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he could pass as a millennial if you remove the piercings
The balding makes him pass better
when the poonout hits just right and turns you into stavros halkias, lose the piercings, gain weight and you'll be a greco-judean kike coin counter king in no time
>gave up being a woman to look like this
do pooners really
holy shit
This is so sad i hope its not real
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how do pooners tolerate their body looking like this?
why would you ever want to do this to yourself?????
>tfw all the ftfemboys will end up like that
How do we cope?
this is G’s future
>How do we cope?
by not having the balding gene
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>twink pussy
nice one
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But is her voice better than this?

p.s. anyone remember this pooner's Star Wars channel? Vid was something like "Acolyte was pretty good"
nvm, found it lol

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made me go down a rabbit hole of this retard's twitter account and similar retards as well
i'll never get those minutes back and i don't care
>from female to male to sissy AGP repper

ladies and gentlemen, we've come full circle.
no refunds
What DHT does to a mf.

Seriously poonbros, y'all are spiking your T levels rapidly. You need to take fina or you will share this man's fate.
i literally look like the guy on the right, im a mtf repper
ironic, what can i say
lmao no
Being ftm should be illigal
>Seethe at FTMs for not transitioning, not passing as men and call them theyfabs
>Seethe at FTMs for transitioning and passing as men
What do you people want from them, exactly?
Makes me happy knowing I mog this faggot on every level and Im a repping mtf.
A man has one job: be handsome. If not, it's off to the sewers or the logging camp. Or if you're feeling particularly brave, crab fishing in the Bering sea.
omg that voice. I mean he's alright looking, but holy cannoli.
i want nothing, im just deriving an ironic pleasure from someone thinking they are going to look like some yaoi character and instead ending up looking like me
I genuinely can’t tell if he passes. He confuses my brain to look at. I’d be shit scared if I saw him in a dark alley though so I guess that’s something.
That guy seems like an extreme normalfag, I doubt he has any interest in BL whatsoever.
>I’d be shit scared if I saw him in a dark alley though so I guess that’s something.
That's the real test. Dude could pass for Yellow Bastard from Sin City.
God I hope my minoxidil works
>take hormones to look like a man
>surprised when you end up looking like a man
He's happy about it though.
i just find it funny how some ftms transition and then end up as these ugly bald manlets, and it's like, what's your next move?
t. amab
he does, as an ugly babyfaced bald fuck
Well he wanted to be a man and he is one so I suppose he just lives life happily now.
female to George Costanza
Requires the deft mind of AFAB to choose the poon
pooners should show transition timelines at schools let all the little gaydens know their options and scare the john50’s into action
yeah but, as someone who looks like this (as in ugly bald fuck) and wants to look the opposite, it really feels alien that someone would want to transition from a girl to an ugly bald fuck
oh well
Seriously, do ftms that age normally exist?
this is aging normally for men
Rare case where I think that isn't true.
In the before pic he looks like a young guy and being young makes feminine features less weird and more expected.
In the second pic the balding doesn't fit his face. He looks like a girl who shaves her head in a male pattern baldness style as a Halloween costume. It's similar to how mtfs look more obviously non-passing if they try to use excessively feminine clothes / hair / makeup that contrasts with and therefore unintentionally emphasizes their masculine facial features.
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>oh wow I like star wars
>hmm people who like star wars look like that?
>then I must look like that too
transing is turbo npc move and you're all the same, yet you judge each other because that's how stupid you are.
He looks like an inbred Sam Smith. Could pass entirely with better glasses and no piercings, but I guess the pooner instincts strike again
Normal men don't look like picrel until they're in their 40s at least. The before and after indicates he's nowhere near to being that age, late 20s at most. Cis men might look a little worse as they hit their 30s but they don't bald THAT badly, are you delusional?
>Cis men might look a little worse as they hit their 30s but they don't bald THAT badly
Jason Alexander was 30 when he first started playing George Costanza.
wtf i do commercial fishing in the bering sea bt i'm a troon
Ok, and most cis men I see in their 30s don't look like him. You would realise this too if you went outside and weren't trapped inside obsessing over normie TV shows.
>What do you people want from them, exactly?
nothing it's just jealousy
it's like watching a rich dude sell his house and light all his money on fire from the distance and feeling upset that they couldn't have given it to you instead
Next you'll say The Sopranos isn't kino. For shame.
I've seen 19 year olds with visible bald spots. Aging for men is a bitch.
He is also fat fuck.
Look retard, in your world every man over 30 may be walking around looking like a bald turkey, but that's not the world I and most people live in.
They must sell a lot of s o y products on your planet.
passes as a non-passing mtf
underrated post
You realise the basedboy archetype is balding, right?
Which is stupid, because the product contains estrogen.
Based pooner going for that middle aged balding man look. The nose ring makes it look like a midlife crisis so bonus points for that
These people only see ugliness in their shit lives so they begin to associate with and fetishize the grotesque. It's a pretty interesting coping mechanism. It becomes a demonic sense of self. If given power to reign supreme who knows what these demonic weaklings would be willing to do. It's likely why a lot of them are pedophiles.
I think you're 100% correct based on a friendgroup I have. I was trying to think of a nicer way to say it. But it's very true. Flaunting ugliness becomes a type of clout in a specific subgroup of queer culture
would & would
THIS is jenny nicholson?????
he passes wayy better on the right than on the left
You are projecting, everything he says indicates he's quite happy with the way he looks now even if you've decided that's not possible because you can't imagine why someone would be happier looking like a man than looking like a woman
This is happening to me currently
Nose rings are always a sign of the degenerate AFAB; it is their mark
Their symbol of, "I'm scary and now I bet you bet you think my vagina has teeth!! Rawr! Now I'm gross and unwanted! Take THAT, CISSOCIETY"
you know what
good for them
because i look like that and im not happy
but im on another side of tranny spectrum so what do i know
I still think FtMs are a joke thought up by sadistic hons.
I won't make fun of someone for the looks if they try to look OK. But this: >>37292970
Is some shit, bros.
Because a lot of Pooners are mentally ill rape victims without much gender dysphoria unlike MtFs. They aren't trying to achieve gender euphoria - they're trying to destroy the image their rapist found attractive
>What do you people want from them, exactly?
Ugly cis men are treating like dogshit that should be culled by society too. We're just giving ugly Pooners the "manhood" they thought was so amazing over being a female with massive social benefits.
>I hate women because they're privileged
>I hate trans men because they give up their female privileges
Not even once.
Most people who are upset at female privilege are moreso upset women lack appreciation and humility towards their immense benefits.
It's much more admirable to play on hard mode than easy mode.
"Admirable" just means encouraging others towards more self-sacrifice
As one should.
>resent women for not having privilege, but being terrible with it and blind to the boons they have
>resent women for thinking maledom is privilege and trying to swap sides out of raw ignorance

That's what's actually going on. Those aren't exclusionary concepts.
Nobody told me that when I didn't use summons. If anything they try to tell you that them not doing anything is akshully just as valid as whatever you did. But deep inside they know they didn't do shit.
Playing on harm mode is only worth it if the achievement of success has some unique reward. Unless you become a millionaire as a man, nothing you do will come close to the social privilege of an average female.
Serious question, are you guys trannies?
Cis chaser that wants a FtM twink bf (again)
just realized they are getting off on this shit. It's literally Masochistic Masculation Fetishism, MMF. the other side of the MEF coin
this is someone's daughter
That’s just your average manhood little poon, you can’t handle it?
Im ngl, I used to get a twinge of schadenfreude (mixed in with the sadness for them) when I'd see transguys like this, but now I just feel the sadness for them. I can't bear it to feel glee at something so...unfortunate like this. I /really/ hope he's as happy with his body as he claims. I just really hope so. And normally I wouldn't even make a post like this cause I'm sure there's some transguys in this thread that look like this and I don't wanna make them feel bad...but this whole thread is really vile, so a tiny bit of compassion hopefully makes it a little less grim.
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I have some amount of mmf/aap but I don't want to end up balding at a young age or look like a woman from the neck down lmao
> don’t mansplain transphobia to me
This isn't manhood at all lmfao this is a bunch of failures crying that someone could brace what they fail so badly at.
successful PTN* transition goals

>*pooner to norwood
>What do you people want from them, exactly?
their biological sex or their ability to pass. FTMs achieve levels of stealth only a select few mtfs will ever even dream of achieving
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>the left pic
Bros... I could do it... I can shave her from herself...
That's what you envy, not what you'd rather them do
>what you'd rather them do
I don't want them to "do" anything, I wish them happiness and contentment and I empathize with having a wrong body. It just sucks when someone is born with something you desperately wish you had and will never fully achieve, I'm sure there's mutual feelings on either side
>mutual feelings
There really isn't, don't flatter yourself.
>t. ftm
im a ftm who wants to look like this. is this malebrained?
You have severe anatomic autoandrophilia. If you actually achieve this physique you're malebrained, but if you can't you're just a woman.
It's Yu Yu Hakusho-brained, probably
you just want to suck people's souls into your muscle vents or some gross shit
lmao this
>Yu Yu Hakusho
what does this mean? explain, a google search hasn't helped at all
>This isn't even my final form.
I don't say this lightly but I'd exit bag real quick if I looked like this after years of deliberate, conscious effort
>still a fridgebod
he should grow out a goatee if he can and leninmode
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He needs to loose weight. May very well have developed chad facial structure after all that testosterone but they will never know if they remain fat
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Women abusing male hormones should be feminine
Used to be friends with people like this. They balked and protested whenever I cried about feeling ugly, looking like a man, etc. In their eyes I should have embraced being ugly and having bad fashion sense. I feel bad bc they have another pet tranny that actually fell for their shit. But they all dropped me after my best friend had an unrelated mild disagreement with them about one of them making race their whole personality. Just overall rotten poorly adjusted people.
Oh yeah, and one of them is definitely a future terf. She did one injection of testosterone and stopped bc she freaked out and felt dysphoric worrying about getting facial hair and balding. Like why the fuck would you even start if you know you don't want to look masculine. And these people are college educated...
What is it with nose rings? I don't understand, it's always nose rings...the women's glasses don't help either

>uncle fester the molester
Fucking GROSS!!! this is what you people like?!?! Eeewwwwww
Hopefully someday ftms will discover 5ar inhibitors...
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It's cool
t. bisexual muscle fetishist
>You need to take fina or you will share this man's fate.

But doesn't DHT play a role in maturing hair follicles and genitals? Will they end up with shitty patchy beards and smaller t-dicks if they take it too early?
Yes, I think so. More men seem to worship bodybuilder physiques more than women. Not that I don't like muscles, but by the fourth image (left to right, top to bottom) he started looking too uncanny. The [fake?] tan and dehydration look in the third image is also offputting, but he had a nice haircut at least.
Jesus fucking christ
Here I was thinking unfortunate results but at least he's committed and real
Why do women do this
>noooo you have to praise this fat ugly bald man in sissy gear
Fina and even duta don't block all DHT production inside the hair follicles and scalp. Maybe if you take like 5x the recommended duta dose, but fina alone only buys time
She must have been using steroids since she was a teen with those hips. Or just unlucky
Bro transitioned into a Costanzamoder.
so are pooners
what the hell are you talking about
Pretty much. Life isn't over if you're ugly that's why pooners are so happy all the time. Every normal ftm is such a bitch
the difference is 1. genetics and 2. how well each of these guys grooms and takes care of themselves
hey guys look he turned himself into one of you
this is so fucking hot to me I want to have sex with him so bad


Holy shit wtf I almost puke.
I think God is telling me I should repress forever.
No actually I'm 101% sure god made me open 4chan today just so I can see this thread as remind myself to never poon out because there is a chance I will end up looking like this creature.
Thanks for saving me, god.
Remember sisters, never poon.
I look like this and I'm mtf
Does she really thinks she a twink?
>But doesn't DHT play a role in maturing hair follicles and genitals?

Only when you're a child and going through puberty, otherwise it's a harmful hormone that makes you look like shit
None of this is true
No that's retarded.

Nothing admirable about doing more things at your own expense for the sake of it, that's masochism.
lmao it's giving tobias from arrested development
topilutamide you bunch of retards
looks fine to me exclu the sissy part, tttt can't handle a mid looking man happy with himself kek

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