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Why do "conservative" tranners exist?
Are they all masochists?
>Are they all masochists?
they’re sociopaths
If the conservatives dropped their retarded takes on trans issues and abortion then you would have the best party all around.
Why do 9-5 "workers" exist?
Are they all masochists?
its legitimately just a reaction to seeing the really loud trans t4t transbian type people and they overreact because they don't want to be seen as that and they're insecure about it. theyre just trying to distance themselves as much as possible by saying out loud THATS NOT LIKE ME IM NOT LIKE THESE ONES. i used to be like this too but some people haven't realized how hard they're coping yet. its better to just not care what cringe people are doing and live your life
What a retarded argument. Being a conservative is an ideology while being a worker is part of everyday life. To adhere to an ideology you actually need to follow it's beliefs, one of which in the conservative case is that trannies should not exist.
Blaire exists because she's bought and paid for. Likely by Russia.

Rubin was getting 5 million a year. I bet Blaire makes at least 10.
And bible.
capitalism is an ideology as well
matt walsh using the word ideology more than slavoj has seriously made the word completely useless... which is extremely unfortunate as its a powerful rhetorical tool in the hands of competent writers & thinkers

also, "conservative LGBTQ+" people do it for the money, attention, affirmation, and feeling of belonging from assimilation into conservstive ideas & opinions... so what that anon said isn't wrong.

people do what they need to do to get what they want.

for the lame, uninteresting, ugly, middle-age-crisis-moders... this means latching onto whatever seems will be the culture of the kind of people you want to be around for the rest of your life (since they're often driven by fear and need lifelong guarantees)

i choose to remain young as much as possible, continue learning and understanding as much as i possibly can before i can't anymore and i become old and frail

i imagine these kinds of thoughts do not enter Blair White's brain. she cares about what everyone around her is thinking about her far too much to have time for anything worthwhile

the less i think about other people and their opinions of me the more i get done and the better i feel...

but these people... they are useless, hopeless... what can these less-than-average bland Americans really hope to have in their lives besides "belonging" to something?

they could have friends and a wonderful family, perhaps? but this is often either the source of aforementioned brainwashing or comes in conflict with it if the family is "woke" aka team blue aka "they"

its all really pathetic and just comes down to insecurity and hoarding. there's a reason the rich are with the right-wingers... their "politics" keeps everyone distracted from the underlying source of their angst
Because lefty tranners tend to be fucking insane
I legitimately don't understand how anyone could be conservative right now, or right wing at all. I'd totally get it if you were allowed to kill degenerates (perverts, retards, the deformed and very badly turned out) or if the state was going to impose a certain pattern of life on society, like mandatory military service, but there is literally no benefit to being right wing. It is extremely watered down.
cuz being a tranny doesn’t mean i have to be okay with murdering babies. and conservative trannies don’t exist like we’re not conservative by being trannies, just liberals who haven’t gone crazy
Being pro-choice is one of the core tenets of liberalism. You're just a centrist at this point.
Not just Russia but mega american donors as well.
Just a job like any other
but i’m not advocating for a full ban on abortion. what happened to telling teens about anti-conception and giving it to them. i don’t wanna ban abortion i wanna prevent unwanted pregnancies retard the world isn’t either banning abortion or celebrating it
Sex Ed still occurs in every blue state. Life isn't like the wrestling episode of South Park where women are having 10 abortions a year just to satisfy their bloodlust.
who is murdering babies?
but i never said life is like that
>blue state
u being a burger explains ur black and white thinking, there’s more than 2 sides to things.
You're not saying much at all at the present.
i said that i support sex ed and better access to anti-conception like make people able to buy it anonymously or something but ur ignoring that like a retard but bye i don’t wanna waste my time to debatelords
do you mean contraceptives?
The truth? it's just Rich trans vs poor trans. that's the entire gist of it.

Find any rich guy who has a trans person as his mistress, and that chick will be conservative as well.
maybe it's just that androphiles are more right wing
i fucking hate these jubilee videos because the "middle ground" is between a vocal minority of grifters and trolls and... normal trans people. balire white is not a human being it's a brand
You can be trans and also want to stave off ethnic replacement and prevent baby murder
Not according to your allies, no.
To them you are a danger to babies in and of yourself.
then we will fix the allies
what allies
99% of cis people who like trans people are also into gender abolition and think that trans people shouldn't exist, and usually also hate you if you're white
the remaining 1% are weird autistic doctors and chasers (who are usually actually right wing and conflicted)
think of it this way. if youre an attractive feminine person, you'd use your looks as leverage in your relationships. Whether consciously or subconsciously. the question then becomes do you use your looks to leverage a job where u can make a ton of money, or use your looks to leverage a relationship with a partner who has a lot of money? It's almost always the latter.

It just so happens that a lot of rich people end up as conservative.
Conservatives are so cucked, what low ambitions lol
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Jubilee goes out of its way to platform every opinion in these kinds of videos, to the point you have an unrealistic distribution because in a random sample of a given demographic most of that demographic is not spouting crazy opinions
Muslims are the only problem, that's it. Cut off Muslim immigration
Not being able to understand why people don't like anti-white, authoritarian, leftist dem politics is a sign of low iq.
what's stupid about not liking babies getting killed at 8-9 months?
There's more than that, but those are two main reasons

>Muslims are the only problem, that's it. Cut off Muslim immigration
Any non-white is a problem.
conservatives are psychically impoverished
communists are physically impoverished
no lol, I ain't on no Nazi bullshit. Other "non-whites" can be easily assimilated into Western countries with enough pressure because they will be willing to. Sikhs tend to be very good at assimilation, so are most other Indians and most Nigerians, and generally asians. It's not a race thing-it is genuinely just that Islam in particular has a backwards culture that is a few centuries behind the rest of the world, and they move here while actively despising us (both us as trannies, and us as western white ppl braodly)
Blaire White makes bank off of being a conservative tranny.
Conservative whites are extremely dysgenic, retarded and pathetic, and very much on the way out. Right wing politics that don't acknowledge this fact and proceed as though you just need to remove kebab and everything will be good are ridiculous, and totally unrealistic. I'd prefer to be right wing but you're all basically just liberal democrats with unintelligent raging chud tendencies.
>Conservative whites are extremely dysgenic, retarded and pathetic
What do you think you gain by projecting like this? In reality, according to multiple studies, we're smarter, richer, happier, saner, prettier and just better in every way compared to leftist whites, who love replacement migration, authoritarianism and whites becoming second class citizens. You're a retarded subhuman, leftypol or re ddit.
Blaire being paid tons to grift is obvious.
What I'm more interested in is people like Contra. It seems possible, even likely, to me that she's being paid to not make content. Sort of bought silence.

It could be hard or it could be soft. The Heritage Foundation paying her millions to do nothing directly. Or perhaps indirectly like them pretending to be 1000 different people each paying her $1000 a month via patreon.
Literally go out and meet some conservatives. Go to a Trump rally. See what gives them energy and who they identify with. I'm taking your word for these studies, but regardless, your standards are extremely low.
>we're smarter
Pretty much every single statistic points to the opposite of this.
>being trans means you have to like communism and brown subhumans invading your border
I'm not a Nazi either. But it's a race thing, absolutely. I don't want Sikhs or Nigerians or anyone but Europeans hijacking European countries and Western culture. I don't care about assimilation. I want White countries to be White
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Oppression doesn't make anybody particularly sensitive to it outside of their own circumstances. Humans are selfish by nature.
Observe the Jew who survived the Holocaust depicted in the biography Maus who rants about how much he hates blacks.
The democrats are pro strong border now so that's not a valid argument anymore.
Yeah after years of shitting on Trump and conservatives and letting tens of thousands of migrants in they start talking about reinforcing the border. Why would you think they're being genuine about it?
observe the poor, disenfranchised whites who hate every other race, too. sympathy and solidarity have to be practiced and made part of culture
Conservatives are not going to stop immigration you retards, it's a necessity of capital. If it has become a necessity of capital you're already fucked and fighting symptoms that will worsen until you do something to address the root issue. All conservatives do is chud out when things are bad and they're not in power, and larp that things are good (when they are actually bad) when they are in power.
>stop immigration
nobody wants to stop legal immigration.
Yes they do, lol.
i do
t mostly liberal, but independent on issues like this, guns, etc.
>nobody wants to stop legal immigration.
Yeah I'm sure your buddy over here >>37285372 thinks that "non-whites" legally immigrating are just fine.
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Why are you lying?
Chuds are unconvincing retards who think that making legal immigration borderline impossible and stopping legal immigration are meaningfully different.
>independent on issues like this
You're just conservative but too cowardly to say it.
>Why do "conservative" tranners exist?
because the bottom 90% makes the top 10% of trannies look bad, anon. how the fuck do you feel having people like chris "groomette" tyson set you and your cause 20 years back? i genuinely think the bottom 90% of trannies need to be executed. sneedhons, reddithons, liberationists, sjws, they all need to fucking die before this "community" can make any meaningful progress towards not being murdered in the streets
in this case she's right, mass import of unskilled workers is wage suppression and an attack on the working class
no actual lefty could ever support these policies
This. I just want to end the "asylum seeker" meme and the random artificial bullshit like this >>37285780. Otherwise if you go through the proper channels I don't care.
i'm not afraid to say it lol. if the conservatives would get their shit together and be sane on lgbt issues, abortion, and stop giving fuckhuge tax breaks to massive corporations, then i would happily vote for them. until then, i am relegated to begrudgingly voting blue and hoping to convince them to change their mind on immigration and gun control
They're a big difference between the government going out of their way to mass import immigrants against the wishes of the people and individuals going through the regular legal process to get in.
Trump does not represent the right, especially outside of the US. He's corrupted and hijacked the right wing movement
Yawn. Is this 2018 again? We've had this debate so many times. Imagine instead, this scene — three transgender national socialist girlfriends descend from above and eviscerate all sides. They (rightfully) say our struggle is the mass importation of the third world and their "affliction" should NOT be encouraged to wider society. They, as Antinous of old, exist as lovers of a particular ELITE type, the eunuch of our time, sacrificing their own VITALITY for the continuity of our PEOPLE
Conservatives want to be conservative with zero foundation, they're basically liberal democrats until the very top of the pyramid, and then they say "hey wait a minute not like that!" My contempt for them is endless.
Trump literally told the Republicans to reject a stronger border deal from Biden so that he could run on it. There is no universe where you can say the Dems are not being genuine while also believing that Trump is genuine. Trump is a shitty asshole grifter who would see 20,000 Hatians rape every single white girl in all of Springfield if it meant he could use it to become President again.
>He's corrupted and hijacked the right wing movement
trump was never a political voice, he is and has always just been nothing more than a wall street con-man who uses v2k on rural americans to garner political support just to protect his bottom line
An analogy I heard is that Trump is cartman and his followers are a mix of Butters and mini cartmans.

I'm not sure what the ratio is between butters and mini cartman tho. If most of them are that dumb or if they're mostly in on the grift.
>Trump is cartman
"the immigrants!!! they're taking our cheesy poofs!!! we gotta build the wall, kahl!!"
He does now, because the right in America was feeble enough to get riddled with the Trump parasite. It was easy to hijack them because they're wilted cucks.
they're probably working class and are tired of having their wages undercut and housing costs explode due to mass immigration.
Nobody likes Trump and Trump doesn't represent conservatives as a whole but at least Trump has been consistent with his beliefs with the border.
>There is no universe where you can say the Dems are not being genuine
There is, the one we're in. Half-assely pushing some border bill after you've allowed thousands upon thousands of migrants come in rings hollow. Deport the ones you've let in first and then we'll talk.
>Trump has been consistent with his beliefs with the border.
His only belief is that he can use border issues as a platform to power. Other than that, he doesn't care at all. There's no points for being consistent about being a grifter.
>Half-assely pushing some border bill after....
That's half more ass than Trump ever did. And it would have passed but Trump himself said to reject it because he would have literally nothing to run on if it isn't the border.
>Nobody likes Trump and Trump doesn't represent conservatives
You are literally coping, Trump enjoys enormous support from republicans and the right. You don't have to cope, just accept that people on the right are pitiful degenerates in a different way than people in the left. That's what I do. Healthy, strong politics cannot arise out of the sickened and weakened population of America.
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>support from republicans and the right
Yeah because he's the only chance conservatives have of actually winning the presidency and everybody recognizes that. There's no cope there, its just a fact. Republicans just don't have many strong candidates right now but its already been shown many times that even his fellow republican politicians hate his guts. Republicans just aren't stupid and recognize what time it is. Even if you hate him, if you want the conservative agenda to go on then you need to back him. It's that fucking simple.
Why do conservative anyone’s exist anon
Conservatism only benefits the powerful and yet we consistently see half or more of voters be conservative in most countries.
There’s black conservatives, there’s poor conservatives, there’s Latino conservatives. They all might have different reasons to vote like that but usually it comes around to the belief that they ought to remain in the current hierarchy and gain its favor (the mythical class mobility) or that trying to change the hierarchy will just make things worse.
you mean a tactic that moochers use to create documentation of a history of schizophrenia?
They are pick-me's
It's that simple

They think larping as a tradwife will make people accept them
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Meaning we're in the "Hard Times create Strong Men" part of the meme. So that's good at least.
i don't fuckign know how many times i have to tell you this, schizophrenia is not fucking real, it was invented by pseudo-qualified "doctors" who were hired by the CIA to spy on people, i've had experience with this myself, and it's blatantly obvious that they're just trying to control me.
Severe delusion and cope. I don't know where you've been since 2016 but people love Trump, they rioted at the capitol because he lost the election. MAGAshit has been extremely energizing for the right because they love him.
You could be generous and call it Stockholm Syndrome.
>people love Trump
Some people love Trump, most tolerate him for the sake of the party, and some hate him but vote for him anyway. You're just simply retarded if you think most of his voters love the guy. Republicans are just better at unifying for the sake of the party than the Dems are, always have been.
everyday there's a new psyop check out the idiot @gucci_communism on X
my friend's brother had schizophrenia, he had zero power or influence, just a shut in kid. why would government intelligence agencies spend any resources on him?
Why can't people on the left acknowledge how disgusting they are? I'm not right wing because the right is even more revolting than the left, but you guys are borderline subhuman, and I have an instinct to put as much distance between you and myself as possible. Leftists are often not appealing. You house mentally ill attention-seeking freaks who should've been killed at birth ALL THE TIME.
>if I'm critical of the right I must be a leftist
lmao even
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> Im not a nazi
> I want white countries to be white
I would fucking kill myself if I spent as much time thinking and seething about race as much as the average 4chin whiteboy
Most of anyone's voters don't love them, but Trump enjoys enormous support because he is seen as the best candidate despite what a clownish retard he is. You cannot get around this and claim "actually nobody really loves Trump" when we inhabit the same reality and MAGA is like a giant cult.
left and right are bogus paradigms intended for population control. regular people have everything in common and should start shutting out the controllers and working together in cooperation.
You don't really have to be, the point remains the same. If you don't understand why someone might not want to be left wing if they have to be one or the other, you are not acknowledging the repulsive force wielded by the left.
can you be specific about something because I don't know what I'm supposed to actually acknowledge here, as a loony lefty
Regular people do not have everything in common. Everyone is in competition with everyone else.
we're set against each other by parasites. when people work together they can produce more than they can alone. when we work together we get to share the increased productivity. as a bonus we treat each other as human beings rather than resources.
The saccharine empathy, blindness to values other than compassion and consent, the utilitarianism, the science worship, the individualism, the elevating of weakness and misery, the instinct to sap strength and bring everything down to a low level, the humorlessness and lack of fun, the conduct and speech policing, the gaslighting, and generally being unpleasant and socially inept
If you had any life experience at all you'd know this isn't true. People want power, which includes power over other people and more resources for themselves. It's literally painful for trannies to see a beautiful woman and get mogged. We are not all in it together.
I know how petty people can be, I didn't say it is something that society as a whole can do with the flip of a switch but it is possible in small groups right now. the people who crave power are the problem, at all levels.
I would say you should go kill yourself regardless, but I try to be nicer and more empathetic than that. I'm not a Nazi because that's a far more specific ideology than just White Nationalist and implicitly carries lots of Jewish conspiracy nonsense and genocidal intent. I want nothing to do with any of that, I love people and unique cultures too much
Okay well I hope your ideal is never realized because it would have to be authoritarian as fuck and you'd be conducting purges constantly because you can't socialize wanting to see yourself flourish out of existence. You can only create a world where you're not allowed to flourish at the expense of other people, or its somehow made impossible to do so.
I am a red voter
I vote with my brain and not with my heart, so appealing to gays and brown people doesn’t mean anything to me
Trump will prevent WWIII, Kamala will send more weapons to fuel the war
I think the answer is pretty obvious
Why do you hate America?
Specifically the idea of America that the Founding Father's espoused. Constitution, all that jazz.
I don't really recognise this in any of the leftist stuff I consume, a lot of this sounds like empty corporate liberalism
utilitarianism is at best like a tanky strawman thing when it appears on the left
>humorlessness and lack of fun
lol again idk what you really mean all the lefty stuff I like is humorous to some degree maybe that's just my taste, or being british, we hate sincerity
>speech policing
this is just an online thing, it literally happens here
>the gaslighting, and generally being unpleasant and socially inept
kind of just too vague and broad brush for me to respond to
how is refusing to let others exploit you authoritarian? you think I'm talking about statism under the guise of communism? are you worried that there would be no supercars and mansions in the world I'm imagining?
NTA but I hate it because it's an ideology that produces rabble above and rabble below.
Please dear anon explain to me how voting conservative means i am against the constitution ?
I assumed you would use the state to address the "issue" you have with people being motivated to become powerful. Is your plan to tell people it's bad and do nothing or something?
What leftist stuff do you consume? The very popular leftist stuff is like what I'm describing.
If i had the winning lottery numbers I'd be a millionaire
Trump intends to get rid of the Constitution. That simple.
What!?! Why would he do this?
And even if he wanted to- how would he do it?
Least you're honest unlike >>37286540
But you honest fascists almost aren't really fascist. It's not the same type of personality if you get what I mean.
Fascism needs a certain component of schizophrenia and dishonesty to make it work.

The difference between a guy like Salazar and Hitler.
> Salazar distanced himself from Nazism and fascism, which he described as a "pagan Caesarism" that did not recognise legal, religious or moral limits.[6] Throughout his life Salazar avoided populist rhetoric

You see this with the commentators too where the open fascists are just sort of different from all the ones who play word games. I think you need the word games to be a fascist.
How am i being dishonest
I am pro constitution
I don’t vote blue
people want ubereats, amazon deliveries and mcdonalds.
they don't care about "the working class"... they're just participating in capitalism without thinking about it anywhere near the level you have to come to this conclusion
>What!?! Why would he do this?
Idk you hate America you tell me
>And even if he wanted to- how would he do it?
By doing it. He can rule by decree if he wants, the courts will rubber stamp whatever he says.
At that point there could be military intervention or secession by the remaining libs but honestly I think they're too weak to standup to him at that point. I mean if you believe Jan 6th was a coup attempt then it's appaling he isn't already in jail.
In my view Jan 6th was a coup attempt and Trump walks free because people are too weak or worried to do anything about it.
I agree, fascists are part of the rabble. The dominant emotion on the right is fear of redundancy, which is a disgustingly weak foundation for any politics. I dislike the left too, because they are also disgusting, but the fascists I've known are more disgusting. In my ideal world they would be among the first to die.
there isn't any very popular leftist stuff, leftism is niche, I like a handful of youtube channels, some podcasts, obscure anarchist lit when the mood takes me
What defines a movement is its most popular and powerful wings so that's what I'm talking about idk about cool obscure stuff.
>He can rule by decree if he wants
Weak bait nigga
One of the core, defining features of being an American conservative is a complete and total lack of insight. It protects against the cognitive dissonance that any normal human would feel when being aligned with a political party that does everything in its power to make your life shittier.
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>Jan 6th was a coup attempt
You don't get it because you've been immersed in centre left liberal democracy for so long that you don't even know anything is there anymore, but conservatives want to ignite a new cultural feeling that will serve as the foundation of their politics. It's just not about whatever minor economic issue is going on or old people dying from COVID or something.
that's kind of an arbitrary assertion to make, and it depends on what you even mean by movement, there really aren't any active leftist movements, leftism is confined to academics, online nerds, weird "marxist" "leninist" cults, and I guess if I'm being kind rojava and MAREZ, every political force that has the power to do anything exists within a liberal body
what wings are you thinking of?
>a new cultural feeling
You mean that same cultural feeling a certain Austrian painter invoked a few decades ago?
hey do you think an abortion can be allowed for ectopic pregnancies (or in general any pregnancy that would result in the death of the mother) or rape?
lol your demented guy got owned by an even more demented retard and now he's going to be jumping at shadows for the rest of the election
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Basing your opinion about the left on a loose set of personality traits you've observed instead of their actual policies is how the US got into this mess into the first place
Trump said he will send even more weapons to Israel so they can "finish the job faster" and let Russia take Ukraine to which they will then move on to the rest of europe, starting WWIII
>Trump said he will send even more weapons to Israel
I never knew he said this kek what a loser
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>In my view Jan 6th was a coup attempt
That's really rich from the party of undermining election security, likely cheating, getting rid of voter id requirements and replacement migration. Without the extra voters the left has imported, you wouldn't be remotely competitive nationally. You're rigging it.
>He can rule by decree if he wants, the courts will rubber stamp whatever he says.
Can you stop projecting, you phony pos? In reality, biden and kamala's run the most authoritarian admin in american history. Leftist judges are little more than party operatives. You're actually operating federal censorship agencies and gulags with indefinte detention for your political prisoners in washington.
Those issues are the ONLY reason anyone supports them
>will let russia take ukraine
This is where i decide not to vote him, I'm afraid of this. But kamala is stupid cunt too.
>insane projection for a typical dem, who's essentially a commie
Trump represents libertarirans and freedom-lovers. You "lib" dems are essentially bolsheviks. You're the ones undermining the constitution. Your attacks against the first amendment exmplifies this.
Just fact checked, he actually said the opposite. Based king
le misogynist pooner
Why are you such an indoctrainted commie moron? You dems are as unamerican as people get, and you have the gall to posture as chapions of american values. Lunatics.

Why do you hate freedom and truth, democrat?
If you want to offend me, try zigger.
>a bad thing
>His only belief is that he can use border issues as a platform to power. Other than that, he doesn't care at all. There's no points for being consistent about being a grifter.
Can you stop being so absurdly full of it? Trump let in a tiny fraction of what dems have let in, which is 10 mill illegals. He's objectively far, far better on the border.
>And it would have passed but Trump himself said to reject it because he would have literally nothing to run on if it isn't the border.
How do you have so little shame? That border bill would have ensured millions of invaders every year, which is why it was rejected by republicans, and no amount of commie dem lying about it is going to change this fact. Biden and dems delibertarly opened the border, let in ten milion invaders and always had the option to close it but choose not to.
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There's really not much use in talking to leftists about politics. You never argue in good faith. You're absurdly, socoipathically dishonest. If you can't even admit that dems are worse on border control and immigration, there's really no point.
But that's untrue. Some recent studies showed that rightwing whites were somewhat smarter than leftist whites.
Yeah, and go talk to leftists. Only dysgenic, sub-normal whites are willing to support the obviously insane, anti-white dem party, and it shows.
conservative trannies - dont import smelly indians and mudslimes are all actual pedos
The border bill would have put a limit on the number of people daily who came in. Under both Trump and Biden, there had no been a limit. Biden tried to put one in place, and the Republicans pretended like it was a goal instead of a limitation. Biden's plan reduced the number of crossings below what Trump was dealing with.

Why did Trump make the border less safe for his own political benefit? Why would you support someone like that?
LGBT people on the right exist.
I used to be one, now i'm a Bleeding heart Classical Liberal.
damn lmao, by your own logic your favorite party is constantly getting owned by retards. what does that make you then
overpopulation needs a solution why do you even care about babies
Conservatives are big fans of tokenism.

If a black man says the same anti-black talking points they say, they can credibly say they aren't racist. Same for looking for gay or trans conservatives they can platform to say things that if they said they'd be called out for being bigoted.

These people are either complete wackjobs, they think that they'll ride a conservative wave to the top (see Clarence Thomas), or they are completely dishonest and entirely in it for the money. Conservative media gets a ton of cash pumped into it by billionaires looking for tax-cuts.
>>37287746 (not them)
Overpopulation is a meme, we will probably face some level of underpopulation soon in countries like japan.
The US and Europe will be fine so long as we keep letting in immigrants. We won't have to worry about depopulation until even Africa starts going into population decline (and it's not projected to until the end of the century).

And even assuming some wacky far-right government takes over, it'll quickly reverse it's position on keeping out all the immigrants once those policies start tanking the economy.
>importing votes

Explain this meme to me. Aren't all non-native-american votes imported? Is your stance that legal immigrants with US citizenship (who are the only kinds who vote in elections, I don't care about what people on twitter tell you until we get a court case on the subject) shouldn't be able to vote? On what basis? Is your stance that Republicans not only can't appeal to immigrants but that they shouldn't bother as a matter of moral standing?
Id agree, but my point was just overpopulation is not something to worry about.
same reason log cabin republicans exist
they seek acceptance in their fellow racists, never being deterred by rejection
just because im a tranny doesnt mean i should support communism
I think the Log Cabin Republicans specifically have split with Trump over the massive anti-trans stuff.

Ideally we should live in a country where one can be a fiscally conservative gay man that wants to cut welfare and taxes. And those guys thought they lived in such a country.

The problem I think is that republicans have long stopped giving a shit about economic issues. Sure- at the end of the day tax-cuts is what really motivates them. But the culture-war shit was meant to be the side-dish to that, and now it's become the entire point. And reactionaries don't allow room for 'fiscally conservative gay men'.

It's a whole lotta 'I didn't think the leopards would eat MY face'.
Unpack that for me.

Because I'm sure you aren't a stalinist, in the same way Kamala Harris isn't a stalinist. So how do you define communism? What policy of the Democrats is worth supporting the anti-trans rhetoric and policies of the right? Is it a cultural issue? One that doesn't have to do with trans rights? An economic issue, like say their healthcare policy? Or is it even foreign-policy like your opinions on NATO? Give me specifics.
>Explain this meme to me
Dems import people that overwhelmingly vote for the them and the let, which allows them to move the country farther to the left poltically. It's not complicated or in doubt, really.
Why are you such a moron?
>Is your stance that Republicans not only can't appeal to immigrants but that they shouldn't bother as a matter of moral standing?
Not without embracing politics which the american public and whites don't approve of, like socialism and open borders. The new americans love to vote to support stuff that favor their ethnicities, like being able to bring their families along, amnesty and gibs, which overwhelmingly come from the white middle classes. You have no moral right to rob us of your political and cultural independence, besides, you know, the money you siphon from us.
Yeah, but the largest group of immigrants to this country are hispanics. Not norwegians. Hispanics are overwhelmingly catholic, and thus more culturally conservative, and many of them are fleeing actually socialist dictatorships such as Cuba or Venezuela and thus staunchly oppose any policy vaguely left of center. Bush won the majority of the Hispanic vote in both of his elections, including the one he lost.

So why can't Republicans just appeal to immigrant citizens and get their vote? They don't even need to change their policy all that much outside of not being racist. Most hispanics supported Bush's tightening up of the border in his two terms.
>The border bill would have put a limit on the number of people daily who came in.
Yeah, an extremely high number that would have, as I mentioned, led to miilions of immigrants a year. And there'd be no way, legally, to do anything about limiting immigration until it was reached, you dishonest cunt.
>no number
What a miserable sophist you are.
>biden tried to put one in place
You're just gonna ignore him deliberately breaking all records on immigration and having the opportunity, at all times, to cut it down to zero and chosing not to do so? And extremely high limit is not meaningful limit at all. It's just a meaningless, dishonest, missleading talking point that you dems trot out when you want to pretend that you're not gung-ho about replacement. Have a look at immigration charts. You're so full of it it's unreal.
>Biden's plan reduced the number of crossings below what Trump was dealing with.
Bullshit. That's a miserable lie. Trump's numbers dwarfed those of biden's admin. How is this nonsense congruent with biden having the borders completely open for 3 years, until it became a political liability around election time?
Biden did nothing to "let more in". Find me one source of him giving any order of the sort.

Answer my question. Why would you support Trump when he deliberately left the border open so he could run on it? Biden tried to limit it, and Trump blocked it.
I mean half of democratic voters are white, so I'd say there's a pretty sizable pro-socialism voting block amongst white americans.

>open borders
You need to be more specific, given that A. we don't have open borders, B. no democrat runs on open borders. Do you mean decriminalization of illegal immigration? Supporting increased immigration? Pathway to citizenship?

>bring families
I don't see how that comes at the expense of the white middle class.
I don't see how that comes at the expense of the white working class.
Well there are very few welfare programs that target ethnicities in general. But maybe a compromise is reached where we raise taxes on these immigrants to better pay for welfare programs that could benefit the whole country? That's why I support pathway to citizenship, if we can make them citizens we can start taxing them more.

>You have no moral right to rob us of your political and cultural independence,
What does 'political cultural independence' mean? There are only two parties that any american can vote for. Hispanics aren't voting for some third party that ONLY they vote for, they vote for a party everyone else in the country coalitions with. If you are mad that Democrats are the ones taking advantage of that coalition, why not try appealing to them more? You know, like what you are meant to do in a democracy? And I don't see how more hispanics means there's less white culture. Are there going to stop being white movie stars? Fewer pizza restaurants? What?
>Why did Trump make the border less safe for his own political benefit?
Just a complete inversion of reality. Trump stopping a deal that would have ensured 5+ million invaders a year, which was far more than the number during his term, was the right thing to do. You're a sociopath, aren't you? I don't see how anyone could be as dishonest as you otherwise. You tranbian bolsheviks are such scum.
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>>37287969 (not her)
>What policy of the Democrats is worth supporting the anti-trans rhetoric and policies of the right?
What if you support someone else?
I have a question for you- is there a number of legal immigrants that should be allowed into this country that is greater than 0? Or are you just arguing that we shouldn't let in anyone who isn't white into the country?
Fair enough. At least you aren't dumb enough to stump for RFK, Jr.
Not "ensure". Limit it to. And the number was 5,000 per day which is 1.8 million per year. Right now there's no limit, either under Trump or Biden there's been no limit and anyone can claim asylum. So if there's 5 million now and the number gets limited to 1.8, that's an improvement that Biden wanted to do. Trump didn't, because he wants to make the country less safe so he can pretend to care about border issues during the election.

I'll ask again, why support Trump when he makes the country intentionally less safe for his own personal political benefit?
>Trump represents libertarirans and freedom-lovers
This is a fucking lie. Trump banned bumpstocks and thinks burning the flag should be illegal.
He doesn't give a fuck about numbers is the answer. He cares about having his racist feelings validated and Trump validates them.

A sensible border bill insists that there is such a thing as a 'good' immigrant that he shouldn't be racist to. What he wants is to round up people in camps.
>you'd have to be more specific
Ten million illegals, which is the number under biden, in 4 years represents open borders.
>cultural, political replacement, stealing their tax money doesn't harm whites
i disagree. Statistically, whites contribute far, far more than other ethnicities to what's collected in taxes. The result of this, in practice, through taxation, is that that their money is being stolen and restributed to invaders.
>find order
I don't need to. Just look at >>37287577. There's just no way this isn't deliberate. You can be as obtuse as you want about it. I don't care. The same goes for >>37287439.
>The US and Europe will be fine so long as we keep letting in immigrants.
Haitian and Pakistani Immigrants are not going to perpetuate US and European civilization, sorry to break it to you.
i liked 2016 trump but now he just sounds like a more deranged version of boomercon talking points with tds
I was close to having RFK as my backup choice, but after he dodged the debate with other third parties. It was clear all he was was a vaccine quack and did not represent an independent voice.
No, ensure. The "deal" prohibited all forms of border control until a very high number had been reached.
There are two kinds of libertarians right now, and they are in a civil war with one another.

One kind hates all governments on principle, and therefore they are rightly concerned with Donald Trump, who wants a MASSIVE expansion of presidential authority to get rid of the checks and balances on the office. They probably also hate Kamala but aren't worried she's going to fire every bureaucrat and replace them with partisan loyalists.

The other kind hates the American government specifically BECAUSE it's staffed with non-partisan bureaucrats who stymie conservative overeach. In their mind the problem isn't GOVERNMENT period, it's LEFTIST GOVERNMENT (which they expand to mean anything that isn't partisan conservative- see all the Trump appointed judges who said that Biden didn't steal the 2020 election).
>Sikhs tend to be very good at assimilation
Canadian beaches are full of shit from Sikhs pooing on them
Why are you so self-righteous and so dishonest at the same time? You're the ones who are full of it. The bill prohibited border control and any limit on the inflow of immigrants until the very high limit was reached. Hell, even then, it was only optional for the state.
>BECAUSE it's staffed with non-partisan bureaucrats
Is it fun to lie? In reality, the federal government is staffed with corrupt far-leftist partisans that operate federal censorship agencies, gulags and secret police. It's covered in the articles I posted here.>>37287495 Also, given how blatant you've practiced the use of show trials against trump, including giving him 200+ million fines for allegedly getting a property estimate on a loan application slightly wrong, you're sophistry isn't very good. You're not fooling anyone, bolshevik democrat.
Okay but that's still not Open Borders. It's a big number, sure, but there's still a border with border agents that check your ID, and several thousands of people who enter the country legally and apply for citizenship.

It's fair to want the number to be lower, but it's just as accurate to describe the border as interdimensional.

So then isn't the solution to raise taxes in order to fund welfare programs for everyone? I mean- I do assume that the reason you are so concerned about the welfare system is because you support welfare and using it to improve the lives of ALL American citizens EQUALLY afterall. Again- why I support pathway to citizenship, I think the illegal immigrants are massively underutilized resource pool in our country. I agree they shouldn't get a free ride (which they don't because they don't for instance get Social Security or access to several dozen other programs), and they should pay into the system equally like everyone else who lives here.
How do you define US and European civilization? All the Pakistani immigrants I met in the UK have perfect English. I've no reason to believe they won't vote, I mean the current British PM is Indian. And he's not even in charge of one of the not-racist parties to boot.
It was obvious to me the moment I looked into what his platform was. All it was was anti-vaccine stuff. Which is why I wasn't surprised at all he proved a bigger drag on Trump's campaign than the Democrats.
Imagine how soulless you'd have to be to claim that conservative judges and bureacrats are partisan when every single leftist in washington is corrupt as all hell.
>Trump said he will send even more weapons to Israel so they can "finish the job faster" and let Russia take Ukraine to which they will then move on to the rest of europe, starting WWIII

>Russia can't even occupying 20% of Ukraine but they are going to conquer 100% of it, the Baltic states, Poland, Finland, and Romania if we sign a peace treaty
I know the current LP divide. It's a bit sad.
Though many people on the anti-trump are Classical Liberals/Minarchists. So they do believe in a government, just a small one.
I should point out to you, that the bill in question wasn't a Democrat idea. It was a Republican one. One they held up funding for the Ukrainians over to force the Democrats to get.

And if you don't like it? Tough shit, that's living in a Democracy. You get half of what you want because the other half of the country hates your guts. That's how the system is INTENDED.

Now you tell me- would you rather get half of the immigrants you don't want in the country not in the country? Or all the immigrants you want in the country not in the country? Because until you fuckers successfully pull a coup those are the options, because nobody in this country ever gets 100% of what they want. You're not supposed to.
I was just pointing out how they aren't partisan. Trump appointed Judges kept doing things Trump didn't want to do, specifically because they weren't partisan. This is me sucking them off. Good on them, they took their jobs seriously, because their jobs aren't to be partisan.

What I'm saying is Project 2025 thinks that bureaucrats are the problem specifically because they do things Trump doesn't want to do by enforcing the law, and he needs to fire all of them and replace them with loyalists.
she's by far the most normal and well spoken person in the vid. the "liberal" tranners in this one come across as literal MDE characters
>the commie transbians find the thread
>don't believe your lying eyes and don't look into stuff
>just believe us when we say that these biden-appointed judges, who just happened to have histories of communism, are actually very ethical
>biden and dems haven't been lax on border control and immigration
>they let fewer people in than drumpf
>ok, they didn't, but what about this border deal that was great and only had republican opposition due to partisanship
>ok, we're full of shit on that too, but there's really nothing anti-white about turning them into minorities everywhere
>why do whitey deserve to have independent countries anyway?
I hate you all.
Define 'independent countries'.
>How do you define US and European civilization?
A civilization resembling one we live in now.

>All the Pakistani immigrants I met in the UK have perfect English. I've no reason to believe they won't vote, I mean the current British PM is Indian.
Many of them are products of incest and there is an extremely high birth defect rate in that population group. As a result they are a very low IQ population and not very productive, and they have very low labour force participation rates. They believe in and will vote for Sharia (Muslim fundamentalist) law and for transfer payments to themselves. The average Pakistani living in England regardless of citizenship will likely cause a lifetime net fiscal drain on the UK treasury of hundreds of thousands of GBP. This is true on the whole regardless if they are immigrants or citizens because the level of cultural assimilation is very low.
>I mean the current British PM is Indian.
Sunak was voted out of office

>And he's not even in charge of one of the not-racist parties to boot.
None of the seated parties in Westminster are racist. If they were racist they would talk about and acknowledge racial differences and how the decline of the UK is basically a 1:1 correlation with how diverse it's become.
I'd also stress that the bueracrat firing thing isn't just a Project 2025 thing but has been pretty integral to some of Trump's more ideological followers.
Notably Moldbug's whole thing is
>“I think that what Trump should—like, if I was giving him one piece of advice—fire every single mid-level bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state,” Vance said on a 2021 podcast appearance. “Replace them with our people. And when the courts—because you will get taken to court—and when the courts stop you, stand before the country like Andrew Jackson did and say, ‘The chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.’”

>Lippmann holds that the Cathedral is necessary for a democracy to properly function; Yarvin, Anton, Slack, and their fellow neo-reactionaries want it eradicated. (As best as I can tell, Trump’s ominous campaign promise to immediately fire a vast segment of the civil service has its roots in an acronym Yarvin made up: RAGE, or Retire All Government Employees.)
Yeah, truly, bro, there's nothing more crazy than not wanting tens of millions of illegals, dei, crt, federal censorship agencies and blatant poltical persecution in the judiciary.
Policy is an expression of personality.
Whites being allowed to rule themselves.
>I was just pointing out how they aren't partisan.
But they are. Lots of them turned out to be neo-con anti-trumpers. I'd go so far as to say, again, that leftists are unfit to be judges. You simply don't have the character for it.
>focusing on trump-appointed judges and bureacrats
They are, of course, a drop in the bucket in washington. Washington agencies and institutions mostly have the same voting patterns as the fbi, which gave 95% of it's 2016 donations to hillary. Again, Washington is corrupt as all hell, and this is because "people" like you have been allowed to fester and corrupt.
Whites have been ruling themselves, they decided on liberal capitalist democracy which led to multiculturalism and immigration today.
>project 2025
Gonna pivot to that shill narrative now, eh, after your other lies have been exposed?
In reality, cleaning up washington and getting rid of leftist partisans there is self-evidently good. Anyway, here's an actual source on what's in the proposal, which hasn't been endorsed by drumpf: project2025.org.
JFK was the last independent elected president, every one since then has had Jewish handlers
Well I got news for you. The civilizaiton we have now is going to fucking die even if you shoot every non-white person in the northern hemisphere. Hell- shooting every non-white person in the northern hemisphere is going to create a RADICALLY different society than the one we have now.

Societies HAVE to change and evolve over time, if we don't China will turn us into a colony (just like the West turned China into a colony after several centuries of cultural stagnation).

>Many of them are products of incest
I don't know about that. What I do know is that they make fucking great Kebabs and everyone I met in the UK couldn't get enough of them. And I think they'd be pretty pissed if you took that away.

>Sunak was voted out of office
Oh right. Forgot they had their elections recently. Hey- didn't they vote in a flaming socialist to be in charge of the country? I wonder if that says something about the character of the British people, and how they aren't as racist as we'd like them to be.
I think this is where the whole 'american carnage' thing comes from.

Republicans wouldn't attack the country in and of itself as that'd be unpatriotic, they attacked Democrats. Because while they hated Democrats, they were comfortable with the non-partisan parts of the country.

At some point though they've adopted this idea that the non-partisan parts of the country are whats keeping them from accomplishing their agenda. The Supreme Court is a great example- a non-partisan Supreme Court would have never overturned Roe vs. Wade, which is why it stood for 50 years. But then they jam in three supreme court judges not caring about the non-partisan nature of the court, and they succeed. And consequently, the Supreme Court went from having an 80% approval rating and a non-partisan image, to a 30% approval rating with a partisan image.
the government no longer serves the will of the public on the matter of mass immigration
No, it permitted 5,000 asylum claims per day. That's less than the unlimited number now, that more enforcement that's permitted now. So Biden was trying to make the border more secure, and Trump stopped him.
>It was a Republican one.
lol You love to pretend that there aren't leftist republicans. I'll point out that, among rank-and-file republicans, it had close to zero support. Even republicans in washington hated it almost to a man, which is why it never even got to the voting-stages.
That's the system you've put in place and that you cannot or will not change, so you deserve what you get.
>Hell- shooting every non-white person in the northern hemisphere is going to create a RADICALLY different society than the one we have now.
Yeah but it would be one where Western people survive as a coherent group

>Societies HAVE to change and evolve over time, if we don't China will turn us into a colony (just like the West turned China into a colony after several centuries of cultural stagnation).
I would argue that the dissolution of the population with multi-racialism and liberalism makes that 10x easier than if there were people in charge of the state with some kind of ethnic loyalty.

>What I do know is that they make fucking great Kebabs
"Throw away your civilization because they make tasty kebabs". Pakistanis don't even make kebabs you fucking twat.

>I wonder if that says something about the character of the British people, and how they aren't as racist as we'd like them to be.
To their detriment
>that's living in a Democracy
No, living in a democracy meant we got to shut it down. your destructive garbage was killed. That's how the system is intended to function. Tough luck.
>half of what you want
Another completely insane reddit talking point, eh? No, the law prohibiting any border control until millions have been let in every years isn't a middle-ground, which is why it was rejected. It'd obviously have been disastrous for america.
What difference does that make?
So are you worried about people taking the ability for whites to vote and elect their own leaders?
So you're proving me right. The only explanation for why a judge would go against Trump and enforce the law is because they are too 'partisan' for the other side. And ergo- the only solution is to replace them with loyalists. Not non-partisans, because you know Trump wants to act outside the law. Someone who will do what Trump wants whenever he wants.
>leftist republicans
Yes, that's an oxymoron.

I'll point out they only hated it after Donald Trumps tweet.

Otherwise I ask you- what do you think Mike Johnson held up aid to Ukraine to force through an immigration bill that was gonna get rejected? And don't tell me 'Democrats made it too far left' he knew he was gonna have to compromise with them to pass it, that's how the government works. If he wasn't going to try to pass through a compromise bill, he would have waited until a republican blowout in the election changed the balance of Congress.
This guy gets off on hurting people. It's obvious.
I didn't put that system in place, nobody asked me
someday the system might change
White people did, you inherited it so it's yours. If you won't do anything about it or you're not strong enough to do anything about it, you deserve what you get.
They are running it in their own interests, not in ours. Why do you think we've given Israel directly inflation adjusted 1 trillion dollars in foreign and military aid and fought all the wars in the middle east which cost $10 trillion dollars?

It's all to further the interests of Israeli Jews. Then at home, they cut taxes for the ultra rich so the Liberal capitalist Jews who run the banking system pay no taxes and get to extract all the wealth from America. They also bring in tens of millions of foreigners to create a multi-racial society and intentionally create ethnic/racial conflict in America to distract people from the fact that they are looting the country blind.
>The deal would allow 4,000 to 5,000 illegals to cross into the U.S. per day before expulsion measures begin
So you were lying. You don't want modern society. You want a fascist ethnostate. Just say that instead of trying to pretend to be a sane person. It's tiring.

>I would argue that the dissolution of the population with multi-racialism and liberalism makes that 10x easier than if there were people in charge of the state with some kind of ethnic loyalty.
You are arguing that a country where everyone looks and thinks the same is going to constantly change and innovate with the times, as opposed to a society comprised of several different backgrounds and viewpoints.

>Pakistanis don't even make kebabs you fucking twat.
Yeah they do. And schwarma, and pizza, and burgers, and fish and chips. All the street food places are run by Pakistani's and Iranians. At least in Edinburgh where I lived.

And this is also ignoring the huge love of Indian food the brits have.
The border bill was your idea. I'm not upset it failed. I'm a communist who wants open borders remember? We have more people coming in now because the bill was turned down than would have come in had it passed. I don't know why you expect me to be upset about this.

>No, the law prohibiting any border control until millions have been let in every years isn't a middle-ground, which is why it was rejected.
It literally is. Under what definition are you saying it's not? Like it or not, half the country is made up of leftists. Leftists who don't want the border shut down like you do. And half of Congress is elected by those leftists. And therefore, any bill that passes through congress is going to need the votes of leftists to pass.

What's your proposed solution to this problem? Is it 'I will use force and violence to achieve my aims' or is it 'I will win in the arena of ideas and convince a majority of the country to vote in politicians that support my viewpoint on the subject'?
It sounds like you're being colonized by a stronger race.
>You want a fascist ethnostate. Just say that
I never claimed otherwise

>You are arguing that a country where everyone looks and thinks the same is going to constantly change and innovate with the times, as opposed to a society comprised of several different backgrounds and viewpoints.
The modern world was invented by White people when their societies were homogenous
Yet you are saying we should vote... republican. The biggest isreal hawks, anti-welfare, pro-tax-cuts, pro-business party in the country?
Okay, and I want to overthrow the colonial oppressors. You have a problem with that?
>So Biden was trying to make the border more secure, and Trump stopped him.
Biden had operated open borders until then, even going so far as to hold speeches about inviting invaders to come. How does this fit into your narrative? Why the sudden change of heart? Of course, it's all a bunch of lies. The bill would have made the crisis permanent, which is what you and other dems prefer.
>unlimited number
As I've told you, that's an meaningless, deceptive talking point. There's no number in law, sure, but every president has the prerogative to limit it in any way they choose, and biden choose to not limit it at all.
>The deal would allow 4,000 to 5,000 illegals to cross into the U.S. per day before expulsion measures begin
That number is currently unlimited. The deal limits it. Right now there's no expulsion measures at all.
Yeah you did. You said you wanted a continuation of modern western society. Which is democratic, diverse, and pluralistic. You hate modern western society.

>The modern world was invented by White people when their societies were homogenous
If you ignore stuff like how 100% of Indians lived within the borders of the British Empire, sure.
I didn't tell you to vote.

Voting does nothing. The system is illegitimate. People with real power or with a chance wield real power need to wake up to what's happening.
>no response
>no acknowledgement from the commie transbian about being compltely wrong about the bill
Predictable. Leftists never argue in good faith. They're all monsters.
I don't have a problem with it, but I doubt you have the ability to do it.
Again, every president can choose to limit it however they choose. Your bill would have taken that option away. And you're just not gonna address that you've been lying out of your ass this entire time, huh? Well, I'll keep reminding you.
No I said I wanted a continuation of US/European civilization

That legacy includes imperial ones, republican ones, etc.

>If you ignore stuff like how 100% of Indians lived within the borders of the British Empire, sure.
The Indians living in the British empire were farming and rubbing their faces in shit like they do today. China and India became independent at the same time and yet China is an advanced country and India is full of trash and squalor.
I don't have any ability to affect any change. But someone who reads what I say might.
Why do you keep calling them invaders?

I mean I know you want us to think only venezuelan rape gangs come into the country because you are racist, but there isn't some 'invasion'.

Nobody is coming with guns and tanks. Hell if they were you'd call it based. They aren't coming by the direction of some government.

I'm sure you're going to want to say something racist about migrant crime or haitians eating cats, but illegal immigrants commit less crime on average and less violent crime especially on average for fear of deportation. You run someone over your car you'll go to jail for a few years but you aren't going to be kicked out of the country.

Say the number is too big, but don't be a hysterical woman over it.
>Right now there's no expulsion measures at all.
yeah, what a shocker. The leftist admin that has borken all records on immigration chooses to not expel leftist voters, which they can do, btw, at any time without any bill. You're gonna blame this on republicans too?
Currently, there is no limit to asylum seeking. The President has no control to limit this number and Trump did not limit it. The law was being put into place by Biden to limit it, Trump blocked it.

AGAIN. Why would you support Trump knowing he blocked legislation limiting the number of asylum seekers. If you can't answer this question you are bad faith.

Indians in the British Empire doesn't mean they did anything. And yes I do hate what the West has become because it's the opposite of what made it great.
>They aren't coming by the direction of some government.
South American governments quite literally empty their prisons and send them on a bus ride up North to America
No they can't. Not with asylum seekers which is what is the biggest border problem is right now. The bill would limit this, Trump blocked it.

There's never been an asylum limit. Not under Trump or anyone. Please, get your head out of your ass if you ever want to fix society you have to know how things work
Oh so your solution is to whine and bitch about everything instead of living in reality, understanding the issues, and taking advantage of your civic duty.

Okay dumbass.
India is becoming the third largest economy in the world. Which is no surprise when you think about how big and populous the country is.

You really bely a misunderstanding of Asian history. China really only took off with their liberalization reforms in the 1990's (we'll have to see if Xi Jinping's government will bounce back or actively go backwards- if it's the latter I expect him to get replaced because even communists love money).

For most of the latter half of the 20th century India outpaced before being completely overtaken. But still- India's economy is growing with ironically many chinese industries moving to India after they were outsourced from the west (rising living standards in China are crowding out the cheap sweatshop labor little by little).

Most likely the exact same thing China is going through will happen to india by like the 2070's or something.
>We have more people coming in now because the bill was turned down than would have come in had it passed
But that's not true at all. The bill would have even taken away trump's ability to limit immigration, due to, as I've mentioned over and over again, there'd be a very high lower limit in place. It even included amnesty. You wanted the voters right away. The invaders should get to cross the border unmolested and immediately vote for gibs and communism. What a system your promote.
I doubt that, white people have been in decline for a long time.
>No they can't.
They very much can. Biden certainly can. Hell, he's even done so, before the elction, by chance. lmao
And again, you're just not gonna admit to lying about the lower limit and completely misrepresenting the bill?
>Oh so your solution is to whine and bitch about everything instead of living in reality, understanding the issues, and taking advantage of your civic duty.
Unless you're a Peter Thiel type character you have exactly zero say over government policy. Voting is there to give the system the appearance of legitimacy in the absence of the divine right of kings.

>China really only took off with their liberalization reforms in the 1990's
Okay so in 30 years of capitalism they accomplished more than you did in 80

India is still a cesspool and will remain one because 90%+ of the population are dalits rather than brahmins.
It's worth pointing out India was the Jewel of the British Empire because it was the only colony that made any money.
Yes. Because that makes sense in any version of reality.
Why do you think hispanics are communist? They voted for Bush in both his elections. They're overwhelmingly Catholic (don't you guys want more christians in the country?) and many vote republicans for fear of actually socialist governments back home like Cuba and Venezuela.

This is why I don't understand the 'replacement theory' narrative, what's stopping Republicans from just getting enough Hispanic votes to win an election? They've done it before. This isn't even a border thing, Hispanic voters supported Bush's tightening of the border in his two terms.

I asked another guy this exact same thing, why don't you answer for me?
>Yes. Because that makes sense in any version of reality.
If I was the leader of a South American country and could deport all my criminals instead of having to execute them and get put on sanctions list, you bet your ass I am bussing them to America instead.
You know who has zero say in how the government is run? The guy who doesn't vote.

>you did
You realize I'm a pasty-ass american 'commie' democrat right? Why can't I just be a filthy liberal? You acknowledge that people like me exist right, that I don't have to be the wrong ethnicity to think you are moron?

What you saying white's are too ethnically inferior to fight amongst themselves and have political disagreements? You some sort of anti-white racist or something? Why are you trying to erase the leftist white legacy?
If you are a dictator, why not just lie about the people you are executing?

Also- the people you want to execute that you wouldn't be allowed to are political dissidents. The kind of people who are going to assimilate very easily into America's culture of political dissent. I mean this is exactly what Cuba does- they don't buy them boat tickets, but they definitely don't give a shit if anti-communists move to Miami because it's a problem they don't have to deal with. Cubans I should note being one of the biggest Republican voting blocks in Florida.

If some venezeulan is an axe-murderer UN's not going to give two shits if that guy gets an execution.
>Russia can't even occupying 20% of Ukraine but they are going to conquer 100% of it, the Baltic states, Poland, Finland, and Romania if we sign a peace treaty
They can't occupy 20% of Ukraine because we're sending them weapons and billions of dollars in aid, if Trump wins we stop and Ukraine falls right before the rest of europe
Source me then. And answer my question.

Why would you support Trump knowing he blocked legislation limiting the number of asylum seekers. If you can't answer this question you are bad faith?
There has never been majority support among whites for multiculturalism and immigration or the dem party. Anyway, we're rejecting it now.
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poor anon just wants a la carte bigotry
>waaaaaah why won't they let me hate brownoids without also hating trannies??!? it's not faaaaaiirrrr
He doesn't give a shit about numbers. Trump validates his numbers. Biden tells him he has to play nice with the immigrants that are here. So long as a Democratic (or Republican 'RINO') is telling them we have to be civil and polite to our non-white neighbors they'll have this problem.
Right, I imagined all those Democratic presidents that have been winning their elections since the Civil War.

Point of fact- since I've been born (1993) Republicans have won the popular vote exactly once. George Bush's re-election in 2004. Last president before him to win the popular vote was HW Bush in 1988.

>Biden stole the election
Yeah yeah, and moon landing was faked too.
Yeah, and dems banned "assaunt weapons" and created red flag laws in every blue state. Republicans are much better on freedom issues. If you can't admit that, you're not fit for this discussion.
I wonder how long it is until they finally stop pretending they aren't racist. Because they are doing a TERRIBLE job of it. I think the Haitian cats thing means we are no longer under any obligation to not call them racist any more.

It's a completely fake story from every angle that they insist on retelling. For what reason? These aren't even illegal immigrants, they're legal, they got their papers. The only reason to believe the story in direct opposition of the evidence is because they want to be racist.

Just fucking call them niggers. Dispense with the games. Just say you want to deport all the black people because they're black.
>You know who has zero say in how the government is run? The guy who doesn't vote.
And he has as much say as the guy who votes

>You realize I'm a pasty-ass american 'commie' democrat right? Why can't I just be a filthy liberal? You acknowledge that people like me exist right, that I don't have to be the wrong ethnicity to think you are moron?
With your pro India idiocy I figured you were Indian. Go drop a man in google street view in a city in India and try to find a part of the town without trash or feces in view. It's not China, it will never be China. It's a total cesspool.

>What you saying white's are too ethnically inferior to fight amongst themselves and have political disagreements? You some sort of anti-white racist or something? Why are you trying to erase the leftist white legacy?
My point is that we should be the people to hash it out, not us, sholomo goldstein, dual citizen of Israel and his army of Haitian cannibals and Venezuelan gangsters.

Why is China ascendant right now? Don't you think it has something to do with the people being 95%+ Han Chinese, having an average IQ over 100, and being a mostly non-violent culture? Why is it that Chinese people are extremely prosperous everywhere they go in the world? Don't you think it could be gasp - genetic?

Why do you think it's the case that you can't have high speed rail, universal healthcare, public universities and maternity leave? It's because in the American system the majority of the population are unproductive. Most people are scared to ride public transit networks outside of NYC (which currently has the national guard deployed in their subway system) because Black criminals are not kept in check by the police. 80%+ of Black people are overweight or obese. Over an average Black American's lifetime, 1 in 20 will commit murder.

Guess what - I am pro abortion. Because it's the #1 policy we have that approximates TND. Black women abort as a form of birth control, at 4.5x the rate Whites do
Republicans, nationally, typically, get around 20-25% more white votes. That's just reality. I don't see what you gain by pretending that this obvious thing isn't true.
>Over an average Black American's lifetime, 1 in 20 will commit murder.
Black American male*
>popular vote
Yeah, that's where the 40% non-white votes comes in. Are you confused? Do you remember what we're talking about?
I don't know about you, but guns aren't at the top of my freedom list. It's not even in the top ten.

I'm not going so far as to say we you should be banned from owning a gun. I'm just asking- how much freedom do you express in owning it? You aren't going to use it to overthrow the government (you fucking aren't, the government has fucking tanks). You don't use it to support a political candidate, or express a religious identity or anything. I mean sure- MAYBE you use it on a burglar in your house. But I mean- that contributes how much of your life as an American Citizen? If you have a womb you are way more likely to need an abortion than you are going to need to shoot someone.
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What about free speech?
Not racist, but republicans being liars is the result of the culture of le truth and le debate and le democracy. You've left these people with no way to give voice to their feelings without lying because if they were to tell the truth they would immediately lose support. That isn't a win though, the feelings that Republicans have are normal human feelings which should be accounted for, but everything has to be filtered through autistic enlightenment bullshit.
Contra's greatest work
Yeah. Democracy. I fucking love Democracy. And equality. I'm a patriot.

I'm not 'pro' anything. I was talking facts about India's economy. It's very weird for you to assume the only reason I have to correct you for being wrong is because I'm stumping for someone. And not because you are wrong. Try dropping a street view in Glasgow. Are all the broken beer bottles there because the Scots are ethnically inferior? Genetic determinism isn't a thing. If it was, nothing would ever change ever. Imagine if in the 60's I said 'China will never industrialize, look at any random Rural chinese village that's stuck in the middle ages'. Why should we assume that if something is the way it is now, that it'll never change?

Are you talking about voting or anti-semitic conspiracies of the jewish illuminati?

>do with the people being 95%+ Han Chinese
HA! That is not the number you fucking moron. You realize that our definition of Chinese and the Chinese definition of Chinese are two completely different things right? You could never tell the difference between a Uyghur, Tibetan, Mongol and Chinese guy if they were in the same room. China's very ethnically diverse, and it's been so for its entire history. It's so diverse that local chinese dialects are mutually unintelligible to half of the country. It's diverse because it's been a giant empire throughout it's entire lifespan. And you don't become an empire by only invading people of the same ethnic group.

So no, I don't think it's genetic. I think China succeeds because it's a fucking HUGE country with a FUCKTON of people, and it's been historically the most wealthy and prosperous and advanced country in history. It doesn't take a genuis to look at a map, see the size of China and think 'given enough time these people can make a lot of money'. And I can do the same with India.
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>Try dropping a street view in Glasgow
Done, where's the open defecation and piles of trash?
>Why do you think it's the case that you can't have high speed rail, universal healthcare, public universities and maternity leave?
Republicans. Unironically. You couldn't have possibly picked better issues for me. Those all require massive public spending that republicans LOATHE.

>Guess what - I am pro abortion.
You know what, I'll give you that one. That's an ACTUALLY ideologically consistent position, so I give you way more props than most Nazis.

Now I'll point out- while black women are the ones who most take advantage of abortion, this is due to socio-economic status. Where minorities (and specifically african-americans) have less access to money, resources, and education. All of which decrease the use of abortion (more education means more condom use, etc. etc.). Now I say that maybe we should increase access to money, resources and education, because I'm a filthy communist. But I also say that banning abortion isn't the solution. But I find it funny that so many white supremacists want to ban abortion when that's going to resort in WAY more minority babies living in poverty than an increase in the white population.

So what you are saying is non-white votes shouldn't count because you are racist.
You're counting misinformation as free speech?
And why is that a bad thing? If a toddler throws a tantrum because he doesn't want to eat his vegetables, it's true that he doesn't want to eat his vegetables, I accept that. I don't see why his emotions about not wanting to eat vegetables means that he shouldn't have to eat his vegetables though.

People FEEL emotions sure. Why should that be a persuasive governing philosophy?
Literally cherrypicking.

I do grant you that Glasgow isn't as bad as it used to be. But you head away from the touristy city-center you'll see a ton of urban decay. Now if you want to say the nice city-center disproves my point, I'm sure I can find some pictures of the nice parts of Bombay or New Delhi.

Lot of old 1800's era buildings boarded up and abandoned. I passed several when I was staying at the college campus right on the same street.
>Imagine if in the 60's I said 'China will never industrialize, look at any random Rural chinese village that's stuck in the middle ages'. Why should we assume that if something is the way it is now, that it'll never change?
Intellectuals were cognizant of the fact that China had enormous potential several hundred years ago. French Enlightenment authors looked at China as a model for a lot of things including designing an education system. Leading American authors thought China's rise was inevitable. It's only America's modern Jewish elite that thinks Chinese civilization is some kind of fluke.


>HA! That is not the number you fucking moron. You realize that our definition of Chinese and the Chinese definition of Chinese are two completely different things right? You could never tell the difference between a Uyghur, Tibetan, Mongol and Chinese guy if they were in the same room. China's very ethnically diverse, and it's been so for its entire history. It's so diverse that local chinese dialects are mutually unintelligible to half of the country. It's diverse because it's been a giant empire throughout it's entire lifespan. And you don't become an empire by only invading people of the same ethnic group.
They are still Han Chinese, their dialect may be different but they are still Han Chinese. Their ~5% minorities are people like Uighurs and Mongols

>So no, I don't think it's genetic. I think China succeeds because it's a fucking HUGE country with a FUCKTON of people, and it's been historically the most wealthy and prosperous and advanced country in history. It doesn't take a genuis to look at a map, see the size of China and think 'given enough time these people can make a lot of money'. And I can do the same with India.
Africa is enormous and mineral rich and they are destitute. They are destitute because they aren't as intelligent and don't run their societies as productively.
>I'm sure I can find some pictures of the nice parts of Bombay or New Delhi.
good luck

Like I said, try to find it. It's not just abandoned buildings, it's cows roaming around shitting everywhere and people taking a squat and shitting right there on the street as they please.

It's a culture that worships shit. They burn cow shit in their homes and sprinkle cow piss on their doors and floors.
>And why is that a bad thing?
Has suppressing the expression of this kind of humanity led to good outcomes? If the answer is yes, then it isn't a bad thing. I don't think it has though.
they don't want to side with terfs who are also firmly on the left and the only real, serious political opposition to trans people.
Nah- most scholars in the 20th century wrote off China as a lost cause. And it's not hard to see why- the Boxer Rebellion, 11 Chinese Revolutions, Yuan Shikai's dictatorship, the Warlords Period, first phase of the Chinese Civil War, WW2, the second phase of the Chinese Civil War, then you had Mao's Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and so on. Most figured China was locked into the middle ages and was incapable of modernizing (again- the communists first attempt was the Great Leap Forward which caused mass starvation).

We want to make the historical argument, the great Indian Empires (the Mauryans, the Mughals) were amongst the most powerful and richest of their time too.

The Mali were so rich that Mansa Musa destroyed the European gold market buying souvenirs on his pilgrimage to Mecca. You have a limited imagination- you see Africa as poor TODAY and so you can't imagine it being any different. Now of course- your imagination is limited because you aren't interested in conceiving scenarios where your racist assumptions would be proven wrong.

Africa nowadays has a lot of problems. Corruption, war, and the like. They also have economies held hostage by european corporations, which was intentionally set up during decolonization. The Europeans figured it was a nice compromise of taking all the wealth of Africa, while no longer being on the hook to administer it. Now- I won't go so far as to say Africa's problems are ENTIRELY due to post-decolonization policies, but I'll say that they certainly don't help.
If you have intellectual curiosity (and if you don't fuck you I'm typing this out anyway) to know how the medieval kingdoms of Africa were weakened to the point that they could be rolled over, it wasn't just a technological issue. That was a big factor, but the bigger factor was the economic and political destabilization that the institution of slavery caused. There is a bit of myth-making in regards to this- again white people didn't help but they can't be entirely blamed for it. White people didn't invent African slavery, they just rewarded it with HEAPS of cash and guns.

What this created was economies where African Kingdoms were entirely reliant on slavery, which is bad for numerous reasons. We'll skip over the moral ones. One of the reasons was it incentivized constant war to invade rivals for more slaves. For another it caused economic devastation as other industries were skipped over for slaves, to the point people began selling themselves into slavery where in prior generations they might have farmed. And this also created absolute monarchs that would enslave their rivals, get all their cash and guns from white people, and were no longer on the hook to run their kingdoms well. This is what caused the kingdom of the Kongo to collapse, where the King just kept enacting unpopular taxes, enslaving dissenters and running the kingdom into the ground.

If you want to research more African civilizations, you should look up the Mali, Songhai, Ghana, the Benin civilization, the Kongo, Ethiopia, the Sultanate of Adal, the Kilwa Sultanate, and the Great Zimbabwe Civilization.
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>Republicans. Unironically. You couldn't have possibly picked better issues for me. Those all require massive public spending that republicans LOATHE.
Why would the public spending bill be so massive? The US is twice as rich per capita as Europe.

The answer is that a growing majority of the population are not productive enough to support that type of mixed economy universal welfare system model.
Wel yes. We suppress urges like wanting to murder people, drink ourselves to death, take drugs, rob our neighbors. These are the sort of things that law is for.

I mean imagine a candidate trying to make the argument 'but I WANT to murder my grandma'.

I wouldn't say we should suppress all our impulses. But 'I don't like my neighbor because he looks funny' is certainly one we should.
>Why would the public spending bill be so massive? The US is twice as rich per capita as Europe.

Anyway who gives a fuck about the population? Like you said the US is rich. The money is there. The answer is the money has been siphoned to the top of the economic pyramid. Tax the rich, the corporations.
>then they'll leave!
Alright. Fuck 'em. But they still want to do business in the biggest economy on the planet. If Amazon wants to move their headquarters to the Caymens, let 'em. We can still tax the profits they make in this country.

The problem is that even dating back to the Civil War the Republicans have been the pro-business party. And that has been their most consistent platform- more consistent than their founding platform of civil-rights. Because the business class funds their campaign, while newly-freed slaves did not. So you'll ALWAYS have a party arguing 'BUT THINK OF THE PROFIT MARGINS!'.

I say our solution is just ignore those people. Not let them vote, just invalidate their obviously fake 'pro-working class' rhetoric for the classist pro-rich platform it is.
*Not not let them vote
Okay, then you have to deal with republicans being liars and the instability that comes about as a result.
This is the real answer. It's a phase many of us go through, at least straight tranners. As someone who also has to deal with being seen as homosexual, I also felt really salty about transbians living as straight men then jumping up in the air going "look at me look at me I'm an oppressed lesbian". But when I take a step back, I recognize that those people are weirdos and also that they mostly date other transbians so they are actually homosexual no matter how you cut it.
You leftists or the state labeling speech as lies or misinformation doesn't make it so. You shouldn't get to be arbiters of truth and ban everything you dislike.
>you count being able to disagree with the left and state as a free speech issue?
yes, you moron.
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>Nah- most scholars in the 20th century wrote off China as a lost cause.
I said that, and posted an article summarizing some of the intellectual history there. I was talking about 19th century and prior, and some turn of the century public intellectuals.

> the great Indian Empires (the Mauryans, the Mughals) were amongst the most powerful and richest of their time too.
India when it had any kind of geopolitical significance was ruled by steppe invaders and it slowly degenerated over time from mixing with Dravidians. Both of your examples are examples of that.

>The Mali were so rich that Mansa Musa destroyed the European gold market buying souvenirs on his pilgrimage to Mecca. You have a limited imagination- you see Africa as poor TODAY and so you can't imagine it being any different. Now of course- your imagination is limited because you aren't interested in conceiving scenarios where your racist assumptions would be proven wrong.
The point about Mansa Musa is that he only had gold. There were no multi-story buildings in Mali. Similarly for Africa today, they only have resources, not any real independent industrial base or technological output.

Pic related is the most architecturally significant building medieval West Africa ever produced.

Most likely reason why they got caught up in slavery is because they could not produce anything other than that and physical resources.
>Anyway who gives a fuck about the population?
Because in those European models like Denmark middle class people are paying the majority of their income in taxes. If most of the population isn't productive or value-added, they cannot afford the tax bill associated with universal healthcare, highspeed rail, etc.
I mean isn't that what we're doing right now?

Anyway I do wonder how they're going to work moving forwards. Initially outright-racism was used in politics during the 60's, openly championing segregation amongst southern-democrats. However that was a FAILING strategy, which is why southern-democrats became politically irrelevant.

Then Nixon picked up the dogwhistle to appeal to southern-voters. Out-and-out racism was too alienating, especially with the far-right violence that was coming with it (for instance the attacks on the Freedom Riders). Covert racism was palatable, and it was a successful strategy moving forward that allowed the Republicans to completely co-opt the south.

The problem with dogwhistles was they only delayed the onset of civil-rights, not counteract them. Because Republicans couldn't be seeing being affirmatively racist, they had to concede some ground eventually, and over the decades social-justice (for lack of a better term) kept advancing.

Hence when Trump came around and was way more blatant in his bigotry (as characterized by fellow Republicans like Lindsay Graham) he saw a surge of support in the base. However- he still had a thin veneer of cover by most Republicans trying to run interference for him.

But it's almost been a decade since 2016 and they've only moved further right on this stuff. And it's getting to the point where moderate republicans are switching to Biden and Kamala with no effort to bring them back (remember how we laughed when Nikki Haley said Trump should try to bring her in to appease the Nikki Haley voters?).
I don't see the Republican coalition holding, but I don't see the extremely racist part of the party caring, because they no longer care about winning. Every time they lose they cry fraud, because loss would force them to change tactics.

My best bet is that the far-right just stops voting (as did many pro-segregation voters in the 1960's) and that by welcoming in refugee republicans Democrats become the new conservative party (just as Republicans became the conservative party in the 60's), and the liberal progressives will split off to form a new party.
I'm a Classical Liberal, not a republican.
Most republicans are dems with a speed limit. I'm not giving shit.
Please do not speak for me.
The right of the people to bear arms is very important
Trump wants to jail you for burning the flag. He does not believe in freedom of speech.
Because it's 24 weeks top. You work with lies
Republicans not beating the low IQ allegations
You can deliver a baby at 24 weeks and it will survive
I think it'd be totally fine for the US Navy in WWII to jam Tokyo Rose's broadcasts.
Okay but what if it is misinformation though?

Lets think up a hypothetical where misinformation is used against your side. Let's say that I am a left-wing version of Elon Musk, and I use my vast electric-car billionaire money to buy twitter. And I say that I'm not going to enforce any checks on it in the name of free-speech.

Now lets say that there's a story the fake-news media is perpetuating that the Republican candidate in 2028 is actually a transexual groomer, and this story is being widely spread and believed and it has the chance to tank the Republican candidates numbers so that they lose the election.

What in your mind is the solution to this problem?

>India when it had any kind of geopolitical significance was ruled by steppe invaders
Well yeah. Steppe invaders are based. It doesn't undo that India was and is valuable land to conquer.

Africa had many advancements. For one there was the great library of timbuktu, east-africans used typhoon winds to have some of the hottest forges on the planet (something they actually learned from trade with the Indians).

No- there was also of course the Gold and Ivory trade (which is why the Gold and Ivory coast exist), there was the trade of tropical wood, salt, and more.

Face it- Africa was at the same levels as the rest of the medieval world. You just don't want to admit it because it would invalidate your essentialist view of race.
I don't get it. If the money is in the system, what does it matter where in the system you get the money from? Trump is talking about paying for everything in his second term with universal tariffs. I think he's a moron, but I think there are good reasons to use specific tariffs. Biden for instance has placed tariffs on China and Taiwan computer-chips to try to foster the US computer-chip production market (something we were a major leader in the 90's).
Middle section for>>37289373
I think if it was THAT important more countries would have extremely liberal gun laws. Instead most countries have freedom of the press laws, freedom of religion laws, etc.
>I don't get it. If the money is in the system, what does it matter where in the system you get the money from? Trump is talking about paying for everything in his second term with universal tariffs. I think he's a moron, but I think there are good reasons to use specific tariffs. Biden for instance has placed tariffs on China and Taiwan computer-chips to try to foster the US computer-chip production market (something we were a major leader in the 90's).
What makes America the most liquid market for investors and makes everyone park their money here would go away if the taxes shot all the way up to European levels
>Face it- Africa was at the same levels as the rest of the medieval world. You just don't want to admit it because it would invalidate your essentialist view of race.
Where are the medieval African equivalent of European Cathedrals?
I don't care if other countries value it, it is a natural right for peaceful people to own a gun.
Also I value freedom of expression even more, so good for them.
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>Steppe invaders are based.
Woah look at this White supremacist
I'll buy that argument to some degree, but at the end of the day we're the worlds largest economy. Companies HAVE to do business here, in the same way companies are forced to do business in China, which need I remind you is a COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP.

So I think we can comfortably raise taxes pretty far before CEO's do more than whine on Fox News about it. Certainly enough that we could pay for at least level 2 of Obamacare, and a high-speed rail from Boston to Miami.

I don't buy any of this 'it's too expensive' and 'it's too complicated' for the richest most advanced country on the planet. The money is in the system. And I tell you- it ain't doing the people any good sitting in CEO's bank accounts. Hell- they keep most of their money and assets that we could start taxing.
Mosques. The Blue Mosque of Djenne comes off the top of my head. I could also say Pyramids if I want to trigger you.
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>Blue Mosque of Djenne
You seriously going to try to claim with a straight face that this is as technically significant of an accomplishment as the average European Cathedral?
If most countries don't respect it it doesn't seem that natural to me.

Again I think you should be able to own some guns. I just find it weird to place at the top of the list. Cause again, that gun ain't really doing all that much. MAYBE you shoot a burglar. You certainly aren't going to shoot your senator, and even if you do you're going to accomplish all that much.
I'm not trying to fight a pissing contest. What I'm saying is that the difference in architecture doesn't some how prove an essentialist genetic difference.

I mean honestly, why does it bother you? You're racist sure, why does it bother you that I'm not? You seem like a guy who might be actually interested in history and the like. I'd hope you can appreciate that societies can grow and develop over time. White people weren't building any big buildings until the Romans show up (unless you count the greeks I guess). But that changed over time as they were introduced to new ideas and cultures.

Is it really hard to imagine that the advance of time would cause modern day cultures to change and evolve over time?

You ask me it's a lot more fun talking about geogrpahic determinism.
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>but at the end of the day we're the worlds largest economy.
China is the world's largest economy

>I don't buy any of this 'it's too expensive' and 'it's too complicated' for the richest most advanced country on the planet. The money is in the system. And I tell you- it ain't doing the people any good sitting in CEO's bank accounts. Hell- they keep most of their money and assets that we could start taxing.
Right now the federal government is running a 1 trillion dollar deficit, interest on the debt is another trillion dollars, and the military is only 1 trillion dollars.

This is the 2024 federal budget:

$6.2 trillion
$1.9 deficit

That means you need to raise $1.9 trillion yearly to break even and pay for more spending or cut some budget items to shift money around.

Total debt is $35 trillion

What do you do?
>I'm not trying to fight a pissing contest. What I'm saying is that the difference in architecture doesn't some how prove an essentialist genetic difference.
Sure but we do have scientific studies that do prove an essentialist genetic difference. Both biological and sociological research converges on that idea.

>You're racist sure, why does it bother you that I'm not?
Because you and countless others believe something that's provably false and it's leading you all to have a false view of the world and therefore develop erroneous beliefs that impact the entire civilization negatively.
States abuse peaceful people for no good reason. I am a Classical Liberal to stop it.
And it's not about how much you use it, the right to an abortion is not predicated on how often a women may need to get one. I also paired it with a practical example of it being used to overthrow a local government.
>is running a 1 trillion dollar deficit
All the statistics I've seen put China in a close second. They've been meant to overtake the US for the last few decades, but to everyones surprise the US hasn't collapsed economically like it was supposed to. Cause it turns out that the material conditions in the US haven't changed all that much. Meanwhile China is heading into a recession and we'll have to see if the communism helps or makes things tremendously worse. Either way- they can't fuel their economy through constant land-development like they have been, so I don't expect them to make a lot of headway very quickly.

>What do you do?
Not give a fuck about deficit spending is the answer. Balanced budgets are for people who have never played a 4x game. AKA losers.

It doesn't matter if you are in debt. What matters is that you are making more money this year than the previous year, which the US has continually done. So long as interest payments continue to be made, then debt is an imaginary number. A lot of people fearmonger about China owning most of our debt, actually it's Japan our ally who owns all our debt. Meanwhile China and every other country would never call collect because then that's money they will no longer be getting each year so that THEY can go into debt doing deficit spending (yeah, you explain to me how China's been able to skyrocket their economy on a balanced budget).

The US has access to infinite money anyway thanks to how we set up the world bank after WW2. The dollar is THE standard denomination for the entire world (part of this was because the US had the only stable economy post WW2, but we also super did it to benefit ourselves). Therefore EVERYONE has a vested interest in the health of the US economy- should we ever go bankrupt all those reserves of US cash countries buy up will be worthless (as we have a fiat currency based on the word of the American government).
you pull out of nato to get out of funding the war in ukraine.
you pull out of afghanistan.
you don't fund the war in gaza.
you demilitarize.

the problem was we couldn't cut military spending because we didn't want to appear weak to our enemies globally.
Haitans and africans literally commit all the crimes
I have only been threatened by 13%era
I'll also say this- you fiscal conservatives always use the budget to say we should cut expenditures. Which is really just code for welfare, because you never want to cut the size of the military (something I'd support). You also never talk about RAISING REVENUE, because that means raising taxes.

If any of you fuckers gave two shits about balancing the budget you'd be calling for tax-hikes across the board so we could increase revenue to start paying off our debt. Hell you'd argue for the nationalization of industries so that we could take the profits of private companies and inject them straight into the debt.
the problem is if you over tax the rich they leave or live here illegally. the imigration problem isn't the haitians. it's the invasion if the oligarchs.
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On a PPP basis, China is larger than the US

If you look at the real industrial economy, China's economy is roughly 3 times the size of the US (see chart)

>Meanwhile China is heading into a recession
big if true

>just print money
If that's the answer people will switch off of the USD at an accelerated pace

>you pull out of nato to get out of funding the war in ukraine.
>you pull out of afghanistan.
>you don't fund the war in gaza.
>you demilitarize.

You still have a budget deficit of $800 Billion dollars a year.
Here's how I would balance the budget

Deport illegal immigrants that consume ~$500 billion dollars of government money (federal, state, local) per year.

Cut medicare and social security to punish the baby boomers for fucking up the country. Reneg on the debt and tell the creditors to fuck off. Tax capital at the same rate as labor.

Nationalize the central bank and adopt a gold standard.
Completely reputable unbiased sources that don't veer into anti-semitic conspiracies to explain why mainstream science calls them racist hacks I'm sure.

Why do you believe that so much of mainstream academia is misleading people on this? Is your answer the jewish illuminati?
Most militia's I've seen overthrow a local government it's in order to oust a democratically elected one. Many such cases happened in the south after the end of reconstruction where white mobs ousted black-republicans from their offices and instituted jim-crow laws. So I'm rather skeptical on the ability for guns to provide an equitable government as a result.
If we're making up statistics they also comprise 100% of the nuclear scientists.
I'm sorry, how do the rich live anywhere illegally? They're rich. They can afford to move and get their papers in place.

Anyway as I said, I think it's worth more to tax the business they need to do in your country than tax them as individuals. So I don't really believe in the 'exodus of wealth' narrative.
You're behind on your news stories, check out the news on China's economy. Multiple countries are pulling out of the belt-and-road initiative, their biggest real-estate developer has gone bankrupt, they've had to consolidate several smaller banks to prevent a bank-run, you got shanty-towns of Chinese citizens waiting to get apartments in the city that are now never going to be built.

Now a lot of people are over-hyping this up and calling for the collapse of China and those people are morons. What's certainly true is that the next decade is gonna be real unpleasant for China and their meteoric rise is at an end.

>just print money
Point to where I said that. I know that hyperinflation is bad, I'm not an elementary schooler.
>rightoids hate black people
>rightoids hate abortion
>statistically the highest group by far that gets abortions is black people
>low iq rightoids (aka most of them) exist in a perpetual state of cognitive dissonance over this fact

why are right wingers so stupid? even the right wing intellectual types moan constantly about how stupid their allies are
What about the revenue they bring to the country? You know, cause they do work jobs. They pay into the system, not just through taxes (real-estate taxes for instance) but buying american products the money for which continues to cycle through the economy. Removing them would be removing a massive consumer base, and if you want to figure out why that's a problem ask Japan.

Immigrants, even illegals, are a net economic gain. If they weren't you think that border patrol wouldn't shoot them on sight? Red states have tried kicking out the illegal immigrants, and inevitably they let them back in after a few years as the major businesses (especially agriculture) demand they bring them back because they need the labor force.

I'm also someone who says 'fuck the boomers' but removing all the money from the geriatric class turns them into a giant economic sink as they can't work and they can't buy anything, so that's fucking retarded. Reneging on the debt means nobody else will lend to us, and you need loans for investment just like in business.
Adopting a gold standard is the most pants on head retarded thing you can do. It's like saying 'download more RAM'. We ditched the gold standard in the 1930's FOR A FUCKING REASON. You can't print new money with a gold-standard. That probably sounds good to you, because you think it limits inflation. And you are right. What you don't understand is ECONOMIES LOVE INFLATION. IT'S CALLED DEFICIT SPENDING.

It's why every country on the planet ditched it during the Great Depression. You need to inject cash into the economy to get it running, and if you aren't allowed to print money from scratch you can't do that. Now- you can take it too far, see Germany. But a small degree of inflation is something every country does (at around a 2% rate). This is also important, because it incentivizes people to spend, the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING in an economy. If your money is worth less tomorrow, you are better off spending it now, than letting it sit in your bank account. Back to China- right now they are PANICING over a deflationary crisis in their economy.
Most of them don't care about the facts of the case. Because if they did they wouldn't win on their arguments. They care mostly about evoking emotions.

So a lot of white-supremacists buy into this idea that ending abortion would increase the number of whites in the country, and that abortion is a jewish population control method. Which of course ignore that it's used way more by minorities who would see their populations grow more. But if facts and logic swayed them they wouldn't be racist.
>reneg on the debt and tell the creditors to fuck off
enjoy having the entire US economy, the few manufacturing industries left in the US, the entire tech sector, and the US auto industry collapse overnight
>Completely reputable unbiased sources that don't veer into anti-semitic conspiracies to explain why mainstream science calls them racist hacks I'm sure.
The problem here is that something or someone is only reputable if it's approved by our ruling institutions and it's only approved by our ruling institutions if it's ideologically consistent with the ruling ideology. Ruling ideology is informed by the traditions passed down by ruling institutions. See how that works? There was plenty of work done on these topics while ideological enforcement wasn't so rigid, but now that it is, it's been virtually abandoned as a field of study. But along the way no academic ever substantially debunked the central claims made by people who researched racial differences in intelligence testing in the post-war era for example. And now that we have genetics as a field of study and more powerful computers to do bioinformatics, we know that a lot of the genes that are related to high intelligence independently (independent or within racial groups) are found in higher frequency in White and East Asian populations than in Black populations. A lot of this research is now done in East Asia where the ideological constraints are much looser.
>Why do you believe that so much of mainstream academia is misleading people on this? Is your answer the jewish illuminati?
The academy is a cathedral system that exists to prop up and maintain liberalism as Jewish intellectuals have formulated it over the past 50 years or so.
>You're behind on your news stories, check out the news on China's economy. Multiple countries are pulling out of the belt-and-road initiative, their biggest real-estate developer has gone bankrupt, they've had to consolidate several smaller banks to prevent a bank-run, you got shanty-towns of Chinese citizens waiting to get apartments in the city that are now never going to be built.
All that and their economy is in fact still growing.

>Point to where I said that.
You can't blatantly ignore fiscal constraints forever because inflating the currency actually causes inflation in other parts of the world due to the cantillon effect.
Guns, like any tool can be abused to bad and good ends.
They are a net fiscal drain. I do not care about a meat processor having to pay someone a fair wage to do a job. The poor capitalists, what will they do without their brown serf laborers. oh no, that sucks

>We ditched the gold standard in the 1930's FOR A FUCKING REASON.
Yeah the reason was so a Jewish banking cartel could lend infinite money without requiring any underwriting discipline.

Preferable to what's coming
>best party around
Lmao yeah the rich should have everything and everyone else should have the option to choose between being their slaves or fucking off to die in the gutter. Very novel ideology; definitely hasn't been seen before.

All of rightwing politics is an alliance between elitism and bigotry; the people running the movement are motivated by greed and lust for power, while the rank and file is motivated by fear, hatred, and a desire not to lose their spot on the social/economic/racial hierarchy, even if they'll never be at the top of the totem pole. The only difference between classical and contemporary rightwing ideology is that starting in the 20th century, rightwingers decided it'd be a good idea to pretend to be "working class" and the "real Americans."

Anyone who's unironically still rightwing like post-12,000 BC is a complete fucking loser.
So yes, your argument boils down to 'the jewish illuminati is ethnically superior and controls everyone from the shadows'.
Yeah but not as quickly. Again- I don't think this'll serve as their demise or nothing, just give them a dose of humility, and give the rest of the world a reality check about how the western order isn't going to be overthrown any time soon.

>You can't blatantly ignore fiscal constraints forever because inflating the currency actually causes inflation in other parts of the world due to the cantillon effect.
I mean sure, but who gives a fuck?

Global currencies are all inflating. It's kinda like the natural order. The more cash you inject in a system the less cash is worth. Guess what? You still want to inject a ton of cash into the system because it pumps up the economy. Capitalism is built on constant growth. I didn't write the rules.

Inflation is a giant buzzword, and moment most people open their mouth to talk about it they show off they haven't got the furthest fucking clue what inflation is. And like, it's not a hard concept to grasp. All you need to know is hyperinflation = bad, deflation = bad.
Yeah, but we have to ask is it a tool that's been used for more good or more bad?

Explosives are a tool. They are used in construction. Does that mean we should maximize access to explosives? What about bulldozers?
No, pretty much every economist will tell you they are a net gain. Again why our capitalist overlords keep letting them into the country. You don't want to be a money-hating communist now do you?

I don't think you know what the Great Depression is. Or money. Or Jews.
>So yes, your argument boils down to 'the jewish illuminati is ethnically superior and controls everyone from the shadows'.
Jews themselves believe they are ethnically superior. Curtin Yarvin puts this idea together in a much more cogent formulation.

I just think his formulation of it is biased by the fact that he himself is Jewish and doesn't want to take responsibility for it.

>Global currencies are all inflating.
The Yuan is basically artificially pegged low in order to suck in global capital investment into their country. When the US has a dollar crisis, China can let simply let their Yuan float on global markets and it will appreciate extremely quickly and suck a lot of capital out of global markets and create a defacto Yuan standard. Yuan is good to have on hand if you want just about any kind of manufactured good.

>No, pretty much every economist will tell you they are a net gain.
They add to total GDP but they are a fiscal drain and they lower per capita GDP and raise key prices like rents and lower key prices like wages. If you want an example of this, look at Canada. It's been in a per capita recession for years simply due to bringing in too many Indians and the Liberal government has managed to make Canadians racist.
> but we have to ask is it a tool that's been used for more good or more bad?
Ive heard it's used for more good, but this is something I am too tired to argue all day about. Being that my right to bear is to me unrelated to how others use the right.
I used to be utilitarian about it, but I am forced to realize that concepts like utilitarianism and maximizing democracy are only good after rights are respected.

Seems you can just buy a bulldozer, that's your right, you probably can't drive it many places, but you can own one.
Also on an unrelated note about some other topic.
>The more cash you inject in a system the less cash is worth
This is only true if the money supply rises faster than economic growth and development. My real issue with modern money is not being able to use whichever currency you wish (RIP liberty dollars). Currency competition for now is the best compromise that allows people to use what they want and isn't too controversial.
Yeah, but doesn't the fact they rule the world and nobody has done anything about it prove their ethnic superiority objectively?

And now the Yuan is threatening to go into a deflationary spiral. Wanna take two guesses about how happy the Chinese are about that prospect?

How would the raise rent? Wouldn't they lower it? They tend not to have a lot of money and therefore are going to go to low-rent areas. And white-flight remains a thing so I imagine their presence is going to bring down the value of the neighborhood they go to, lowering rent.

Also poor people in general lower per-capita GDP. That doesn't mean euthanizing the poors is a good economic strategy, I don't care what Malthuse tells you.
Yeah they're insane liars, there's no reason to get upset about it. The only thing leftoids believe in is destroying the white race. It's not about class or environment or any of the other things the pretend. Like obviously if you cared about working class people you wouldn't dump 20,000 foreigners willing to work for half the pay on a decaying industrial town. Literally every chance when libs have the choice between attacking white people and pursuing one of their supposed principles they choose attacking white people every fucking time.
Again, I think people should be allowed to own certain guns. I just think this concept we need them to overthrow the government is laughable.

I'm rather skeptical that 'more currencies' are the solution. All I've seen out of the crypto movement is a lot of money-laundering and a lot of scams. When everyone kept saying 'it's completely unregulated by the government!' my immediate thought was 'oh, so you can just pocket all the money someone gives you' which is exactly what Sam Bankman Fried did. You don't even need to have taken an economics class, just not be a libertarian who thinks that laws exist for no good reason.
We're not being colonized, we're being parasatized.
So I'm guessing you love unions and welfare.
I love the working class so much I don't want to ethnically cleanse them with scab laborers.
>How would the raise rent? Wouldn't they lower it?
They push the total unit price up through bidding higher and then subdivide the units among more people to afford that higher price. Supply is fixed and comes on the market at a roughly fixed rate, so no, they push rents up and wages down.

Part 2 of that is they get subsidies from state and local governments to afford this rent, so more money is being pushed into the system generally.

Part 3 of it is the federal government is shipping these people in from the border deep into White communities, so White flight can't take place at a fast enough pace.

>Also poor people in general lower per-capita GDP. That doesn't mean euthanizing the poors is a good economic strategy, I don't care what Malthuse tells you.
They raise rents and lower wages for people already here which makes the lives of people already here worse. Do you understand that? Should be pretty simple if you aren't hard wired with some brown = good, white = bad ideology.
So no, you don't support unions, you don't support welfare, got it. You're 'pro-labor' argument is an excuse for your racism.
I'm a left wing tranny and I also think thrannies should not exist t b h
If your long term ambition isn't to either cure the problem as such or learn to identify trans fetuses for selective abortion, you're a lover of misery and torment
Nobody who is sincerely trans would wish this on anybody
Same thing.
Id rather there be guns for it than no guns. Even muskets are better than nothing.

And the issue of crypto is 2 fold.
1. It's used mainly as an investment (currencies themselves are not investments making things that people demand)
2. It's frankly much easier to convert to dollars than use day to day. It's the primary reason I don't use it (other than volatility).
There would also be other models (which is why I mentioned Liberty dollars).
Also scams would still be illegal in even most libertarian societies. Voluntary exchanges are informed ones.
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>Yeah, but doesn't the fact they rule the world and nobody has done anything about it prove their ethnic superiority objectively?
It proves they are very good at politics but if you look at their intellectual achievements they have fallen off a cliff. There was maybe a case to be made in the middle of the 20th century for that. It no longer exists now.

Explain how importing 20,000 foreigners into a town of 50,000 helps the local workers. There was literally a bourgeoisie business owner bragging about how he doesn't have to pay them minimum wage.

This position makes no sense until you realize the only real goal leftists have is eradicating white people.
>They push the total unit price up through bidding higher and then subdivide the units among more people to afford that higher price. Supply is fixed and comes on the market at a roughly fixed rate, so no, they push rents up and wages down.
Yeah, but that sounds like the housing market being the housing market. Like that shit everywhere. They're cramming in 12 white kids into apartments in San Francisco, that's not cause of migrants, that's cause of San Francisco.

>Part 2 of that is they get subsidies from state and local governments to afford this rent, so more money is being pushed into the system generally.
No they don't. You know how I know that? The Republican party exists. The idea of poors affording housing is anathema to them.

>Part 3 of it is the federal government is shipping these people in from the border deep into White communities, so White flight can't take place at a fast enough pace.
No they're not. It's state governments in Texas and Florida. Why did you forget this? It was a big stunt by Ron DeSantis. They claimed they wanted to punish blue states by bussing the migrants to New York. It's really weird that you'd confuse republican-controlled state governments for the Federal government.

>Do you understand that?
No cause your arguments rely on the idea that I'm already racist against immigrants.

You think 'brown=bad'. And you uncritically swallow any narrative that reinforces that idea. If you DIDN'T maybe you wouldn't have forgotten about Ron DeSantis 'bus the immigrants' idea. Maybe you would have criticized your own side for that- said 'hey I don't like immigration, but bringing them into the interior of the country isn't the solution'. Heck, I'll say that- bussing immigrants to New York isn't the solution for illegal immigration.
Brown people are straight up worse than white people and I don't want any more of them coming here.
>I mean isn't that what we're doing right now?
Yes, but you're not treating it like it's something you expect to have to deal with because of the conditions that support being in place. You're treating it like it's a failure of the people that are not being served by the current system.
More work being done for = lower costs for goods and services and greater economic activity. I'm fine with eradicating white people, but it's not my goal. It's being done in the interests of capital first and foremost.
I think muskets are a whole seperate argument given the vast difference in technology. Let me put it to you write to arm everyone with a bow and arrow.

You'd be right about scams if not for the Crypto-bros being the vanguards of the Libertarian revolution.
Who the fucks care about intellectual accomplishments when you rule the world? You think Ghengis Khan gave two shits about what his research score was?
I find the 20,000 number very interesting. People are all like 'Oh Springfield can't POSSIBLY HANDLE that number'. Except they've lost that exact same number from deindustrialization since the turn of the millenium. This population influx has only returned Springfield to the same level it was in two-thousand and fucking two.

You COULD make an argument that the influx could be slower to allow for better accommodation, but you aren't really arguing for that are you?

This was a dying town in the rust-belt that was asking for people come in to inject new wealth into the town. Which has succeeded- some of the factories are propping back, which brings with it jobs (taken by hatians) that then hand out wages (to haitians) that then spend them (in springfield) which allows more money to cycle through the economy.

Your solution is... what? Keep Springfield going into economic decline? Keep new money from coming into the city? Keep the factories shuttered? Cause I'm guessing, yes that's your answer. You want to frame the argument as an economic one because you know that your REAL racist argument holds no water. But you care about the RACISM not the economy.
That's too bad, because the demographic you belong to is becoming less competitive in the system that was made by white people, and that means your interests will be at best a secondary consideration.
>No they don't. You know how I know that? The Republican party exists. The idea of poors affording housing is anathema to them.
The Biden admin gave them TPS which a legal status which allows them to collect public benefits and work legally

Then capitalists bussed them there and dumped them into small town ohio to work for low wages and prop up rent prices.

>It's state governments in Texas and Florida. Why did you forget this? It was a big stunt by Ron DeSantis.
Just making shit up in bad faith because you have no argument and don't know what you're talking about
>You'd be right about scams if not for the Crypto-bros being the vanguards of the Libertarian revolution.
Not really, unless they defended the scamming. If they did, id be happy to call them stupid.
>This was a dying town in the rust-belt that was asking for people come in to inject new wealth into the town. Which has succeeded- some of the factories are propping back, which brings with it jobs (taken by hatians) that then hand out wages (to haitians) that then spend them (in springfield) which allows more money to cycle through the economy.
>Your solution is... what? Keep Springfield going into economic decline? Keep new money from coming into the city? Keep the factories shuttered? Cause I'm guessing, yes that's your answer. You want to frame the argument as an economic one because you know that your REAL racist argument holds no water. But you care about the RACISM not the economy.
Or you know the Jewish business owner could just pay a fair wage
Well then they aren't illegal immigrants then so I don't see why you're concerned.

>Some liberal cities that have in recent weeks been crying foul over moves by Republican governors to bus migrants to sanctuary jurisdictions across the country have themselves used buses to transport homeless people out of their cities.
>Texas and Arizona have bussed more than 10,000 illegal immigrants to Washington, D.C., New York City and Chicago – all cities that describe themselves as "sanctuary cities." Meanwhile, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis last week flew approximately 50 migrants to Martha’s Vineyard.
>The flights and buses have drawn a barrage of criticism from liberal city mayors and the Biden administration. The White House accused governors of treating migrants like "chattel."

Why is this news to you?
I'm sorry are you suggesting PRICE CONTROLS? YOU COMMUNIST!

Anyway I'm all for raising minimum wage. So if we want to talk about THE ECONOMY I'm all down for that. Raising the minimum wage seems like a pretty good, not-racist thing that both sides of the isle could work torards. Assuming that it's THE ECONOMY that we care about.

Hell- I'll even give you this one for free. Unions have been a big historic buffer against immigration. Unions crowd out potential cheaper labor that could be brought in (not just migrant workers, but also just people from around the country, companies have been known to do both). I'm of the opinion that if immigrants want to work in this country for cheap we should let them. But I'm also of the opinion we should have strong unions that demand good wages and benefits from the corporation. And if good union wages mean less cheap labor jobs for immigrants? Well that doesn't particularly upset me.

If only there wasn't a certain political party back in the 80's that destroyed the strength of the unions, in order to reduce the power of american labor to benefit the corporations. Gee, if only I could remember the name of the president and the party responsible for that.
I get Blaire is bought but I wonder how the first offer went and how much it was for.
Probably something more mild to start. Maybe 50k or something if she focused a bit more on anti-trans stuff probably from a right wing American group.

But I wonder how much it took to get her to stay bought after that one convo where she was told to detrans. Must have asked for a few hundred thousand more at the very least.
I don't want any immigration from the third world, legal or illegal
1. I'm not partisan or a Republican
2. I support increasing the minimum wage
Conservative influencers are making 6-7 figures annually
Then shouldn't it upset you that Republican governors are using taxpayer dollars to move illegal immigrants into the US Interior? You know, if you were ideaologically consistent?
Try making more economic arguments on that front, you'll get more success. You aren't going to appeal to a lot of people by saying 'we got a bunch of genetic inferiors running about'. That is- if you care about making an argument, and not just venting your racism.
>Then shouldn't it upset you that Republican governors are using taxpayer dollars to move illegal immigrants into the US Interior? You know, if you were ideaologically consistent?
Yes and I'm not a Republican, I think the Republican donor base want cheap labour which is why they aren't being serious about immigration. I am ideologically consistent lmao. I'm a racist antisemite who is pro-labor. What are you? A 'socialist' that supports scab laborers because they're brown. LMAO

>Try making more economic arguments on that front, you'll get more success. You aren't going to appeal to a lot of people by saying 'we got a bunch of genetic inferiors running about'. That is- if you care about making an argument, and not just venting your racism.
A huge portion of the country thinks like me. They are called Middle American Radicals. They are pro-labour but are racist. They also don't give a shit about social issues, just race and crime.
I laid out my positions here>>37290593

>They also don't give a shit about social issues, just race and crime.
I have bad news for you. Those are social issues. And they're why your ilk will continue voting for the anti-labor republicans. Because Republicans corner the market on social issues like race, and crime (which is another way of saying race). And so long as you care more about race than labor, they'll keep selling you out and keeping you fed on the culture wars.

The democrats are a bunch of pussies, but at least they mean half of what they say about the economy. Including union support. The problem is you have to get comfortable coalitioning with all the other minorities and being forced to treat them like equals.

And in our two party system, you're never gonna find a 'pro-union but racist' party. It's not how American politics works. There's a reason why FDR's new dealers had to bring the northern black vote into their coalition way back in the 30's. And this was back when the Democrats were explicitly the white-supremacist party.
But I mean it must've started at a lower amount.
And her first few videos, like the ones where it's like "Tranny debunks Feminism" must've been authentic and not bought. She was too minor of a figure at that point.

There must've been a point at which she started taking money. I wonder what that was like for her.
>And in our two party system, you're never gonna find a 'pro-union but racist' party. It's not how American politics works. There's a reason why FDR's new dealers had to bring the northern black vote into their coalition way back in the 30's. And this was back when the Democrats were explicitly the white-supremacist party.
Yeah but we are this country's swing vote

That's why Trump won in 2016. Remember in 2016 Trump ran on

>Deporting immigrants
>Banning Muslims
>Renegotiating trade policy
>Industrial policy
>Universal healthcare
>Maternity leave
>Colonial exploitation (take the oil)
>No more wars for Israel
>Locking up nigs
It's much easier to find someone who already agrees to your viewpoints and give them money to try to amplify their message than try to covert someone from the opposite side.

That said- that still happens too. It's just real obvious when they suddenly start completely changing their message, and repeating right-wing talking points while insisting they are a liberal.

I think something like this is happening with the Young Turks where they started stumping for JFK. They were saying 'I can't support Biden on Israel' and I'm like 'okay, but why do you think Trump would be better? He's not going to be the same, he's going to be WAY worse'. Or how they started opposing the war in Ukraine, ostensibly because they hate the military industrial complex, but that wasn't at all their tune when the war broke out. And I'm like 'who cares if the military industrial complex gets a payout- they're RIGHT on this issue'.
I can see it for the Young Turks but Cenk has also gone pretty pro normie Dem since the Kamala switch.
Hasan however...

Then the question becomes who it is that's doing the buying. In their case I'd just keep it most simple and put the highest probability with Turkey. Just about everything they're saying is more or less on the same page with what Erdogan wants to promote in the West.
Well actually Erdogan himself is more pro-Ukraine than they are... could be Iran or Russia I suppose.
I mean I think we're in the midst of a political realignment, but I don't think you have the purchasing power you think you do. Remember that Trump lost the popular vote in both his elections. And his leaning in to extremist rhetoric is alienating moderate Republicans and Independents in droves.

I should also point out how utter bullshit his talking points were on trade policy (he only changed the name of NAFTA), industrial policy (we've seen more reindustrialization under Biden), Healthcare (he was gonna repeal and replace Obamacare, except it turns out that Republicans DESPISE Universal Healthcare), and Israel (he moved the Embassy to Jerusalem inflaming tensions, and he is currently accusing Democrats for being the party of Hamas because many democratic voters are opposing the carpet-bombing of Gaza).

So what's consistent in Trump's platform? Racism. And the racism is what appeals to you, not the economic shit. And he's leaning into the racism, not any sort of economic stuff- Republicans keep saying 'oh he's going to get more strict and start focusing on policy' and I'm like 'no, that's what you want to happen, not what you think is going to happen'.

There's no such thing as a racist-pro-labor party throughout history. Some people confuse the Nazis as such, except the welfare they gave was quite minimal and they several loosened labor laws for the benefit of major corporations. Labor only works if EVERYONE gets together in a Union, including the colored folk. You look at labor movements in the late 1800's this becomes incredibly obvious.
I find funny how the liberals always come across as deranged in those videos.
If he actually followed through on the racism that would be enough but he probably won't

So if he's not taking it seriously and he's not even pretending to be pro-worker then I'm pretty apathetic about the election right now. I think the democrats have fucked up the border so badly though that I'm still gonna go Trump this time to punish them (I went Obama, Obama, Trump, Biden, Trump?)
Yeah, I stopped watching a lot of their content until recently so I can't say when exact swaps have happened. But my suspicion is once RFK swapped for Trump that they can't keep up the illusion any more and are retreating to more regular left-wing talking point. I'll have to see if there's another swing back. I haven't seen any video's pop up though about them being shocked that RFK, this supposed superior third option clearly siding with Trump giving them shock or betrayal though.

I think Turkey wants to play both sides a little, but ultimately backs NATO. Turkey cares about Turkey, and Turkey gets to do that so long as they are a very big country. And Turkey doesn't stand to gain from Russia cementing control of the Black Sea.

I think it's more likely that same group in America that tried to prop up RFK in the first place started funneling money to the Young Turks. RFK was clearly meant to peel away progressive votes away from the Democrats, except his whole platform was anti-vaxxer stuff. It's interesting that Cenk used to point this out until he suddenly stopped.
That is a VERY weird political path.

Anyway I think you'd have a point if Republicans gave a shit about the border, but they don't either. Trump nixed a border bill Mike Johnson held ukraine-aid hostage for. The Democrats weren't gonna pass a bill, and were pissed at him threatening geo-political security for but they had to cave because they keep having to be the adults in the room. And then Trump said no, he wants to run on immigration, and having a border bill would make that harder for him.

This is true of most republican issues- see abortion. I was shocked when they finally struck down Roe vs. Wade cause I thought, 'what will they run on now?' and the answer is nothing, because there's no position on abortion that will appease the moderates and the extremists at the same time in the party.

So where are we at? Well the same place we've been since like the 60's on the border. Lot of legal immigrants, lot of illegal immigrants, and the country continues to spin on. I mean be objective. Do we have an open border? No. We have a normal border, with border patrol agents that check your passport. You can say we have too many illegal immigrants and that could be true. But then why LIE and say we have an open border? Why lie and say it's an invasion? These people aren't coming in with guns, there's no country ordering them to come in here. No country has declared war on us. These immigrants aren't materially different than they were in the 2010's, 2000's, 1990's, 1980's, etc, and why would they be? What conditions on the ground have changed?

If you want to be anti-immigration that's your right. But ask yourself- if the problem is bad to begin with, why do people need to lie about it?
Destiny's gone through a few swings recently as well.
When Ukraine broke out he spent the lead up saying Russia wouldn't invade. When Russia did invade he stopped streaming politics for about a month.
He spent that year hanging out in far right circles. Including sleeping with Lauren Southern who is one of the commentators known to have been bought by Russia. He also spent a bunch of time with figures like Fuentes more or less defending them.

A bit before the Trump assassination attempt he began affiliating heavily with pro-Israeli positions(he's also drifted towards being very pro-Ukraine). After the Trump assassination attempt he more or less broke and went HARD anti-Trump. He's also been talking with a guy who sounds a lot like Elon.
Destiny claims he's not bought by any faction (besides a sizeable Democrat affiliated PAC, Progressive Victory).
Destiny's official claim is the Trump assassination attempt broke him. That he could no longer take Conservatives seriously and no longer believed them to be good faith actors. Which well fair enough, but what took him so long? And why then?
I'm giving him a chance with watching his content now. But I feel like there's definitely something going on there.
Destiny also hinted in one of his streams, when he was going through the public information on the ones bought by Russia, that he has additional private information and knows a few others who are bought.

I wish in like 20 years we have a book or movie or something that details who was bought by who in an easy to follow way.
Yeah- of all the crazy things the right does, being freaked out by an assassination attempt is one I'll give them. It doesn't mean they weren't being freaky, but honestly I'm just grateful they didn't claim that like Biden hired an ISIS assassin or something in exchange for the state of Montana.

Anyway we super will. I just wonder what you do about this stuff. I definitely think we need to regulate the internet, but it's like trying to empty a pool of ketchup with your hands.

We could certainly say groups like the Young Turks should be classified as small-time news organizations, or political commentators, and state that they have certain financial papers to fill out to make sure they aren't being paid off by foreign actors, or hell, billionaire domestic actors (for people freaking out- I think this can be legal, it just has to be disclosed like it is in legacy media). But then what do you do about the guys who are just giving their opinions on their personal youtube pages? I mean maybe we mandate that Youtube and other sights have sorts of dedicated political spaces for those types of channels (at least so we can ensure that these people are saying 'yes I'm a political commentator' or something), but if some random tik-tok celeb is given a billion dollars by the Russians, or heck the Israelis (cause they re also doing this) then how are we gonna spot them in the sea of faces?
Are you aware that 10 million people have crossed the border illegally since Biden took office and a lot of them are not Central Americans, but people that could afford to fly to Mexico and walk across? Chinese people, Russians, Indians, etc.

Are you aware that when they show up they just claim refugee status and get a court date and are allowed into the country no strings attached?

Because I'm reading what you wrote and in my opinion it's totally divorced from reality. There's over 20 million people living in the country illegally. And of the ones that are visa overstays, they are Asians that are displacing middle income workers.

The "border security bill" would have done nothing to stop that either.

>But ask yourself- if the problem is bad to begin with, why do people need to lie about it?
The problem is White Americans are being displaced and dispossessed of what they inherited and the country is objectively becoming worse for it.
It's a tough problem. I'm not sure how to solve it either.
I will say it doesn't seem very sustainable. Or at least not that sustainable. The more youtubers the more they have to be bought. If I can make $5 million shilling for Russia why would I settle for $1 million when they offer it? Like idk it seems like a lot of money and I'm not sure they have that much money for that many people long term.

And if they do have that much money, well other people have money. If it's an effective technique I don't see why Nigeria can't offer as much for propaganda as Nigeria with snow. Let alone a place like the UK or Germany. I.e. Western allies could always get in on the game.
>Chinese people, Russians, Indians, etc.
Factually not a thing. Next you're gonna tell me about the prayer rugs they're finding at the border.

I'll clue you in on something buddy. Not every illegal immigrant crosses the border. A lot of them just overstay a tourist visa. Hell- I did this myself for a couple years. I went to the UK to live with my dad. I TRIED getting british citizenship, but longstory short Thatcher made that impossible, because guess what, she wanted to limit immigration (my dad, a white man, was born in singapore, and Thatcher said those born in the colonies don't count for purposes of claiming citizenship from your parents).

There are lots of immigrants that do this, but the airports aren't as sexy for Fox News to fixate on.

>no strings attached?
The string attached is that they need to show up for their court date and if they get denied they get sent back to their country of origin.

>The problem is White Americans are being displaced and dispossessed of what they inherited and the country is objectively becoming worse for it.
Firstly that doesn't answer the question. Why lie if that's the case? Secondly, fucking displaced. Displaced. Where are these displaced white people being sent to dipshit?

Why do you need to lie about this issue if it's as bad as you say? Why can't you just accurately describe what's happening? Could it be because this is about racism and not about immigration?
>Factually not a thing. Next you're gonna tell me about the prayer rugs they're finding at the border.

>The string attached is that they need to show up for their court date and if they get denied they get sent back to their country of origin.
They never get deported, that's why there's 20+ million of them still in the country

>Where are these displaced white people being sent to dipshit?
Well in Springfield, Ohio it takes the form of landlords kicking White families out of their homes to rent it to Haitian scab laborers.
I mean accepting foriegn money (without disclosing it) is already turbo-illegal. It's the definition of espionage. So thankfully so long as you dig into the right persons finances you can bust them for it. And the FBI already does that stuff on the regular.

The issue is more that stuff applied to business heads and media organizations that are easy to keep track of. It's hard to investigate the bank accounts of each political commentator on Youtube.

And I appreciate your thought process, but we can't just have our elections be up for the highest bidder- we can't hope that maybe the Germans will buy up enough youtubes, and all of a sudden we'll be on the hook to do what THEY want. I mean sure- that's not as big a problem as letting the Russians into the White House, but it's still a problem.

Again I think we need to apply some special status to our news and political commentary on our social media. It can't be held up to the same standards as like a lets play channel. We also need to mandate content curation for social media and not leave it up to the whims of whatever billionaire buys them out.
>Well in Springfield, Ohio it takes the form of landlords kicking White families out of their homes to rent it to Haitian scab laborers.
There are two scenarios here.

Either the landlord is lowering their rent so that haitians can afford it. Which isn't happening, because who the fuck's gonna do that and why? (and don't tell me it's the jews again).

Or the landlord is raising their rent to levels the that white family can't afford, but yet somehow these LEGAL Haitian migrants can. Which isn't happening, because their fucking migrants fleeing a crumbling anarchy. Scabs imply they are taking jobs for CHEAP wages.

There isn't a lack of housing in Springfield, it's been a City that's emptied out of 20,000 people since the turn of the millennium. Housing being cheap was the main appeal for moving there.

Why do you feel the need to make stuff up about this dipshit?
First of all, apologize for being wrong about Chinese at the southern border. Admit you were wrong, that's #1. So we've already established that I knew about something you were unaware of. Maybe there are some more things I know that you're not aware of - keep an open mind.

How they are raising rents is that several of them who all have incomes working at a factory will live in the house in dormitory or tenement conditions and split the rent. So while the rent for the total property goes up to a level a normal working class White family can't afford, it's easily affordable by 4-6 people who all earn an income.

This has been going on for years in Canada, and is the reason why Canadians are becoming increasingly racist against Indians.

Holding the sites themselves accountable might work. Prosecuting Youtube for pushing Russian propaganda or something like that.
And yea, it's not a fully proof plan to just let the Germans or whoever compete. I do think it's possible Millei is one of the few MAGA affiliated people that's anti-Russia because he's American bought.

I heard an interesting comment from one Ukrainian on the matter. According to her Ukrainians are mostly immune to Russian propaganda at this point. Like the standard methods no longer work on them. And also that it varies by culture how well it works. Not sure how true this is but it could be that eventually people wise up to it and the methods work less well.
I suspect Pakistanis in the UK do not want to integrate, tthat they despise the native british people and they definitely hate gays and troons
Another example of a sort of natural immunity to this sort of foreign interference if it gets too common place is Poland-Lithuania.

Yes Poland was destroyed by foreign influence. However, in the final years, Poland began to develop some effective coutnermeasures.
>a form of sejm in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 18th century. After 1764, sejms were frequently confederated. Under rules of confederation, decisions were made by the majority of deputy votes cast, and so the privilege of liberum veto did not apply.
>The Constitution sought to implement a more effective constitutional monarchy, introduced political equality between townspeople and nobility, and placed the peasants under the government's protection, mitigating the worst abuses of serfdom. It banned pernicious parliamentary institutions such as the liberum veto, which had put the Sejm at the mercy of any single deputy, who could veto and thus undo all the legislation adopted by that Sejm. The Commonwealth's neighbours reacted with hostility to the adoption of the Constitution

It's interesting because a lot of their solution was just to say "Let's copy US Federalism!"
>King Stanisław August Poniatowski was reported to have said that the 3 May 1791 Constitution was "founded principally on those of England and the United States of America, but avoiding the faults and errors of both, and adapted as much as possible to the local and particular circumstances of the country."

Imo it probably would've worked for them if it wasn't already too late in the game and Poland hadn't become a shadow of it's former self. Which is of course an issue for the US too, it may take too long before an effective solution is implemented.

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