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happy family planning edition
QOTT: how are you going out?
all men are women
all sex is rape
all dogs go to heaven
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>forced by my biology to want to have sex with young, fertile women
>shamed by society for it
>women are programmed by their biology to find short men icky
>don't know what to do with my attraction to women, now socially unacceptable
>turn it on myself
>my biology forces me to masculinize anyway
>society shames me for trying to confuse their biological signals by being "gay" or "praying on straight men"
so i can't fuck girls
and i can't be a girl
so there's one option left: take a drill to the part of my brain that loves girls and girly things. now, where EXACTLY is it?
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>this is what a 37-year-old woman without makeup or filters actually looks like
holy shit wow what the fuck oh my god she's so cute she's so sexy she's so beautiful i LITERALLY want to kill myself
why are 37-year-old women 1000x hotter than a short little 27-year old permahikkineetcel like me? i can't take it anymore. i could never be as hot as her if i WERE TO turn into a tranny. i could never be with someone as hot as her if i try to be WITH women. i couldn't be the male equivalent of THAT hot if i continue as a man. i can't even find a man who's similarly hot even if i force myself to be gay (except for FTMs, but i feel guilty when i plap FTM pussies because i see them essentially as uglyhot lesbians or cute little altar boys sucking off my cathloic preist schlong under the table after church)
t. rancel (moidposting)
Qott my boyfriend and i just want 3 dogs and 2 cats no babies
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it probably won't go like in the movies, I don't advise it
how can i chemically or pharmacologically lobotomize/castrate away my gynephilic urges so as to protect women from me (i am a cute little anime girl soul trapped in the body and mind of a 47-year-old rapist)
i hate you so much right now
you say “all dogs go to heaven” yet “hellhounds” exist, checkmate liberals
I had everything going for me to transition in my teens, even if they were late teens
instead I waited until 20
fuck my life
when I was 14 I heard a rumor a guy I knew was actually a girl and starting hormones, and I really wish I had asked more questions instead of finding susansplace and running away from the idea
jorkin my shenis sexual style to lesbian loli porn. am i heccin' valid, sisterbros...?
I'm not even true trans I'm just a joke I'm going to start lifting again and living in the past where at one point I was actually happy
I was never happy I just miss having a warm place to forget how awful every waking second inexplicably felt
faketrans trvemoder
tell me when you find out
i have a shenis greg could you jork me
mmm... cold leftover taco bell...
getting food poisoning once a month for gender euphoria
when i was 16 a boy i used to sit with during lunch disappeared and my friends (all of whom were women at the time) told me that he was going to another school and was a woman now
then my best friend took out here phone, showed me pictures of her, then showed me her number and asked me to take it. i said no, why? so she opened up the messaging app and tried to hand me the phone and i was like no, why? and she said "you should talk to her" and i told her "idk what to say"
do you think they knew?
they knew even if they didn't know why
at every age I had girls trying to girl me up and I didn't understand, or refused to
sauce or it didn't happen
>how are you going out?
on a live
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taco bell actually gives me the most consistent digestion of almost anything I eat, and the bad toxins/bacteria are already there or not whether you reheat it or eat it cold
surely your stomach contains new kingdoms of life
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oh you into some fucked up shit ain't ya? teehee me too that's the good shit fr rapestie
uh oh stinky! poopy~
oopsie i made a poopsie
yay fun poop hehehe poo poopy
when the poop comes out it feels good
weeeeee haha yay more poopy good poopy poopy funny
yay poop make me happy happy happy hahahahahahaaa
uh oh i think i made a poopy poop in pants no diaper thats funny hahahaha oopsie poopy underwear now hehehehe we want poopies! we want poopies! hahahahahahahhahahhaaa poo poo!
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it's those hours, huh
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Omg me!
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melting in bliss and almost falling asleep while the barber tugs on my hair
should i buy a binder or sports bra for small conetits
didn't mean to include this pi
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sex with ame
realmoders let their hairy mantits hang and swing and sweat like hairy balls
call 'em chesticles
bras are for hons
Sports bra. Never wear a binder.
I've been letting the boobies hang for almost everywhere except working out and work. They are really coming along rn too, with prog and pio added almost 2 weeks ago now I feel I'm already seeing more roundness.
>Sports bra. Never wear a binder.
thanks for reminding me to nair my tits
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don't do it
double moonbow... all the way...
>Sports bra.
ok and will that hide 'em more than without one. can my family notice my boobs more when i wear a sports bra
A good, correct size sports bra will definitely hide them better than without. A normal bra is what makes your boobs stand out more imo.
i just sucked dick for the first time
lyfe is good
im going to be real with you: shitsuxlol
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Big or small? Did they cum in your mouth or on your face? Do you think you were good? I love sucking dick so much, now I wanna..
I'd be really good at sucking dick and thinking about it makes the spot behind my belly button ache
about average if not girthier and in my mouth
i need to work on my gag reflex cuz i couldn't take it too deep but it was rreally fun
my dad keeps asking to renew my ID and pretending he doesn't know why (it's because i detransitioned). which is so funny because he was the one who encouraged me to stop wearing agp turboautist skinny skirts and who encouraged me to cut my hair and then cut my hair
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i will set myself on fire
anime girl phone background
women cross the street at night to avoid me
hentai tabs open
violent music playing on the headphones i never take off
neck craned over phone
shoulders slouched
hairline bogged
fivehead wrinkled
various slurs in my train of thought
the ultimate loser
it actually depends on the kind of sports bra. google minimizer or compression bras if you really wanna hide. some bras just encapsulate the breasts and prevent them from moving, plus hide your nips. but others actually compress slightly (without flattening) your breasts, basically holding them to your chest elastically to stop the bounce
a lot of sports bras aren't designed to make your breasts look smaller, some even come with a enough padding to make them look bigger depending on the fit
i do that and i look like that and i am that
I'm so tired.
I don't want to wake up in this body anymore.
I want to shave my head, should I ?
only if you have a good reason or want to rock that look for a while, don't do it out of desperation or self-harm
do it coward
I look like a clown due to my long hair.
All of my family is telling me it looks like shit.
I'm supposed to go back to school this week and I will be seen as a clown for being a long haired masculine guy.
>All of my family is telling me it looks like shit.
they're trying to ease you into detransitioning
>trying to ease you into detransitioning
can confirm. this happened to me. i'm still on HRT but fully a cis male with short hair now. got zero positive feedback on transition. probably my fault for not doing it right
They're probably right, trying to transition hasn't made me happier..
I really really wanted it to work out but it's just not happening.
relatable. anyway i miss being a kid pre-puberty and not having male features yet and playing diner dash for hours on the computer and making friends with both boys and girls
I can't believe how shit I look.
I genuinely don't think I've seen anyone with a worse face than me ever.
Isn't it hilarious that my only desire is to look like a woman, which is not a very common dream, and I was born with a face that is like in the top 1% of inability to look like a woman for my age?
What were the chances?
have you convinced june to send feet pics yet?
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nardwuar aesthetics are so peak
wait a few months more and i'll reveal how lucky you really are
i've promised to show face when i get to my goal weight (which would still be fat in /tttt...)
was just trying to joke :/
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this is me if you even care
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What the fucking fuck, I would have never expected to see this here. It's been legit 13y since I last saw fluffy shit.
how is it broken?
also maybe we could cooperate to break it back :3
Next time record it and post it on 4chan like your name is marie
28 years ive never felt any feelings for any human, why did i fall in love with her when i know i cant have her
I have sucked 14 dicks (non-consecutively)
I have done it with only 5 guys i think. Likely more
I was either gonna do the hydrogen asphyxiation thing or just go off into the woods this winter and letting hypothermia take me.
boobs r starting to become real.... i feel like a FREAK
my brain is stuck on an A B loop from like 2003 to 2012
Practiced hanging myself again last night. Putting the nose below the adam's apple makes it way less painful than putting it right under the jaw/above the adams apple.
I saw what I needed to and I think that's it
I don't need to be around anymore
it's been real, men
see you tomorrow
i know but blocking them requires like 3-7 kg of pressure while blocking the jugular veins only 2 kg (and those give the head explode sensation)
but my last run with the noose lower on the neck felt way better already
>wake up
>pray for death
>wake up
>5 pm
>wake up
>go back to bed an hour later
>wake up
>don't leave bed (apart when going to the toilet and getting food from the kitchen)
Wake up (wake up)
Grab a brush and put a little make-up
wake up
it's the first of the month
cash your checks and count up
>practicing your suicide
Hahaha just do it man
>wake up
>remember I'm completely alone and have no money or job
>try not to cry because I'm exhausted and my neighbor had me up overnight again
>pee everywhere
>shit myself
>stub my toe
>scratch my boob
>get toothpaste in my eye
>scald my mouth
>sit down at retardbox9000
>deliberately seek out and expose myself to something I know will harm me and my mental well-being
>have existential crisis and seriously consider suicide
>try to calm down
>begin the daily queue of endless internet garbage with a background thread on loop for rumination and emotional processing
>assume the hunched shitposting position and stay in one spot for 16 hours
spot on
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there's no happiness after the pain huh
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Why are you all so miserable? People who have gone blind, lost their hearing and multiple limbs are happier than the majority of the people here
I spent the first thirty years of my life being gaslit by myself and the entire world into not believing what I felt or knew about myself and my own body and because I had no self-esteem I let people walk all over me and only had people in my life who saw me as less than nothing, a completely meaningless joke or annoyance, and not worth respecting or treating like a person
it do be like that
they say it don't be like that but it do
now is not the time for banana; that comes later
za mina mina
eh eh
waka waka
ehh ehh
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same worstie
got the flu and wanna go to the store for ice cream and OJ but I have no car and I'm in no shape to walk there rn
I was just starting to get my shit together after a long depressive episode too.
/mmg/ meetup at the area 51? I have an epic idea.....
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that moder needs therapy
lie down on the couch
what does that mean?
you're a hon! you're crazy in the cocobuns!
trannygazoo, let's have a troon
i am so angry, iwant to hurt others, jk, i am extremely calm, do not lock me up into the loony bin
I promised I'd girlmode and play the violin
i love when i see women comitting suicide
i like to imagine all the pain they must have felt to get to that point
what about men?
idc abt men, i do not hate men besides maybe the chad priviledged ones, most men suffer heavily already just by being born men
>bf forced me to repeat "i'm a woman" while he fucked me again
>be high on drugs
>get fucked in the ass by bf
>he stops and says i moan like a woman
i have never and will never have sex
good job methschizo, you finally like men and stopped thinking abt raping women
i hate you so much right now
I'm not methshizo I'm a gay masc4masc estromale
nothing personal kiddo
i am as miserable as you are, even more
how are you even capable of having sex with your body then?
fake manmoder and fake trans mf
as a single issue voter, i think wizardmaxxing manmoders deserve state mandated boyfriends
I'm going to put this entire thread in my ass
I’m a virgin in my 30s
I wish I had stayed a virgin
Got my first chest binder what the fuck my chest is so flat but also so painful
could be me
yall niggas are mtftm atp
sounds scary to me, I'd be terrified of damaging my boobs and the discomfort or breathing issues (I already have problems with that sometimes like idk I'm breathing manually or something), so I just go for the sports bra

I feel for lil poonbros
i hate everyone, i want you to suffer as much as i do
hit hit hit hit hit hit
luv durian
simple as
permanent oxytocin poisoning induced psychosis
god i wish you weren't larping :(
for all intents and purposes i'm unlikable, but some people pretend to as i'm someone they can laugh about and complain to
no you're fun
i'd want to move to sweden
slaughter slaughter slaughter slaughter slaughter
im a low iq troon retardhon
many people are talking about the gifted kid to sub-90 iq hikineet pipeline
guys I have my first calc 2 exam in a few hrs wish me luck :3
kill kill kill kill kill
good luck
Just asking because I don't know I'm thinking on the subject
What do you even do when you're meant to get a doctor checkup but you're boy/manmoding with B cup breasts? I'll have to get a checkup as part of the onboarding process for a new job soon-ish and I just realized that when the Doctor pulls out the Stethoscope to measure my heartbeat you can't do that without seeing my tits and that might be a problem
I thought on the subject because every now and again I get heart palpitations and shortness of breath not sure if it's the caffeine or something related to HRT or whatever else
I'm stressing out about this and putting off a general checkup despite having some specific concerns and not having had one in like 20 years, but decided I can just calmly state I am trans and take hormones and leave it at that unless they ask more questions
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happened to me kinda
the doctor just wrote I have Gynecomastia into my files
she told me I shouldn't feel bad, there's surgery for that lol
Yeah I don't really feel comfortable enough to state that I'm trans yet. I'm one year on hormones and I look decent enough but I haven't had laser yet and I have real bad facial hair the whole point of me getting the job is so that I can afford laser.
It'd be what it'd be I guess just eugh
ty I'll make you proud:3
i have to inject today and it's 10 pm
Put on some music or a video and do it
don't put it off, can mess with your levels and make you feel funny
i regret transitioning
i don't wanna be a tranny
i regret being born male
all men are ugly
i regret being attracted to women
all sexuality is disgusting
i don't want to be a woman either. fuck humanity. fuck all of you. i should've lived life as a mushroom or a tree. or a bee
i was a handsome man now im an ugly freak! you lied to me! you told me that if i wanted to be a cute anime girl due to autism that means i have to transition or ill regret it! you lied! you told me science says transition makes your life better! why did you lie to me? i fucking HATE you
Just bee yourself c:
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i am LITERALLY osama bin laden. i am an ugly horny man and i hate israel. being myself is NOT an option
I'm sorry I just wanted to be funny and say the meme I didn't mean to say anything. I'm really sorry I don't have any advice
>a close up of a person wearing a tank top, shaved face, telegram sticker, antialiased, 2019 trending photo, wet hair, by Jacob Willemszoon de Wet, almost smiling, e-girl, covid-19 as a human, uncropped, 14 yo berber boy, petros, mooniq priem
>wet hair, by Jacob Willemszoon de Wet
>covid-19 as a human
>14 yo berber boy
this genuinely made me laugh
if you had the gender dysphorias it was only a matter of time anyway
i have blender dysphoria
i just removed an entire seed from a plant from my ear and idk how long it's been in there but it was DEEP inside
did you know that Bin Laden died of kidney disease in 2002 and that the 2011 mission to "kill him" was a fraud?
the estrogenized walk is honscience, right? someone told me I walk like a fag
>walk in public just like i do be walkin
>younger guy walking towards me suddenly imitates my walk (looks really flamboyant and stupid)
>his rich boomer mom laughs
>feels bad man
Idk mom says I act a bit more girly now but I just do whatever I always do
all cis people should be ritualistically tortured
it's fucking real and I try to overcompensate subconsciously with my shoulders and I look fucking retarded just kill me
I wouldn't even mind them if they just gave me easily accessible assisted suicide but I guess they want to see me suffer
people used to tell me i ran like a girl
or like a robot
maybe i just have autism or something
>or like a robot
I got this a lot for different behaviors, now I get people saying I have a confident or bold demeanor or happy walk... like random fucking strangers, it makes me want to just blink out of existence or induce vacuum decay and end everything right there
That's nice though?
can't stop buying nail polish
spent $200 today
i wish i had $200
i rly shouldn't be spending it but i'm vulnerable to impulse
i need a job
i bought a motorcycle instead of saving for ffs
today I tweaked my resume a little and thought about sending it to places
would get me 10 bottles vodka ;__;
do not ever compare me
sorry ;_;
what a gross waste of money
I spend like $20 on nail polish a year
yes :(
could have had (cheap) ffs already if not for my drinking...
hate myself
do you just do black or smth? that looks nice i'm just curious. i'm having too much fun lately with accent nails or baby attempts at nail art but building up a big enough collection from scratch is not cheap
lol yeah and I'm still terrible at even just doing the plain black, it's as much as I really want but someday if I feel motivated I might try and practice to be able to do little arcane symbols or something... but even then I'd probably keep it monochrome on black
if someone gets me meth they can do whatever they want with me... ofc they'd choose either to run away disgusted or kill me...
it's all fine
too scared to paint my nails
too scared to get laser
too scared to get my hair cut
too scared to live
>too scared to live
I'm like this most of the time, I had to work my way up to even going downstairs to do laundry today and only narrowly avoided a panic attack or completely spilling my spaghetti everywhere yesterday doing a bigger and slightly less scripted or predefined shopping trip than usual

but I paint my nails and get laser because it makes me feel nicer about myself, just for me like I don't go out or see people or anything it's just... for me
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I'd just lick the precum off tip of your penis and make you taste mine. and I'd lick your foreskin and balls and thighs and breasts. when I'm in meth I'm fucking horny make no mistake im tasting you. in sucking on your neck and wrapping my arms and legs around you. im grabbing your wrists and holding you down. im fucking your mouth I don't care if you're ugly my heart is racing and i need sex now
try to do something small that still scares you, i bet it's actually not to bad afterwards?
I’m closing laser tomorrow
that sounds rly cool, you totally should. i think art looks surprisingly great on black like that, arcane symbols sound difficult but you could always practice on paper or with peel off base coat if you don't want acetone pruned fingers from multiple attempts
one day i’m gonna make it out of manmode im going to marry my bf and be insanely pretty for a day then im gonna adopt kids and raise them on a sheep farm.
sunteti niste rate proaste care nu se opresc din macanit, ar trebuie sa va omorati si sa nu va mai pierdeti timpul, nu o sa aveti niciodata o viata buna
nu o sa se intample
du-te cu o capră
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>be a 5'5.8" man with boobs and no facial hair
>if i don't bind people ask if im ftm or "what are you"
>if i bind my titties hurt real bad
give me one reason not to KILL myself amd others
i want to fuck a fat trans autistic bitch
it’ll happen
>give me one reason
bc i luv you and it will make me sad
i love you too larry
gooning my princess wand in your honor rn
>sheep farm.
ok but make it a goat farm so i can come and fuck them, i do not really like sheep that much..
stop making me soft, it is not tears what i have in my eyes, i swear
I feel too fat to inject. I haven't changed my clothes in days. 'Ate my body.
you should let me drop a nut up in your mouth, bitchboy
do it anyway faggot
just injected subq into my stomach and it bleeds lol
subq terrifies me, IM just makes more sense to me mechanically
i probably have brain cancer from all the cypro so there's nothing to lose
yeah happens to me occasionally
how is IM better than subQ? I do subQ because I'm a coward and it hurts less.
I didn't say it was and don't have good reason to think so, just that both the physical act of injection and the delivery mechanism make more physical sense to me and I'm less afraid of piercing something vital or causing problems with the injection site than I would be by pinching skin/fat
mein kraft
mein kampfy chair
did anyone else's voice get more croaky or raspy, like a lot of vocal fry, after starting E?
the 11th commandment: either start estrogen (not blockers) before turning 13 or don't transition at all
Hon science is real
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I am pregnant with chicken curry from the chinese store off of the highway
suckable tits
i hate you
mogs me
I thought it was poonscience...
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This but unironically
Cheese baby this is your moment
what ARE you
At this moment? this is me at my most masochistic
ok annnndd?
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is this something? bonus crossie pic
Didn’t think you still posted here
Hi cheese ;D hope you are well
death to America
death to Israel
death to Biden
death to Trump
death to Netanyahu
a curse upon the Zionists
victory to Palestine
im german
Palestine can suck my cock and the jews can eat my ass
death to Germany
death to Italy
death to the UK
death to Australia
what about denmark
death to whoever it takes to start off complete unbridled nuclear war and end humanity
holy based????
turn the planet to glass
based let's make it happen
it will happen. one day, maybe not in 5 years or 10 or 50, but one day. when every level of nuclear bureaucracy has been pared down and automated, when nobody has any opportunity to insubordinate or otherwise refuse the order, when the ai controlling some derelict cluster of launch facilities rusting underneath some flyover state decides that the winning move is indeed to play, it will happen.
your optimism disgusts me
I hope and pray
will it get better
No, never
this sucks lol
Suck my cock baby please kitten i need to bust
maybe I should stop taking e and be some tranny bf idk Im tired of being lonely
i need my dick sucked so fucking badly why don't you faggots ever do your damn JOB!!
the problem is that I act too feminine to be a man and theyd probably sniff me out
I'm hungry and I'm bitchy and I'm weepy and I'm tired and I'm horny
I wanted to go out and see the moon but the sky said no
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i can't stop laughing thinking about how ugly i am. i laugh until i drool. i can't stop typing trying to describe how ugly i am. i type until my fingers hurt. and no it's not a joke, bitch.
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i hate you so much right now
you were supposed to fix me
instead, you broke me. why?
why did you lie to me? why?
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i oft wonder how a 5 year old me would react upon learning that i did not, in fact, become astronaut, rather a friendless futureless suicidal tranny with no remaining willpower brain function or executive skills
i vut my hair even shorter, again
fuck all of you
i have GRIDS
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Here cums rapehon, doo-doo-doo-doo
Here cums rapehon, and I say
It's all wrong
Little loli, it's been a long, cold, lonely winter
Little loli, it feels like years we've been trapped here
Here cum the hon, doo-doo-doo-doo
Here cum the hon, and I say
It's over
Little lolis, the smiles' fading from their faces
Little loli, it feels like years that we've been here
Here cums the hon
Here cuma rapehon, and I say
It's all wrong
Hon, hon, hon, here it cums
Hon, hon, hon, here it cums
Hon, hon, hon, here it cums
Hon, hon, hon, here it cums
Hon, hon, hon, here it cums
Little loli, I feel that hope is slowly dying
Little loli, it seems like years we've been locked here
Here comes the hon, doo-doo-doo-doo
Here comes rapehon, and I say
It's over
Here comes the hon, doo-doo-doo-doo
Here comes rapehon
It's all wrong
It's over
i am going to RAPE mysekf for being a MAN retard retard retard rape rape KIKE
i hate you so much right now
i hate my male body, dysphoria is too much, i want to kms, please kill me
I don't want to keep existing. I can never look like a woman. I want to be dead. The dysphoria is too much. The pain of being a man forever. I can't stand it. I can't.
same, let s kill each other, i will kill you first so i can cannibalize you, i want to see how human meat tastes before i go, jk jk ofc
you can eat me if you wish ;3
>practice hanging myself
>now moving my neck in a certain way really hurts
i've warned you all >:(
i hope it doesn't become permanent like it is for me

also stop wanting to sui? *puppy eyes*
>also stop wanting to sui? *puppy eyes*
'ate dogs
luv cats
luv durian
>wipe hips
>narrow waist (0.69WHR)
>twink voice
>manly face
Wonder what people think about me. I can't hide my hips and I just look weird, especially with estrogen skin
I have a friend who killed himself half a decade ago, and another friend who is constantly threatening to do so. Every time she does I go into panic mode and can’t focus on anything else for the rest of the day. Worrying that she actually will kill herself this time, feeling bad for her, and feeling guilty for not doing more to help. What should I do? I can’t live like this
murder her so you never have to worry and feel guilty abt not helping her and preventing her sui ever again
never let her out your sight or have any agency, for her safety
or forget her and move on, get new friends who don't drain you

I'm sure there's a good answer in between
>wipe hips
I wipe ass
bonr 2 shit focred 2 wiep
i don't wipe
I wash my ass in the sink
Just had a guy triple check that he was in the men's restroom after walking I'm and seeing me washing my hands lmao.
day 1 of my journey trying to giga pass so i can plap chudette: my hands are too shaky for make up, it's over
manmoder btw
careful, you'll never plap if you mog
I'm kinda looking like a queermoder today, so maybe he just clocked me for trans or felt uncomfortable.
woke up and noticed my thick ass neck and giga chad build
3 years on estrogen. this is bullshit. i want a refund.
I get ma'amd/lady/girl all the time that doesn't mean I don't look like a guy
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>3 years on estrogen
>gigachad with tits
it's over
literally me (I haven't shaved yet this morning) 5 years on HRT
why. I'm serious. I body pass enough to people who aren't paying attention gender me female but my face is ogre
fakemoder get ffs and begone
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3 years of e
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>get ffs
I'm a thirdie, this is never happening lol
too bad you're already girlmoding, fakemoder
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no one stops
I wear mostly mom shorts and normal t shirts. and I have short hair. how is this girlmoding, get fucking real
>I wear girl clothing
>how is this girlmoding
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ok? that doesn't mean anything. but Ill admit that I dress like picrel (albeit my face my face is not feminine like hers at all)
'ate bdd youngshit fakemanmoders
simple as
I'm honestly not sure if you're retarded or trolling anymore
i genuinely look like a ogre, not posting my face though
started at 26
no i just look like a man
me on the right
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return to monkeymoding
>a close up of a person wearing a black shirt, genderswap, face turnaround 3 6 0, streaming on twitch, soft butterfly lighting, 30-year-old woman from cuba, 30 year old man :: athletic, tired appearance, bluray image, photorealistick, 2 7 years old, tired
is the tin can calling me a hon?
liar no me on the right
Lmao, I'm usually pretty open to manmoders wearing slight fem clothing, but this is literally girlmoding. You know exactly what youre doing here. Quit being a mean girl bitch and leave the true manmoders alone. Like holy shit lol, or if you're not doing this in bad faith, have a little awareness.
it knows what it is doing
>can't hang out with passoids because im too male
>can't hang out with manmoders because im too feminine
genuinely killing myself
fagmoder or boymoder?
i go by it pronouns too youre not really offending me
Sex with loonix
I don't care what offends you
just washed my demure hairy fat manmoder bod
I'm getting a thick fat manmoderbelly
i weigh 70 kg @ 185 cm now holy fuck
I started at 24
you are forgiven, sorry
black trannies have the worst tbqh
passoids think we'll look male forever meanwhile non passers say we have it easy passing, can't fucking win
I mean black women in general have it pretty bad
even black men
A lot of black women look masculine compared to women of other races. so yes blackies who had a weak puberty have it easier than a white neandrathaal
I'm native american, I think for minorities it can be harder if we try to adhere to white beauty standards, and white trans passing standards. But it can be easier if we go by the standards of our minority race.
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proving my point
im in love with you
why him and not me? rude, kms
being visibly mixed-race is its own hell. too mutt-y to meet white beauty standards, too white to lean into the exotic.
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>I'm in love with you
hello my future boyfriend
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my old friend
then what are you waiting give me your contact we NEED to be weird together
Post body and let me seeee
frozen pizza going in
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luv goats
luv sheep
simple as
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manmoder4manmoder ne1?
my manmoder belly is full of frozen pizza
yeah even if ur wildest dream you arent as pretty as me
sorry i just like pizza
call me ugly and abuse me daddy june
no ur good what kind
it had arugula and cheese on it. I wasn't even hungry so now I feel bretty sick
a fat nigga eating
my bmi is 20.5 now
hate my life
trip on or post pic uggo ^_^
name off and post pic uggo >:3
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girls i don’t want to fucking manmode anymore
you look like a beautiful alien from a species with no men or women
dis nigga just say you look weird lmao nice compliment you fucking spastic
I mean I didn't say this but I agree. If this nigga takes off the hat and earrings he looks like my nephew michael
i hate looking and being male, this is torture, i hate myself and everything, i want to kms, i wish i could..
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this is the manmoder general isn’t this the point we have to look like men to post ??
at least you look like a feminine soft man but kinda uncanny, i think it is bc of the laser, men without beard shadow look uncanny and weird, don't people ask abt it?
type shit
hrt is like at best 10% of the transition 'changes' anyway, most of it is laser and the rest is longer hair, being skinnier, more fem eyebrows, lower body training etc., hrt is meaningless and pointless desu, you can easily transition without it and if you have passoid genetics/luckshit, you will still be a passoid.. and if you are a hon, well, at least you have normal guy hormones and can easily just be a regular guy.. idc why people put so much emphasis on hrt and make it a priority or starting it a milestone when it really does not do that much at all.. i guess that is their way of saying, 'i will finally be me, i am doing smth abt it'..
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no one suspects it i even wear light makeup most days but no one im out to I knew pretrans thought anything besides I got a skincare routine or coming out as gay made me more feminine, I’ve given a trans girl diy advice irl with them thinking im a cis gay dude. I’ve malefailed a few times recently (once looking like the above pic) but 90% sure it’s my voice. I don’t want to manmode forever
yeah but usually the point is that people are looking for validation cuz they’re not actually manmoders
shit like this tho actually makes me giggle and kick my feet like a gyaru schoolgirl on her kei phone like how tf is this even real skskskdskskkskskskskskksksk
god ur always so pretty
I would fuck you so hard so you pass out and i can hit without your consent
it is ogre, i guess you were always fem/faggy acting so they did not notice anything unusual, for someone like me, just painting my nails makes people question if i went insane, not if i am a fag/trans but i am in eastern europe so you kinda have to be crazy here to wear nail polish as a man..
You would need to post yours and I add you:P
Do not listen to June or Larry. They are both reppers who project on everyone here. Everybody knows, that you're trans. I mean really look at yourself, it's obvious. And thats a good thing since you're craving out of manmode. I think lose the hat, get a fem hairstyle is main priority. Then work on voice, and clothing. Mainly some woman's jeans over the baggy men's ones.
oh I only manmode because of family I look ok in girlmode I think not passing but fine but thanks for the advice personally I prefer high waisted baggy trousers but I have some low-waisted ones I should wear more

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