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Missionary Edition: Go forth and spread the word.

Previous thread

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics that are not in the lists, but don't be lazy, please include:
>Name of comic
>Link to it
>Short description
>Whether or not it's NSFW
>Days it updates

If you're not sure if a comic belongs here because maybe it's not LGBT enough, post updates anyway. We won't know about it if no one posts it!

If you see something wrong in the lists, please follow the following instructions to edit them:
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Official Rec Chart
Reminder! Two more days to vote in the poll of public opinion!
Link to the poll: https://wcgtest.freewebhostmost.com/pmwiki.php/Main/Voting
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Let's start this thread off right
I just wanted to say that i appreciate ur efforts UwU
Thanks! I just drove 2hr to get a mitre saw so now i'm gonna just relax and work on the rec chart some
there should be a can of whipped cream floating around somewhere, there's dinner for ya
Anyone know why "Check, Please!" isn't in the wiki list but is on the rec sheet? Did they used to be separate from each other?
another wiki improvement question:
For people who are too lazy/scared of fucking something up to put story submissions into the wiki, do we want an option like a submission form? I might know a cookbook to get submission capabilities into the wiki.
nvm it was in the wiki as OMG Check Please
I want to say the OMG was added to avoid people having to google CP to find the cute hockey comic.
that was a thing? is it still a thing??
i would be hesitant about looking up cp on tumblr today, let alone 11 years ago.
trips of AMEN and a sniff
>while we are in this story, your cousin does indeed have a horse cock. that's his power
Decided to make something out of the latest Oglaf since it couldn't be posted
Congrats on all your hard work UwU!
lmao, good one.
oh I see. I think the Tumblr has since been deleted, I didn't see any trace it it and with this new info, I'm not planning on looking.
was the issue with the author's Tumblr, or the pre-rebooted issue?
I removed the "omg" and want to be sure that we're safe to do it at this point lol
this is all just vague recollections and may not even be accurate. i think originally the series ran on a tumblr account set up to display it in its particular format, and the name was specific to that?
anyway, as far as the Library of Congress is concerned, the name of the series is Check, please!, so no OMG is required.
Thanks! I was gonna make it a wooden barrel, but you can probably guess why decided against it
nice op! will keep that and the other one I made as suggestions for the next thread
how's everyone's day going? I'm going to be in the closet today I think
No don’t be in the closet be out and proud queen
the closet needs drywall tho....
This could be a base for a nice edit, but I'm out of ideas.
Tuesday's Sniff
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snorrrrrrt *hawk* *tuah*
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Theres a handsome alpha teen werewolf wanting to get up in your bussy and you're giving him the cold shoulder
A second sniff before bed
credit to the big ose she always drew her dudes with actual body hair
the show might be deviating.
They erased charlie's brother
biggest letdown desu

(haven't seen it i've got no idea what i'm talking about but i wanna feel important so)
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Rec chart so far. Thoughts and critiques?
Gonna go take a shower and head to bed, late here
...there's three of them now??
The descriptions need more visible legible text.
Increase the contrast between the background and the text, maybe use bold font.
The dangerous tags like gore NEED red colour, dark red like bordeau would be nice.
The titles need to be a bit bigger too...
There's a bit too much of wasted space at the margin.
thanks for your ideas, anon! will keep these in mind. may end up completely re-designing the story boxes, which would be annoying, but probably worth it.
I have a new comic you guys might like
„our walk home“
It’s only tangentially gay but the characters are cute and the story is in my opinion actually good
Cons are it being set in high school and the characters talking like zoomers
Anyways check it out if you like
sounds like it'll probably be more than tangentially gay
You don't understand
He left with another twink
That's not a good feel for pink haired twink
My foremost advice is that legibility is more important than pretty tables.
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did they make him shave his chest lmao

teens can have body hair thats like one of the points of puberty
They need to pander to the fujoshis, who can't allow any body hair to show.
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hows this?
no fujoshi allowed in heartstopper

yaoi and bl and even normal human sexuality are problematic to alice "asexual agender aromantic autistic" oseman

AAAA! shes the rare quadruple threat!
Better although having the tag text be a bit bigger would be nice. Great work though.
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Wednesday's Sniff
The middle row is better than the bottom row.
I think you should try light background and black text for the descriptions.
middle and top row are improved, bottom is not. x8vghr
Pls recommend smt similar to spurs and stripes and patchwork circus :3
might i recommend eclipse of the son

it combines horse-cocked gentlemen and revolting body horror all wrapped up in a hilarious story youll laugh youll cry youll fall in love

Tysm vagina
I've no idea how am I to interpret this topsy-turvy morality.
Topsy - love that word
I'd suggest using the same colors and fonts as the existing rec list, since it's very well legible
please vagina is my fathers name

call me mussy. its short for mutilated man pussy :)
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I'm more of a bottomsy
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I’ve decided to just start posting it
It’s my first time so please be gentil
The file name didn’t work it was supposed to be „Oh is see you used the time to molest my little brother“
I rec'd it earlier on. No one really took interest. I like it tho
i'm bothered by the 60s girl haircut on one of them.
Do we want this added to the wiki? if so gimme the deets, tags too if you don't mind
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Our walk home
Akihiko Shiraishi has it all: perfect grades, a talent for sports, and a charismatic smile. But in reality, he's an awkward mess doing his best to meet others' expectations- and being made to compete with Harumi Kurose, from a rival school, only stresses him out more.
Harumi is know for being cold and scary, so when their paths cross, Akihiko is surprised to find out that he's not the only one putting on a façade... and that something that isn't hate would start to bloom between them.
Romance, slice of life
Ongoing updates weekly
brill thanks
Black font is much better.
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Rare lesbian sniff
Don't give us cooties.
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he seems like a nice lad so no offense to him but i'd be so pissed if i was the creator and the casting director came back with this
Whenever I think about someone hugging or touching me or kissing me I panic and freak out and want to smack the hypothetical huggertoucherkisser

And no I’m not autistic
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holy based
Is this an edit?
Ofc, my bad mussy
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I'll have to storytime the unposted pages.
oh my god, did he finally graduate clown college
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nonsense who wouldnt be happy with this
How can one man be this ugly
Has anyone got a link to the images we use for censoring? The new Patchwork Circus came out and there's no way I can post it as is
Ty for reminding me it was just getting good
It's so good! Easily my favorite ongoing
Whats ur fav overall?
Still probably that one, but I really liked Avialae and am excited to see where Out of the Blue is going now that it's back and updating. I'm also surprisingly invested in The Young Protectors, but for the wrong reasons
Alt text:
>Is your dick getting hard? Are you entitled to compensation? Call Noah now for fast acting relief!
Fuck it im gonna say it, the autistic kid with the knife and the selfharming blonde lead deserve it.
Care to explain why?
Why is he holding up 3 fingers, is he stupid
Hate having to wait for more
Ye, lazy artists
It's like a week-long edging session ;_;
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No one subscribing to his patreon or bumping this thread huh
"Donate to my patreon to stop the mob from breaking my wrist"
When is Cody getting a boyfriend, Zack?
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Don't die sniff
That totally excuses all the homophobia, go get that dick, gurl!
They're both annoyingly deranged schizos that no one in real life would actually tolerare or find cute or appealing like the mc or the tapas readers on the webcomic's page who comment shit like
>UwU my poor boy who brought a knife to a middle school fight he's so pained bless him :(

The only acceptable outcome is some older brother of the kid he was fighting with beats the shit out of the blonde self-harm nancy and the school knife shooter gets sent to a mental institute.
Yeah but have you considered that I could fix him or make him worse lol
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Is tiger tiger worth reading for the gay
It paints itself more as a story with queer themes instead of a story with a heavy focus on a specific queer relationship. The mc is the sister of the twink in pic related >>37349444 who impersonates him and steals his ship and crew. The actual budding romance between the twink and bear is teased throughout the series but only just starts to get developed in the last couple of chapters as they don't interact for the majority of the story.
I think I will give it a try
wisdom of the stalls:
"If you live in a constant state of fear, you never have to worry about hiccups."
Is that a mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell?

I really like those (literally, not figuratively) darker episodes
It makes it harder for me to see how cringe the story is

Sadly a lost opportunity to draw the twink's bum (which I imagine firm and round) when he opens the window
No. It has a brief gay side plot, but 95% of it is "quirky, rich, girl genius adventure". The kind where everything is trite, but all of a sudden big dangerous thing happens and girl has to save the world with her quirky genius and accepting herself. Real dumb if you aren't a pre teen girl using it as escapist wish fulfillment.
anyone read gentle flutters? lesbian gamer girls comic.
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> be me, 18 year old tranner in senior year
> think i like men
> meet cute foid
> we kiss
> instantly inseparable
> we bond over a whole bunch of shit like common interests and music
> met up at her dad's place
> miss school
> get expelled by principal
> tried late night meetups
> dad okay at first, but now super pissed
> she stayed outside waiting for me for hours and I didn't text back because I fell asleep
> she got in a child predator's car, got taken to restaurant
> cops were called to her parents place twice in one week
> dad had to save her from a literal pedophile
> she's not allowed in my town, she's pissed, parents are pissed, says its no big deal

what do?
Obviously you should read Kaito Shuno
>build time machine
>go back and kill her
>dubs now aren't wasted
Viel gluck!
Gluck gluck gluck
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Saturday Sniff
On the twenty first day
Of the month of September
In an early year of a decade
Not too long before our own
The human race suddenly sniffed
A deadly threat to its very existence
And this terrifying enemy surfaced
As such enemies often do
In the seemingly most innocent
And unlikely of places
I just slept like 30 hours straight. I went to bed at 9am on Friday morning and besides waking up for an hour or two here or there I just work up now at 1830
Could you imagine being bend over and fucked mercilessly by this guy until you are a sobbing and deeply satisfied mess
I cannot.
Well than use your imagination a little
I need this to be done to me
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Newer version. Annoying because page parts means I can't edit comparative color tones, only the palate.
added to wiki
Too lazy to post a screenshot, but Two Losers From Earth is starting back up. Albeit a reboot (maybe a Jamie timeloop subplot perhaps?)
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I kinda get the plot and what's going on, but that type of loose writing style with flowery metaphorical language peppered with le funny interjections and wordplay is just too much for me as someone not speaking english natively.
This looks nice AND is readable, nice work.
But I hope the end result has got a better resolution?
Whoa page 10 jumpscare
Emergency sniff
yes this is just a screenshot. lazy cause 1am.
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New Oglaf is out, but would require too much censoring
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Sunday Sniff
A second Sunday Sniff before tomorrow's Monday Mampf
>tfw no new posts
so does the mongoloid writing this not realize the only reason anyone reads this thing is for the "gay" relationship

no one cares about these tertiary characters show me sex or show me dumb violence otherwise i dont fucking care

you dumb cunt!
you dumb fucking cunt!
homolust writers are always falling into the plot/relationship trap. unless your plot is both good and established as the main point of the text up front, people do not want any more of it than necessary to move the cute boys along.
manhwa are super bad about this. no, i don't want to read 50 chapters of your sissy dumbfuck and his theoretical future rapist or whatever having g-rated office drama and talking to their friends. get to the sex before the side chapters that follow the end of the story.
>no one cares about these tertiary characters
Is that not pre-vampire Joa?
is the oglaf author hot? Or an orge?
Wow, that's really coming along nicely!
No idea, but I do know they/one of them make videos here: https://www.youtube.com/@safetyhammer
thanks! gonna do work on the house today but hoping to get some more work done on the rec list done maybe tonight at work
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There are two of them, Doug Bayne and Trudy Cooper. Your mileage may vary on their attractiveness.
Does it matter?
He only reads comics by creators he would personally fuck.
So just Out of the Blue then? Perhaps Mackie?
The sad fact that most of the comics we talk about are written by w*men
be the change you want to see in the world
Monday Mampf
need a show to watch, any recs?
Boku no Pico
Kaito Shuno
is it good?
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yeah these look like the kind of millennial crackers who would make a webcomic about sex-positive comedy
It's back
>two losers from earth
True Detective, the first season. The rest suck.
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Two wasnt bad....Caspere knew that
Happy bi visibility day to the bi sluts of /wcg/
Why would he stop the buff old man wrestling what is he straight
page 8 oh no
Bros... why is the old pirate jiji getting turned on by wrestling the bear hunk doing things to me
>another episode of cinderella boy that dances around deacon's canonical horse cock
well is it?
Given how the magic works, it would look like his regular cock but function like a horse cock.
Once upon a time I was falling in love, now I'm only falling in China
There's nothing I can say, a total eclipse of vagina
Where did you get those shoes Dorothy?
>dumping water on your shirtless hunk bf and dilf fwb so their muscles glisten as they fight
If anything he's made things gayer
Page nine emergency sniff
Do you think that Donald Trump
pronounces vagina like he does china
I despise this artist for creating that lactating bee tits x troon ant web comic
The song is specifically being sung by Donald Trump
>We do love it folks...the veegina...i just like the way it feels in my mouth....veeee--gynah. it feels. well. it feels. frankly. and not a lot of people are saying this. frank. frank. to be frank not many are willing to even say. you can't even say this these things anymore because of. Of the woke and Disney is not. They called him Frank Horacecollar but he was. Before he was Horace Horsecollar or he was Adrian I don't remember and frankly. Frankly. Professor Frankly was the real villain of Super Paper Mario and Luigo Brothers and Knuckles and WOKE nintendo made the remake woke and they gave the purple ghost a penis when she...she always had a vee-gynah as I said as I said. And now she's not and, you know, she she has a penis that they TOOK AWAY and turned into...well. And that's that and here we are and
bored at work, out of coffee sniff
Are people really scared of those school scare tunnels? I thought it was just an anime trope.
cleaning butt juice off my shoe, avoiding sniffing
Some of the best dreams/"nightmares" I've had consisted of some tall ass black skinned demon chad coming out of my closet to rape the fuck out of me / steal my soul.
How did you get butt juice on your shoes?
I mean some people are just easily frightened.
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We need more onomatopoeias to go with sniff and mampf.
work. JP drain got on my shoe
boring i was hoping something more sexy
t. Robin
Don't we have tschak too. I forget the exact spelling.
Tschak, sniff, and mampf.
That's a big ass hole. How long have benn out there digging?
These aren't people, these are prey. >:-)
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>These aren't people, these are prey. >:-)
I look forward to taking my very easily frightened boyfriend to Terror Behind the Walls next week, then
Page nine mampf
Slow day huh
This shit looks ugly af
Tschak, or something
Do you lift, /wcg/?

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