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Why haven't you gotten SRS yet, anon?
Remember when Jazz's "vagina" exploded like an alien chestburster popped out the wrong end?
which surgeon?
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That was epic.
Transbians and chasers making anti srs propaganda should go to jail
i did like 5 years ago
my only regret is i couldnt have had it done sooner
my only complication was a uti a couple weeks after the catheter was removed but ive gotten very strict about my hygiene and havent had another (i never had one prior to srs)
What in the fuck
Reminder: This website is full of people who will attempt to convince you that ruinous, life-altering and likely devastating courses of action are a good idea, either because they think the prospect of your abject suffering is hilarious or they're literally the agents of hostile powers.
Holy fucking shit, it just seems like there is no in between of everything going smooth and as expected or body horror nightmare tier disaster when it comes to srs. Of course, going smoothly still has its own issues (pain, recovery time, aesthetics), but at least they don't have shit coming out of their genitals and necrosis.
You will never suck my gock, chaser
What is wrong with these people, any brains or self-preservation instincts left does she not fear getting an infection and being dead the other day man what the FUCK
cuz i gotta keep working and can't just lay out for 5 months to a year? like its basically impossible.
Remember. When you're staring down at horror realizing what you've done, go after the doctor before you off yourself.
>kind of want SRS
>kind of don't want to lose the connection of PiV sex
would be based if I were a cis woman who fucks trans women
:) I love looking at my scars. I think its neat. The boys love it too.
dude I work at chili's
I want nothing more but its waaaaaaaaaaayyy to scary with 2024 technology
im just gonna get stemcell neopussy in 10y when the singularity has happened
I'm fine with my dick
I don't have the money, also kill yourself faggot, posting the same made up stories won't make me love or even tolerate my dick
I'm trans, still have my dick, and bet it's neat not having to tell a guy you're trans if you want to fool around with him.

Like it's cool once you find a chaser, but chasers like to pretend they're totally not into it in my expirence yet always go straight for it.
>made up
Yes anon, srs totally doesn't have a massive complication rate, all of these reports of problems are complete fabrications. Mutilating your penis is a completely sane and safe thing to do.
don't want srs, if i had a vagina button i'd prolly press it but i'd rather have a useless tiny gock like i have now than an axewound
tfw had srs with absolutely zero complications and was fully healed 5 months after
go to a good surgeon lol and follow the rules they give you, I find a major issue is these agp girlie's get it with zero hygiene
buy an ad
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I'll probably never get srs because of reading shit like this.
I don't want to fuck up my sexual life. Sure anal sucks and isn't perfect but at least I can live my fucking life and just tuck. Having a stoma would be scuicide worthy. Also chasers love my lil pp
didn't u have srs a few years ago? and then again later, and again. ur such a fake lmao
because i dont have 20-30k cash and 6 weeks to recover. i can barely get ffs because of the long recovery time even with insurance coverage.
These people are brainwashed. They've been deluded into believing all their problems will magically disappear all they just have to do is pay a jewish doctor $20k to mutilate them. The community needs to stop hugboxing these people you're literally killing them.
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Kayla is a fucking liar, how does she explain this pic of her? She's just mad because she got fat after srs.
youre only out of work for 4-6 weeks. the harder part is finding an hour or more each day to do dilating for the months after. youre consistently dilating for 6-8 months until you can go to a less exhausting schedule.
I see a slit
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Fuck you motherfucker I'm losing the weight
Where is your dick?
During WWII there was a certain N@zi doctor who pioneered this kind of mutilation surgery. Much like today's democrats he experimented on unwilling and captive children, the only difference today is those kids are brainwashed and Stockholm syndrome'd instead of being outright kidnapped. Arguably that might be worse though because they believe that they really want to be butchered like this. That doctor was Mengele btw
Reminder to prioritize making yourself look cute. Your chaser will happily fuck your face and butt. FFS, boob job, orchi. That's a good girl. It's okay to have a useless feminine benis.
reminder to everyone that the fistula rate is commensurate with the fistula rate from childbirth yet nobody is screaming at would be expectant mothers not to do it
axe wound, etc
That didnt turn out so well
Is this a joke? It's all the left talks about these days
Its £23,000 and i can't legally save more than £6000

Or a 40 year wait on the NHS
hide your money in crypto
do NOT get a bong-care axe wound that literally never ends well
>not getting SRS to gain the connection of PiV sex in the other direction
Are you even dysphoric?
>>not getting SRS to gain the connection of PiV sex in the other direction
> PiV sex
> PiV
> V
There's a slight issue with your question fren
SRS is just docking with extra steps. Fight me.
you've been posting that pic for years
keep it in a foreign account. youre not part of the eu anymore so what right do they have to check your foreign account?
Wow are you fucking high? I literally took that last week.
i did already
Speaking as a cis AGP who initially thought srs would be great when I was younger and first found out about it, as I've grown and learned more about sex and srs the more it sounds like having a penis is objectively better than a vag, especially a surgical one:
>Can penetrate and get penetrated
>Can cum much easier
>Can cum much easier during sex (something like 75% of women report not even being able to cum from PiV)
>PiV sex can be uncomfortable or even painful for women
>Actually have to maintain and clean a vag which you don't have to do with a dick
>SRS can lead to serious life ruining complications (I know they're rare but still)
>Can lead to loss of sensation and ability to cum
>Excruciating recovery and have to dilate for the rest of your life
>Depending on what method you got might have to use lube every time you want to use it
Because that's stupid, I would rather get FFS and bolt-ons
>Kayla literally has a fucking stinki vagina
Absolutely blackpilled
pussies are fucking gross and anyone who gets one is deranged
give me a gorgeous, clean, shaved penis any day
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Look at this dress of kayla... 1/2 picture
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Same dress, no penis but a neo vagina
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I got orchi, I'm more than satisfied with that.
the regret rate for srs is less than 1%.
oh no it's real
Why did kayla do it?
most trannies don’t get it that’s why it’s so low
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Fuck you. I'm not the only one with a belly ring
What surgeon did you go to?
there is an in-motion gif of her on the toilet flicking her clitty (dick) off
srs or not, her genitalia is truly a mystery
I didn't get bottom surgery stop lying about me ;_;

Orchies are cute. Can't go wrong with that.
the regret rate, being so low, is cuz most trannies don’t get srs. do i have to explain it a third time?
then poast benis
I don't have empty undies
Thats the regret rate of people that have undergone it, not all tranners, silly billy
I tried that, the bank sent me a warning and cancelled all my cards

The govt can scan any account linked to me. I'd need a new identity.
Wait why? Are you a felon and there is a law about that or? Why cant you have more than 6k? I think my basic checking account here in America supports up to 200k.
Its a law we have, anyone on benefits cant have more than £6000.

Well technically you can have more, but they stop paying you. So once i get near £6000 i have to spend money or i lose out.

I might as well be a criminal for how they treat me
It makes me extremely sad, i can never save for anything nice, im trapped in poverty. Cant rent a nicer flat, cant ever save for a home, cant have surgery ever, my teeth need work from where i got attacked, i cant ever fix them.

Feel hopeless

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