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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Why can't people accept themselves as being gay and feminine, rather than say they're trans women? Why can't we be feminine gay men?
why do you faggots always have to bring sex/who you like into this?
Like being gay is not relevant here and yet it's the first thing you insistently mention. Are you ashamed of being gay anon? Maybe go to a therapist instead of this board
I was a feminine gay male and could've stayed that way, but it's much more preferable *for me personally* to blend in and be just another woman. I never asked for or wanted a gay community, that was a refuge of necessity.
I'm not ashamed to be in gay I think you are ashamed of being gay if you think you're a trans woman. I like considering myself social female because I pass socially but I like having sex like a gay man because I have a penis
It's very nice that you accept and want to be a feminine gay man. I however do not want to be that.
I like the gay community and don't really like straight people because straight boys bullied me in high school. I'm really done with straight man. I also don't have any desire to be a woman physically or have a period or pregnancy. For me the fun part of passing as a woman is the role in society, not the sexuality
There's feminine gay men fucking everywhere what are you on
What do you want to be? You know you can't be a real female because you can't have a pregnancy. And why would you want that? I'm not saying you don't I just don't understand why. I like being a male sexually I just like the social role of being a female
They don't live full-time as women and pass as a women. I enjoy being a woman socially but sexually enjoy being a man
ok I dont have a penis and I dont like having sex like a gay man.
No one is stopping you from being a gay man and yet you are looking at trannies trying to drag them over to your side. why? are you miserable? can't you be gay on your own?
I do pass as a woman. I just don't think of myself as a woman because I have male genitalia and I love using it. I like to top as much as I like to bottom. I'm happy being a gay transgender woman
>I also don't have any desire to be a woman physically or have a period or pregnancy

Call me crazy, but I don't think those are things you will ever have to deal with, even if you were to transition. Dumbass queen
Well if you don't have a penis then I think of you as a woman. I mean no offense but if you went that far then you're different than me. You apparently never like to have sex like a guy which I do and I'm not trying to convert anybody I'm just saying that the majority of Chasers are really gay men and why can't we just be honest about it and say we're sexually attracted to feminine men. What's wrong with admitting that?
I want to have a body that I can be comfortable with I don't care if I'm never able to reach this "female" thing people like to classify cis women as. I get to look like a girl and be treated like one that's good enough for me.
I'd say I have roughly an equal desire to fulfill the role of a woman socially, and embody that as well. Some gays are naturally leaning that way anyway. I certainly was. I had no regrets after orchi for example, it made me feel much more comfortable in my skin.
>>37296111 why are you trying to insult me? Don't you think I'm more progressive in my attitude, since I'm willing to admit that I'm a man. I like to look like a woman, but I don't want to be a woman?
Me too I'm very comfortable. I won't date a guy who doesn't admit that he's gay because it's phony to me
Well that's nice for you that means you're probably not transgender.
Me too I had that surgery so they wouldn't grow a beard. It's much more easy for me to identify as a woman because I like way women are treated in society but beyond that I totally lose interest in what women do as adults. Maybe I'll grow out of this but I don't think physically I'm able to because I look like a girl. I just don't want to think I'm a girl because I'm not a woman
dogshit gincel larp
I don't really care about the whole transgender thing. It's almost like a status thing you have to have this and that to be considered one. And then there's this whole typology thing. None of that really interests me. I just see myself as a feminine gay man
>balls removed
>calls herself a man
Come on now.
Okay I'll say I'm male I don't really care for the connotations of being a man anyway I'm just not some pregnant girl type person
Okay sure but no one, I mean no one, expected you to get pregnant.
Live and let others live
>just see myself as a feminine gay man
Um... my dood??
Ok gayjew
>Why can't we be feminine gay men?
you can? who is going to stop you?
weird post, probably from a chud
so you're a femboy?
is this word new to you or something?
>Chasers are really gay men and why can't we just be honest about it and say we're sexually attracted to feminine men. What's wrong with admitting that?
good luck getting a trans girl w that approach anon, oof.
because i don't want to be a feminine gay man. sexuality has no factor in my gender identity aside from disgust/shame when my penis does still work.
I don't like guys who think I'm a female substitute
If they like women date someone else. I'm gay.
Unnecessary hate here
How can you dislike gays and be transgender
Not consider such coz I'm passoid and present feminine in straight areas.
The progressive part is part of the issue. You said periods and pregnancy even with a transition like that's in any way possible. It's not even an insult to call you a dumbass queen at this point, it's more accurate to the situation than you're being
Let em fight. Half the fun on this board is watching the (she)Cock fights
Any name calling which is negative is insulting. You are on a gay board, not cool being homophobic. I'm a feminine gay man, not a theater drama crossdresser. Most crossdressers are straight, they want to be they're sex object. I'm not attracted to females.
A large number of transfems who transition today are literally just gay/bi femmes taking it to another level to avoid twinkdeath for longer & many will comfortably admit this amongst others of their own kind / with people they feel safe with, anon, there's no big cognitive dissonance or inner conflict involved. It's just that the general public are retarded about gender and spooks so we have to simplify it for common conversation.
>I'm not attracted to females.
Nobody said you are, but you definitely are a dumb queen.
I look for partners in gay clubs, been with a feminine gay man for two years.
You're probably more of a drag queen than I am or you wouldn't be so defensive about it it all comes out in your reactions
You're saying a lot here. I came out gay when I was 13 but I always like feminine boys. My first boyfriend could pass for a girl in the face and had a small 5 foot 6 body about the size of me but he was bigger built. He got sucked into the masculine Gay image thing we broke up. I just wasn't sexually attracted to him with a mustache and a male hairstyle haircut. I couldn't help myself I just didn't find him sexually attractive without being on HRT at his age
I'd like to know how trans women eventually sorted themselves out and realized, "I am not an exclusively bottom fem gay male and instead a transgender woman" Neither want to use their dick to penetrate, one just wants bonus titties? I know a much older fem gay male, who I assume is or was a bottom. In his era, most didn't transition, so the pipeline for older fem gay males his age was to just become suckers for anyone who'd let them. He's too old for anyone to want to fuck, so he just goes for the, "a hole is a hole" crowd to suck off.
This is thought-provoking, basically its a strategy not an identity. The conception of self is just not as important as it allows you to keep attracting partners. This absolutely seems like the HSTS strategy, as AGP doesn't even require a partner.
Because I’m bi and masculine. I am mtaf male to alpha female.
I'm literally the person who was just trying to sort out what I am before hitting a realization. If I'm exclusively bottom fem gay who has no desire to use or even touch my dick and enjoy nipple attention, what's the big difference in that and a hsts tranny? I'm autistic enough to not really have an internal sense of gender identity, and I'd be down for srs if I had the opportunity, so I'm just kind of thinking that becoming a tranny might be one of the less depression-inducing courses of action. I feel like remaining feminine gay instead of trooning out is just chasing the same thing with a worse end result.
God this is so based, I just tried affirming to myself that I'm a feminine boy rather than a 'trans woman' and I feel a sense of inner peace about my appearance I haven't felt in a long time, thank you anon
You're not like me. I would describe myself as a transgender woman who is homosexual I mean I like men not that other stupid meaning like I'm a straight woman. There's nothing about me that's like a straight woman and I don't want to be a woman. I want to be accepted as a male who looks like a female and passes well in society it is still male. I like my dick and I like to top when I can
I look naturally feminine. If I looked more masculine I'd be a regular gay guy. I like to top more than I like to bottom. I'm versatile
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>>37296011 dont care
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>I enjoy being a woman socially but sexually enjoy being a man
>I look naturally feminine. If I looked more masculine I'd be a regular gay guy. I like to top more than I like to bottom. I'm versatile
>You're not like me. I would describe myself as a transgender woman who is homosexual I mean I like men not that other stupid meaning like I'm a straight woman. There's nothing about me that's like a straight woman and I don't want to be a woman. I want to be accepted as a male who looks like a female and passes well in society it is still male. I like my dick and I like to top when I can

Trannies like like you ones we chasers crave the most. Truly the best of both worlds. For the longest time I was very homophobic because my manufactured idea of same sex male relationships was two Marlboro men rubbing their dicks in each other's beards. Natal males who have the social freedom to be feminine make me feel more accepting of my own desires. The masc4masc stereotype is a prison in and of itself
t. bisexual trans attracted guy
You're pretty in pic. I'm not really into tits. Do like your overall look. Do you like to top or bottom, I'm versatile, I like both. How old are you are you? Into somebody who's in their early thirties?
>be an old bag?

I would like looking like my dad better than my mom. I try not to think about it.
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im not gay but i seen youre comment on the front page......i fuck with you anon, trans is a mental illness
how do you people even get on the internet?
You're so hot baby boy. Discord?
facebook boomer e-physiognomy
also OP admitted to being a tranny who just doesn't call herself one if you actually read the thread
I'm not gay u faggot
I really don't understand why this discussion keeps happening as if being a "feminine gay man" is some kind of easy path in life. Most gay men don't even like feminine gays that much, especially if you aren't cute anymore or are trying to top.

Yeah this is pretty much what I'm doing. It would be easier if western culture had a real concept of a third gender, I use "non-binary" sometimes but I don't care for being they/themmed and that category is mostly dominated by non-transitioning people who just dress funny now.
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>feminine males when they turn 25
I'm not saying I hate your tits. I'm just not sexually attracted to big breasts
If you're being sexual with a penis you are gay
So cut your balls and then join the 41%
Shut up little boy
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ewwww dont talk to me mr.49%

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