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Why don't trans men pick up male hobbies, like cars?
What's the ratio of trans men into crochet or drawing to cars?
Surely it's in the thousands to one?

FTM's why aren't you doing this?
Cars are an extremely gay hobby. It's just fetishized consoomerism except you're worshipping a big machine with wheels instead of regular slop.
Regular slop: Worthless, waste of money, no adrenaline
Cars: Adrenaline, you get bitches and pussy, you do what other men your age do
>One group was given a sports car to drive, while the other group was provided with a family sedan. The researchers found that the men who drove the sports cars experienced a significant increase in their testosterone levels, while those driving the family sedans exhibited decreases in their testosterone levels.

You can be a man and like cars or crochet. Cutting off your tits and pretending to like cars isnt going to make you a dude. Nothing will.
>t. no testosterone having beta numale basedfag
How do I legitimately brainwash myself into caring about cars (and others things that would be useful to care about)?
I prefer bikes or just using transport in European fashion
I'm not into crochet or cars
watch initial d
the day i hear a female to male transgender call a white person they don't agree with a retarded nigger is the day i'll see that specific ftm as an actual male instead of a trendoid larper, like shit bitch take part in actual male culture instead of pantomiming some faggot fembrained himbo niggerkyke from a tv show. you aren't a real man until you've tasted the sweet nectar of unnecessary, flagrant and oft misappropriated use of power words, too bad pooners have ordered too many nigger lover specials off of chink malware apps and are therefore unable to grow the cock of the soul.
They want to be men, not retarded faggots.
calling people nigger isn't malebrained it's 13 year old boy brained and if anything pooners are notorious for trying too hard to sound tough by using mean words again like a 13 year old boy
go listen to some more cave town while cutting yourself, that will surely turn you into Dean Winchester
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Don't know what is cave town and cutting is stupid as fuck, like thinking saying "nigger" is manly.
Make car noises in the bath.
They are in to masculine stuff like knitting packers.
i was getting at the issue of pooners trying to be men but then just behaving like "socially conscious" women, while most men are just fine with saying outrageous, offensive shit and sitting with their legs spread on public transport without a care for the disenfranchised, tired single mother serial breeder with 37 mulatto children. get a grip
I don't like women either but what you say is still stupid. Just say "men don't give a fuck".
the slavotard cannot fathom using language beyond the comprehension of a toddler, go die in ukraine
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English is the 4th language, how many do you know?
Kek. Get 'em.
let me ask you a more pertinent question, do you live in a civilized country or do you live in a corruption ridden horde state pseudocivilization like UA, RUS etc
Tell me which country has no corruption?
no country is free from corruption, but most countries do not run on corruption alone.
Generalisations like these usually prove that you have already lost any good argument.
Shut your monkey mouths niggercattle.
cars are some of the dorkiest shit to be into
this, this, so much this.
Just don't call me the z word.
champagne socialism is an extremely gay and trannybrained hobby
Pretty based
Further question, why don't ftms even properly take androgens? I see so many taking T doses that are equivalent of trt to bring a developed male back to mid healthy range, and not many that are actually taking doses that would instigate real physical changes.

ftms, if you're taking under 200mg test weekly, and you're not also taking heavily androgenic compounds on top (such as tren) then you're girlmoding
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What’s bitches and pussy good for when you can’t fuck them
The only people I've seen have "cars" as a hobby that weren't engineers building them are Pajeets, or 90IQ poor retards. It's a pretty stupid hobby based on larping as being rich to get laid
i love art and motorcycles.
i dont have Instagram tough.


>t. has never been in a 600hp stage 3 m3 :)

never seen a pajeet into cars now that you mention it
and sure there's a subset of poor when you're fixing cars, but it's often an expensive hobby. every car i posted in this thread is +100k USD

passes in every way. congrats.
>never seen a pajeet into cars now that you mention it
They're all over instagram
Passing is all in appearance and voice
If you show up to a car shop looking like a woman with a pixie they'll treat you the same as they treat sny woman

Pick your hobbies because you like them not because you dream it makes you pass better. I can't imagine being passionate about crochet or art and then just dropping it because for some reason you think it'll make you stealth easier (it wont)
>t. Stealth trans girl who loves tabletop gaming
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I like reading about engines but idgaf about cars.

Is maya epigraphy a fembrained hobby
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>Trans men don't have male hobbi--
Do people normally wear oven mitts while grilling?
retarded nigger
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>pink "worm" one just looks like the pooner caricature
fucking kek
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i simply don't fucking care about cars
trains, however, are based
Incredibly malebrained. Do you want to go to the Sacramento train museum with me?
i know an ftm that tried to get into cars and he ended up getting fucked by like all the boys there
as a post op woman I actually want one of these
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where is my twinky ftm honda bf?
>driving cars makes you go bald
i suffer
ive been autistic about cars since i was a kid, but to be fair i hate normie car culture since its basically exactly as you describe
t. male on estrogen
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im a ftm who would KILL to look like this
what does it mean if i listen to muscle hypno to go to sleep and my nightly dream the last 10 years has been that of growth?
can't drive so there's really no point, but my dream car is a lifted chevy silverado '89, we had one we rarely used when i was a teen and i LOVED that shit
my interests are mostly modding vidya like rimworld as of late
bitch shut the fuck up you're a pooron who relies on food stamps or whatever and can barely even afford T and you have the audacity to come into my car thread
you will never be a man nigga
how was that jerk session carguy onions-chan?
i dont understand what that means what jerk session
What do hobbies have to do with the treatment of gender dysphoria?
what ? i just dont take u seriously as a man if u crochet or draw lol
real men like me drive cars for fun
my testosterone is free kek
the fact i found out how to live frugally takes ingenuity mostly found in men, so cope
>my testosterone is free
ye cz ur poor lol ywnbam
you're poor you couldn't up a band i will steal your girlfriend faggot
looks like >>37296000 was right about you kek
i do this
>Pajeets, or 90IQ poor retards
which one am i?
hint: i work remotely in russia in an NYC company, my rent is 250 eur and i save 90% of what i make
90 iq retard who larps as rich for attention
fat afab with no money, opinion discarded
yet you simp for G who also has no money
G is at least cute and silly i like her
shame she's a polyfag otherwise i'd be simping so hard
he's also ftm and on testosterone
i think it's funny you changed your story though >>37303474
i misgendered by accident, i started a post apologizing but gave up
i also never really misgendered you, i just said you're not a real man (as in you aren't manly)
you aren't a woman, just you aren't a man. i'm more of a man than you
ah, so what am i then? a boy? something in-between?
i guess? but like boys are more malebrained than you. they see things differently
you just aren't manly
you're like a cuck you're pathetic vs a real man
but i think most ftms can't fit my real man trope because being raised afab stunts you probably and it's why i want to be a man
to elaborate on this:
amabs we compare ourselves to other men who deem as more real in life
from the day we're born to adulthood until we die
it's always a comparison

this is what makes a man successful its the spite of someone being better than you and the drive to change this
women don't have this it's why being a man is better it filters itself
This is 100% from a gay porno dude
this sounds like drunk ppl talk
i'm on several drugs rn so i'm not the most coherent
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I don't know shit about cars
How about Gundams

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