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I really hate trans women.
For the love of godddddddd!!! For the love of!! GODDD!!!
too bad get used to it fuccboi
>takes over black metal
>makes awful music way worse than the nazis did
this isn't really a trans people thing though, this just happens to be one topic of it. this is more terminally online twitter anarchist type of thing.

anyway, if you stopped treating things you like as somehow sacred then you'd stop caring about people you don't like being a part of it.
Fun fact: you don't need to listen to tranny death metal.
>finds annoying person
>I hate [category of person]
yeah nothing to see here
I really don't much care let people have their fun it's very easy to not interact with people you personally dislike
>black metal got invaded by troons
>death metal is still safe
Black metal sissies lost
Death metal chads won
Man. I hate this kinda shit. I try my best just to not market my shit off my identity and just do my best to make music with the guys. I'm just trying my best to be the best I can be at what I do. I just think all this taking up space or representation stuff just ends up just being tokenism. I don't think I'd ever take a gig that wasn't just based on my merit. Anyway black metal is just dumb punk shit anyway for the most part and some of the only serious musicians in the genre are the drummers. There's occasional great guitarists like Obsidian C from Keep of Kalessin. But it's just spooky punk music. And it's fun and it's cool but yeah it's just not that deep. People fighting over stuff is dumb and boring. I never want anyone to think I have a particular agenda doing music. I just wanna do music cause I like doing music.
tldr just stop giving a shit you stupid fucking faggot
funeral doom metal is the only true metal, and everything else, except perhaps Burzum, is a waste of time
I don't give a shit man. I just do my thing. Just think these people are cringe. Not trans people. Just these punk activist types. It's based when anyone is good at what they do whoever they are.
>hyperventilating over some stupid shit said by a literal nobody on twatter
Touch grass retard.
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leftoids will always be mad that the pioneers of black metal were right wing church burning pagans
I'm not hyperventilating dude. I just think it's cringe. I don't want people to assume I'm like this person cause I'm trans and doing music. You get a certain kind of scrutiny for it and I think the tokenism makes it worse. So I have to work extremely hard in order to end up in places that aren't token positions.
'music isn't deep' cringe, glad you're having fun but lol this is a cultural discussion and your contribution is 'I don't really care about the culture I just enjoy being here'
As long as you refuse to give them the time of day it doesn't matter what they try to say. Your fans will be your fans.
But I do get it, cringe by proximity always gives me that brief "for fuck sake" before reminding myself that they have nothing to do with me lol

unfortunately a lot of people here seem to think if you voice any opinion it means you're being hysterical
it certainly seems like you care when ur post starts out with
>i hate this kinda shit
if ur feelings towards a subject are not neutral or null u care about it in some sense and u rly should stop
>hyperventilating because so literal nobody said something somewhere and now your world is falling apart
Touch grass retard.
I guess I'm not so interested about the culture because that exists more on the fan and hobbyist side of things and less in the professional side of it. I can't really put myself in the shoes of fandoms because y'all aren't on the other side of it.
for someone who doesnt care you certainly are responding a lot
I'm just killing time tonight. I do care a little cause I just don't like tokenism and I don't like being lumped in with the activists cause it diminishes from the craft. So it does matter to me. In a perfect world, people would only care about the craft and identity wouldn't matter.
let me ,transbian?
>im just killing time
ugh do you ppl who post this not know how transparent you are
cope harder
kinda baffled by your response desu lol. I'm talking about love of the music, the scene, the culture around it, where it's going. what it means to you personally, in every sense. I'm not a black metal fan nor a part of any stable fandom really but art and subcultural currents, punk, metal, goth, my favorite music, my favorite movies, have shaped my whole world, like that shit is important to me
so if your angle is just like 'yeah I like the way it sounds I don't wanna talk about it beyond that tho it's just spooky punk music' then I'm just like ............ lmao
I don't really like death metal or black metal but I do get the frustration of having people trying to turn your things into some political statement. Especially when all they produce is shit
Ok but what are you worried I'm coping about? I just am frustrated that my identity matters to people when it shouldn't. And I feel like anyone who markets themselves specifically off of their identity is just making the tokenism that leads to identity mattering to people and completely over shadowing the craft.
I don't think you quite understand that my position is one of a desire for true equality. It's something that directly impacts my line of work and I have to make lots of careful decisions about how I go about that work in order to diminish that impact.
only thrash metal is good, black and death metal are boring as hell.
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why do trans women do shit like this? they invade communities, push out the majority of the people already in that community with their oversensitive, politically correct, hypersexual, whiny personalities, and then declare "HAHA THIS IS FOR TRANS PEOPLE NOW FUCK YOU CIS SCUM"
trans men don't do this shit, and that's why I love trans men
tldr, stop caring so much you dumb fucking faggot
can you explain the process by which that would happen? surely any fascist "community" that plays black metal would just not be open to trans people
thrash is the worst metal subgenre
I'm a tman in black metal and I think it is ultra retarded when people act like there needs to be a "space for it" all the time. I feel if you truly are the gender you claim to be you wouldn't gaf yknow
actually the metal community is pretty accepting and open to pretty much anyone
the problem is that nowadays that's not enough, you have to be exclusionary to the designated groups even if it has nothing to do with the music. So you have people like this come in to a community that has nazis and pagans and whatever else but is generally quite inclusive, and then they start trying to push out the people who have been there for decades based on politics and act like they're fighting back against gatekeepers even though they're the ones trying to gatekeep against some of the most influential and skilled musicians in the genre.
how does that happen though, like mechanically, are they all in one big discord and the troons are getting admin powers
I am just oversimplifying. Ofcourse the culture matters. I guess I just have ideals that I want the craft to be done well whatever it is. I think punk and outsider art of all kinds is cool too, obviously creativity shouldn't be gatekept. But I just personally really like when things are done well. So to me most black metal is just silly gothic stuff. Some great drummers. Like I said, the occasional great guitarist like Obsidian C. Some of the disso and Avant black bands have some really fantastic composition like Deathspell, Imperial Triumphant, Gorrch, Lychgate, Victory Over the Sun, and then there's goofier ones like Sigh that are great and more poe faced blackened stuff like Nero Di Marte that are cool. And of course I love the classics like emperor or mayhem or whatever and of course I enjoy the silly novelty stuff like Old Nick and I get a kick out of the Nuclear Blast bait commercial shit too. But yeah I just think no one identity or ideology should be having turf wars over this shit I just think people should participate in the music and do their best whether they want to push the boundaries, iterate on tropes or just make dumb garbage.
I just don't like the idea of identity mattering.
Are you a tranny who thinks I'm a chud or a chud who thinks I'm a leftie? I have no idea what your angle is lol.
no, and in practice there's not a lot this individual can do. But they do influence things like venues and record labels and social media, which is much more important for the musicians themselves. All it takes is a high profile enough media event to have someone banned from a huge part of the community and from making money from their work.
After R kelly's music was purged from youtube we're lucky they didn't do the same thing to people like varg.
wrong. megadeth is better than burzum and I fucking hate megadeth.
it's not just metal. trans women have coopted all sorts of music genres. and it's not limited to music either. for instance, it's almost impossible to find a group of people who play video games nowadays that isn't full of oversensitive trans women who can't go 5 minutes without hornyposting and who freak out on anyone who isn't a progressive far leftist
what, you can't find another autistic retard on /vg/ to play WoW with?
why do agps like metal? it’s not even music it’s just ugly sounds that make my ears bleed.
there are so few trans people this just can't be true
just make a group and don't allow trans people ez
I'm a cis dude who thinks youre an annoying and insufferable moron for caring this much while saying you dont care
When are you going to realize that all your effort not to bother them will never matter? They will always hate you
we're done playing ni-ACK!
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>a nazi genre becomes a tranny genre
i mean it's not really THAT surprising
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“RABM” fans when you ask them where they got their riffs from and why there are no “RABM” bands before the early 90s.

Also honestly yeah, same. I hate trannies too. It feels more like an (obnoxious) subculture these days rather than just a gender identity. Leftoid black metal gentrifiers are even worse.
I have been saying for years that black metal is feminine sissy shit with their womanly shrieking shit, emphasis on "atmosphere" and feeling over musicianship, shitty keyboard melodies and fashion with DIY spiked accessories and makeup, it was ripe for entryism.

death metal meanwhile is naturally repulsive to women and trannies, it's just loud and extreme for the sake of it, the band members all look like slobs who live on beer and pizza and care a lot about musical proficiency. inherently toxically masculine.
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Also if we’re talking about mtfs in particular, it’s kinda jarring how it seems like they all have the same personality, like a hive mind. The coder programmer socks puppygirl weird Deviantart-tier fetish crap. It’s like they make these people in a factory or something. It’s weird.
ummm i only like metalcore and post-hardcore influenced by metal rawr uwui dont understand ur arguing u should gl0mp each other instead!!!
OK YOURE NOT WRONG THOUGH LMFAOOO closeted homosexuality is also rampant in NSBM scenes, ask me how I know
berkshires? like as if there are multiple berkshires?
>trans metalhead threatening to trample me under her feet

haha wow stop invading my hobby haha youre so awful and gross haha i bet your feet are so stinky in those docs haha
It’s a meme about Berkshire County Massachusetts. I didn’t have any pics to post so I just threw up a random screenshot from my phone
ok but berkshires? how does whoever made that think shires work?
That’s just what the residents call the county idk…. Why do you care? It has nothing to do with anything I said lmfao
this lmao, compare the average black metal band to Cannibal Corpse
just mystified about how yanks misunderstand language
i have also been saying that black metal is kinda faggoty (not necessarily in a bad way) for a long, long time
I don't doubt it, fascism has always been very homoerotic. are you involved in the nsbm scene?
ye, I have no problem with that, just an observation I have always made between black and death metal.
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lol yes that’s very true. Yes, but I like music in general, I personally could never be an actual Nazi cuz I find the ideology too humorous to take seriously lmfao. Like the whole “I’m gonna film myself in the woods for my Instagram buddies so I can show off how much I luv nature like my pagan ancestors!!!” type shit…
>the more truthful answer is that I also have a specific niche fetish where I like seeking out these types of guys and make them admit that they’re cocksluts so yea…
>>seeking out these types of guys and make them admit that they’re cocksluts
it's sad to see so much self hatred among these people that they'd turn to the worst ideologies to keep living in denial.
Honestly I’ve always wondered if it’s a chicken or the egg type situation. Like are closeted homos just drawn to black metal like flies to shit, or does black metal itself lead to some degree of sexual fluidity? Although autism is also rampant in these communities as well and I feel like all autists are at least a little bit gay.
What about thrash trash sluts? Doing bumps of blow at municipal waste shows???
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I mean, they are just like women. Women will walk right past rap music and Hollywood and point at computer programmers in San Francisco and say

And trans women will walk right past Classical Music and Country and point at the most anti-war genre in history and say
>turn to the worst ideologies to keep living in denial
Nigguh what the fuck are you talking about? Nazism is a homosexual ideology at its very roots, have you ever heard of Ernst Röhm?

It's str8s that are coopting Nazism by defagging it.
I think if you're gay and like metal, ending up being a black metal fan is a relatively normal thing. like I said the whole musical and visual aesthetic of it lines up more with what gay or feminine people prefer, at least in comparison to death metal.
idk about autism, though I myself have a pretty severe case of it (not exaggerating) and I overwhelmingly prefer death metal but yes I can imagine how the escapist desire that many autistic people have can be appealed to by the aesthetic of cold forests with mediaeval life and pagan folklore, kind of like a metal soundtrack to a lord of the rings kind of world.
>implying metal hasnt historically been dominated by political themes, esp those on the left
youre just butthurt because youre finally paying attention
municipal waste have cool riffs but they don't seem to have metal sincerity, more a punk inspired "ironic" take about the whole crossover and metal stuff.

there is one thing about thrash metal (and metal in general) is that the fans are largely serious about the whole thing. that's why the punk and metal scenes are so separate despite a lot of the music being appealing to either side.
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>and then I went to the Scott Joplin Ragtime Enthusiasts discord server, and there was a man pretending to be a woman named @SpecialKitty#0077 who said that nobody should ever listen to Scott Joplin because it's cultural appropriation and racist, and I said "no", and suddenly half of the server hated me because there was only two people there
crying laughing at this post
lol yes I am also severely autistic and I ended up in black metal and goth. I do like sum powerviolence/thrash/crossover type of stuff but not as much anymore
Tbh it’s kinda why I liked punk scenes and guys more, they’re fun and kinda jerky but genuine in their silliness also crunchy and cute
the scene is still kind of dangerous for lgbt people though, haven't black metal musicians been convicted of murders of gay people? like the guy from Dissection and the drummer of Emperor.
Ehhh it depends honestly. At least in the US, these scenes are now heavily gentrified and you’ll get kicked out of shows if you have “”offensive”” patches lmfao. Plus I can guarantee that many of the homophobes are probably bi-curious themselves.
I understand what you mean and it's for that reason that I have never been a punk fan. for some reason, my autism makes me allergic to ironic/meta/laughing-at-instead-of-laughing-with kind of take on things. same for overly heavy satire in other media. it gives me an air of condescension and insincerity as if you can't like something for what it is and there has to be some overarching political narrative for you to like things.
it's like an average day working in the linux community
>obviously, since this is a network card driver and we're all familiar with c, we should write it in that
>Why don't we do it in rust for memory safety?
>oh great a fucking rusttranny ruining the project again
>ADMIN! ADMIN! HE DID A TRANSPHOBIA YOU HAVE TO BAN HIM NOW IT'S IN THE RULES IT'S RULE #4-2 *please be inclusive to all individuals*

And this is why it's in 3rd place
most trannies on free software projects are agents of companies making proprietary software.

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