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even if i do get gendered female i can tell men are absolutely revolted by me and my more andro or boyish qualities. i look fem enough for people to guess woman if they have to, but i'm still at best this weird girl in guy clothes with messy hair and facial bone structure like jawline/cheekbones that mogs most men. i'm probably never going to have a boyfriend again because men irl (not on this echo chamber) are literally only attracted to roundfaced straight-haired women with normie girl personalities. nobody *actually* wants someone like me. plus i'm only going to get older and uglier and people are gonna be more disgusted by me. the looks i get from men are genuinely hateful and full of disgust, it happens every time i go out, i can't take it anymore.
i feel the same. i do not want to continue living alone
i've really felt there isn't much point continuing to be alive in my case, but i have close friends who kinda need me here and who would probably be fucked up beyond belief if i killed myself. at this point i can safely say i don't want to live anymore, i get zero enjoyment out of anything in my life and i have no hope for my future, i am basically only continuing to live because it's in the best interest of others. i'm okay with that for now but it might not always be realistic to live like this.
Spoiledchild has a terrible name but makes good hair care products. Maybe try to work towards ffs anonette. I know it’s not a huge consultation but please try to keep your head up. People become scornful and cruel easily, but remember that they don’t really think about you all that much.
>Spoiledchild has a terrible name but makes good hair care products
not sure i've ever seen this brand here but i'll look into it.
>Maybe try to work towards ffs anonette
i'm meant to get it next spring provided i come up with the funds, but it's not going to change me a lot. the surgeon is against shaving my jaw angle because he feels it gives my face "character", he didn't want to touch my nose either. for a finish it's only really be my forehead and chin that'll be different, that's not a lot at all.
>People become scornful and cruel easily, but remember that they don’t really think about you all that much
it's hard. people are extremely cruel and i know they wouldn't do it if i was attractive. i really just want to become pretty so people will like me for once, being ugly is such a social handicap.

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