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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Biphobia is real but absolutely none of it comes from heterosexuals only from LG.

When a bifag is in a heterosexual relationship he doesn't face any repercussions from society. When he is in a homosexual relationship he faces homosexual marginalization.

No cishet person has ever given a bi person shit for being "bisexual" but for engaging in faggotry (homosexuality)

As such us pure bloods LGs had to make the distinction since cishet society was refusing to do so, so we created genuine biphobia.

Fuck bifags.
A lot of people use bisexual identity to try to justify being with the opposite sex, even though that may not be what they really want. It's also a way of trying to seem more normal, as bisexual men are assumed to be less feminine than gay men are.
>Biphobia is real but absolutely none of it comes from heterosexuals only from LG.
lol delusional
for all the complaints gays have about bisexuals, straight people feel the same way but 10 times more
How so? Because ya like women? Oftentimes a man has fun with men but wants nothing serious with them. Bisexual is still seen as gay by the majority of people
Because saying you like women is the norm and saying you don't like women, at all, causes you to be seen as disgusting.
>Bisexual is still seen as gay by the majority of people
so then you admit, too, that some see it as "less bad"
No, the association is viewed as the same. If you're bisexual, people don't see it as half straight and half gay. You're either a full blown homo in denial, using women as a cover, or just straight up gay. It is like being mixed in the 40s. Your great great great great great grandpa was 1/16th black? You're black.
You have an ocean full of heterosexuality, an ocean of the clearest waters imaginable, yet that one drop of gayness is enough for you to be full blown gay even if you like women. Women don't make the distinction either, they don't see it as "less bad", they only see the fact that you've done it with men and boom, turned off, no thanks, next.
Nah bullshit. The most biphobic people on the planet are undoubtedly straight women. The vast majority of them would never date a bi guy, no matter how masculine he is, because they think it's gross and gay that he's ever been with another man, even if the other man was a feminine twink bottom.

Gay men are second to straight women when it comes to biphobia, but a decent distance between them because many gay men will still date bi men. And honestly, I think both of these groups are not completely wrong to feel the way they do because there is truth to the stereotypes about bi men. Many bi men I've known were the exact stereotype- fuck with guys but never date them, settle with woman, but still fuck with guys behind her back. Not all bi men ofc yada yada, but I will never concede that the stereotype isn't true for many.

I can't really speak on biphobia against bi women cause I'm a gay man, but I get the vibe it's a mix of being founded and unfounded.
>bullshit women dont hate bi men for being gay they hate bi men for being gay
lol i didn't read the other half of the op when i wrote that, I was just replying to op saying gays are more biphobic than straights, which is patently untrue
>bisexual men are assumed to be less feminine than gay men are.
lmao, they exclusively bottom for men
>getting erect enough to penetrate a man's asshole is less gay
bottoms don't even need to be hard, you don't even have to like the person you are fucking, at all, to bottom

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