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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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i believe that most men have a secret desire to be women. but they are secretly hiding it because it's not acceptable to admit out loud. am i wrong about this? i have a hard time believing that transgenderism is something only very few people experience. i believe that most men would be women if they could.
>am i wrong about this?
Yes, you are
I mean, I would like to have everyone not be so hard on me, people let women do whatever they want and you can't criticize them at all, that would be nice, but I don't really envy their appearance at all. They just sort of look like dolls to me because they appearance is devoted to attracting men and being pretty, not having functional uses to society other than as womb-walkers.
- most people are not white
- white female beauty is the biggest reason why men want to become women
- it's all based on the sexualization of white women by men of various racial backgrounds
You are absolutely, completely, fundamentally wrong. This is one of the most common trooncopes known to man.
>weak theory of mind
checks out
>i believe that most men have a secret desire to be women.
just you anon
Why would I want to be a woman?
Most? No.
Way more than are willing to admit it? Yes.
I think probably ~10% of amab people are trans or trans adjacent, GNC, queer, agp etc. Maybe as much as 20% especially if you include anybody who's not strictly cishet. Not all or even most though, just a significant percentage that's much higher than people would conventionally suspect.

It's easy to think it's everyone if predominantly exist in already non-normie spaces though, because among the outliers of society it is a lot! Like, if you were to say "most" when talking about amab people on 4chan or discord.. yeah that's probably true. But 'most' men are your warehouse job or the local pub? No way.
You could be prettier?
all men on some level resent the social role they are given but most of them do not want to be physically female
Also copemaxxing
I don't want to be prettier, I want to be a handsome, masculine man(I'm a man but I'm not handsome).
I like being a man
Doesn’t being big, broad, hairy, and masculine make you uncomfortable? Like why do you like it?
Well, at least one of us has to be majorly coping here and I'm pretty sure I know who it is
>believing in statistics that are not made up: majorly coping
>believing in statistics anon pulled out of his ass: not coping
Seems like you're being weirdly defensive, there's no statistics or factual basis to debate here we're literally speculating about peoples feelings.
If you had any actual ideas to contribute here you'd be able to confidently state them but instead your weird naysaying and appeal to non existent authority tells me you are insecure about the substance and don't want to actually think about it or engage, instead to just deal in superficial denialism. There's only one explanation for this discomfort, and you're not gonna like the answer.
>Doesn’t being big, broad, hairy, and masculine make you uncomfortable?
Why would it? Being big and masculine makes other people less likely to mess with you, people are subconsciously more likely to regard you with respect and as a leader.

How would being pretty benefit me?
>muh reverse psychology
There absolutely are stats. Less than 2% LGBT people altogether and the majority of those are gay men and bi women.
It makes you feel good I guess.

Aside from that, it makes relationships with men easier. I find it’s easier to have a meaningful connections in general as a woman too
Why are you bringing up completely irrelevant statistics as if it means anything here? People openly identifying as LGBT is very obviously not relevant to what we're talking about in any way.
Why do you feel any need to push back against what any actually straight, cishet man would not only feel no need to entertain if they didn't agree with, but likely do agree with (that loads of guys are secretly fruity on the DL and don't want to admit it) and just are confident that it doesn't apply to them personally.
Why are you even on a tranny board in the first place?

I think you know why.
Nah I think its true
I think this too. I see having male features as only having positives in the context of society, and I really think men don't admit to wanting to be women due to some deep-seated shame from society. When asked about this, it's always some cope about muh physical strength which isn't really relevant. There has to be some level of dissociation required to be male. How could someone be okay with being ugly and having every inch of their body be distorted in weird disproportional ways?

I think if we could instantly change sex at will, many (most?) men would regularly choose to be women when nobody is looking
Autogynephilia is a mental illness
What does that even mean? Anything that is remotely useful to society that involves physical activity is machine-augmented. You're not going to convince me that men are better than women because they make better ploughmen when the ox called out sick with covid-900 BC
What kinda shirt is that
>am i wrong about this?
yes, next question
when I was 12 I casually told my male friends I'd rather be a girl and they all went smth like "me too". They probably all secretly want it deep down but they repress it just like they repress their bisexuality, creativity and higher level emotions
>creativity and higher level emotions
You're a retard if you think males aren't capable of those.
Only queer males
Yes, but doesn't it feel weird to see that in the mirror?
>be asian
>want to be asian foid instead of asian moid
i just want to be a hot female version of myself but convinced every asian american male or female has a race complex but i think i got over mine
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No, if I looked like Henry Cavill I would admire my appearance.

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