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>be bi m2f
>consider myself mostly into women
>start HRT
>suddenly become a LOT more attracted to men
Anyone else had this happen? I used to only be into feminine guys but as of late the thought of losing myself in a strong pair of arms and being protected by a manly guy has been all I'm attracted to.
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ya, same. i think its something to do with how when your body starts to take on a more feminine shape and more a body you can live with, you get more comfortable with the idea of being with a man. i was always into men even as a kid but obv that gets beaten out of you when you're still a guy, so even if you're bi u lean towards women more.
i used to never ever see myself with a man. now after 5 years hrt its all i can think about for long-term stability. especially after a bunch of failed relationships with women.
>now after 5 years hrt its all i can think about for long-term stability.
I think this is a huge part of it. I associate men with stability, security and safety. Knowing you can depend on your man and having him be your rock feels completely different in a way that's hard to put into words, but I think you know what I mean. It's a completely different dynamic than being with a woman, and I've really come to love it.
>take female hormones
>get female sexuality
hormones don't change sexuality, no?
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thats part of it, but it also comes from the fact that for all the man has to put up with in life, you're his saving grace as well. we shouldnt make men into this mythological ubermensch monolith that is a constant solid mass of strength, because the world has broken them as much as any other human being. but you're his one oasis where he can cry into your embrace at the indignities in this world and not be afraid or made lesser for it. its something i think about a whole lot, that men and women can depend on eachother in a way that i couldnt with someone of the same gender. not to invalidate those relationships, just that they might not work for me, even if im attracted to women.
i fucking hate having to wait until srs to seek out men because im this ashamed of my genitals and couldnt stand making someone put up with them. never mind that a good man is hard to come by even for cis women. still, men are nice.
Definitely, I was always into men but I just dated women because it was easier and I wouldn't be discriminated against for it, but HRT made my attraction to men get really really strong
Probably what happened
Yeah, something about the dynamic just feels so nice. I was dating a girl while transitioning and it just felt so off and I kept daydreaming about having a man instead
>still posts lewd pics of women online
Meta attraction is something else
>but you're his one oasis where he can cry into your embrace at the indignities in this world and not be afraid or made lesser for it.
That's a beautiful way to put it. We love our vulnerable kings <3 I fully agree with what you said btw, men shouldn't be made out to be this supermensch that aren't allowed to feel bad or not allowed to share their struggles
>Definitely, I was always into men but I just dated women because it was easier and I wouldn't be discriminated against for it
Maybe this really was it. Repressing my feelings so I wouldn't feel as guilty or the shame associated with it, perhaps still to some extent but the fact that it feels so right in a way it's never felt when I was with a woman..
>lewd pictures
Cute more like. I love her aesthetic
>Anyone else had this happen?

yes, that's why I stopped taking my titty skittles, I didn't want to be gay. I'm back to being bi
>I'm back to being bi
you still gay
>taking opposite sex hormones literally changes your brain to be physically more like the opposite sex
>hurr durr it cant possibly affect sexuality, you were just repressing it all along
why can’t people admit HRT can affect sexuality? hons will say it made them in tune with their emotions, shrink their feet 3 sizes and give them period symptoms but they draw the line at it being responsible for making them like men
someone please explain
I think it's the shame associated with it or something. There's a reason there's loads more transbians out there than fem brained m2fs
Double-think. Same way people have to reject the idea that black people are violent or that trannies aren't female. Nuanced thought and inconvenient truths are too much for most people so they need the world to be black and white. Either blacks are dindus who are oppressed or they're apes.
If HRT can affect your sexuality (which it does) then that means that there are inherent difference between men and women (an idea liberals like to reject). It also means that sexuality isn't innate (an idea that homosexuals like to reject).
Trannies specifically reject the idea either because it goes against all of the narrative surrounding being a woman trapped in a man's body or having a feminine soul or whatever, or because they are transbians (faketrans).
but blacks aren't intrinsically violent :(
Where did I say they were brainlet? Learn to fucking read before you jump to conclusions. This is why the ancients BANNED bottoms from public forums.
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Plato would agree
Explain transbians
Retarded request. Transbians all want guy cock up their holes. Most transbians are only transbians because dating other trannies is a safety blanket. The rest are coping straight male autistics who were poorly suppressing their cock fixation from porn addiction even before they got on HRT. Any time there is black cock on my twitter feed without fail there is a transbian who needs to be purged from my follows.
Transbians are no more or less lesbian than a fatty on a deserted island is on a diet.
not a transbian myself but was so funny
You're craving men's mode of raw visceral attraction to validate your barely transitioning body
It will settle back to normal in time
It will advance into a feeling of emptiness that can only be filled by a big hairy husband prone boning you*
what if it's been 3 years since? am I stuck with liking cock over pussy?

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