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Being a bi bottom:

>You're just a gay bottom
>You're just heterosexual with a paraphilia, you're AGP meta-attracted to penises
>you're AGP meta-attracted to penises
well you are
And your point is...?
Im a bi bottom, what does the gay part even mean idk these words o.o
AGP = aroused by themselves feeling feminine
Meta-attracted = indirect attraction to something.
Bi bottoms aren't really attracted to men, but have sex with them because they like representing female role.
just be hot and everyone will want to fuck the shit out of you regardless of epig label politics
I see, ty
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i'm exclusively a masc4masc top but im a total sub for women
any of you retards got any theories??
You're essentially gay, but you get off on doing typically "masculine" things like pleasuring a woman.
Ah yes, the masculine urge of being a subby bitch for a girl half your size.

Please reconsider your reasoning.
How is being a sub masculine, bad theory
Having sex with women is masculine.
Eating pussy is more masculine than your "masc4masc" top gay thing.
As a cis bi top, this is so fucking spot on lol
Every Bi bottom I knew growing up eventually transitioned or went full gaybro.
The couple of us tops all married cis women (a mistake, I know, I'm divorced now)
Ur just wrong men havent eaten pussy for centuries because it was considered gay
>Eating pussy is more masculine than your "masc4masc" top gay thing.
Do you know how many cis women out there call dudes that won't eat pussy, faggots? Cis women let niggers get away with it for some reason, but if you're white and you don't eat pussy and you say you're straight, you're just a fucking faggot.

Fucking a cis woman and not eating her pussy and fucking a dude and not blowing him both seem stupid to me. Nothing dumber than a "masc top" that won't suck dick. SO fucking stupid.
thats not really the same as being gay, you are something else, in it for a different reason
its closer to straight because you want to envision your sex as straight with you taking the female role dedicatedly so with men
Fucking a hairy manly ass is not exactly the definition of being masculine. Having sex with a woman and make her orgasm with your dick and tongue is very masculine yeah.
Yes and niggers are considered more masculine for it
I don't give a shit what holes think
Wrong. Niggers may be considered more masculine because of that myth they have bigger penises. Pussy eating part doesn't have anything to do with it.
Dick yes tongue no, im not gay
No dumfuck they are more masculine because its in their nature and in the essence of masculinity is not eating pussy
I disagree. I don't see either of those as particularly masculine or feminine. If anything, the kind of sensuality and acute empathy required to make a lot of girls cum is womanly, while men having sex together tends to be just about the most malebrained sex ever. But at the end of the day masculinity and femininity is not tied to your sexual orientation at all. You're wrong.
>But at the end of the day masculinity and femininity is not tied to your sexual orientation at all
Gay and wokepilled.
Gays are correct

T. hot Hsts, but I would get fuck a horde of flamers before I fuck someone w agp
I'm bi and its been very puzzling trying to decipher what pushes my buttons in men vs women.

A beautiful woman I can get sexually aroused just looking at her body and not even imagining anything else

A naked man, even a fit muscular man usually just doesn't do anything for me. Watching Masc on Masc gay porn also doesn't do anything. But, if I imagine that fit muscular man coming over and flirting with me, caressing me, fucking me, yeah it gets way hot real quick. But just seeing them naked? No. I've heard women talk that way about men before.

Had a girlfriend who basically said a guy could be totally hot but if his dick is flaccid it does nothing for her. But if his dick was hard, she gets ideas.
Imagine saying this to a tranny without knowing what AGP is. Fucking ledditors.
I know what AGP is, and I do have it, so I don't exactly know what your getting at. To me, AGP just describes a lot of female sexuality response. I didn't make it clear in my original post, but I've noticed that gay males are very visually attracted to men's forms in the same way a hetero boy is just attracted to a womans form, it doesn't go deeper.

Contrast against a woman who has her husband or boyfriend flash himself to her and go, "woo helicopter penis!" and it doesn't excite her, or an AGP. Might get a gay guy excited though, thats the difference
>big hairy muscular guy
>boyfriend is a tiny, smooth femboy
thank god his little frame has an 8 inch penis attached to it.
this is me except I do have a significant attraction to cock. I like cocks and dont need to wear panties to suck them
The more I think about it, AGP is just another word for "foreplay" Women want you to, "Tell me I look pretty" and AGPs just want you to, "Tell me I look pretty"

A hetero or gay guy is just "That over there makes dick hard! rawr"

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