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>Proceeds to get crept on by several creepy men.

Is this what passoids have to put up with?
yeh i don’t ever go outside after dark alone, a lot of men cant control themselves and they catcall at daytime already. at night they’re prolly way worse
1. shit is definitely scripted
2. bro is definitely on E or something
>looking likta tranny hooker walking on the streets alone at night
>oh no why are men approaching me?
>1. shit is definitely scripted

Not scripted.

>2. bro is definitely on E or something

Vlad is not on E.
>a masculine gymbro bodybuilder can pass better than most trannies

lol life is such a joke
>2. bro is definitely on E or something
hes not. hes just good with makeup.
Have you seen what he looked like before he started the Omegle trolling videos? Bro is looking really smol these days.
This YouTuber has a ton of videos "trolling" dressed up as a girl
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>not being aware that minorities exhibit problematic behavior, especially when intoxicated

see pic
it's wig, makeup and shapewear ffs some of you people bitch when you could be effortmaxxing your transition

why does this guy have so many videos dressing up and doing things, is he living out his AGP via his youtube career?
is it weird to think he looks extremely hot like that
Haven't watched since the Omegle days. So now he goes out in public and lets sexually aggressive foreigners grope and feel him up? So hot I think within 2 years he will start going off and actually hooking up with these men. That would make a killing on OnlyFans.
He already takes loads up his ass
This youtuber is an homophobic russian asshole who pretend to sell he pass as a cis woman by going to cruising zones, record and pretend to ridiculize gay men who just want to huck up with him. Then show it to a zombified straight audience who doesn't know what cruising is and just can't learn it because they're so entitled about their heterosexist "family-oriented" hell of a world. A pest, indeed.
On vid?
I wanted to side with you but then I remembered you hate bisexuals, I hope russia invades your country and sets it straight

What's cruising?
On location
>guy pretending as a joke
>has better hips than YOU
your cope /lgbt/?
He doesn't. also his shoulders are suicide inducing
i swear this could be part of an ambersis video
I hope so.
>Bro is looking really smol these days.

Maybe he decided to cut down his hours in the gym to focus on other things.
> I think within 2 years he will start going off and actually hooking up with these men.
Ain’t no way he isn’t already doing this
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What hips?
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>Ain’t no way he isn’t already doing this

He has girlfriend.
>dress up as a woman, with full on makeup, wig, fully shaved body-hair, effortmaxxing
>knows where to find all the local cruising spots
>is just “pretending”
Yeah that certainly stopped crossdresser faggots before
lmao that poor girl

His gf is in some of the videos when he goes out.

It probably started out as some sort of kink for them but it turned into a YouTube channel.
russia is cis f chaser central
Less hips than the average male. It's truly over for her sisters
Lol this makes it much more likely he is taking dick on the side. I just watched a vid where he sits on a guys lap, the guy says hes getting hard, then he giggles and wiggles on his lap. She probably watches.
What the fuck, he's totally getting dicked down by these guys. I gotta head to this beach.
Bro lost more muscle mass on [[not HRT]] than I have on 2 years. Yeah ok.

ruskies are so cooked man, absolutely pathetic nation of the most repressed mfs on earth
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don't you have a subreddit to go mod or something?
you can tell that dude wears her clothes when she isn't around
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I know this sounds dumb but I honestly wish I had the confidence to wear that and do those things in public
why the h*ck do I keep thinking GIWTWM GIWTWM GIWTWM GIWTWM when watching that?
I just want to wear a cute bikini and have men oil up my bumbum...
no lies spotted
You don't have the height and muscle mass to kill everyone who dislikes you
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why would I want to do that?
Because that's the reason this hon has confidence. If he was a weak faggot, he'd be scared for his life
is it possible to look like a crazy crossdresser like this?
im in my 30s and bodybuilt my whole life
The thumbnail is not real anon
i know...i guess i just really idk
im just a loser desu
lmfao what r u doing on 4chan unc
i was diy for yrs but schizo
What's cruising?!
Is this buff nigga going to make an onlyfans already or what?
You have to be 18 to post here
>you will never be the one to unlock and unleash MWAHnon's inner slut
I'm noticing a pattern in the kind of man who tries to rape her and they don't look like the guy in the preview pic.
stop noticing things, citizen
this just kinda shows hair+makeup+clothes is enough for horny guys, especially when alcohol is involved. Fucking youtube, making it look like dealing with these situations is anything besides extremely offputting at best. Some of these dudes feel like the personification of /r9k/ subconscious and are probs reppers to some degree themselves. There's men who'd get boners at a brick shithouse if it had on a good wig and was caked in makeup
Wait why is there so many brown ppl in Greece
I hope you aren't br*tish, that kinda noticing will get you some serious time these days
Check your privilege
>this just kinda shows hair+makeup+clothes is enough for horny guys
I want to start hitting the club wearing cute clothes and I hope the darkness of the room and funky makeup can get me to make friends
godspeed to you girl, make sure you bring some implement of protection you can keep at the ready and may picrel be with you
you mean niggers and spics and poor people. i live in a good neighborhood and pass 100% and never get catcalled. grt your ass out of the concrete jungle and suddenly people have more respect for one another.
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As punishment for being intolerant of racial diversity you should be sentenced to community service in India for a year.
its all non-whites, right?
I turn 27 next month I'm just a tranny instead of a fag
You can't say that.
>Is this buff nigga going to make an onlyfans already or what?

He pretty much has one.
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Please stop being racist. Any guy can be a creep. Skin color doesn't matter.
I had a similar experience in Vegas when I went for a work conference. Got dolled up and walked around the hotel part of the casino. Got legitimately groped and sexually assaulted. If it wasn't such a public area much worse would have probably happened.
i hope you're underage
That's from a gwar song
i don't get catcalled in my neighborhood either but like if i go somewhere i go outside of it, and there are a lot of poor drunk people and arabs who do that.
I find the key is to look crazy, also project an aura of insanity. People think twice about a bitch who is likely to chop off the hand that gets too gropey
Oh my god this is my wet dream
>can you give me 3 winning lanes
>10-0 top, 10-0 mid, 10-0 jungle
i'm just a person like you. not some pest or fetish object.
wait, you're a nigger?
breaking news! black people can be lgbt and browse 4chan!
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you're at best a primate, a mistery meat-spic hybrid, an expired farm equipment
your kind's average IQ is under 80, you are not a "person" but a humanoid at best
in porn you are only as good as the size of your cock, otherwise you dont have much use
only virtue-signalling self-hating whites go through the humiliation of adopting a nigger kid, everyone else wants white blonde children with blue eyes
you're a jewish science experiment and should have stayed in your africna shithole
watch the video again, that is the average black creature in the wild
your entire kind boils down to pure carbon waste. something inherently less.
go kill yourself you dumb nigger, eat shit and die
you add up to nothing and only subtract
shoutout to all the niganons who take the copious amounts of hard R's and gamer words on this site without seething about it
don't forget the aids, they take all that too
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this looks like you're just trying to fit in. no one's pretending to be white here, as we're anonymous. why so hateful?
i'm white and grew up in a neighborhood with some niggers niggering around in the wild
that's all you need to go through to learn to despise these pests
What the fuck is this? He makes porn of him crossdressing?
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so some teenagers were mean to you? yeah, they'll be like that. it's not a reason to have genocidal rage for people that you don't know.
Nice. I'd shag him up the arsehole.
>so some teenagers were mean to you?
They broke into our home. Back then my little sister was 3 years old.

>yeah, they'll be like that.
Yes, natural-born low IQ and low impulse control predators.

>it's not a reason to have genocidal rage for people that you don't know.
That's the thing, they aren't people. Niggers are responsible for most violent crime and no demographic cohort would suffer were niggers to disappear off the planet.
Eat shit and die, nigger enabler.
>Maybe he decided to cut down his hours in the gym to focus on other thing
Like sucking cocks and taking it in the ass at gay cruising spots.
"some teenagers" of always non white origin
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i'm just a person like you, that happens to be black. some white people did bad things to me before; it doesn't mean that "they" are all bad. thinking about people like this isn't healthy
Should a white act like a nigger, he too must be sent to the gallows. "No niggers" also includes "no nigger-like behavior" regardless of skin color.
Eat shit and die, nigger.
you just can't outrun the statistics
a glance at your posts makes it clear that you act more like those you despise so much, rather than any upstanding person.

i'm aware of the statistics, and i can't change them. the only stat i can change is my own.
Cool, but the opinion of a nigger is 1/100th of a human's.

>you act more like those you despise so much
What do you suggest? Arguing with niggers? You can't argue with fists. You contain violence with violence. It isn't books that are going to fix niggers.

As I said earlier, you are a dumb nigger with a low IQ. How do I know this? Because you seem to conflate violence and aggression. Violence is perfectly morally neutral as one can employ violence for good and bad. Aggression, on the other hand, is the initiation of violence which is non-consented and undesirable. Niggers perform aggression which can only be countered through violence.

You are a dumb nigger and should go bite the curb.
your posts are aggressive. you're the most hostile poster here, telling anyone you think is black that they should die.
If only niggers' aggression were exclusive to aggressiveness online, huh?

Eat shit and die, nigger.
bruh hes worn they WITH her around in videos and shit are you stupid
Homophobic how?
its pretty true. i barely pass but my shape is enough to entice creeps into following me or stopping their car beside me and trying to get me to get in. men are scary as fuck.
Gay trapping men and then going "HOLY SHIT YOU WANTED TO FUCK A MAN" probably only works to exacerbate homophobia and the gay panic defense.
Read up on gay panic defense and how it's been used. Either this guy is an active homophobe or ignorant enough to exacerbate homophobic fears for internet appeal.
I came to these. Do you think a "straight man" would feel weird knowingly trying to get men to jerk off to "him"?
Definitely an AGP crossdresser at least imo.
i don't think hes in america
AGP as fuck. It's just like that LoL pro.
Most guys just complimented me or stared and moved on. I did give a guy my snapchat but chickened out on meeting him up. The two guys who groped me actually got more aggressive when I said I was a guy too.
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they leave some for the junkies, now bikes on the other hand are a different story
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you seem angrier than the people you're trying to offend, you should tone the seething down before you post anymore
>all the men making caveman tier approaches are brown

White women voted for this
nobody voted for this
Reminder that 99.99999% of prank videos are fake. The ones that aren't fake end up with a police report at the end.
yeah women never vote for democrats
yep because they have difficulty in clocking a different race idk
fuck that's hot
If it was fake all the guys sexually harrassing him would be white. Instead, they're all brown.
He did use a fake pic for the thumbnail which you can tell because that guy is white and also isn't actually in the video. Probably he did that so it wouldn't look like a racism baiting video.
>If it was fake all the guys sexually harrassing him would be white. Instead, they're all brown.
Are you stupid? Racebaiting has always been a key component of prank videos, and it still is. Not everything is woke leftist DEI Blackrock pro-Ukraine propaganda or whatever your asinine world view is.
is that how average guys hit on women? no wonder i never got laid
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>I "pretended" to be a girl
>as a "prank"
>. Not everything is woke leftist DEI Blackrock pro-Ukraine propaganda
You know you're talking to a shitlib when all of these very present, very real things suddenly become fiction that some chud made up after watching a /pol/ webm or something.
totally didn't jerk off to the thought of the men raping him later
This is the opposite of racebaiting. He used the pic in the OP of this thread as the thumbnail for the video. That pic shows a white man molesting him, something that doesn't happen in the video. In the video, they're all arabs and blacks. If it was racebaiting the bait would be in the thumbnail image you see before getting baited into watching the video. He went out of his way to misrepresent the actual video by leading with a pic of a white guy grabbing him when no guy doing that in the video is white.
>Are you stupid? Racebaiting has always been a key component of prank videos, and it still is. Not everything is woke leftist DEI Blackrock pro-Ukraine propaganda or whatever your asinine world view is.
this is your brain on reddit, there's a very clear and noticeable pattern of people who engage in explosive violence and unwarranted sexual aggression. LGBT people will always be safer amongst western peoples
Ah, I see the tourists found this thread.
Yeah it exists but it's not omnipresent like you seething retards think lmao sometimes a stupid video is just a stupid video
You're reading way too much into a thumbnail to a video. Youtubers put shit in the thumbnail that isn't in the actual video all the time, it's called "clickbait". The fact that dude isn't in the actual video is just more evidence that the entire video is fake (Like 99.99999% of all prank videos are)
Schizoid tribalism that is completely irrelevant to my post, please seek therapy for your paranoid delusions
shill post kys
Did you even watch the video? It's clearly not fake. It'd be more effort to make a fake video like that with actors who all look like horny immigrants and speak in mixes of their own language and broken English and get convincingly surprised looking when the guy uses his real voice than it would be to simply get those reactions from real people by doing exactly what he did. He does an excellent job making himself look like a woman so those results of many foreign men at the beach trying to come onto him aren't surprising.
buzzword post kys
After checking the channel, I'm still convinced most of it is fake. But more importantly I am convinced this person is a tranny, why is literally every video him dressing as a girl
There are multiple context clues for why it isn't fake but one of the biggest ones is simply how much he actually does a good job looking like a hot drunk girl on a beach at night. If you could get that passably female looking you'd just do the prank for real rather than staging it.
fuck he looks even cuter as a guy.

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