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i NEED to rid myself of these feelings, the desire to be touched, held, caressed, desired, every element of sexuality in my body.
i don't want or like sex. sexual relationships are unfulfilling wastes of time and energy.
but i am not a true asexual. i have the curse of the animal in me, to feel a sex drive no matter how little i care for these things, the aimless loneliness and craving for touch with no targets to attach to, the desire to be pinned even if the thought of it really happening is vile. it's disgusting, it's distracting, it's a waste of mindspace that should be devoted to science. it has to be gotten rid of.
how do i sexualityremove myself?
holy shit you are literally me basedbasedbased
i NEED to kill my sex drive
i dont know if i should be telling you this but in my case ADHD meds (specifically Ritalin) helped reduce my sex drive by a lot. hell, sometimes i take a pill when i start feeling horny. it didnt kill it completely but it's gone down by like 80%
i think sex is one of the main things holding humanity back. if we could collectively kill the animal we would be a spacefaring civilization by now
based another aspirant to the hunt
share any tips
interesting thank you for sharing! i am adhd and waiting on a consultation for meds, so maybe i can kill two birds with one stone there. that'd be nice
omg unironically this! every single person in the top 1% or maybe even like 10% by intellect would be a newton or a tesla, without the monkey sex drive. and it would not take long for that talent influx to raise the brain floor too, in a couple generations we'd be a whole species of test tube geniuses
and like, we could still have social lives and stuff. newton had friends. artemis has her huntresses
>we could still have social lives and stuff
also me with my robots in 50 years inshallah
i dont have any tips but i wish i did. hrt killed mine kinda but its still there and i hate it
also yeah. test also drives people to violence and whatnot. i think if you could kill sex youd kill most violence with it, plus people would look a lot better aesthetically imo
all true. honestly though i don't want to change others who do enjoy these kind of relationships. i just want to kill my own sex drive personally. asexuals are superior but not everyone wants to be the superior humanity and i suppose that's okay
yeah true i guess
asexuality isnt something you can force lol. if you experience sexual attraction you are not and cannot be asexual. unironically it would take brain damage or something else that traumatic to get rid of your sexuality entirely. you can suppress it sure, but you can't get rid of it.

you need to get some discipline
well, oftentimes i don't experience any attraction for extended periods of time, and then i get struck with a crush and it fucks up my life. so i know it's a state i can be in. the bigger issue is physical horniness which just kind of ebbs and flows as it pleases, but i feel like maybe i can chemically annihilate that (which might take away crushes with it)
i already don't date or have sex. i went on one date recently as an experiment and decided not to do so again, other than that i've been single for threeish years with no hookups or anything. like i said, i'm not interested in sex. i just want to stop thinking about it. having a sexuality feels like intrusive thoughts
>struck with a crush
grats, you are not asexual and never will be
>already dont date
>i went on one date recently
nice discipline there bro you sure showed me
if you want to stop thinking about it simply stop thinking about it
if youre letting the intrusive thoughts in you need to barricade your heart and brain more and more until they cannot be penetrated (hehe) by your whims. when you get an intrusive thought and think about jerking off go walk around the block and get away from whatever tools you have that will let you engage with ur sexual thoughts. stop caring so much. put all of your eneegy into something else and drown out the intrusive thoughts by sheer overload. do not allow them room to breathe. strangle any and all thoughts that you dont like.
basicslly tldr is be a fucking man and stop giving a shit about your emotions and everything and everyone around you
any other tips for this are greatly appreciated having sexuality makes me want to kill myself majorly
>grats, you are not asexual and never will be
hmm you don't really know that tho do you? i feel like i just need to figure out what causes me to develop crushes and stop them from forming proactively. then i'd be contentedly unpaired at all times
>recent date
it was literally a test to see if i wanted to start dating again lol. i'd just hit two and a half years and was like "hmm it's been awhile i should double check," it just reaffirmed my decision
>put all of your eneegy into something else and drown out the intrusive thoughts by sheer overload
well i need peace too lol. and it's not like sexual thoughts are all the time, kinda rare really. just annoying when the drive stirs up every few weeks/months. hmm maybe channelling them into work or hobbies would rewire it into not happening at all tho
>be a fucking man
i'm a woman kek
You clearly don't get it, you're treating it like (s)he wants to do nofap. Everyone understands how to do that, but that's not the point.
You don't.

That's like saying you want to stop feeling hunger. It's your body doing shit your body is supposed to.

What you should focus yourself instead is being like a monk and learning not to care what your body is telling you. And that's just practice of willpower.
I'm asexual myself and if you have sexual thoughts and/or experience sexual attraction, you are not asexual, end of story. I'm sorryyou have to hear this but this is literally true. you cannot become asexual in the same way that you cannot become gay or bi or trans or whatever. you cannot force your brain to be rewired in such a way that it fundamentally changes how you experience sexuality without suffering brain damage or some other kind of trauma.
>rewire it
no you cant do this lol. you can drown them out with noise and effort put into other hobbies and shit but you cannot rewire your biological desires
>i'm a woman
are you a cis woman or a trans woman
I'm betting trans
i have periods sometimes where the things that make me horny absolutely disgust me, it should just be a matter of maintaining that state. maybe if you got an orchi or something and stayed on blockers but went off/took a lower dose of E it would cause that, but it would also fuck up your bones so you need to be careful
even if i could kill my sex drive permanently it wouldnt matter. the fact that i had sexual thoughts in the past would invalidate it all. ill forever be an impure degenerate fetishistic monster, no matter what i do
based understander
hmm despite your thorniness this may be the best advice so far. monks and nuns of various faiths are probably the best example of people living normal socially adjusted lives while just totally eschewing sex. maybe i need to cultivate a similar level of devotion to the chosen routines in my life. might not erase my possession of a sex drive but could make it fade into background noise as though it weren't there maybe. i imagine that kind of lifestyle is just great for personal discipline in general too
why are you so certain about this? some people on hrt or from side effects of various psych meds etc report loss of sex drive, that's being reported in this thread, obviously it's possible?? it does seem a person can't change the direction of their attraction, but psychologically and medically decreasing my sex drive is not some impossible idea
>cis woman or a trans woman
irrelevant question throws further doubt on your post. but it's /tttt/ do i need to answer that
nta but this is interesting, i should explore how to cultivate this. not disgust but i am definitely pretty desensitized to like nude bodies (from drawing prob) maybe one could use writing to enact a similar desensitization to lewd thoughts
thinking of sexuality this way is unhealthy i think. i want to be rid of mine because it inconveniences me and i don't need it, but i see this obsessive loathing (often from fear of being perceived as creepy) is worrying. i pursue this goal out of self love vis a vis desire to devote my life to god and science, not self hate
i am creepy. im creepy and disgusting, i dont deserve happiness the only thing i deserve is a lifetime of misery and suffering for being a disgusting freak
if you seek to twist your desires into suffering in self-punishment that's your prerogative. but, why? self-loathing and repression will feed a cycle of suffering but only by making the waves of feeling stronger. you'll be more likely to get into tumultuous relationships, hurt others, end up feeling worse. even if you do choose to acemaxx as i am trying to do, the first step is you need to let go of this knot in your heart and practice self acceptance
Get on some ssri
don't those also make people insane and manic who try to take them when they're not depressed
Patikulamanasikara meditation.
>contemplate the whole body's parts
>start with the hairs on your head
>keep going
>keep going
>ends with oil on the skin, saliva, mucus, and urine
>look it up
>"this type of meditation is traditionally mentioned as an antidote to sensual passion"
oh wow yes this is exactly the kind of thing i was looking for, knew tools like this had to exist. definitely will be studying this one to put into practice. thanks anon! :)
ok so none of the shit mentioned here will actually make you asexual, nothing will except, like, sexual trauma (but then you'll just be the subject of endless arguments about whether traumagenic asexuality is real asexuality). I've tried like all of them, not for reducing my libido but that would be a nice side effect, and none of them did anything for that. I'm not a very sexual person generally, don't much care for sex and never really lust towards people, so having my body want to orgasm like constantly was pretty bothersome for me. But anyways, the meds:
spesifically Zoloft in my case. Made getting hard slightly more difficult, no other effects
>ADHD meds
methylphenidate made me more horny
did nothing, maybe made me a bit more horny
terrible antiandrogen, of course it did nothing

what finally nuked my libido almost completely was cyproterone acetate. generally a way better antiandrogen than spiro, it destroyed my body's T production and made me go from having to masturbate at least once a day, to getting the idea to do it maybe once a week and not even following through with it half the time. So the real solution here is to just fix your T levels and the horny will go away on its own.
warning: cypro will rape your liver harder than bica
that's been known to happen at higher doses, but for me, 12.5mg every 3 days is enough to be completely effective, and that's pretty much considered a safe, or even unnecessarily low, dose.
The problem with cypro is, without estrogen in the body, it's quite uneffective. When it's used for lowering libido in pedophiles or treating prostate cancer in men, the doses are almost always 100mg a day and above, and at those amounts it's known to reduce T production by around 70%, and also fuck up your liver and cause beningn brain tumors.
But in conjunction with estrogen, the effective dose is much much much lower, to the point where pretty much any amount of cypro will destroy your T levels as long as your E levels stay where they should stay.
god i sound even more ESL than usual here. sorry about that.
reads fine to me, are you ESL? the only things i would note;
"ineffective" instead of uneffective
benign, not "beningn"
id personally use "stay where they belong" and not "where they should stay", but i dont think thats grammatically incorrect and if i wasnt thinking hard enough id probably use the latter
t. efl
yeah, I am ESL, i'm a native finnish speaker. the "uneffective" was the first mistake I noticed, then realized how clunky "12.5mg every 3 days is enough to be completely effective" sounds, and the "where they should stay" sounds kinda fucky too.. The "beningn" was just a typo, though.
Aripiprazole before puberty killed mine until I transitioned so go back in time and drug your 7 year old self.
agreed. sexuality, lust, end love are purely dysgenic in modern times
whats ur ritalin dose? im low dosing and it doesnt help that much like a idk prig punchef through when i was on it
Hrt did it for me but that’s very ymmv
topic bump
>but psychologically and medically decreasing my sex drive is not some impossible idea
decreasing is possible, getting rid of it entirely and irrevocably is not
>irrelevant question
it's not because if youre a trans woman you can still be a man
o nice thread didn't die overnight
>nothing will make you asexual except sexual trauma
well avoided mentioning this because i don't wanna get psychoanalyzed and also because i wanted this thread to produce more generally applicable advice but, i kinda think i got the reverse. no way to know but i suspect if not for trauma in my early life i would have been ace, and that maybe that's why i have this weird distasteful relationship with my sexuality -- it maybe literally is just intrusive thoughts
>zoloft stops getting hard
interesting, tho hrt does that for me lol
>methylphendinate made me more horny
will keep an eye out for that then ty. hoping normie adderall works on me anyway but, if i end up on the med cycle
>no effects from fin or spiro
good to know. although spiro for me does pretty effectively nuke T, i just had to be on a psychotically high dose
heard many good things about this but it's illegal here ;_;
i am fast tracking an orchi the instant i get a stable insurance situation tho, def agree with you that nuking T is the best reliable way to reduce libido
why are all the AAs so shit lol. we need orchi to be more available
nta but you sound less esl than half my posts. i find people with good but not first language english worry the most about the quality of their english, while native english speakers we're like barely legible
>go back in time and drug your 7 year old self
ya hrt definitely massively reduced mine, just angling for zero
>if youre a trans woman you can still be a man
so what is your suggestion, that i detrans and (with my libido now refuelled by T) become some kind of nofapper obsessive? you're clearly just looking for an excuse to be transphobic but i just don't think "man up" applies here anon lol
okay discussion seems to have run its course so i'll quit bumping this thread. just dropping this in to thank any anons who were here and might peep this, appreciate all the useful advice that was given! will be putting these things into practice all together, may post an update on acemaxxing gains at some point. thanks to everyone who contributed their thoughts and info for this endeavor :)

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