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It would be way cooler to be a regular man, tall, hairy, and to have a hot girlfriend and to be the man of the relationship
This youngshit shit is not what it's made out to be, it's fucking boring and I want to be a man again but I don't want to stop E I think + I'm short anyway. I'm not sure what to do I could probably make a mtf a happy gf and she can call me her boyfriend?
If you are a passoid and don’t enjoy being a girl. You’re probably not a girl. You explicitly stated that you want to be a man, so go do that??

Don’t vicariously live through your gf, that’s no way for a man to live, especially in a relationship.
I just think it's cooler to be a man, their hobbies, etc. Plus they get treated better. The thing is, I would detransition in an instant if I was tall. Like genuinely, If i was at least 5'10 right now I would simply detransition. I can't stand being short and soft and pudgy like a woman, I want to be like a trad husband but it's not even possible.
Why can't I just have a girlfriend who I'm a husband for sort of?
But I just googled it and the average height in Saudi Arabia is 5'6.5, but in Chechnya it's 179cm unfortunately. I wish I was one of those Muslim chads so much
>I want to be like a trad husband
Would you like to be hairy, have coarse facial hair, bald eventually?
Same but because I've now realised that it would be cooler to be a little gay boy than a regular ass woman, but guess I'm just stuck with this, it'll be fine.
Balding you can take finasteride
And yeah that's fine if I was one of those chads yknow like masculine
Praying to Allah and being the epitome of being a man

Instead I'm a wombless woman with tits and shit bruh
No man takes my seriously
No matter how much money I currently make, no matter how manly I act, I get asked if I want kids lol (I'm literally 21, I'm not old or something) but it's so emasculating to be sort of this second class citizen no offense to women? And this is starting to sound like some MEF larp that wasn't my intention I'm genuinely a bit annoyed
But why would you want to be a little gay boy, no offense? Isn't the whole point of being a man to be masculine? I wouldn't want to be a man unless I can be masculine. An effeminate man isn't much better.
May I ask how tall you are?
I am 1.73 which is like 5'8 I think? Idk I just think it would be more fun, what I don't understand is why you transitioned in the first place.
Like if I was just a faggot I wouldn't have brainworms about my bfs being bi or straight or faggots and shit people always complain about here, I wouldn't have to perform feminity 24/7 to not get clocked, I would 't have to hide anything to be "stealth" and all of that. It just sounds more fun, same thing but easier to get laid and such (I am a virgin).
This is good, It's better than me. I'm a bit jealous but not enough to be upset over it. It's the 6'0+ that makes me upset
I transitioned because I had "dysphoria" and didn't want to be masc. But I realize now that I get less respect and I'm sort of expected to be "docile" and like a girl. But I want to be a man, I want to act like a man, and have man friends who see me as one of the bros
Also yeah that makes sense for you, I'm sure it's less anxiety and more freeing. I know people like you, they seem happy and content with life. I wish you the best
bump... i want others opinions on what i should do
Detransition you retard it's already been said.
Nobody told me to detransition, really the opposite
I'm not sure what to do. I wish I was taller, and maybe I could be taken as an Arabic chad with nice cars.
mediocre psyop
I'm not sure I understand? I support trans people lol, I'm just not sure I can deal with some of this stuff personally
It's alone being a MtFtM chadmaxxer
no you don't. you think you do because you see the ideal men around you living life. 90% of men are miserable sacks of shit with only boredom and sadness.
Tits, (Infertile (Me)), Not taken seriously, Don't have much expetations, subservient usually

Expected to do stuff, manly, do serious jobs, are taken seriously, are seen as cool, are cool, take a better role in relationships

Think again
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I've read so many posts by trannies like this and I really think you people gotta chill tf out about gender for a second because doomposting like this is just clouding your mind. It just feels like so many trannies in this circumstance have such extreme, black and white views of men and women. It feels like you're stuck in a thought loop, op, of "I can't be a man because X, but I also can't be a woman because Y, but I also can't be a man because Z..." ad infinitum. You need to get out of your head and take a deep breath. You're clearly not happy, but any of the options before you are looking like minefields because of the obstacles you're imagining go along them and hyperfocusing solely on those anxieties instead of actually making a choice or even accurately perceiving what those options would actually entail. Fuck what everyone else thinks for a moment and just think about you. What do YOU actually want to be? In a way that's grounded in reality, not the hyperpolarized dystopian fantasy world in your head. What made you make the decisions you made up till now, what about your current situation do you like or dislike? You need to reflect on these things in a nonjudgemental way, just let the thoughts come up as they do and don't fight yourself. Just breath. Whether you choose to live as a man or a woman, you have to give up on the idea that you can be a fantasy man or a fantasy woman. None of those things are fucking real. Even the people irl that you think are like that aren't. They're human, too. If you choose to live as a man again, you're not gonna be some hyperchad out of a virgin vs chad meme. Give up on ridiculous fantasies that only serve to make you more miserable because you can never obtain them. Focus on what's real and what you can ACTUALLY obtain in real life. Stop being your own worst enemy and focus on what you can actually do to get closer to happiness.
thats all delusion most men aren't expected to do stuff and barely scrape by cuz there is no reason to do more. nobody takes the average joe seriously lol
This is such a hard thing to read because you're probably right but it brings me comfort to think of myself as a man inside

That's because those men are shit. I'd be a good man. If I was tall I'd be a great man.
pssh testosterone will rot your brain and make you into a gooner or something lame.
You have a distorted view of reality that funneled you into transition because you thought the grass was greener, but now that you did, you're still not happy because the only thing that fuels you in life is fantasies that can never be obtained in reality. You weren't what you thought was a perfect man, so you became a woman. But now you're not what you think is a perfect woman, so you want to become a man again. You are running on a neverending treadmill away from your problems and to solutions that you will never obtain because they don't exist in reality. You will never find the happiness you're seeking if the only thing you will accept is fantasies. Happiness exists in accepting the limitations of reality and working within it to craft a life of contentment. Not hopelessly pinning every last wish on a fantastical dopamine rush from dreams coming true and fixing everything and becoming perfect and finally being worthy of love and etc etc etc.
You want to be a tall hairy man with male hobbies and a girlfriend? Why tf did you transition? Porn addiction?
>This is such a hard thing to read because you're probably right but it brings me comfort to think of myself as a man inside
I'm not saying whether you're a man or a woman, but I am saying you're distorted black and white thinking and unrealistic fantasies are the problem and why you can't choose whether to be a man or a woman.
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Islam is a false and evil religion. Muslims mutilate boys' and girls' genitals.
>. You weren't what you thought was a perfect man, so you became a woman
I was barely 13 when I trooned out, quit making these fantasies about how I failed being a man
I would've been a good man
I'm happy right now I just wish I could be a man to a wife

I didn't like facial hair or having muscles or my voice getting deeper tb h

I don't care I'd be a good Muslim
But I think I'm not ready to detransition plus I do sort of enjoy how I look
I think if I get a boyfriend or girlfriend who will let me be the masculine role model this will be good for me? Because I want to be treated like the man
I just feel bad when I see other men who are strong and have wives and children
Chechnya is a third-world Islamic shithole and you're an idiot for wanting to be Chechnyan
funny post
Any of those countries, I think they're aesthetic lol
I wish I was born in an Eastern European country and was like a man a proper one idk
Glad you found it funny I guess
fucking idiot youngshit doesnt know how good he has it, stop using 4chan and touch grass, you're clearly delusional to think that you'd better be a man in some shithole 3rd world islamic country
It's tricky to answer because every trans person reading this wonders to themselves "ah, is this a genuine trans person who through life experiences is saying something other than what they're really saying, like we do often, or is this genuine on top of genuine, and this person is actually not like us?"

Well, maybe that's just a game we play with each other.

Putting ourselves into situations of "Should they be let in or not?"

If you already know you already know. (Directed at someone who isn't inside)

Well, if you are trans, sorry for ruining your thread. It's just, tourists become annoying, and, to a certain point it gets stuck in my head...
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literally as you sent that i'I'm fucking watching Muslim mfs in Russia drifting an M5
and you tell me I'm supposed to not be jealous? I should've been born a normal man fuck you
Normal man with normal male friends who do hooligan shit and make money

I'm not a tourist, this isn't some pol larp or something, if that's what you're worrying about
I could've worded it more nicely (detrans is strong word) but I'm just not sure. I guess it's closer to me having AAP?
>I was barely 13 when I trooned out, quit making these fantasies about how I failed being a man
I'm not saying you failed, but from the way you talk, it sounds like you thought you were going to fail as a man.
I think if I wasn't given tranny thoughts I'd be very successful and motivated, just because of the options that open up when you're a man man, connections wise, etc.
I have a big ego limited by people never actually seeing me as a real man?
Ah ok, I think I'm understanding you better now. So it seems like you wish you could have gone on living as a man, but you had to make the choice of becoming a woman bc of dysphoria? And, thus, the reason you feel jealous of men is because you're mourning the life you could have lived had you stayed one? I do still think you have a very black and white view of men and women, but I can understand now why you hyperfocus so much on the pros and cons of either. I'm assuming you were raised muslim. I was, as well, and am part arab. I think the extreme division of gender roles and patriarchal nature of arab culture is something you've really internalized and has colored your view of men and women. Particularly from the sort of pedestal you put masculinity on. It's just interesting that you seem to have so many conflicting feelings inside of you- wanting to take on a masculine role and be seen in a certain way (strong, capable, taken seriously) you perceive men to be seen as, but also wanting to become and live as a woman. I've seen plenty of transwomen talk about the negatives of being a woman, but very few of them talk about masculinity and wanting to take on a masculine role in the same way you do.

In all honesty, I don't have any good advice, I just hope you figure out what it is you're looking for and find it. I get the impression you're going through a lot of inner conflict about this which is compounded by how men and women are perceived differently by society. Ultimately, I think your best path forward is to just be yourself, regardless of how others perceive you because of your gender, and find someone who accepts that and is complimentary to you. It's true that society perceives men and woman differently, but you're only limiting yourself if you take society's expectations of your gender as a demand as opposed to a suggestion.
>I'm assuming you were raised muslim
I wasn't :( I just see it as masculine and a good male role sort of

Everything else in your post basically desdcribes me perfectly, I appreciate the compassion
I'm not really *struggling*, just my ego conflicts with what I really am I guess.

I appreciate these words regardless, anon
Of course. Take care, anon. But, word of advice, please do not take arab muslim male culture as a good role model for masculinity. Trust me when I say it's toxic as fuck. It only looks glamorous on the outside when you see douchey arab dudes drag racing lambos and shit. From the inside it's full of egotism, chauvanism, deeeeep insecurity covered up by a facade of machismo, complete inability to deal with one's emotions and taking it out on one's family and an inability for fathers to show tenderness and love to their sons.
least insane youngshit

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