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transition over 20 doesn't exist. there is only trooning out if you are already a man. repping until your 20s is faketrans anyway, real trans girls wouldn't be able to stomach it that long
shit bait
Coping hon?
you started at 19 soph. tell us how that worked out for you.
I have nothing to cope about lmao
what if i had to rep because i was too poor to afford hrt
>t. transitioned at age 19 and 10 months bitter unluckshit gigahon
early 20s lateshit actually
so you're just bitter you got shit genetics and think you're faketrans and want to drag everyone else down with you? if you would've passed at 19 you would've passed at 20. one year doesn't make a difference after you've gone through puberty
>troon at 27
>passoid 3 years later without surgery

You feds are beyond retarded, make better bait
It’s fine if you have good genetics (which mean the worst genetics as a male, which is actually more common than you’d think).
But I agree most AMABs with normal healthy male testosterone puberties will never stealth pass if they transition after about 22-23.
These feds are from 3rd world transphobic shitholes like india
idc luckshit
then why do ppl say it's impossible I know personally 5 other trannies who trooned over 25 and look very cute and pass
Because it didn't happen to them, so no one deserves it. They're just unreasonably bitter
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it's impossible for me because i'm not a gigaluckshit who thinks everone is as lucky as they are and who uses their own transition as the yardstick for everyone else less fortunate than them
You are literally doing the same thing to people more fortunate than you lmao
>it's not possible for me so it shouldn't be possible for anyone else and if they have any success when i didn't they're faketrans and not valid!!!!!!!
it's me that's faketrans retard
>repping until your 20s is faketrans anyway, real trans girls wouldn't be able to stomach it that long
t. transed at 25 luckshit passoid
This is actually extremely true
i transitioned at 34
How so?
yeah i was talking about me
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I trooned at 26
okay, and?
I trooned at 23 and I pass most of the time
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Well I pass well enough to get stone sober men into bed with me lol.
how long did it take for you to properly pass?
if you got ffs, it doesn’t count

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