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Has anyone here been a victim of coercive psychiatry?
I know a lot of LGBT people have had negative experiences with mental health professionals, but I would like to hear your stories. Especially if any of you were forced, as kids, to see therapists or do "play" or "social group" therapy, ostensibly to help you overcome unspecified issues, but really to punish you for not socializing with the straight kids nicely (and your families couldn't outright admit this).
i got touched as a kid in a school bathroom then to help me my folks sent me to a psychologist then she wound up touching me too i guess it could of been worse
psychiatry is honestly pure evil. psychology is a little better (not much, they still have the power to imprison you based on vibes), but in the eyes of psychiatry you are little more than a research chem guinea pig. if it werent for societal pressure they would still be electroshocking trannies and homos to see if that makes us normal yet.
basically the purest form of "assimilate or perish", a tool of the state to cordon off the undesirables and decide what is or is not abnormal behavior, with threat of involuntary confinement if the verdict calls for it.
even besides the chems the social conditioning was unpleasant and forced
the idea was that I was always doing something wrong, and to get me to believe my suffering was my own fault
The average psychiatric nurse is so stupid I'd be better off discussing my problems with an actual potato. Not only are they absolutely incapable of anything approaching conscious thought, but they seem to think conscious thought in others is a symptom of a personality disorder. They've got one job, which is to listen, and yet no matter what you say to them it bounces off their skulls while they gradually work any conversation towards their predetermined conclusions. Despite the fact that they are prohibited by law from providing a diagnosis, you can guarantee that they only thing they're going to be able to help you with is which personality disorder they've decided you have, and they will absolutely lie to justify that.

In the meantime no doctor has convinced me I have gender dysphoria. I have to convince them. They don't disagree, because it's very clearly true, but they still won't fucking treat it because other doctors wouldn't treat it.
My mom accused me of having borderline personality disorder today for pointing out how argumentative and sanctimonious she is towards me.
If you disagree with people who have social power over you = mentally ill = needs therapy = therapy is drugging you and brainwashing you into being more ok with your tormentors and captors.

If one single psychatrist of the dozens I saw as a child had said something like "being here is clearly making you upset and this is just for your parents, I will let you go" I would think differently - but they all took the cash.
>they still have the power to imprison you based on vibes
>involuntary confinement if the verdict calls for it.
That's not true any more, at least not in most jurisdictions.

In common law jurisdictions there's something called "the principle of legality" which means that unless the legislation EXPLICITLY overrules a right, then it is assumed not to overrule that right (courts assume the legislature did not intend to violate your liberty). So they have to provide grounds, those grounds have to be specifically in YOUR interest as a patient (only the courts can lock you up for criminal behaviour), and since the medically shows quite consistently that infringing on patients dignity and autonomy is harmful and counterproductive, there's basically no grounds for a psychiatrist to lock you up for ANY reason, let alone "vibes".

Doctors need to be sued a lot more than they currently are.
>That's not true any more, at least not in most jurisdictions.
they can always make up that you said you were suicidal or homicidal - or your family can - and get you put away for 3 days or more until a judge can rule
psych care doesn't follow due process cuz its seen as civil nor criminal but you get cuffed and treated like one if its involuntary
it ain't that different from jail
Yeah that's fair.
And you might have grounds for a lawsuit is psychiatrists were providing unnecessary treatment.
There's not statute of limitations on malpractice AFAIK.
I got one to lose his license for overprescribing but to be fair i filed a complaint not because he overprescribed, but because he overprescribed and then stopped entirely, suddenly, and I went through years of painful withdrawals as a result
It would be too traumatizing to be in a court with those weirdos - and they know that
I want nothing to do with psychiatry ever again
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i had a trans therapist tell me that i wasnt going to become a man in a dress
but then i trooned out and became a man in a dress
Your therapist was a pooner?
>they can always make up that you said you were suicidal or homicidal
That doesn't matter.
Danger to yourself and others is only grounds to breach patient confidence on television. Doctors can involve police for IMMINENT danger, but that doesn't constitute locking you up, that only justifies the police presence to keep the peace.

The test for breaking confidentiality (revealing that you are suicidal or homicidal would be breaking confidentiality) is "in the public interest". Somebody with alcoholism who refuses to stop driving can be reported by their doctor to police because it's in the public interest. But you telling the doctor you've fantasized about killing them and then yourself is not in the public interest because it's just a fantasy, and it is necessary that you be able to speak to your doctor about your fantasies as part of your treatment.

If you actually try to kill them then they can call the police but they STILL cannot reveal anything you told them during therapy.
>Danger to yourself and others is only grounds to breach patient confidence on television. Doctors can involve police for IMMINENT danger, but that doesn't constitute locking you up, that only justifies the police presence to keep the peace.
They can say you are an imminent threat to police and you will get locked up for 3 days in a hospital. Trust me. You are not from America I guess and it's different there. Do you think really if a shrink tells your family your secrets they are gonna get in trouble? C'mon that's WHY they are getting paid to narc on you.
and what if the medical opinion is that you're mentally unfit to see to your own interests? laws dont apply to those deemed as such by the establishment. plus once you're in you cant leave of your own volition until cleared. and i dont need to tell you that treatment in psych wards is medieval, theres plenty of reason a sane person would want to leave. but once that "danger to self or others" label gets stuck on, its never coming off.
god thats fucking awful anon, atleast that butcher has no license now.
thats the thing, the relationship between psych and patient is already a power dynamic that they have full control and authority over, especially in the eyes of society. so your word is automatically lesser. i dont blame u for never wanting anything to do with them, ive done the same.
>They can say you are an imminent threat to police and you will get locked up for 3 days in a hospital.
They can lie to the police, sure. Anyone can do that. But if they've lied to the police in their capacity as a doctor stating that you are an imminent threat and you are not an imminent threat then they have purposely harmed a patient they were treating in their capacity as a doctor.

That's malpractice
You can sue
And you should definitely look up the penalty for breaches of privacy, politicians really hate it when their privacy gets breached so a lot of states are making the penalties REALLY high.

> You are not from America I guess and it's different there.
I'm from a common law jurisdiction, this is all common law (or what's called "general law" meaning generally accepted legal principles).

>C'mon that's WHY they are getting paid to narc on you.
It doesn't matter who is paying, their duty is to their patient. One difference we do have in my Jurisdiction (Victoria, Australia) is that who's paying is NEVER considered. Even if the doctor is working for free, he/she is still entirely bound by the law.
my parents paid for it because I was a "difficult" child but really it was just a way to psychologically torture me for being gay, and people don't really admit that happens outside of overt acknowledged conversion therapy where it's explicitly about you being gay
I have a feeling if I had told my parents I had a girlfriend and introduced her to them, the therapy demands would have vanished. When you are gay, especially obviously gay, all your other flaws are magnified by others looking to use you as a scapegoat.
laywers aren't free, most people cannot afford to pay a lawyer to file a suit on their behalf
and it's my word against theirs, and they are a respected professional, and I'm "mentally ill"
that's kinda the game is making you seem less than human for even receiving the treatment they offer
its not so much outright lying as exaggerating whats going on to have you put away when that's what your family wants
>and what if the medical opinion is that you're mentally unfit to see to your own interests?
So then we refer to what's called the "least restrictive principle" and while I have statutory protections in Victoria for this, the principle of legality protects it everywhere because, again, nothing the legislature does can be inferred by the court to be intended to violate your liberty unless it's explicit in the legislation that they intended that.

The least restictive principle is that whatever the MINIMUM necessary infringement on your liberty is, then that is the MAXIMUM the doctor may impose or seek to impose.

>plus once you're in you cant leave of your own volition until cleared.
That's ONLY true if you've got a compulsory treatment order. Otherwise you can refuse treatment and leave AMA, you're not a criminal and you are considered at liberty until a court takes that liberty away with due process.

Again, "danger to yourself and others" is just on television, not IRL.
The doctor's ONLY duty is to their patients, they have no responsibility to "others".
money corrupts
psychiatrists are paid to do things to other people they wouldn't otherwise
rules are on paper and rarely enforced because enforcement is effort and money lost
>most people cannot afford to pay a lawyer to file a suit on their behalf
This is true, BUT, most civil claims courts will let you make the case without representation, and if it's a good case a litigator will represent you pro bono for an appeal.
That said you are correct in that justice is denied to the poor and ignorant and that's not right.

> it's my word against theirs
Any civil case (including malpractice) is balance of probabilities. You only have to show that it was PROBABLY that the doctor was overtreating you, and the doctor's appointment book will establish that you were being treated, it's then on the doctor to prove that treatment was needed, and not merely fleecing your parents out of some cash.
And you're not suing for the cash, you're suing for the harm.

>they are a respected professional, and I'm "mentally ill"
So this is where you kinda do need a lawyer, because there's layers to this.
The short answer is the courts can't discriminate against you on the basis of a disability*.
*except when they can.

>its not so much outright lying as exaggerating
So this is where you argue it was unreasonable or unjustified.
At which point the burden really should be on the doctor to justify it.

>money corrupts
And corruption is illegal.
Checks and balances.
It can be hard work getting justice, but I fight because the reason I'm getting fucked over is because nobody before fought back.

Learn the law.
>Otherwise you can refuse treatment and leave AMA
i dont doubt your expertise, but out of everyone ive talked to i have never, ever heard of ANYONE being able to simply refuse treatment and walk out the door when it came to a psych ward. you clearly know a lot, but what exists in cold hard law is not most peoples lived experiences. maybe we have preconceived notions and are always on the defensive and always expecting the worst, but thats only because theres precedent for that fear. brass tacks: people are scared of giving up their agency, especially to institutions that historically have not had the well being of their constituents as priority.
>but what exists in cold hard law is not most peoples lived experiences.
Oh absolutely true. Doctors think they're a law unto themselves, and they've often got muscle lurking around to impose their will through force.

But the law is the law. Doctors are not an exception. If you've been mistreated, there will be legal avenues to deal with that.

And the best part about suing a doctor is they can't argue ignorance. Not only are they required by law to know the law but they must act ethically, and doctor's ethics are pretty strict.

Generally speaking, if they are breaking anything contained in this code, they will be breaking the law in any common law jurisdiction, including America.

>i dont doubt your expertise
Don't take legal advice from 4chan.
Learn the law.
>tell therapist you're suicidal
>get sent to prison for 3 days and get raped
surely this will help people stop being suicidal
psychiatry is not enforced, the whole point is by calling you "mentally ill" they mean your word is not to be trusted
law ≠ reality
psychiatry is often used coercively to punish people for being LGBT
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will do anon, tkx for the link. take care.
the point of psychiatry is to traumatize you into not disobeying the people the hierarchy deems your superiors, it was never about helping you at all
>psychiatry is often used coercively to punish people for being LGBT
Well I can tell you right that there's pretty severe penalties for doing this. And if you believe this has happened to you (and you're American), you should contact the ACLU, because conversion therapy is banned anyway, and if they're doing it against your will, that's guaranteed prison.
Religious grounds don't justify a goddamn thing in medicine either. The only thing a doctor can do because of religion is refuse to treat, and he can only do so once he's arranged for another doctor to take over.

Also you should be aware that psychiatry is not considered a "hard science" like dermatology or oncology. Which means the grounds for a psychiatrist to act without your consent are at best quite shakey. So if they're going to argue your testimony is unreliable, they can't also argue you consented to anything, which means everything was done without consent.

So for a psyciatrist to argue your testimony is unreliable, which is the only reason the court would consider your testimony to be unreliable (again, the JUDGE knows the law, and knows he can't discriminate based on a disability) then the psyciatrist is ALSO arguing that all treatment was conducted without informed consent, and that might automatically be malpractice.

That said, if it's getting the this point, chances are the doctor's insurance company will step in to force a settlement (they can do that, they can actually compel a doctor to settle) at which point they will make an offer which the court would interpret as "generous" and then up the doctor's premium to pay for it.
are you just trying to say this doesn't happen?
like cmon
psychiatry is an easy way to abuse people without any real enforced safeguards
the whole point of the thread is that psychiatry has been used as a weapon against LGBT people, which I guess you think doesn't happen
>are you just trying to say this doesn't happen?
No nigger, I'm trying to tell you that if it's happened to you then you get a cheque.

The legal protection for patients are there. Politicians, Judges, and Barristers all need doctors too, and they want to know that when their doctor fucks up they get a big fat cheque, so they made it so the cheques are very big, very fat, and easy to get.

Learn the law. Trannies don't need more laws. We need more lawyers.
I don't want a check I want psychiatrists executed en masse. They are torturers.
Well you can't have that.
But you can have the next best thing.
That's what needs to happen. They are criminals running a criminal enterprise. There's nothing medical about it.
You don't get it. I saw HUNDREDS of psychiatrists for years. I don't remember most of their names. My point is families use psychiatry to torture their kids for being gay/trans.
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I mean, yeah, but not around being trans. I was abused in both inpatient and outpatient and my parent used it as an additional method of abuse.

Prior to transitioning, I did have a psychiatrist who attempted to convince me that I was not trans but in fact had [insert social adjustment problem] in a way that could honestly have been posted about here. That I would grow out of it later. This was 20 years ago.

I also had a therapist who used her position as the one person who could write me transition letters to sexually harass me for fun over multiple visits. Not uncommon at the time (early 00s and before). Almost everyone I know who transitioned in the era I did was sexually abused in some way by a provider, especially psychiatrists. They knew we were all desperate and completely unprotected socially.
Do you come off as androphilic?
I'm a gay trans man. Most cis people at the time did not know what a trans man was, much less that we could be gay.

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