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...i don't see troons as their "desired" gender? but i don't really see them as their "original" one either
in my mind being on hormone therapy for years can make you stop being a man or a woman, but it only gets you to some weird intermediate point that's not really male or female.
i dont really mind using le pronouns desu, it's the whole playing along with believing you can defy science that bothers me

basically i consider some of you people "trans women" and "trans men", but i just cant make myself say flat-out man or woman
You should read up on the concept of third sexing. Explains this phenomenon perfectly.
yeah this is reasonable and i agree even as a trans person
The ones who screech about how theyre le super totally real women or men are just retarded ignore them
i’m fine if u see me as a tranny as long as u just admit it. i hate it when woke people go like
>ohhh trans women are totally women but bisexual people only date men and women and not transgender that’s pan
like just say u don’t see me as either a man or a woman
will do
that's exactly what i thought. i hate that i have to act like a retarded centrist here but both sides are delusional
i see
i used to be really "far-right" and still am in many ways. i just hate how i'm supposed to blindly despise maybe a whole 1-2% of the population for something that they cant really control. at the same time i dont want to be on the more "liberal" side that kind of misleads trans people almost in a harmful way

that was a big word salad, but my point is that like many things in life, it's all about finding a middle ground ig
oh no i get why u don’t see us as the same as biological women i also don’t like that. and im called self-hating for it by these agp hons who think the only way to being happy is coping by pretending to be the same as a woman, meanwhile i don’t hate myself at all im fine that i was born male, accepting that im not a woman but just a tranny and that that’s fine made me happier than wanting to be something that i’ll never be.
I'm the opposite, I cant see trannies as not women.
Have you met any trannies irl? They have female sovl.
I've even sat down, closed my eyes, and tried to listen to their untrained faggoty voices, and couldn't get myself to perceive them as male.
I also have trouble understanding genital dysphoria, as I think its perfectly normal for women to have penises.
I think there really is an argument to be made that you and people that think like you are transphobic. You don't want to see how womanly they are.
>trying this hard to get bussy on a website where noone can even follow up to award you the bussy
I genuinely believe what I just said
Also I'm a celibate bottom
what if we get sexual reassignment surgery?
if i went out on a date with u and on a date with op i’m more likely to pick op for the second date and drop u, u sound like virtue signaling for goodboy points
t. tranny
>don't see troons as their "desired" gender? but i don't really see them as their "original" one either
>in my mind being on hormone therapy for years can make you stop being a man or a woman, but it only gets you to some weird intermediate point that's not really male or female
most trannies occupy a third sex, gigayoungshits being maybe the one exception
>believing you can defy science that bothers me
ur a living soijack and no one should care about anything you have to say lmaoooo
What was virtue signaling?
Are you saying I don't really perceive my tranny friends and acquaintances as women? You can go kill yourself.
Are you telling me I'm masculine for having a soft hairless penis and not an axe wound? Dilate.
Are you saying it's not transphobic to say that trannies aren't women? I hope they kill you first bootlicker.
t. transgirl
Ten years of HRT and SRS on the horizon, I see myself as something not actually a woman. Closer to a man when examined in totality.
But the thing is it doesn't matter. What I am metaphysically in my own mind has an impact on me laying in bed at night thinking mean thoughts about myself and just about nothing else.
Looking like a woman, being treated as a woman in public and in private. These things are significantly more important in treating the symptoms of my neurological issue.
It matters even less what you think of me metaphysically. I think you're correct in what you think, but it doesn't matter
most of the trannies here think very similarly when you get down to it tbqh
you arent a bad person thats natural
and honestly there are now young trans girls that you wouldnt even know were trans unless they told you so it doesnt matter because youll probably just treat them as women on accident
but as for the ones that have the male bodies or male auras of course you arent a bad person for seeing a man as a male
>it only gets you to some weird intermediate point that's not really male or female.
nah sometimes i see myself the same way, like 70% feminine 30% masculine but not quite fully belonging to either of them
I see them as their original one (always)

its funny to me how trannies cannot conceive that you could be something like 20% feminine 80% masculine that's just impossible to them
Arent you supposed to be working rn?
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understandable. for me it really just depends on how my lizard brain categorizes them upon first glance, which in turn is really dependent on how they look, act, sound, etc. some people pass, some don't, some are somewhere in between, none of it is objective, it's all vibes based.

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