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Magical Makeover Edition

Post your /x/ tier justification for having agp.
>AGP questions and answers
>Thoughts and feelings / emotions
>Help, advice, guidance
>Be cozy and chill out

>What is AGP?
Autogynephilia, from Greek αὐτό- ("self"), γυνή ("woman") and φιλία ("love")
Broadly, arousal to the thought of being a woman. It can take many forms - being aroused at imagining or seeing yourself with a female body, dressing in clothes that make you appear feminine, acting in stereotypical "feminine" ways, or others.
>Isn't AGP just discredited pseudoscience?
"The 'debunking' of autogynephilia is in good company with the debunking of biological sex and the debunking of natal males’ physical advantage in competitive sport." - Ray Blanchard
>I'm AGP, does this mean I'm not trans?
No, you can be AGP and trans.
>Aren't you all just trannies in denial?
Some people with AGP will go on to transition, while others are content with incorporating it into their sex life or simply the occasional indulgence. It varies greatly in intensity. If AGP consumes a lot of your mental energy or causes you lots of distress, it is probably worth asking more questions.

Bibliography of articles written by Ray Blanchard: http://individual.utoronto.ca/ray_blanchard/
>Why Gender Matters, the Emerging Science of Sex Differences
>The Gender Variant Phenomenon:
Compilation of AGP books and studies: https://pastebin.com/dRQvi2K7

Previous: >>37197814
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I wish I was a tradwife
elaborate. Why? What benefit? Would you be okay with the downsides?
you nigs always say don't marry and have kids because they might get agp from you but what if you have daughters
whats with you and asian women???
take naltrexone, agp is just a fetish you can unlearn, it can't be passed to children
i'm asian
>just take drugs
i'm sorry to hear that
yes, have your doctor write you a prescription for a drug that's known for treating addictive behavior s
it's not rocket science anon, agp is a choice
Post bread you've baked
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>Simp admin lets a cis het woman join
>Ends up transferring ownership of the whole server to her
>She renames the server to Always Give Praise to God and shills catholicism
>Now the chat is straight cis woman bullshit
It's over.
and that's a good thing, discussions probably improved 100x over
>i'm sorry to hear that
why whats your problem
asian agps are rarer, you're so unlucky
NTA, but yes, it went from people talking about suicide and porn to talks about dates and life improvement. Some long gone people joined back when Emilia came back, so the server is coming back to life.
normalfags can fuck off and die. they have places to talk about dates and life improvement its called irl
thats not true then again what does it matter it's not like i want to fraternize
She deleted the NSFW channels, she's obviously trying to destroy the server.
i meant more from the perspective of getting afflicted with this disease, of course no one should want to fraternize with other agps
though maybe asian agps are more mentally healthy given that there are fewer of them bounce unhealthy ideas off of, case in point from this anon: >>37287236
too many agps in a small enough area makes for a toxic environment
> no more cummies
time for some:
> naltrexone
> naltrexone
> naltrexone
> naltrexone
just seems like they're being r9k nothing toxic specific to agp
which itself is just a reaction to the world being the way it is now
incels are like this too, incels wouldn't exist if the internet couldn't bring them together and form an incel culture
it's not agp but agps forming a toxic agp culture
>I wish I was a tradwife
there's nothing trad about being a TikTok attention whore anon
>don't marry and have kids because they might get agp
that's not what people say.
people say the kids might get the tranny gene from you.
>but what if you have daughters
they'll be poonas
no, but it's good AGP fodder
take naltrexone
the downsides are hot
naltrexone, fix yourself
what does it do
curbs addictive behaviors, could be used to turn you off of agp for good if used correctly
I don't really mind being AGP
you should, you risk gender psychosis and marriage infidelity
it's not a good thing
>gender psychosis
not a thing lol
>marriage infidelity
if I get married it will be to a man who likes my AGP
> not a thing lol
wdym? it's a common prognosis of the disease, or do you mean it won't happen to you?
> if I get married it will be to a man who likes my AGP
case in point, gender psychosis is confusing your sexuality already
you're a straight man, you should be planning to get married to a woman, not a man, an agp can't love a man anyway, it's biologically impossible
>wdym? it's a common prognosis of the disease, or do you mean it won't happen to you?
it's just not a thing
I'm a bi tranny, love is love
> tranny
uh, trannies can't be agp, sorry, pick a different label
>trannies can't be agp
yes, trannies claiming to be agp is like the people who pretend they're ocd or autistic
it's like cultural appropriation and mocks our illness
do you
have you by chance
I think that maybe

you know what, never mind
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five upvotes and ill make an agp discord with minimal rules aside from that only men can join
i'll decide after you run it by blanchard
maybe we should make matrix server which actually respects your freedoms
Threadly reminder to stock up your hosiery drawer for the coming season! It's our time girlies, slip those pantyhose on and enjoy the attention! Not to mention that lovely sensation.
i will also say it convinces agps to give into their gender psychosis when they see cute trannies blossom, thinking they're the same they end up making mistakes
while "trans" agps rarely ever transition (just see how many are "microdosing", cycling hrt, or taking other drugs to limit the effects of E), some actually go far enough to get real gender dysphoria from what they did to themselves
blanchard purposefully confused several generations of agps, he can't help us
Meh, why not
desu i want knee boots
agps should stop forming groups and reintergrate into society with normal people

>Verification not required.
le society is quite insufferable too i know this before i accepted my agp
it's okay to be a hermit, it's not okay to form groups with other agps in it...unless a woman joins to moderate ig
that's hot lol
>verification not required
i didn't mean it like that lol
i meant like what that other anon mentioned about that woman who renamed AGPG to "Always Give Praise to God", seems wholesome
that's just some disingenuous namefag
she doing god's work
I would dislike to have breasts but would love to have this happen to me

I am not AGP
naaaaaaltrexoooooone nooooooow
stop fapping, start living!
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ackshually agps could be left hand worshipers of the goddess who demands ritual castration and giving up masculinity
if you do it all the time, it stops being fun. you have to save it for once in a blue moon. like maybe you plan to get a room with some guy once a month so you save it for him to make it all the more special.

agp is when they get off on getting all dolled up. if you do it all the time you normalize it and it stops being fun.

i feel like you guys meme about this shit, but don't understand any of it.
i'll give you one more. a prime example from a celebrity figure:
caitlyn jenner.
jenner exhibits many of the classical autogyneohillic tendecies. married. had kids. closet case. eventually the compulsion to fulfill the paraphillia spills over and the self seeks to live it in the real world. upon doing so successfully there is a honeymoon phase. caitlyn jenner's woman of the year. but the honeymoon phase is over and you see caitlyn living with the reality and there's pics of her dressed up frumpy or masculine. if you do it all the time, it stops being fun.

a transvestic fetishist isn't the same as say a transsexual because a transvestic fetishist exhibits more control as they can cross dress in private comfortably. the transsexuals feel like they need to do so publically to live authentically. basically, they can't live with the lie of crossdressing in private solely so they seek to assimilate into a female social role through medical interventions and social transparency.

like: you can't write a washington post slam piece on bruce jenner's secret life if everyone already knows about it.
I don't want it to be fun, I just want it to be my normal life.
naltrexone and jesus
> with some guy
you're not agp, all agps are straight men, also naltrexone
this is like the binge drinking equivalent of agp, naltrexone
are you that greek person that chased her away that one time? double dose of naltrexone
>are you that greek person
No, I'm a proud American. I'm just curious what she looks like cause I remember her posting here a long time ago
This is the link for Emilia's server.
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the sensation is wonderful, definitely underrated
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Is it normal to be overly existentially messed up from aging as an AGP? I hate that I look my age )(30) I wish I looked younger. I hate being a respectable adult in appearance, I want to look like a cute young girl. I am mostly MEF.
Seems normal to me. The thing that bothers me most about aging is looking less feminine and disarable it makes me anxious
Barefoot supremacy
>Ywn have frail elbows like her
>hosiery fetish. collects 1000s upon 1000s of cd/transformation/sissy pics. Substitutes themselves, larp or mimic collected pics for hours at end late into nite.
Does this addiction sound like agp or can it be cured?
LMAO, Emilia's husband probably already cheats on her.
Why is agpg discord being brought up?
Active agpg discord members basically all left the board when the gen was pruned systematically in summer of 2021.
There is no meaningful tie with this gen anymore, it's all completely insane and shallow creatures over there.
Hopefully shamir khs soon.
I still post here
wish discord drama would stay off 4chan tho
What need does the gen fill that the discord doesn't, or vice versa?
it's anonymous and open here
that means a lot for the kinds of things that get posted and also for longevity
Pantyhose tights feel so good
How do you guys cope with ASE it's literally killing me. All I want to do is lay in bed reading lesbian romance books.
leave childish thoughts of being young behind and embrace being a man
ywn experience life as a young woman, ever, it's too late
people your age are already starting to settle down, you're supposed to be getting married now
once you make it to the tail-end of 35+, you'll be alone at this rate and a life wasted
one word, nal - trex - one, it's made for stopping addictions
Dysphoria and suicidal thoughts are strong enough not to dwell on that for me.
They are childhood friends, seems unlikely
The childhood friend always loses...
daydreaming about cutting off my family, moving to Thailand and trooning out using autismbuxx.
you don't believe in love anon, i pity you
take some naltrexone, keep your family, and save your autismbuxx instead of spending it all on expensive hormones and surgeries you don't need
Redpill me on naltrexone. Only heard of it for opiate/alcohol addiction.
people use it for sex addiction and getting rid of fetishes as well, it's supposed to stop cravings
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forgot picrel
Thank you anon.
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i started estrogen because i want to have boobs
it's not even a fantasy I fap to, really (i don't fap much at all anymore because duh), i just think it'd be attention-grabbing and sorta cool
is this too, AGP?
anon. are you fucking retarded? the only thing that works is srs.
i get it, you think you know better than the people that have already tried fixing them. you're not.
it's based
> >naltrexone!
> >naltrexone!
> >naltrexone!
> anon. are you fucking retarded?
my motive is trying to correct the misinformation presented by blanchardist agps in pushing transitioning as a treatment for agp, as well as correcting the oversight in blanchard's confusion of agps with trans women
not saying that transition won't help agps too, but under the blanchard framework it is a distinct and likely mutually exclusive phenomenon to transsexualism, and thus agp deserves special attention and alternative treatments
(at least until gender psychosis sets in, blanchard should have separated the two)
> the only thing that works is srs.
hmm, gender psychosis doesn't always progress to pseudo genital dysphoria ime
> i get it, you think you know better than the people that have already tried fixing them. you're not
i just think some agps can be helped before gender psychosis causes pseudo-dysphoria, basically
NTA, but I'm not saying it's a treatment.
It's simply an egosyntonic desre, regardless.
>blanchard's confusion of agps with trans women
Define trans women.
>you're not agp, all agps are straight men
You do realize that 90% of straight trannies on this board are not HSTS.
> NTA, but I'm not saying it's a treatment.
like i believe it can sorta help, but it's probably not ideal for many
i see too many agps transitioning to poor mental-health outcomes, or just doing the whole self-id thing while hon-dosing, cycling estrogen, "micro-dosing" i.e. just in all not really transitioning
> It's simply an egosyntonic desre, regardless.
yes, that's gender psychosis. what E does for AGPs is it curtails their sexual desires, but it doesn't really treat/cure the gender psychosis part, unlike how transitioning may alleviate gender dysphoria for transsexuals
treatment of agps in the future should deal with stopping or delaying the onset of gender psychosis to keep them whole, transition is just damage control after that point
> Define trans women.
natal males presenting with transsexualism, distinct from those with autogynephilic disorder
being bi and sometimes attracted to women doesn't make you straight, sorry anon
>natal males presenting with transsexualism, distinct from those with autogynephilic disorder
Define transsexualism.
>correcting the oversight in blanchard's confusion of agps with trans women
Ah, I see what you are now. Basically just a Blanchard denier.

>being bi and sometimes attracted to women doesn't make you straight, sorry anon
My point is that they are not HSTS, which means they are AGP. Almost every tranny in this board who seeks out relationships with men is AGP. Or at least, they are not true HSTS, which implies they are AGP.
biological gender conflicting with one's physiology, leading to true gender dysphoria
in contrast, agp males only develop distress at their biological sex once gender psychosis sets in (the desire/belief they should be the opposite sex), leading to pseudo-dysphoria

maybe colloquially:
transsexualism => woman trapped in a man's body
autogynephilic disorder => man trapped in a man's body
>biological gender conflicting with one's physiology
This doesn't mean anything.
Biological gender is physiology.
> Ah, I see what you are now. Basically just a Blanchard denier.
I'm affirming blanchard, he agrees that the two are distinct, agps aren't trans
> My point is that they are not HSTS, which means they are AGP. Almost every tranny in this board who seeks out relationships with men is AGP. Or at least, they are not true HSTS, which implies they are AGP.
your point of distinction is probably only vibes fr, you finding them icky is likely only because you're agp and not hsts (true trans)
Nigger what are you talking about, bisexuals can't be HSTS because HSTS comes from extreme homosexuality.
Also they do not behave in a feminine way which means they cannot be HSTS, as HSTSs are supposed to be extrinsically fem.
Not even that anon btw
> Biological gender is physiology.
classic agp talking point to not believe in the reality of gender
you've interacted with transsexuals before, right? haven't you realized how different they are from you? what you're picking up on is the difference in gender, the difference in biology
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does anyone remember pic related?
I really miss her and hope she's ok
>not believe in the reality of gender
You pretend to be a Blanchardian and yet you believe in gender nonsense? lmfao.
>haven't you realized how different they are from you?
I saw two, they were african HSTS, one stabbed the other and she died, over drug money. Prostitutes.
I didn't feel that moved by their femaleness desu.
> Nigger what are you talking about, bisexuals can't be HSTS because HSTS comes from extreme homosexuality
gays sometimes have sex with women for whatever reason, idk why
if you compare life histories you can see they weren't ever straight though
I don't. When was she active?
> You pretend to be a Blanchardian and yet you believe in gender nonsense? lmfao.
if gender isn't real, why do theyfabs exist?
> I saw two, they were african HSTS, one stabbed the other and she died, over drug money. Prostitutes.
> I didn't feel that moved by their femaleness desu.
you would get shanked by a cis female druggie prostitute all the same, living a life of poverty is hard
>if gender isn't real, why do theyfabs exist?
Ah, ok, I get it, you're trolling.
not an argument, answer the question anon
>have literal piles of panties and bras in my closet
>spend weekends in sexy lingerie at home
>clitty still jumps to attention when i walk by all the lingerie on display in target/walmart
>fantasize about “accidentally” bending at the waist to pick something up while in a short skirt
i need more slutwear, it’s never enough
but god i wish i had a female friend i could slut it up with at clubs and such
Would you want a gf that makes you watch girly entertainment or play shit like dress up games but your wearing chastity the whole time.
to reiterate my point, agps who transition are basically male theyfabs (theymabs?) in denial
male-to-trans instead of male-to-female like transsexuals
years ago now
I was there years ago and I don't remember her.
That said I wasn't constantly active.
Preach it sister. I'm glad more people here seem to be willing to try them!
>another day of browsing panties on ebay at work
try naltrexone
i like giving in to my agp
sad, well you're at least cd only, right? not a tranny?
>on ebay
used panties? try Bare Neccessities
lol, used panties? seriously? are you two japs?

>Verification not required.
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you are the one looking on Ebay for other peoples' clothing. lol
john50, ebay has become a cheap outlet for new goods since decades ago
oh i'm not that original anon browsing ebay, i'm the naltrexone anon
Don't die agpg
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remind yourself that ASE is immoral and perverted and disgusts actual lesbians, then use self-harm to condition yourself out of your fetish
Did it work for you?
I wish I could malefail..
That I could be seen as feminine and cute by others.
So many experience this agape, why can't I?
It's been so long on hrt.
it worked pretty well, I don't have ASE thoughts anymore.
Do you have a bf now ntr
no but I've been able to repress the thoughts. my mind instinctively flinches away from them now that I've conditioned myself with pain.
I've met a girl that's much like you on tttt. Slightly less self hating tho.
See >>37296160
well she's probably younger and more passable than I am.
it'll die when i tell it to, take naltrexone
estrogen resistance
I found the most sissifying game in existence

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