise routine. If I could snap my fingers and make something happen I’d give myself abs for sure. I never hated my male puberty but I always felt inadequate, incomplete somehow. Closest I ever came to a trans feeling before now was when I was 16 i erpd as a trap on Omegle. It doesn’t help that when I did lose my virginity it was disappointing and emotionally taxing, never being able to get to orgasm with a woman (despite being attracted to them) makes me have doubts looking back.
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astrovials currently has stock available and are able to ship to the uk.
felicitas should be restocking their een soon, however you may have to email them about uk shipping.
both sources have received third-party testing, so i would look to them before going elsewhere.
there's a lot here i think you need to explore before you fully commit. for me i felt like i hated being the masculine role, i love being seen as feminine and playing that "role" to put it very simply. your disassociation could very well be a trans thing, but it could also be any number of other insecurities (shit life, overweight, no emotional connections that fulfill you etc.). don't rule out anything just yet but desu if you're hung up on this still in a couple months with no real progress just start it lol that's what i did
does hrt remove body hair?
Gonna try cross dressing and shaving and see if that produces any feelings, if it does I’ll go further, if it doesn’t I’ll stop
no, it thins it out a little but your mileage may vary
So, having been at 127 pg/mL E and 64.2 ng/dL E for around three months, would that have damaged my body and given me like, osteoporosis or something else? I felt healthier and happier than ever before until I saw my test results, and now I feel scared and sickly and weak. Is it just me psyching myself out?
so if you start hrt without laser first you'll have hairy mantits?
but that's still no reason to postpone either, rule of thumb when it comes to this is always "asap"
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I just got my levels they're 146pg/mL e and 16ng/dL t. Is this good or should I ask for a higher dose?
what's ur route of admin? dose? frequency? levels taken at trough or midpoint? are you on an AA?
4mg morning 2mg evening e taken orally and 2x50mg spiro. Those levels are after 3 mouths on that dose
hmm ok, they look pretty good to me, your e levels are around the typical luteal phase peak & your T is within female range. i would suggest switching spiro for bica if possible but your T is pretty well suppressed so it's not a big deal. i wouldn't ask for a higher dose now but maybe once you're like a year+ on hrt or something
subq is easier to do for beginners, IM is easier to do if you know what you're doing, which I assume you don't (I don't either)
just buy insulin needles, mine are 30g, work fine with felicitas' een
Thanks :)
does anyone know why felicitas's website is down ? They were saying on their website theyll restock EEn by the 18th (today) but now the site is down and has been since the morning (and they still hadnt restock then) ?
how do i know if i have early signs of breast cancer of it's just a matter of them growing still?
>18, around 7 of HRT, injections every 5 days of EV
>Left nipple has always looked weird or a little bit more flacid, but it's only gotten more prominent with hrt.
>Lately, it sometimes itches around the left of it, extending slightly to the left armpit
>skin in left nipple is slightly red compared to the other one, with a small dark marc around the edge of it, the nipple is also growing more and more inverted, the skin is slightly dry, but that might be normal
> no visible abnormal growth, they haven't grown at all either of them.
7 months*
What's the general guide for prog?

I'm not exactly sure what I should be taking dosage-wise and what method (rectal right?) and if my current hrt regimin will like, mesh well with it (6mg EEn weekly, 12.5mg cypro every two days)

Like whats the price estimate for prog? and is the T backdoor thing real? could I add bica to my regimin just for that? I'm two years hrt and is the libido thing real?
is 0.26 ng/mL of total T and 150 ng/ml E at trough good levels?
i take 4mg of een every week
why does the right nipple look normal though? It also hurts a lot less at the touch. My grandmother from my fathers side had breast cancer and he himself had weird nipples
ok, they both hurt about the same, the other one is just slightly more sensitive at times.
boobs grow at different rates, usually one is bigger than the other. my left one's bigger. it's normal
Does signing informed consent let the doctor just not give a shit and legally do anything they want to you? I messaged my doctor about all my concerns and all she had to say was essentially "life is full of risks, you signed an informed consent form which outlined those risks, we can stop if you want to work on your mental health." On one hand, if she thought I was in any danger, she wouldn't have been so nonchalant about my concerns, but on the other, maybe she's legally protected because I signed a form saying "just fuck my shit up" and therefore doesn't really have to worry about whether or not she hurts me.
Trying to DIY in New Zealand and it seems like most places don't ship to here and the ones that do require crypto. The problem is, Im a retard and don't know how to do that shit, can anyone recommend a beginners guide for someone who just wants to buy pills, not play the market?
I know it’s AGP but is there any way to keep the ability to produce sperm while on HRT? Besides going off T-blockers.
she has a duty to provide adequate medical care to you regardless of any forms signed. youre an anxious neurotic person and stressing this hard will only serve to exacerbate whatever medical issue youre having
sperm is only produced when the body is naturally producing its own hormones. you cant replace your hormones while having your body fully producing its own.
Oh so no more cumshots :(
nope sorry bud
My Bf likes them :(
My doctor prescribed 10mg of EV every 7 days which according to the calculator will give me a trough of 300 pg/ml but a peak of 750ish. Isn't this really high? Shouldn't I be gradually increasing dosage?
you should upgrade to a straight one once you get far into transition
topical tgel. i don't know why nobody mentioned this. docs will prescribe it
doesn't tgel only help towards erections?
i thought it worked for cum too. idk, i've never taken it or looked too far into it cuz it grosses me out
Dose anyone know how blood levels of estrogen are related to levels throughout the rest of the body? I saw someone suggesting that your trough levels are roughly what the "actual" level throughout the rest of your system is and that high blood level fluctuations don't mean much.

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