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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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i noticed a lot of trans girls do not behave or think like cis girls, especially observing this board. as a trans girl who think exactly like a cis woman, im very critical of this. it's like these people do no understand what it means to be a woman. they are just like their own fucking gender, 'trans girl' but they dont act like cis girls at all. i think this is retarded. you're supposed to be women, not something posing as a woman that doesn't resemble a woman at all in both personality and appearance. this board is really weird in my experience. you dont understand what it means to be a woman.
What does "thinking like a cis girl" entail? Do you think women are literal NPCs?
They are, yeah
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>as a trans girl who think exactly like a cis woman,
the fuck does this mean
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>you are not a part of the hivemind and that PISSES me off!
>as a trans girl who think exactly like a cis woman
>posts on 4chan
>uses the word retarded
teehee get a job you faggot
it means they are attempting to perform a stereotype
kill yourself lol
ok this is not the response i expected when i made this thread. maybe what i said doesn't make sense. idk. if i had to describe how i think, ive probably been on 4chan too long but i think like a 'bad' girl. so idk.
its just another rerun of the misogynistic malebrained attitude from this board

women are only allowed to like makeup, cooking, and laundry
no girl has ever played a video game, much less world of warcraft or league of legends
this thread is based
most of trans girls arent even girls and theyre just agp faggots

but as a ftm i agree w this
What does "thinking like a cis woman" mean? Do you mean mannerisms, speech, or just a general thought process?

Don't people vary on the way they think, regardless of gender?
i think all three of those things make you more like a cis woman. a lot of trans woman are just weird. and in female circles its not good to be weird.
you are an idiot please touch grass stop projecting
I hear a lot of coping in this thread, you're going to get a lot of backlash from people who transitioned but are basically men, but I agree with you, and I think most reasonable people would. I've aways thought more like a woman and it's been the cause of most of my troubles. testosterone does have an effect on thought processes but not enough to change the essential femininity of my thoughts. the difference is noticeable, most trans and nothing more than men, act like men, think like men, but if you ask what I mean it's difficult to articulate because it's mostly a feeling, and their male brains what systematic proof and detailed analysis.
> as a trans girl who think exactly like a cis woman
you do not think like a cis girl anon you have dumbed being a women down to a stereotype which is kinda funny as you believe to be above the rest while doing this
>you dont understand what it means to be a woman.
anon you dont understand what it means to be a woman
>in female circles its not good to be weird.
you are on 4chan you a weirdo lol lol lol
w rage bait kys
being a woman is based but doesn't actually give you full understanding of womanhood -_- 'their male brains want systematic proof' lmao
you do not know how i think. you cannot see my thought process. fuck you.
it tells us plenty that you're here and saying/agreeing with shit like this. other anon was right kys and stop trying to mold yourself into a stereotype that literally doesn't exist.
Maybe but I used to think I was autistic but ever since I started zoloft I've realised I'm an extroverted normie.
all of us are malebrained, alice. it's basic fucking psychology. none of us will ever be women.
youre correct. Unfortunately both trannies and cis women are fucking retarded and i hate them and hope they die. also kill urself
t. tranny
Your thinking style is shaped by how other people treat you. If you don't pass you will never think like a cis woman.
Because I'm a man

Yea, people who deny the truth are coping, and deep down they know it. They're like, UHHH SO YOU THINK WOMEN ACT LIKE SOMETHING, THEREFORE, YOU THINKING THERE IS SUCH A THING LIKE ACTING AND BEHAVING LIKE A DUDE IS MISOGYNISTIC. It's like, Yea? Like, clearly people there are people who act like girls, and people who act like boys, like, how do people bully you as a child for being gay, they know you're gay, because you act like a sissy, you act like a girl, and at best you will be teased for it, but you'll probably get like bullied for it or something lmao. But yea, it just sucks, because I wish I knew how to be one of the girls like you, but I am super duper malebrained and stuff, so it's basically over for me, but saying it's over implies a beginning, but there was no beginning, so it was like always over
i dont want to think like anyone but myself. ill mask to gain social approval, but only to the extent that it provides amicability. having the freedom to be yourself is the most treasured gift of all
it probably just means I am insane but i've never met another amab who thinks like me. Ever since I was five-six years old I've been acutely aware of every discriminatory action and microaggression done towards me because of my sex. I would do stuff like using random pronouns for people, and identify as bisexual when asked even though I wasn't, because I thought gay/straight were sexist terms. Like why do I have to identify as gay while another gets to identify as straight when we both like the exact same person. Gender and sexism has always driven me fucking crazy.
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trans girls should act like trans girls
nobody should act like cis girls do
I can’t tell if Kiki’s delivery service is overrated or underrated. It might be because I didn’t watch it until well into my 20s unlike Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke
Almost like tranvestites will never be women or something
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I'm objectively not a cis woman
Enby hooters would be called they/Thooters
>as a trans girl who think exactly like a cis woman, im very critical of this
Jokes aside that's when the bait stopped being believable, you've cast it too forcefully.
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Idk thinking back on my high school days I'd always say something together with one of the girls and we'd look at each and do that "YEAH" thing which never really happened with the boys even though I hang around them most of the time due to being in the same class and we'd almost always agree on everything. With the guys there's always this almost RNG system that you never know if something you said would have them react in some strange way but with the girls we were in the same wavelength. Same thing with my mom too and I had a good relationship with her that became even better post HRT.
Actually thinking back a lot of the guys would just start spouting weird things like "Hey isn't it weird how girls are never funny" or straight up racist crap but I guess that's on me for giving a vibe of "You can say whatever you want I'll chat with you I won't judge you".
I have to catch up with my high school clique a lot of memories from that era are just straight up gone save for the particularly bad ones.
Acting like =/= thinking like.
a distressing amount of people think that anon, not just here but IRL too
this is one of these threads where i’m not sure if op is baiting or just completely out of touch with reality

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