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does whats in your fridge pass?
POV you are shinji and open the fridge to get something to eat.
skibidi rizz shinji fanumtaxed mommy midatos chugjugs it's just alcohol lil bro no cap ong we Costco guys
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not sure. maybe?
are you making banana bread or something?
no i just asked my gf to buy bananas and she got ones that were already overripe so i only got to eat one before they were completely brown, then we bought a bag of cheap old veg from the store to make soup out of and it had two more bananas. Though banana bread might be a good use for those, if i don't end up throwing them away first.
you're that one fat fuck finnish hon from local social media for sure, ew kys
>local social media
either instagram, tiktok, threads or x. idk if ive seen u ive blocked u, if you're the one with the bowl haircut. you seem like a rapey pseud lol
never had a bowl haircut, though i am fat and finnish and did make tiktoks for a bit while i was jobless early this year lol. idk there's a photo of me up on passgen atm, go and check.
jfc no need, i went to verify and yeh you're her. welp, at any rate you seem like a lateshit /mu/core ex high school philosopher softboy trooning to lose SA allegations, it may not be true but that's what you read as.
i just have a case of bottled water and a quart of milk. all the soda and alcohol looks like a waste of money.
kinda, came out at 17
>ex high school philosopher softboy
yes to all
>trooning to lose SA allegations

pretty good analysis tbhon, also i am horrified that someone recognizes me off social media, i've never had a prescence... anywhere, really.
i've already found your facebook, i'm not gonna be a cruel piece of shit so i'll just give you the secondhand creeps with an emoji
i'm a retard for not realizing emojis don't work, but i think a word will do: strawberry and a phone brand
yup, good job. did you use one of those face search engines or go some other route? i hear they're all the rage nowadays.
nah actually, i live a stone's toss from you and i just put your first name in the search bar and started looking at every profile picture. i think we might have common acquaintances or something, also to clarify i've lost all ill will during this exchange because you've been berry chill and not annoying
no ill will towards you either, and good to know my opsec leaks aren't that bad in the end. funny to think there's someone else from this area on this board too lol
i think you'll bear ill will after this, i did a little more digging, were you in a kindergarten near a mental hospital when you were a kid?
... ok that's a pretty impressive find. how and where the hell did you find that? can't even find mentions of that online myself.
i just know, not going to tell you how because i'll end up doxxing myself, but i think you can narrow it down through a process of elimination.
strangest same fag ive ever seen
huh. right. so presumably since that info isn't online, you found my deadname and recognized it. which would probably mean we've met IRL at some point. that's freaky.
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god i wish
i wish that was the case
we were in the same preschool/kindergarten actually, if my memory serves me
yeah, that's what my guess would have been too. that's a weird fucking coincidence tbhon, there's like a total of of three people who'd still remember my name from there but who i'm not in contact with anymore.
you're not that third person who hung out with me and that guy whose first name began with an E, are you? that'd be like the most feasible option.
nope, not E. there were two E's though, which of one i'd possibly see here though i've not been in contact with anyone from there since my childhood
yeah, i remember two Es too, one was a weirdo boy I hung out with and still kinda know, and the other was a girl I kinda yoinked my name from. Still no idea who you are, though.
no I love eating meat and fish too much
my name starts with a T, i sure hope this decision will not bear consequences
right, so you probably are who I think you are, the third guy who hung out with me and the weird boy whose name began with E. that's the only T i remember, aside from that one kinda mean bully boy, and I doubt he'd be here now.
yeeaah, this is an odd situation to end up in. mogs me for sure
yeah definitely not how i'd have expected this fucking fridge contents thread to go lol.
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now kiss
yeah, hope you have a good day lol. how has your life been?
you too :> my life's been pretty good, aside from a horrible past few years where i was working a shitty three shift job and spending my free time mostly just smoking cigs and eating, my HRT regimen was fucked too so I was balding and shit, generally felt horrible. but i've sorta been trying to fix myself this year, i got a better job and an ADHD diagnosis and quit smoking and watching what I eat and so on, and i actually feel not completely hopeless about life now lol

how about you?
unemployed for the 7th year in a row, on pension now, moved back to pirkanmaa, quit doing drugs after almost a decade of daily use, currently pursuing a high school diploma through evening classes, trying super hard not to be a piece of shit anymore. i'm actually kinda glad to hear that you're getting your life in order, not that we were ever close but i guess the pseudoanonymity of this situation and the sheer randomness warms the feeling up further. sorry about my previous comments, if i had pieced this together earlier i would have held my tongue and not been that vitriolic :D
glad to hear you're doing better too. and no worries about what you said before, i wouldn't be on this board if i wasn't fine with being called a hon lol
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me and my roomates fridge

no idk why he put his chicken in the fridge im a vegfag so im not gonna question it
>pound of elk
>five eggs
>retinol serum
that's it
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this thread reminded me to go to the store, thank you

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