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gender dysphoria is a psyop actually. a few years ago i convinced myself i was ftm and i genuinely felt disgusted at my fem features. now i willingly decided to be a girl and i feel dysphoric at my masc appearance. guys wake up.
You are just agp, scizho and underage, gtfo
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>gender dysphoria is a psyop actually. a few years ago i convinced myself i was ftm
im a 20 year old cis female lmfaoooo
oh em gee it's hatsune miku sekaaaaaii de ichiban ohime sama
You still agp and scizho :p
actually you're right lmfapooo how unlucky must you be to be agp and cis T0T and how do i cure myself
>and how do i cure myself
Gender dysphoria is a psyop as you said just convince yourself you aren't agp, fvcking scizho
but how can i be agp if im a cis girl?? i do have agp traits but technically i can't be agp if im cis right???
awwwww the miku is so cute she's my wife also love you girl there's no need to be a disgusting mutant pooner
rightttt i love mku too i love collecting her figures!!! :P thank youuu i'm trying to escape the pooner life it literally ruined me T_T
>my personal experience invalidates yours
You aren't AGP, but you do use 4chan which is malebrained. You could be autoandrophlic, if you want to test whether you are, dress up as a strong man, maybe try to be strong, intimidating and imposing, and see if that makes you wet. Or maybe if the fantasy of being a strong muscular guy, makes you wet on the inside.
For me, I leak, thinking about being a girl, or fantasizing about being a woman, because I'm an AGP pervert.
i thought about bein aap and ig i probably am since im a lesbian fujo but i don't reallty fantasize about strong and dominathing and while i like providing for a guy and being a gentleman for her, sexually i fantasize about being sub, i could never take an assertive postion in that situation. I want a strong fem but i can see myself being malebrained in a lot others aspects. I also can't seem to resemble a female in everything else, but i look too much like a shota to successfully poon out. I've been dressing as a normie cis guy for years but recently it just makes me feel like shit.
No you're not you're a male
bro no i'm not. i'm an attention seeking female and i convinced myself, since i'm ugly asf and not feminine at all, i must be a guy, just bcs being a female was too much effort
Post pic of yourself let us judge
a giga foid hater would probably find my address by a micropixel on the right corner of the pic and doxx me idk if i wanna risk that. also i gen don't have a pic with fem clothes after 14 years old
I’m not asking for fem clothes just an unsee selfie like everyone on here fucking posts. No one cares about you enough to dox, set a low limit for unsee and get over yourself
only pooners have the chance of ever growing out of it
thank god, why tho?
idk desu, but I've definitely noticed a pattern
If I had to guess it would be because depooner dysphoria has a distinct, but hard to distinguish, origin point separate to what causes dysphoria in trannies/pooners who never grow out of it. I've noticed that a ton of depooners are bpd, which is definitely more prominent in females.
mhnm makes sense ig. mine is probably just trauma and misoginy
I’m scared bc I feel like I either have to get bottom surgery or attempt to detransition because being a twinkhon with a bulge in her workout shorts is not sustainable
On the off chance this is genuine, how did you get over it? asking for a friend.
just detrans its easier and cheaper
i didn't. stil trying to just be a girl but failing cause i look like shit
no one cares
how tall are you?
153 cm

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